several weeks back Rocco from Linux spotlight interviewed me and that interview was released this morning it's been really neat for me to see the number of viewers who well I guess viewers of Rocco's show Linux spotlight who have expressed that that they've been watching category five technology TV since the very early days Kevin why currents for example says that he's been watching the show since then Peter 14 even predates the show having watched some of my very early youtube videos he said on Twitter I got into Linux thanks to Robbie back in 2004 with Lindos when his show was live from his living room a great person at heart who has helped so many around the world thank you so much Jill Bryant rennaker says and I should mention she's actually one of the co-host on Linux gamecast LW DW she says I have been watching Robbie's great Linux content for years and I'm so looking forward to watching the Linux spotlight Tony Hughes says on Twitter really pleased about this Robbie was an inspiration and fantastic help to me as a noob Cheers as Nick says as Nix says great interview I have followed Robbie's cat5 TV for several years and it's always good thank you so much and Joe Panico says I really like what Robbie has done with his tech platforms because of these fabulous interviews we get a glimpse into the lives of the people we have come to know at some level the full interview is about an hour and a half long don't watch it now you can watch this show first and I'm well tuned into the interview but I'll show you a clip in just a moment so in the course of the hour-and-a-half interview we get into a ton of topics both personal and behind the scenes here at category-five TV everything from open source my early days in Linux my very first computer and the value of buying no name margarine it'll all make sense a little later here's that short sample from the interview for you welcome to the Linux spotlight this show is dedicated to showing off the best thing about Linux our community this community is made up of developers distro maintainer x' youtubers and everyday users each one plays a vital role in our community and the goal is to have a discussion with each individual about their journey into linux and beyond so join me now as we turn the spotlight on hello I'm your host Rocco and with me today our special guest is Robbie Ferguson hey Robbie how are you hey doing great you I am doing excellent dude these days when I say I'm doing great is you gotta get the air quotes yeah doing great hanging in you're doing the best you can that's it yep I think that's what we're all doing right now so yes sir you know do you have shows like Technology TV and newsroom they cover all of technology not just Linux people will know you from that but if you were to meet somebody that didn't know you what would you say to them if they said if who's Robbie Ferguson personally Who am I I guess you know I'm a family guy I'm a I have a wife and three kids at home and we have a great time together and I love spending time with them we love like we do our nature hikes as often as we can we're just finally getting to that point now where we can do that the weather is nice enough here in Ontario Canada that we've been doing that every weekend so I like family time I like doing things with with my kids and and helping well having them involved in my hobbies so that could be like having my son do make or tech with me connecting gpio on a Raspberry Pi to some circuit that I'm about to blow up you know that kind of stuff so we try to do things together teaching them right learning learning and bringing them along for the ride so you know because I'm always on a quest to learn I'm never I'm never happy with like I'm never at that point where I'm done I know all there is to know I don't need to learn more I'm caught if I get to the point where okay I know enough about one topic I'm moving on to something else so I like to bring them with me right well let's go down his history lane and go back to the beginning of your computers what was the first computer that you used the what I would attribute what I would say is the first computer that I ever sat down and coded on would have been the vic-20 and I used that thing like crazy like I got to the point where I was writing code at you know five six years old which incidentally you know I always thought oh that's crazy like coding at six years old and then my sons have done the same and you know my nine year old now our youngest is is coding in roblox and it's and it's so that throws me back to those days and and I really like that time where computers we understood how they worked we understood the inner workings of them so taking apart the Commodore vic-20 was something that I was familiar with but but the first real computer like PC would have been an XT which as funny as it is this big old IBM system that like is a boat anchor as we say I wasn't allowed to have a computer so it was under blankets hidden in my closet like that that's the kind of nerd I am that as a child I hid an XT computer in my closet so that my dad wouldn't find it and get me in trouble I don't I I can't even imagine what I did with the monitor I don't know how I figured out how to hide a CRT monitor find it I can't imagine he didn't but he never mentioned it so I think he probably must have known but my naive stupid kid mind thinks that oh that dad doesn't know and it's like this massive computer now how long is it before you make the switch to Linux well then those windows was a complete switch yeah complete switch right from there yeah I used an early version of Adobe Photoshop in wine because the old version ran fine under under wine so and then as soon as like cs2 came out it was no longer it wasn't working quite what real quite right so because back then was really bad but they've since fixed with 2.10 so like scaling is it's a lot better now but yeah Lindos was about the time when I switched I mean I said I'm not name dropping it was it was a classic distro they got sued by Microsoft for for the name they had to change it to Lynne spire which made no sense and then they and in typical michael robertson style he just fired everybody and sold the company and all the creative rights and everything and now it's owned by somebody else but yeah but that got me to love debian debian got me to love Ubuntu Ubuntu got me to love Mark Shuttleworth and the whole the whole ecosystem of realizing that you can run a business based on support rather than product I think that that was kind of a revelation for me too so so it's it's like everybody like you kind of move along with the waves and find where you're at right now I run Linux Mint 19 like it's that's I'm old school so I like the Matei interface well I was gonna ask you so why do you we've tried all of them so why did you stick with Linux Mint I've been with it since nineteen was released and that's mainly because it was it just is a brilliant out-of-the-box experience I didn't I kind of I fell out of love with a boon to for a little while because of unity unity made me fall out of love with a pun - you weren't a fan definitely not no and I very much am a little old-school in my desktop paradigm so I say I prefer Matei I really do I really do like that interface like that's where uncomfortable so Linux Mint with matei is a fantastic distro out of the box everything works and they still support campus which brings me all kinds of nerd joy well um you know not to sway you or anything not the temperature to distro hot but have you tried a bun to Ma Tei and compared it to like oh yeah yeah what Martin and and Pope you're doing or is fantastic work and and I have run that on some of my lower end systems and I love it I've had it on laptops and stuff nothing my choice to use Linux Mint right now is not to say that Lubuntu Matea is not brilliant it really is but this is just where I've landed yeah when you know how things work under the hood a lot of stuff is very similar so it's really just finding a stable distro that works out of the box that doesn't waste a lot of your time setting it up because I use Linux Mint at at work I need something that I can like reinstall in and be up and running in an hour and you know back in business kind of things so it's worked not that I couldn't do that with we're going to Matei it's just where you are it's just where I'm at yeah and I think that makes it really confusing too for for new Linux users because well which which flavour should I go with which distro why Ubuntu might a versus Linux Mint with matei the it's really they're all very very similar so it's community it's the ecosystem of the distro itself it's you know where where's the support that you know I don't need support so I'm not really caring about that so much but a novice user would so yep you can watch the full interview on Linux spotlight at cat5 dot TV slash spotlight [Music]