what i like about minecraft and i mean yes i'm an adult and you know probably oh you shouldn't be playing video games and stuff that's what your life sounds like but no the the truth is uh i i love that minecraft is such a creative atmosphere it's it's an open world where you craft whatever you can come up with based on the elements within the world but the cool thing is as a dad during this lockdown it's an element where i can connect with my kids on a personal level where because they're you know they're not hanging out with their friends they don't have the same social interaction uh you know with the server that that you know we set up they can connect with other kids remotely yeah they're building relationships it's a social thing yeah absolutely they're building relationships which is which is cool but at the same time i can be sitting at the kitchen table take a you know 15 20 minute break from my work when one of the kids is like oh i'm going to go on the minecraft server and i'll join them got to check out the episode if you haven't seen it you got to build the server and download it for your kids yeah i'm not going to pretend that i use it for um educational purposes um i am i'm the minecraft noob among us so this is the first experience that i've had with mine you've previously been with mind test correct yeah the open source kind of alternative um minecraft i've never played and i'm just finding it so much fun but and as an adult like that's kind of surprising to me i didn't realize how much i was going to enjoy it but the other thing too is i mentioned that it's social but i'm finding that it's quality time with my kids yes so we're collaborating and we're working together my my youngest who's 10 he and i this past weekend spent a good couple of hours anyways mining together so we found a mine and we're looking for different uh ores and then we're smelting things and we're collaboratively working together to to uh play this game and it's just a boatload of fun and at the heart of it is this little raspberry pi micro server that that we created on the show and it's just a blast of course a lot of folks are like me never played minecraft before let's take some time to show those viewers um how to play the game sure absolutely so i have my laptop here oh fantastic oh look at that it's got an hdmi cable going into our broadcast server imagine that so hey stick around right after this quick break we're going to be firing that up and jeff is going to be teaching you how to get started with minecraft don't go anywhere [Music] so all right we're back we're talking about minecraft uh before the break and one of the things we want to show you tonight is kind of how to get started because you know our last episode we set up the server and now if you've never played minecraft you're like i don't even know what to do so that was me jeff it was you and what i'm going to do is take five minutes just to kind of walk you through your first couple of minutes in a minecraft world to get you started and then from there you can start exploring because when minecraft when you load in you have nothing you're in the middle of wherever the game generates you and you have a portion of a day to get yourself set up before the night hits and all the bad guys come out so you got to be ready for that otherwise like me you'd just be running around with a stick yeah and i had to laugh the first time uh my youngest son loaded minecraft he didn't know what he was doing and then it came to night and i heard this blood curdling scream from down in the basement nobody got hurt i go running down there i'm like dude what's up and he's like it's night and the is gonna get me and he needed me to rescue him sure i you know in a matter of like 30 seconds built him into a little block and waited for this hey whatever it takes yeah exactly so i'm just going to walk you through so uh we're gonna switch to my computer here sure and uh we'll go from there so as i said i've already set up a new world i'm gonna load right in i'm in the middle of a forest so i've got nothing going on i have full health i have full food so i'm not hungry but i'm in the middle of nowhere the first thing you want to do is take down a tree you don't need any tools to take down a tree you can just use your hand but the reason you want to take it down is because you can instantly create you see i've got a new recipe unlocked because i have the wood you can instantly create some tools that allow you to get started uh so i'm taking a couple of blocks and with you know we talked about the educational component of minecraft minecraft works in a lot of mathematical formulas and so for every raw piece of wood you can produce it into four planks so by pressing the e button on my computer i bring up my inventory and you'll see here i have seven spruce logs i drag them over to crafting and each log is going to give me four spruce planks so at the end of the day i've got 28 planks so you've just clicked on those i just click on them and now you see i have a whole whack of new recipes wow so from here i can then take my put them in and i'm not seeing anything other than a button so i don't want a button that's not going to help me but if i click this green book i now have recipes that i can make so i'm going to click this box so i could i don't see all i see the ones i can make there's a crafting table a stick a pressure plate and a button well a crafting table sounds like something i'm going to want so i click it and it shows me that four spruce planks gives me a crafting table so i'm going to pull that out of my inventory and now i have a crafting table so as you can see where are we i want to see if i can find the sun you're kind of in the middle of a forest here jeff yeah it's kind of hard to see but um so i'm going to put the crafting table down to place an item it's a right click whoops wrong item that's a wooden plank right there there is a wooden blank i'm going to go to my crafting table there now my crafting table's down and to use my crafting table i right click and now i have different items available to me i can make a door stairs whatever in this case i'm going to want a couple of sticks and the reason you want sticks they are the building blocks of life you need sticks for tools you need sticks for torches all that kind of stuff so now because i've collected sticks i have a bunch of new recipes again i go back to my crafting table and now you can see i can make a wooden axe a wooden sword a wooden hoe a wooden uh pickaxe a wooden shovel uh as well as a uh some ladders so to get started i'm gonna need a sword gotta defend myself it's a wooden sword and i'm going to want a wooden peck axe so why do you need a pickaxe when you just break things with your hands because you get to the point where you see over in the mountain how you got that gray yeah that's actually stone you're going to get getting into harder and harder elements and you need a more robust tool so the the pickaxe you'll see has two attack damage 1.2 attack speed so it does double the damage that your hand does okay now granted attack is more so for bad creatures but in the case here a pickaxe is gonna a wooden pickaxe is gonna do more damage for mining and ore than my hand would so i'm gonna pick up oops i don't wanna use my uh sword to pick up my because they have a finite life right that's the more you hit with it the the shorter it lives that's right so now that you've gotten started you've got your wood before it turns to night one of the things you want to do is find shelter now i always recommend heading towards some sort of a hill because they generally have some sort of uh cave system like this where you can get deeper and deeper in now it does get dark and the darker it gets the more you're going to see uh mobs and whatnot so over there is iron that's lava don't touch it you'll burn but one thing i want to point out that i saw in the hill just above me is coal oh where did i see the coal somewhere over here and you're going to just learn to recognize these blocks just by the way that they appear so i'm going to show you here i'm trying to mine with my hand it's taken a while to get through the block but you can see it's slowly cracking okay so that's with my hand now if i go to my pickaxe that was so much faster yeah so you can see how much faster it goes well there's cool there's coal and why you want coal is you're going to be able to use it to make torches as you see as i'm grabbing these elements i'm getting more and more recipes you also saw that i earned an achievement where i got the stone yeah and so when you start off quickly get your wood tools and try and find coal and the reason you want to find coal is that you can have torches because torches are going to be the lifeblood at night because it gives you light so in my case i've got some coal i am now going to head down here to this little hole okay perfect spot to get started so as you know i have some wood uh planks i'm gonna make a little doorway so one two three four and this is where the building elements come in five six and seven so now i have that blocked off other than a doorway and i'm gonna put my crafting table down so i've got something to work with and you see here i have new recipes i've got a lever i've got andesite diorite there's a bunch of stuff i can work with but i'm running low on wood so there's some of my recipes have disappeared oh okay so as you use up your resources you need to come back and get more now again i'm using my hand i could have made a wood um pickaxe or sorry a wood axe which would make mining a tree that much faster not to work because i still have enough daylight but what i'm going to do is collect all that wood i'm going to come back down here to my and i need to make these spruce planks again so if you have a lot of resources you can make things go faster by holding shift and then click the resource and all of it will carry over into the crafting section and you see here i've got five um spruce logs and each one produces four spurs planks again if i hold down shift and then left click all of it instantly got all 20. so it's much faster very good so now i have that doorway i want to make a spruce door oh cool so there's my door and a little tip because this is outside and we still have enough time before it turns to night when you place a door you want to go outside your place and place the door from the outside i'm going to break this door and you're going to see why because if i placed it from the inside it goes to the other side of the block layer and if there is a mob which is what they call the like the creatures that attack you it's going to want to get in the door and it's going to stand here with a block above it to protect it from the sunlight so things like zombies and skeletons will survive at night but they burn up during the day oh so a little safety tip when you're building a house is build the door on the outside so that it's standing in this direct sunlight yeah so come morning time it will burn up and then anything that's at your door is going to go away perfect so now that we've got our door i'm gonna go back inside and you're right-clicking to open the door i'm right-clicking to open the door and now i'm gonna do something with the uh coal that i had got my sticks my coal and you see i have torches so i'm going to collect my torches i now have access to 28 torches and what that's going to do is provide light for me so now when it comes night time this area is lit up and you're not going to have mobs spawn in here and kill you which is generally avoided to die so if you're just getting started with minecraft that's a quick tutorial on how to safely in a way that allows you to survive and explore from there the one other thing i'll mention is you're gonna need food so if you get started and you're lucky enough to have animals around you like i see a pig over there awesome because that's going to give you access to food some pork right away can you eat that without cooking it i can eat it without cooking uh it's got better nutritional value if you do cook okay so i take that pig oh poor piggy he even has hearts he does have hearts oh he loves you jeff i know he does he's not happy with me anymore uh so now i have access to i just i just want to put out there hashtag bacon [Laughter] uh i did see a fox oh look there's a fox can you eat it uh i don't know if you can eat fox i can't say it as i've tried but um the sun is starting to go down and you can see in the horizon we're getting that like dusk color nice or sorry uh yeah dusk um so it's kind of got that pink tone to it when that happens you want to get back to your base of safe operations uh otherwise what's gonna happen is mobs are going to spawn and when it comes to torches one thing i will mention is they produce light um for an area of six blocks that will prevent a mob from spawning so if you put a torch down nothing will spawn within six blocks so one two three four five six this is a safe zone for light this is not it doesn't look like much of a difference but the mechanics of the game says that this is dark enough something is gonna spawn okay which you don't want to do so yeah and if if it does spawn can it walk into the light it can walk into the light once it spawns yes and so you want to have enough light around your base area that nothing is really going to spawn near you if you are comfortable enough doing that especially at night now you see there's the moon the moon's coming there is a creeper i want to avoid it over there so i'm going to run down to my base open my door close it now they do not open doors unless you build your game into hardcore mode uh then they will break down doors and come in but right now it's nighttime i'm effectively safe here okay and so i think that's a great spot to stop fantastic yeah a good start for sure so what's next in the game like what what happens next for us so at this point you start exploring you want to explore you want to understand the achievements you want to take it to the next level so you saw that i started to collect some stone yeah when i was looking for the coal so now you have the ability to make or i have the ability to make stone tools as opposed to wood tools and then obviously stone tools are stronger than wood tools right then you're going to want to start exploring and mining because the deeper you go into the earth the more you're getting getting valuable resources and a little bit there when i was looking into the cave i said oh there's some iron yeah iron is obviously stronger than stone right okay so an iron pickaxe is gonna do go a lot further for mining than a stone pickaxe would and so you're going to have to continually re um you know stock up on some of those base resources like you're always going to need wood what is a core component of just about everything in there stone is used in a lot of things then you're going to get into the more rare ones like iron uh and then diamond diamond spawns most common spawn isn't the right word but it generates most common between blocks 12 and 14 uh when you're playing your game all right this will all make sense to you later on later yeah but when you're playing on your computer f3 is going to bring up the game kind of stats you'll be able to see the blocks you're looking at tell where you are in the world if you need to find your coordinates that kind of stuff and so when you start mining down you're going to want to go down to block 12 to 14 to get those diamonds again that's more advanced stuff but we're not even going to get into that stuff right now but that's the basics if you're getting started so you've just set up your pie your uh minecraft server and you're like what do i do yeah get some wood some torches that gets it gets you going and then from there we will be over the course of the next while um getting into some more advanced builds yes jeff what is the most sophisticated build that you've done so far on the i would say actually would be the collaboration with you excellent we generated a villager spawning section where the villagers when they have enough food they'll breed and have more villagers and then we used a train track system to transport them from one village to another to create a villager trading post yeah which then gives us access to a whole bunch of new resources that otherwise we'd have to go exploring to find but they'll trade with us so that's probably the most advanced thing we've built i'm glad that i was a part of it yeah yeah i mean and me being the noob like i'm learning the mechanics and so the the basically the ability to have villagers um uh breed is like part of the mechanics of the game and so i created a system that would allow that to happen automatically yes um so that's that's been a lot of fun and it's a lot of fun to to do these and we'll show you that build down the line as well so you'll get to see that yeah do check out the entire series on you can see the links below or if you're watching this on cable tv or some other way where you don't have those links just head on over to category5.tv and do a quick search in the search bar at the top for [Applause]