today we're going to talk about a really new exciting segment on photogrametry what is photogrammetry latch asked basically we can take our drones now and we can produce 3d images so we can make 3d models of real world objects so whether that's a building a field your house your business whatever you can take your drone take photos of your property and make that into a 3d image or in this case 3d model with that being said we're going to take it one step further and we're going to take that 3d model and 3d print it so then you have your house in the palm of your hand what use is this i'm glad you asked an example of what this can be used for is if you're a real estate agent and you're trying to sell a house but somebody has a hard time seeing they could be blind etc what you can do is that you can 3d scan the property 3d print that property and then they can actually feel the house with their very own hands how cool is that now stay tuned for this exciting segment as we go over how to 3d print as well as 3d capture using photogrammetry let's take a look [Applause] [Music] so now that our drone's safely back on the ground what we can do is head back to the studio upload these images to the cloud to the software that will then stitch it all together into our 3d model so that's pretty cool let's go take a look at that let's go all right now we're back in the studio here um i know this is a different building than we used before but this one's a really nice example so we're going to use this uh provided example here so let's pretend we we've finished flying we did our little grid pattern or whatever we flew now we upload our photos to your provider in this case it's drone deploy but it could be pix4d or dji um and then after it processes you get something cool looking like this so again we have our ortho mosaic so it's like a giant 2d map so kind of imagine this as a more high definition google maps or satellite image right so this image here now you can see on this overlaid map this is made of hundreds of images stitched together to make make it look like it's a satellite image which is really really cool it's a it's a really cool program but of course with this since there's gps data within the files so again we have our geolocation data we can do cool things such as measure distances we can do different spot heights we can do different locations you can pin things but this isn't just everything i'm going to show you right now no what we really want is this and that is the 3d model of the environment all right this is what we're looking for this is the cool looking 3d map the 3d model that we have been able to create using our images that we've uploaded to our program so pretty much again we take our photos the program stitches everything together and it's able to create this cool 3d file this 3d model photogrammetry really is the future and again it's not perfect like again going closer into things we do have like a few little weird nubs and a few little uh errors but again you can correct those in blender or if you pretty much the more advanced drone you have also known as the better camera if you have fleur or lidar or anything that makes a much better high resolution image a more accurate image but again today we're just using uh standard off the uh off the shelf drone so hey that that that's still a pretty nice those are some really sharp looking lines so now what we can do is that we can actually download this map depending what program you're using and we can export this as an obj file or another readable 3d file format and we can actually import this into a 3d printer so let's take a look at some images that robbie gave us of him converting one of my files i did into a 3d model all right so before we turn into a 3d model i just wanted to show what model i gave robbie so this is a house we shot a few years ago you can take a look at this on under air support aerial photography that's my company um but as you can see it's a really nice looking home you know uh the resolution is actually not that bad this was shot with a phantom 3 professional um again there are a few errors like this section right here so this is there was a tree right here so we weren't able to get proper photos that's why the program kind of freaked out in this corner here but everything else is pretty uh it did a really nice job and again the algorithms have become a lot more accurate uh these past few years so chances are if we did this again it would be a lot more accurate even if we still use the phantom 3 camera and of course you can add other details in like right here just in blender or other programs so let's see how robbie's program takes this dot obj file and turns it into a 3d printer readable file let's take a look thanks henry we're going to dig into the software that's used to convert henry's aerial photogrammetry into a 3d printable object and we're going to send it to our 3d printer right after this the software that henry is referring to is called ultimaker cura it's a free program it's available for windows mac and linux and you can follow the links at 3d printing in order to grab that what i'm going to do is i'm going to open the file that henry was showing us there now keep in mind henry was looking at a textured file so it had like the the brick overlay and everything all the coloring and all that stuff what we're about to see is just the obj so the object just the actual 3d printing file and bring that into cura and let's see what we find now we got this little itty bitty like what is this a house for ants all right so it's put it up on its end you can see how that is so what i want to do is i want to rotate that so i'm just going to click on it click on the rotate tool and bring it down 90 degrees there we are that's going to put it flat on the surface but it's still this itty-bitty house for ants so let's increase the size of that as well and boop there we are so that's awfully big like 200 millimeters let's bring it down just a little bit okay so the first thing that i notice here is that we've got a lot of ground see the earth around the around the building we've got some boulders here some shrubs and this guy here looks kind of messy what i'm going to do is i'm just going to lower the position of the house a little bit so that we can push that ground into the build plate on my printer i don't want to go too far because we don't want to like submerge the house we just want to pull back some of that that landscaping there so that we're not actually 3d printing the dirt and there's that area where i think that's is that where the no yeah that's where the tree where henry was showing us the tree is and it looks like a cave so that's going to be rather interesting a couple of quick mentions is you know typically when you're 3d printing you're going to need supports if anything overhangs because otherwise it's just going to droop and and you're going to get this stringing coming down so i'm looking for anything here that's going to overhang and i don't really see much there is this overhang here and kira is showing me some red to to tell me that this might be a problem but i think because it's such a small overhang i think we're probably going to be okay to do it without supports we don't need supports you might think well we need to support the roof because you know the roof is like this and if it's a hollow thing then it's uh it's going to you know completely cave in but the way kira looks at this when it's slicing it is it treats this as a solid object so rather than supports for the interior of the object that's actually called infill so there's a couple of things that we're going to set here so if we did need supports we're going to click on generate supports i don't think we're going to if i preview that yeah see the whole outside has now been basically covered in supports so that would be a lot of stuff to trim away and i think that's because of the fact that being that it's a 3d scan using just a standard camera the edges are not quite perfect as you've as you've seen there so that's something that henry might might want to clean up before trying to 3d print let's turn off the supports and i've got an infill density of 20 percent and we're looking at about 14 hours to print with supports my fear is just that that's a lot of supports to remove um it might be very difficult now it's not but it might be worth it it's a hard thing to call this is what it looks like without supports but what i'm looking for is the infill density to make sure that this the roof is going to be supported so i'm going to pull down my preview here so that i can see inside what's being printed so you can see that with a twenty percent infill density that is placing these kind of their supports to hold up that roof as it prints but without using you know 100 infill and wasting a whole lot of filament that's going to take about 10 hours and 67 grams of filament so if you're wondering well how much is that going to cost to print at that scale just go into your calculator and i know that i paid 40 for the one kilogram of filament so it's 4 cents per gram and we know that this is going to be 67 grams so that's 2 dollars and 68 cents to print at this scale and that's pretty big considering my under 3 bed is 220 by 220 millimeters so what you're looking at there is uh you know it is let's see 143 millimeters by 112 millimeters so it's pretty big i'm gonna try scaling it down a bit so that the overhangs are not as big as they would be if it was 143 millimeters wide so i'm going to make this about 50 millimeters width and see how that slices up with no supports so it's going to be a lot smaller but it's going to probably do a lot better without supports because we don't have such a pronounced overhang and let's give that a go i'm going to send that over to my printer and we'll see how she comes out there it is this is my tiny house oh it's so cute i have always wanted to live in a tiny house everyone who knows me knows i'm a tiny house kind of guy and this just proves it right here in all seriousness though henry the reason that i printed it so small as i mentioned was i wanted to see if it would print without supports and it did and it printed quite nicely and it looks pretty good but it's very very tiny it is so i did decide to take it to the next level for you and throw something on the printer and i sent another file and here you go what what do you think okay that's so cool check that out folks yeah and i'll hand it to you i just want to kind of show the camera here just so that you can kind of see i know that is pretty robust i printed it in white filament for you because i thought hey maybe you'd want to prime it and paint it um but then i realized as i was running it that the cameras kind of don't like white filament because they white balance themselves and overexpose themselves yeah it's like what are you doing to me here yeah that's tough that's tough our poor camera guy is just like ah i don't get it seriously like that amount of detail that you managed to get out of that 3d model that's pretty amazing eh well you took your drone up and just kind of it software took it around and flew overhead yeah so like literally from the future what you're able to see is that literally we just did our kind of grid patterns we were able to take those photos mash them all together in a blender and out comes this now how hard was it now when you sent me this it was an obj file yeah it was already a 3d ready yeah like pretty much ready to print as you saw yeah pretty much how hard was that to put together oh no no not at all from photos yeah literally because the program that you're able to see through the feature even if you use another one i use drone deploy i've also used pix4d there's so many awesome programs out there but literally just download as and save it as obj i believe there's a few other file types you can do but obj is the more widely written it's pretty universal yeah you can even open it up in blender things like that right so it's it's great so um so hold up yeah if you can open it in blender that means you could take this house that you scanned yeah and put it in a a 3d movie that you create you can you can even have a real engine you could put yourself in it you could so you could put it you could put it in a game yeah so i've actually had this exact same model in unreal for running so like i could have like little fires around it not that i'm planning on anything or you could have like a sky box so there's so many applications for this cool i mean like again besides the 3d environment so like video photo film things like that yeah um i think i mentioned this before to you that if i'm a real estate agent and i'm trying to sell a house to someone right and maybe they're blind how do you sell a house to someone blind and describe the exterior yeah you mentioned that that it's like okay well you can actually feel it exactly now you can literally 3d print your house or the house or whatever and you can feel what it looks like feel and is that legit like do people like it maybe if some of our our folks that have vision problems would that be a benefit to you would that be a selling feature for even just education things like that right like being able to do like historic monuments or things like that i think so you see from my perspective henry yeah this does a couple of things um in that it captures buildings or whatever it might be maybe landscapes or whatever in such a way that it will last forever as you say you can throw it in an unreal engine with the textures exactly it will even if the building disintegrates it's forever captured well that's the thing is that there's a there's a lot of famous stories about people going in the middle east and as you know there's a lot of conflicts over there but before a lot of these buildings and stuff were destroyed um people actually went in with uh photogrammetry kits and they were actually able to capture all these older monuments all these older uh beautiful places so they were destroyed so yeah they're they're they're gonna live on forever now in 3d format or future generations can go and say yeah this is like at the very least they can see it in like virtual reality yeah exactly and it's literally i'm really excited this is just the start of this technology it's it's fantastic wonderful well thank you so much for sharing that with us henry that's really really cool stuff thank you for printing it it's it looks a lot more realistic in real life than it does on a computer and when you brought it up when you brought it up in the with the textures and everything it was it was very very real-looking that was really fun and that was with an older version of that program that that the model that we used for this was around three or four years old okay so the methods that the programs use now their algorithms are actually so much more accurate and i'm using an older drone right so phantom 3 pro my friend uses a maverick they have a matrix as well so like a 10 000 drone wow imagine how that looks having like a full dslr camera unreal is this the same tech like when i see on google earth yeah it is it actually is so um a lot of people think that um you can even use lidar or like floor things you which you can and it makes more accurate with using lidar and fleur but yeah so google maps bing maps those guys um they literally just use photogrametry so they have multiple pictures from satellites yeah up in the grape view blue yonder and they have similar programs are able to stitch that together they're using satellite imagery to do what you're doing with a drone it's pretty much this but on steroids yeah so using a drone they're using satellites and using uh amazing data putting things together and yeah so whenever you see your house on google earth and of course there are some ai um like some ais are fixing a few errors here and there but when it comes down to it yeah that's the basics of how uh a lot of these companies are doing things now cool stuff so yeah i'm really keen to see how this brings real world objects into same here things like video games like i really think with virtual reality to be able to well we actually already see this um a famous one that just came out is the new microsoft light sim right there the entire 3d world is just big maps but it's just in a 3d environment and for years we've always had flights in google earth where you just use your arrow keys but that's not a flight sim but it's it's amazing to see where we're going with this technology very cool so yeah very cool uh where can now i understand this model is proprietary so this is something that you shot professionally and this is owned by the people who own the house yeah so just just for privacy and copyright reasons i'm not going to be releasing this variant of the model yeah however i do have um another one i'll get to that in a second you can look on free websites uh one of them that i'm featuring personally is all right um it's a 3d file sharing site you can get free files you can buy files on there you can do a lot of different licensing opportunities as well but there's there's a lot of very unique projects on i might make one of mine free to download soon as well i did a local school um public property you know during the summer but uh it's it's a great ability to have just download play around with it even if it's not my file but somebody else's file like just play around with it if you have a 3d printer if you have a 3d program just take things apart stitch things copy paste have fun with it that's what this technology is for i want to say thank you so much to our patreon supporters you can follow us and become part of our fleet at patreon.comcategory5 we greatly appreciate your support it's how we're able to do the show that we do and we couldn't do it without you and thank you everybody for subscribing on youtube and for being a part of our community we've got our discord server where you can chat with other people in the community we've got a ton of ways to interact and make sure you go over to our website and you'll be able to follow along figure out all the different ways to interact with us a category category5 dot tv oh and i should mention there's 14 years worth of video what i can binge watch all 14 years you probably could enjoy that especially season one it was dreadful uh hey you take care have a wonderful week henry great seeing you man high five so