i have my pine book pro this sleek little machine is absolutely stunning look at the like do you get the sense for how lightweight this is [Music] for how sleek and slimline it is one of the other things is there are no moving parts that means no fans no active cooling there is therefore no noise none have you ever held a laptop on your lap that generates absolutely zero noise that's the pine book pro the only reason i have it plugged in right now is so that i can bring up its screen for you that's the only reason otherwise it's completely wireless i get about six hours battery life on this thing on a single charge and there are some hacky little things that you learn about your pine book pro as you go so i'm going to tell you one of those i lost my power adapter i lost my little barrel plug to be able to charge it and i was like what am i going to do and then i got into the forum and there were people in the chat speaking about the ability to charge it with usb c so i thought what wait a minute so so i started looking through the thread and wukash who has been on our show was talking about the fact that yes with a standard phone charger you can plug usb-c into the pine book pro and charge it so that that's crazy i'm using usb-c for hdmi output but you're saying i can plug in an hd a usbc power adapter and that's going to charge my pine book pro so i took the risk the risk i mean mukash arkinsky was in the forum saying uh you know he's from pine64 and given the thumbs up and saying yeah you can use your usbc phone charger so i did it and it charged quickly very very impressed so that's one little hacky thing that i didn't realize out of the box i could do with my pine pinebook pro i thought i had to have that adapter i'm sure i'll find it somewhere and i'll be like what is this for i don't need this anymore but one of the other things that you can hack on a pine book pro is the operating system now understand this little guy as sleek as it is as beautiful as this is as a laptop it is i'll call it a developer system so where something that is this sleek and this powerful would you know maybe you would expect to pay six 800 bucks um 10 000 if it's an apple product uh with this it's only 200 bucks so what do you get for 200 bucks i mean that's the temptation is oh wow a 200 linux laptop it's so sleek and it's so great and it but i want to be clear that the pine book pro is not for your average everyday user it's for the tinkerer it's for the people who like me want to be able to find hacky little things and build my own operating system and figure out how to make things work and it's a it's really a development platform laptop it's amazing for programmers i mean i program in bosch all the time i'm also a php developer who uses nano as my ide so you know like i i love this kind of form factor in this lightweight long battery life but it's not for my kids because they can't you know it's not a gaming system it's not meant for that and it's they're they're gonna it's gonna lead to disappointment so if you're looking at the pine book pro we need to look at it with that kind of just going into it you need to understand that it's not the same as the three thousand dollar laptop or the two thousand dollar laptop or the one thousand dollar laptop this basically the power of a really good high-end chromebook but with genuine linux on it but it is open source and it's continually growing so right now you may install an operating system and find it's a little buggy or you've got problems with this or that but then it'll get better and better or you try a different distro and because it's open source you will find you know maybe you'll find one that you'll love but i want to you know i hope that that's clear because i don't ever want you to go out and buy something like this a pine book pro and then be disappointed i am very impressed by contrast but the average joe user somebody who's not a computer guru or you know you don't have to be a guru don't get me wrong but you've got to want to tinker you have to have that desire to mess around and and play with it if you don't have that desire then maybe the pine book pro isn't for you um and so i want to give that to you up front because i don't want you to be disappointed with that purchase if you love to tinker if you're like me you love to hack and and program and get into the linux terminal and compile things yourself this is probably for you it's got a 1080p screen it's again super super sleek great battery life it's got 802 11 uh 5 gigahertz so it'd be like a c n g b i don't know it's got it's got five 2.4 gigahertz bluetooth everything else but again like it's it is what it is it is fantastic for what it is so as i seek to kind of customize my pine book pro it came with manjaro linux and i love what the manjaro team are doing with the pine book pro again it's open source right so so this team is creating a distro that pine64 has said okay well this is probably the most rock solid right now so let's put that on as our default and so that's what they're doing but i'm not an arc fan and that's what it's based on and and i am very much a debian fan so debian can be any derivative of debian so that can be ubuntu on my desktop computer my production computer i'm actually using linux mint which as i understand it is based on ubuntu and ubuntu is based on debian so it all comes down to for me loving the debian distro so my servers run debian pure and i wanted to i wanted to seek out being able to install debian on my pine book pro like legit debian and then lo and behold community member daniel thompson got in there and uploaded a script that allows you to compile upstream debian 11 on your pine book pro so that means that it is debian as if it was debian downloaded from debian.org essentially there's a couple of tweaks there with the kernel and things like that and daniel's done a really really great job of making it really really easy to do and really really easy to get through but it is bullseye at its heart so you're ending up with a true debian operating system on your pine book pro well why would you want that other than just the bragging rights to say hey i compiled my own operating system so i'm talking like you're not taking an image and flashing it to the emmc no we're actually creating the image ourself why would you do that other than the bragging rights there is that but when you download an operating system manjaro or any other distro you're basically taking what the distro developers have said this is what we like or this is what we want our distro to look like and feel like and act like these are the the included pieces of software that we want in our distro and that's what's included so when you install a true base raw debian upstream distro you are getting basically just a bare shell that you can now decide how do i want it to look how do i want it to function what office suite do i want what browser do i want i get to choose all of those things so how easy can it be well all you need is now i'm running from my micro sd on my pine book pro so i need an sd card because if i'm running from pardon me i'm running from the emmc so if i'm running from the emmc i can create my image on an sd card a microsd if i'm running my operating system from the microsd i can similarly create the image on my on my emmc internally so i don't actually have to take that chip out that's pretty cool so all you need to do is just insert your micro sd card into the side of your pine book pro and just give it a little push and now the first thing that happens is these windows will pop up for the partitions just make sure you eject those all right so we want to basically unmount those so they're not actually mounted on our on our operating system and then i'm going to go into applications internet and firefox on my system whatever browser you're using that's fine chrome whatever and i've made a little shortcut for you cat 5 dot tv slash pbp deb and that's going to take you to this page by daniel thompson that has a link to well it's got some great information about any bugs that are outstanding things that you can come to expect from this build but it's got the link to the github repository so let's copy that by right clicking and copy the link location and then we're going to jump into our terminal so on my system here it's system tools mate terminal and git clone is going to clone that repositories and then paste that link but i haven't installed git yet so sudo apt install git and just enter your password that's going to install the get program to be able to synchronize our git repositories and download this installer script so now just run that again git clone and then the paste and now go into the folder pine book pro debian installer and sudo dot slash install dash debian is all we need to run so hit enter so now it's actually going through and get cloning all kinds of stuff directly from the repositories that that that daniel has set up so let's just let that go and for the most part i'm gonna do this in real time i'm gonna speed it up a little bit for you just because hey this is tv and i don't want it to be you know 45 minutes of just watching a compiler on an arm processor let's see here so this is now creating the file system on my drive that's the sd card now you see unable to resolve host robbie dash pvp do not worry about that that is my distro i'm missing the host entry for uh one nine sorry to be should resolve to robbie-pbp but i haven't added that entry to my host file yet so just keep that in mind that is not an error that is just a host entry that is missing from my host file so this goes through you can see there's really no questions here it's just going through doing its thing it's installing all the components for debian and getting our base installed there you go i see bash i see calendar i see ncal and busybox look at that all right so now we need to enter a hostname so i'm going to call this pine book pro you can call it whatever you want and then create your user i'm going to use robbie and enter a password to create that user so this is what i'm going to to log into my computer enter your name if you want and this is just the typical uh user creation process on linux say that's correct and let her go so that's now uh installed and and ready to go so now i got to go through like the keyboard setup this is all pretty straightforward you've seen this before i'm selecting the us keyboard layout and the default i don't want to mess with that and no compose key is fine now this is very important make sure you select your locale this does not include any locales out of the box so i'm going to scroll down to en us utf 8 and hit space to include that and then tab and ok if you don't include a locale you're going to have some missing language support and make sure you set it as the default as well okay that is very very important all right wait for it here it goes all right we generated our locale now it's asking us for our time zone standard debian installer right so i'm going america and we'll go down to toronto hit t there we go toronto america and this is very important now this is pretty cool you can select what desktop environment you want now first of all i want to say i jumped on twitter and i let you decide so i said let's pretend i'm going to install debian on a pine 64 pine book pro tonight on live tv which desktop environment do you want to see me install from 300 311 votes 11 said lxde lxde is a very lightweight desktop environment so if you want incredible performance it's probably going to work really really well it has a similar kind of interface to like windows 98 but a little bit streamlined not quite as many features as mate but it runs really really fast and doesn't take a lot of system resources 18 of folks said they want to see me install mate i love mate that's what i'm actually running normally on my pine book pro that's what i run on my on my linux mint system i use the mate version and anytime i install ubuntu guess which version i install zubuntu no i'm just kidding it's ubuntu mate uh 32 percent speaking of zubuntu uh 32 percent of our twitter poll uh respondents voted for xfce maybe even more lightweight than lxde but a little less like the paradigm of that kind of windows operating system i'm going to use that as like my example for the paradigm but you know like the start menu the applications menu of lxde and mate xfce is a little bit different you kind of right click on things and bring up pop-up dialogs by doing it that way and 39 for the win said they want to see me install gnome gnome it's like a klingon word it needs an apostrophe after the g so gnome is quite the contrast to lxde it's heavy it's it's it's pretty heavy i'm going to put that on a 200 pine book pro are you sure is this to challenge robbie and see if this will work well let's go through so i'm going to select debian desktop environment followed by what gnome you can install multiple if you want and then you can select it at your profile selection and i'm going to select laptop that's just going to install some tools like my battery manager and things like that and hit ok and here we go thank you to everyone who responded to my twitter poll 311 people voted and 39 percent of those voted for gnome so we're going to see how that performs on a pine book pro this is going to take a little bit of time there's really no more interaction required at this point it's just going to go and it's just going to install remember i'm installing to my micro sd card right now i could then from the micro card turn around and install by doing the same process to my emmc and now i've done it without having to open up the pine book pro so when we come back from this short break this whole process will be complete the installer will be finished i'm going to fire up my pine book pro in the shiny new gnome desktop environment using debian 11 upstart stick around welcome back this is category 5 technology tv and today we're looking at gnome on the pine book pro 200 pine 64 linux laptop and it worked i can't believe that here we are in gnome and it's running at least now first quick question from our chat is bp9 wants to see me open a terminal and drag it around on the screen just to see what the performance is like oh i just maximized it unmaximized all right let's see uh my mouse seems odd there we go all right so there i am moving it around apparently i'm in like left-handed mode on the mouse though that's strange so let's see if there's a quick way to fix that it's a little bit slow too so i might want to accelerate the mouse so let's see if i can just like turn it up a bit there we go i'm using the touch pad so it seems a little janky out the box so you can kind of see what i'm talking about how hey maybe you got to kind of play around with things a little bit and i'm doing this on the fly oh that feels a lot better okay is there a way real quick does anyone know to reverse oh okay there we are primary button left yes does that fix it that's just maybe no maybe i'm not used to gnome do you right click to move things but there you go hey performance is all right of that okay click we've got firefox what else have we got let's check out the apps performance looks like graphic performance you gotta admit that's pretty sleek for gnome on a pine book pro holy cow gotta get used to the mouse though i'm gonna want to tweak that and right out of the box here i am and thinking you know there are some things that i would want to tweak for sure i don't have wi-fi so i can't bring up the internet to show you the internet just now but obviously we've got firefox hey play with this this is just a really quick demonstration to see hey can we compile debian linux upstream on a pine book pro and does it perform this is performing really well yeah i know look at that so we've got libreoffice writer libreoffice suite already pre-installed out the box and you can bring up synaptic package manager i presume is included yes synaptic package manager is a place oh it's not installed i can so it actually took me to the installer to install it that works for me so hey with synaptic package manager i can install things but it looks like it's got its own crazy package installer too i admit not a gnome baby i'm a mate baby so i'm old school so those of you who know gnome are like that's this and that and yeah so but hey it works out the box very cool so why do i want to do that because i want control over my environment over my pine book pro i want to be able to control it am i going to run gnome on it myself no am i going to run mate yeah that's my choice but it goes to show how if 39 of our community who responded said i want gnome that's not my choice but it goes to show that hey you can customize this make it the way you want your pine book pro to be and it gives you that opportunity to really play around and make it your own and then you can copy it dd it to the sd card or onto the you know make a backup and then you've got your own distro that you can flash on to it reinstall if you need to if you break something and all that kind of stuff so that is a fun project don't forget i set up that quick link for you at cat5 dot tv slash pbp deb and that will take you right to daniel thompson's repository the information there about the script that he's created big shout out and kudos to daniel for submitting that to the community that is a big thumbs up from category 5. you