my first bit attack that I'm curious about right now and it's not something that I have or can really get started with is 3d printing ah you see 3d printers to me have for the longest time being this kind of untouchable tech mm-hmm and I've looked at them and I've kind of kept an eye on them and wondered about them but it seems so sci-fi to an old-school tech guy like me to be able to 3d print tools and 3d print things it just sounds like something out of sci-fi from young we were kids but it's a real tech now and the price has come way down way down to the point of unreasonable and I'll talk about that a little bit but what really has pushed me over the top is seeing how some of my friends who are into 3d printing technology are able to do just that come up with an idea and realize it and manufacture it yeah and a perfect example is right here at the studio now Jeff you can see those at home can't see but I've got all the wires just going into a piece of PVC or yes a piece of pipe yep and it goes through a hole in the wall and it's incredibly makeshift and it's terrible right so I started talking with with Bullock now ski from a Marid right because I knew that beau does 3d printing and he's into that kind of thing and he's like my go-to guy and and he takes the time to chat with me about it and I appreciate that I said like what could I do with this situation where I've got a wall that's like this thick and it's just drywall and I've drilled a hole in it but now I've got a piece of pipe going through and it looks terrible and it's not it totally looks makeshift right and I can't get a contractor in to build something and if I did it's gonna cost 200 dollars if not more just to have a proper conduit put in which is crazy when you think about that it's it's a lot of money and so Beau and I got talking about it and and and working on some ideas and kind of back and forth and he came up with a design for something that he's calling easy portal and this is basically if you can picture two pieces of pipe that are each about this long and they screw into one another okay but they have a flange on both sides so with and he designed this and he's actually printed one and I'm and I'm hoping to receive one soon I think it's in the mail but you put one piece on one side one piece on the other side and you know I guess I'll get somebody on the other side to twist on that side right and you twist it together and it screws in together and it sits flush and it's tight and it's a perfect conduit with a nice little flange Wow beautiful so he calls it easy portal you can actually see it on Ameritrade calm and just do a quick search for easy portal and and that to me Jeff made me think okay so if I just if I could do that instead of paying $200 to a contractor to build a proper portal something through the wall that starts to make a little bit of sense but it's still beyond me it's still well beyond me no he would have more of a a robust 3d printer wouldn't be like a little tabletop you know right well I don't know I mean I asked him what kind of printers he's using and he's got an end or three okay he's got you know the the standard kind of you know what we would call a consumer 3d printer and he's got he's got some that are a little higher end as well hmm a little higher end I was like no it's way higher end yeah yeah I'm still learning the industry prints human beings so and if that's common well we could 3d print body parts now yeah so here here's where my thought processes go Jeff is I start to look at this wall and and so we need to get the signage done right and so I've got a signed person who's telling me 300 dollars to do the sign so you can think you can 3d print the cat5 logo I start to think that I start to think okay could I and then you start to look at 3d printers and you realize that you know for five hundred dollars you can get a high end there like a decent consumer 3d printer and that's on the high end you can get them for 300 that's true I keep looking at them on ya different online portals like Amazon and whatnot and it's on my frivolous spending list because is that's me too uh to me a like a 3d printer I don't think I have a legitimate need for at home actly but at the same time I've thought about getting a 3d printer for the sake of printing LEGO pieces I don't know if that's even a copyright thing probably but a lot of times my seen them on Thingiverse but yeah I mean my but like everyone so on my kids will break a brick okay and it's like and they cost a lot of money it's a you know but if I could just print that that you know that's a pretty basic use case but for me I'm thinking like can I offset expense mmm by printing something myself can I justify the expense of a 3d printer and learn and the time that it takes to learn how to do it in such a way that I'm actually saving money that's the signage yeah it's to make it look that way I bet you probably could and now what okay for life me I'm blanking on the name of the unit but there's a tabletop 3d printer that I was looking at there are so many Jeff well these days they're easy but not only is it a 3d printer it's also a laser engraver yeah yeah I've seen though and there was something else that did and I was getting serious and I was loving aren't those thousands it was it was 29 yeah so and I was like oh I could come up with something for that so maybe what I what I would look at then in that case is I would say okay would would I start with something that's 300 and and see how I do and see if I can offset cost which is virtually making money and then and then upgrade if I need to or if I can justify that or I think you should just say hey if somebody buys you that unit you'll go through labor with me [Laughter] I know that's all on you Jeff I looked at a 1u mounting system because I want to rackmount some single board computers right and you're looking a couple hundred bucks yeah they're a little server case to be able to put my any single board computers on the server rack and then I got onto Thingiverse and I started looking and I could print one mm-hmm so my approach has been so I haven't bought a 3d printer I don't have one but I decided okay I'm gonna see if because this is this is what I fall into I'll buy things thinking that oh yeah I'm gonna use that I'm gonna it's gonna offset my cost and blah blah blah but then I find that the learning curve is too high so what I've been doing is I've been going onto Tinkercad comm and I've been doing my first designs uh-huh and so I actually have four designs already up including the category-five logo Oh dice Oh on my I've got a thing a versa count bald nerd mm-hmm so you can see the designs including a little case for a Raspberry Pi to be able to mount it on my won-won you serve a rec 19-inch server rack so so I'm doing the designs first to see how how onerous it is I figure out can I can I actually do this and then I can start to look at okay if the sign is going to be 300 how much would it cost to print does it have that kind of estimator online when you come up yeah yeah okay in in the software you can you can actually see how long it's going to take and how much how much filament it's going to use so there are all those things so I'm starting to look at that and I'm really really curious and I'd love to know what you think and you know is there a really valack are we at that point where the prices come down far enough on 3d printers that it now makes sense to have one right in you know in the home in the in the office because you can do stuff now that is like when I have ideas you can just 3d print them right I have ideas I have ideas comment below what ideas do you have and what do you think