oh oh did the server glitch it just froze oh oh that oh our first glitch our first glitch dang it's actually pretty impressive when you consider that we've been playing for over an hour um i wonder if it's the world gen cache just flush to disk because i am just using a micro sd card we turned a raspberry pi 4 into a minecraft server if you haven't watched that video yet do that first after more than an hour of multiplayer gameplay this is the discussion that followed this feature is brought to you by ameridroid.com get your raspberry pi 4 or other single board computer to power your minecraft server at ameridroid.com american-based electronic sales shipping and support visit ameridroid.com i think it's a mission success my friend hooray so the next step for my raspberry pi in order to boost the performance even further is i want to get an nvme to usb 3 uasp adapter so that's going to give me a solid state drive that i can run the minecraft world off of right so that when it does that flush the the the storage in this case the sd card doesn't get choked right because an sd card especially on a raspberry pi which does not have a really great uh micro sd card uh reader writer it's pretty slow by by contrast to nvme for sure right it should get rid of that bottleneck absolutely so that's going to be the an interesting test and i mean this was done on a raspberry pi 4 with 4 giga ram yeah i i can only imagine how much better it would be on an 8 gig ram because possible yeah i mean we i don't we didn't tax out the ram at any point no and i was watching that buffer i was watching h-top there and and just kind of keeping an eye on things cpu got pretty hot at some points and because i only overclocked i was a little conservative in in my case overclocking to 1.95 gigahertz um you could go higher than that but then you risk stability issues and things like that or the the single board computer crashing uh but the other opportunity that we have is is with the raspberry pi uh 400 which does have a stock 1.8 processor which we could then bump up to maybe 2 or 2.2 gigahertz that would make a difference so that might be cool too so i mean you can do this on on the same method can be uh translated to any single board computer it's just making sure that you've got enough power and enough ram but the fact is it worked it worked and it really wow really well and i mean having com i mean we didn't do the comparison on the show but having done it on a pi 3 and an android xu 4 i was expecting it to not go well and you mentioned that it or more timer mentioned that it it's even working better than the online services yes yeah and i i would agree with that like especially i mean at the top of the show we were talking about uh or i was saying how i'd use some free services and the free services performed worse than the pie and so you mean the pie performed better than the free services yeah and even some i like to put a positive yeah even the paid services uh you know like five bucks a month stuff like that like you know the bottom end uh i would say that they were comparable maybe like the pie kept up fantastic did well and yeah uh you know that was there was what nine of us eight of us on there something like that isn't that unreal folks like and we did not tax it out like there's room for more so hey let's let's do it let's land party i'm game check out the links below head on over to ameridroid.com to get your single board computer raspberry pi 4 with four gigs of ram is what we tested on tonight and uh anything as jeff is saying get the eight gig if you want and you're going to probably even see better performance than we saw which is pretty astonishing and there are other single board computers and other products there as well and the links below also contain my script to set it up more information as well so if you're not seeing that if you're watching this on cable tv or anything like that head on over to our website category5.tv and just do a quick search for minecraft raspberry pi and you'll find the video with those links and the instructions and the script to install it and everything else oh yeah fantastic stuff well bald nerd i've just uh threw up a bunch of torches in a couple of paths thanks dude are you still down there oh yeah i'm finding all of the dark dark areas and lighting it up yeah nice not a bad spot cool should be a good mine yeah lots of resources lots to work with i think i think he'll be good do you guys have any food i could eat uh there might be some potatoes in my place if you can get back to my base you can have any of the veggies that are in the garden oh thanks just uh make sure to save something so i can replant i'll take the wheat cause it drops wheat and seeds and then i'll replant the seed oh look we got a zombie here with a shield and a sword could i have the shield it dropped the shield nice you still have some torches i'm flat out i do nice this is a sweet cave yeah man it just keeps going if only i had a pickaxe i don't want to hurt one of you guys so i'm trying to hang back a little bit oh did the server glitch it just froze oh oh that oh our first glitch uh because i am just using a micro sd card yeah yeah ooh an enderman i'm gonna kill this you're going down into the deep dark because there's an enderman and a skeleton and a creeper did you pick up like some armor and stuff ow oh crap i just fell down a deep hole but i'm good oh no i might die that hurt okay i'm at one heart could you guys help um all i have is rotting flesh i mean i i'm holding them off with my shield i need help i don't really have anything i'm like i'll put on my yeah i'm down to one heart creeper got me i can hear zombies i'm probably gonna die okay i don't even know where you are more timer i'm in your cave well i know that but it's an awfully big there we go did you how far down did you go like i don't even see you and i don't have any torches or anything i just got out of your of your cave all right that is one impressive cave thanks [Applause] [Music] so you