today we're going to be taking a look at villagers and how to give them a profession if you've been playing minecraft for any sort of time you're likely to have run across a village a village is kind of this generated area where there's little houses and hopefully it's not an abandoned village and there's actually villagers who have inhabited it are walking around and you're going hey this is great there's people here but i don't know what to do with it so today we're going to walk you through how to take those villagers give them a and turn that around to use it to your advantage to people start trading for much needed resources within the game so we're going to take a look here in my tutorial world i've created kind of a setup with different villagers so that you can see how to give them a profession and what they what they can offer for you so we're going to switch to first person view here and we're going to go inside this little closed off area now one of the things when it comes to villagers that i want to let you know first is there's three types of villagers that you need to be aware of the first one is a regular villager this guy sitting in the mine cart he's got his brown tunic on and depending on the biome that you're in within minecraft they'll have a slightly different look to them but generally it's all the same and the basic villager when they're first born is always going to have that brown tunic now over to his side you've got this green tunic villager he is what's referred to as a nitwit and the reason they call him a nitwit is because he's completely useless within the game he doesn't have a job he doesn't uh mine or mine he doesn't uh do anything with the resources in the village he just walks around he also doesn't sleep the same schedule that the other villagers do he's completely backwards in that regard and then the other type of villager you're gonna run into is this little guy over here that's a baby villager so when villagers create more villagers you're gonna have baby villagers it takes time for them to grow there's nothing you could do with a baby villager other than wait for it to become an adult and then at that point you could look at giving it a profession so before i show you how to give them a profession i want to let you know the different types of um materials so to speak that you're going to need so you can see them here if you want to build an armorer you need a blast furnace if you want to have a butcher you need a smoker if you want to have a cartographer you need cartography table that makes sense for a cleric you need a brewing stand for farmer it's a composter fisherman is a barrel fletcher is a fletching table leather worker you need a cauldron now with the leather worker the cauldron must have water in it if it's an empty cauldron like you see here nothing's going to happen so make sure that that cauldron has water for a librarian you need a lectern a mason you need a stone cutter for shepard you need a loom for the tool smith it's a smithing table and lastly the weaponsmith you need a grindstone so now that i've kind of walked you through the types of villagers and the types of tools that you're going to need in front of them in order to give them a profession i'm going to show you in just a moment when we come back how you actually give them their profession and start using it to your advantage so stick around [Music] okay so we're sitting in front of our villager we want to know how do i take this plane clothe villager and turn him into an armorer and the way the mechanics work in minecraft is villagers will walk around to do the thing but when you they end up walking in front of one of these types of utilities that i've shown you whether it be the blast furnace the lectern whatever if the villager does not already have a profession assigned to it and it has not conducted a trade it will switch its profession in the case of all these villagers they don't have a profession they're just a simple brown coat villager so in this case i'm going to uh take the villager and i'm going to move him towards the blast furnace now for the purposes of you being able to see i'm going to use a fishing rod there we go so you can see here that as he moved into the blast furnace he switched his uh skin he looks different he's now got his goggles on he's got a different type of profession and so if i now walk up to this armorer and i right click him i see that i can now make trades um you'll see that in this case i can trade nine emeralds for iron boots or 14 emeralds for iron chest plate now if you're seeing here what's changed is the emeralds used to be four and nine uh when i was trying to fishing rod that villager he suddenly got these angry like smoke steam things above his head so right now i've heard a villager and they're actually charging me higher prices for these trades because i've hurt him so we're going to skip away from that i'm also just going to clear the weather so that you can see a bit better so i'm going to show you now a way of moving the villager in so that i i don't lose out on some trades so i'm going to bounce him behind him and push him forward with the minecart and you'll see that he's now changed his skin as well he had those little green stars around him and this one has now become a butcher so i can now trade some raw chicken for emeralds or some raw rabbit i'm just going to go down the line and take all of these villagers give them a bit of a for the purposes of this demonstration putting them in mine carts is the only way to keep them from walking around and having them stay in front of the um skill table that they're in front of now everybody's had their switch so we now have the weaponsmith in front of the grindstone when it comes to villager trading right here you see weaponsmith novice right off the hop you're going to have little trades in this case there's only two trades you can make the more you trade with a villager the more experience it's going to get and eventually it's going to level up so if i have 15 coal and i want to trade for an emerald it's going to add its experience bar for every trade that i make and so for this purpose i'm just going to switch into creative mode here i'm going to give myself a whole bunch of coal oops and i'm going to try and make a trade with him so i'm going to click that oh i need to give my myself 15. that wasn't helpful okay but i'm going to show you that see how he's holding the emerald that lets you know that you're holding a resource that he would like to do a trade with and so as you go down the line they'll be like oh yes i want to do that this guy not holding an emerald because he doesn't want coal same here same here none of them want coal now with each of these you're going to be able to make unique trades based on what they will offer to you so i go to cartographer i can now trade for paper and empty maps the more that upgrades you're going to eventually get to the point where it's a master cartographer and you'll be able to trade for things like maps to woodland mansions and you know ocean monuments that kind of stuff so in order to see kind of a villager trading post in action i'm going to take you to the minecraft server that we've created here on category 5. and we've built this room that's protected all of the villagers from outside mobs and stuff like that but you can see that each of the crafting tables is in front of them and all of them have their professions and some of them have signs in front that say master so if i go over here to the lectern and i take a look at this villager and i open up for trades i see that the librarian is now a master and you can see all of the different trades that i can make with him and some of the discounts i get now the reason i'm getting these significant discounts is over in the corner i've got hero of the village on right now and that's because i defeated a raid last time i logged in but you'll see i can trade for name tags for clocks for compass for glass blocks for lanterns so different things that you can can build or craft find whatever in in the minecraft world but it just saves you a bit of time so here's a cartographer and i was mentioning uh just a few minutes ago that when they're at a higher level you can get maps for things like woodland explorer map or an ocean explorer map that's going to take me to an ocean monument one thing i'd mention to you is we've shown you the zombie grinder the zombie experience grinder with that you're going to get a lot of rotten flesh and for the cleric you're going to be able to trade that rotten flesh for emeralds so effectively you use these two to your advantage and you will have an unlimited supply of emeralds that you don't have to go mining for so that gives you an example of the benefits of minecraft when you use the mechanics to your advantage how you go oh if i do this and then i do that i got this so that's really the basics of how this works how it comes to giving your villagers professions so you if you do run across a village uh you know take the resources that you've got build one of those different crafting tables for what you need and then have a villager walk up to it if you want to continue trading with them on a regular basis kind of block them in and make a bit of a like a village or trading post so to speak and then you'll be able to make trades all you want and that's the basics of villager professions and how uh you can make them customized to what you want