do you ever sit there some days and i i realize i'm like going off on a tangent out and just wondering already we're not even a minute would you ever wonder what's going to be like the next iteration of the internet the next iteration of the internet yeah i think the next iteration as we see the technology progressing as far as bandwidth capacity goes okay and we're going to be learning a little bit about some of the advancements there uh with the newsroom today because there's such a high demand for bandwidth right now yeah people who are working from home understand that your your you know your dropouts may be the result of all of a sudden the isp is handling a lot more traffic because people are now working from home you think about an office so let's say we've got an office with 50 people working that's one internet connection that everybody's sharing and so if there's problems it affects that one office right if however you've got now all of those 50 people working from home we now have 50 internet connections and those internet connections are doing what any guesses when i work from home what do i do stream netflix i do that game but i tend to remote in yes that's right so that one internet connection now at my office that used to have 50 people sitting there has now got potentially up to 50 people remoting in from home accessing that same internet connect connection to be able to work from home and remotely access their files and their computers and things like that so you've got this whole kind of like bottleneck happening on the internet so what's next for the internet as as things get faster as things get like richer as far as the available bandwidth goes are we going to see improved well improved performance automatically turns more impressive services yes when high-speed internet came along changed the world yes but netflix that you used to be able to order a dvd and they would mail it to you and you could you would rent movies from netflix this is how they got their start so it was it was like a website that you would order a dvd and they would send you that dvd you would watch it just like you rented it from blockbuster and then you would return it that's right then then high speed internet came along and you know what netflix is now yeah so what is going to progress how are things going to change how are things going to improve like what is next it's all you know who knows what's going to improve what's going to change i keep thinking it's going to go completely wireless if you can remove that physical cable uh are we there yet are we already there to some degree i mean i use the wi-fi yeah the tech is there but i think from an infrastructure standpoint we're not there there's a whole lot that would have to come in place to make that more reliable but at the same time you've got um is it a tesla working on their satellite network it's going to hit the globe not tesla but spacex yes spacex sorry yeah same same ceo yeah that's right same same twitter same shenanigans that's right but yeah i think it's gonna be wireless and i think it's gonna allow bandwidth to go so much faster uh it'll be interesting to see how it progresses over the years and and what it changes what's uh what's really kind of catching my my eye is this covid app that we've got in ontario actually i think it's across canada for that randomly connects with bluetooth so that if you've walked near somebody that has tested positive for covid you get an alert that goes hey you don't don't interact with that person well no you get an alert that says you recently interact with somebody who's been tested positive oh wow so this is happening all in the back end on your device and i'm and so i was thinking about that going this is just with bluetooth is there a way to have almost like hot spotting as you go with mobile phones that would allow this constant wireless network to be like so interesting i mean a couple things come to mind jeff first first of all when you start talking about wireless i start thinking about man that would be so expensive but the interesting thing is that with the progression of technology and the the betterment of the underlying infrastructure the cost to the end consumers goes down yeah so we're going to see that price go down so maybe my my smartphone and the ability to connect to five 6g internet is going to drop and when that happens now all of a sudden autonomous vehicles become much more autonomous that's right because they're internet connected all the time with a high-speed internet connection yeah and and then we've got all these new new technologies that can just open up that's right and things like these apps that communicate but then the second thing that comes to mind is now you've got everybody calling big brother well of course you're there to help yes yes but where is the line where we say okay well we want big brother to some extent i want google to be able to tell me if an earthquake is going to hit in california absolutely if i live in california it's smart and and so there comes a point where you say okay well i'm gonna i'm going to allow google to have access to my telemetry yeah but then how much trust are you putting in this company so so there's there's yeah there's there are all these considerations i think in general the human race uh as as a broad brush stroke so not everybody but as a broad brushstroke i think we're always gonna go with the times of advancement i mean you look at when as a whole as a whole yeah i mean you look at when facebook came out and it changed the way that we do online permissions it used to be you had to give permission to access your information yeah and with facebook they said no no you need to give us you need to tell us what you don't want us to share and now and we're gonna and we're gonna change that every six months exactly and you're gonna have to be on top of that because otherwise you've basically opted in because you're using our free platform that's right and it's changed the internet now everybody does that where it's like you tell us what you don't want us to share you tell us what you don't want us to have access to and i think in general most people again general broad breaststroke uh most people are like you know what it's the convenience of it i'll deal with it and they just they they seem to want to ignore it that's my sense of things so i think if we get to that point where it's like all of that information is just kind of bouncing between phones i don't know if too many people are going to care it's going to be interesting so i've often been of the mindset where it's like i don't do anything that i would be a afraid for somebody to know about right but there's also like identity theft and and tracking and and the ability for you know the big brother to see you know the trends of my lifestyle where i go where i buy my coffee at what time which then boils down to okay well now you know where i'm going to be right now all the data would say wow that guy sits on the couch a lot oh yeah i practically get up and stop at starbucks and and sit at my desk for 10 hours ever since my day and then i'm at the studio work and work and work yeah yeah yeah anyway didn't want to take us on a tangent what are your thoughts i mean it's it's an interesting discussion i mean because this is it's a transition that is happening and is going to happen and i think the pandemic has also kind of pushed us to need change in regulations in the infrastructure and in the technologies that are there and so you know how is that going to impact us as a society as as people as individuals and and you know what are what are your thoughts comment below it's a good discussion to have with the community oh for sure absolutely