next in our microtic series is how to assign a static ip address to a device in your dhcp in your dhcp pool so i'm going to just sign into web fig here on my laptop and i want to show you how easy this is to do so click on ip and click on dhcp server and click on leases this is an important thing to do because you're you're going to need to have static ip addressing on your network for things like servers in my case we're also looking at pi hole for example so my pi hole server is in fact set as that is a static reservation in my dhcp pool for on my microtech so any of these devices so these ones are dynamic see these dynamic d the ones that are that have a d button that button will actually convert it to dynamic but they are currently static so let's look at i've got a let's grab my phone there's my pocophone so i'm just going to click on that and it's currently assigned to so i'm just simply going to press make and now it has been assigned to static but if i close that now you'll see 107 has that d next to it and no longer is it dynamic so now if i open it by single clicking on it i get all these new options and now i can assign it its own ip address something that is not currently in use on my pool so i can assign that 2.88 and hit ok and now my pocophone is there it is see how easy it is to configure a static reservation on your dhcp pool on a microtech device is fantastic quick follow-up question in our discord from the foo who's asking shouldn't reserved ips be outside of the dhcp pool's dynamic range and while technically true in an in a different type of scenario where you're not using dhcp that's not the case here i'm going to explain why so traditionally us sysadmins are basically it's it's ingrained in our minds to always assign the dhc uh the static address outside of the pool the reason for that is if you let's say you install a new printer on a network and you go to that printer and you type in the ip address and you put it within the now your dhcp server doesn't even know that it exists because it did not assign the ip address so what we're doing here is completely different what we're doing is we're setting the reservation in the dhcp server so that printer is still just getting the ip address from the dhcp server so does it have to be outside of the pool now no the reason it would have to be if i was typing it in manually onto the printer is because when the dhcp server then assigns that ip address to another device on your network it's going to cause an ip collision conflict so you're going to have two devices sharing the same ip address and you're going to get all kinds of like arp attacks warning arp attack warnings things like that because you've got these collisions occurring within your network things are going to go slow all of a sudden that's a problem because i am assigning my ip address from the dhcp server to my device or to my printer i can set it to anything that is not already assigned and it will dish it out through the dhcp and it doesn't matter whether it's within the pool or not you