[Music] so robbie i've been thinking about trying out a distro oh yeah uh linux distro a linux distro but the problem is i hate having to install and uninstall and test and install again but you could use a virtual machine and just like download all the isos and spend like a week so much work so much work why do you want to do this well because i've exhausted the one distro that i've got on my computer and i want to do another but it's all the backing up of files and everything how do i save time well here's the thing is that distros are aplenty there are tons of versions of linux available and we've all encountered this before and especially if you're new to linux the question comes up okay what distro do i want is it ubuntu is it debian is it like am i going to go with the mate desktop am i going to go with like what am i going to go with and this is why they call them flavors because really it is about what's your favorite flavor linux mint mintes yup delightful although don't lick your computer screen please don't there's no flavor especially if it's touch screen it's going to completely whack out your windows the fact is that as you kind of allude to it's it's a bit onerous to download every single iso so you go so you got to find them first so you go to ubuntu.com you download ubuntu oh but there's also ubuntu mate so do i want to try that one yeah oh and there's there's a fork called linux mint which i've already mentioned um so i could download that oh but there's also oh they've got linux mint cinnamon and mate which one do i want it's a nightmare it is right especially if you're just looking for a new version of linux for your desktop computer i'm in that situation right now at work where i've been running ubuntu mate for uh or pardon me no i'm running linux mint on my system and i have been for some time but i'm at that point where i want to upgrade and i don't think the upgrade path on linux mint is the one for me so i'm starting to look at other distros so i'm in that same situation where i want to try other distros but to install them all it's just so time consuming yes linux installation process is brilliant it's easy in that regard but there's so many you got to download a 3 gig file and then install it and then test it and what if we could tap into the cloud and test any one or 10 or 50 or 500 linux flavors with just a couple of mouse clicks see that such a time saver wouldn't it be wouldn't it be if only there was an option let's do it this is distrotest.net and on distrotest.net you're going to see a long list of all kinds of linux flavors wow give me a linux flavor we talked about ubuntu so let's look under u for ubuntu so we've got ubuntu ubuntu budgie ubuntu ce see how much of a nightmare it would be if you were just looking and you're sure well which one do you download and try are you going to download the iso for cinnamon mate server studio unity unity remix into web hokey doodle so let's say we want to start with uh ubuntu so this is like tried and true so oh there it is and you can click on the link and it'll take you out to the ubuntu download site you can learn a little bit more about the product from the manufacturer that's taking me to ubuntu.com but what if i could actually test it without having to download it anyways see that'd be awesome yeah so the cloud gives us that option and distrotest.net lets us start a system with a single mouse click ready click so i am in queue it says i have less than one minute for my deployment and so it's actually deploying a virtual machine right now in the cloud for me so that i can test ubuntu and see how it works as soon as it's finished booting uh now it says open vnc viewer so let's click it but i don't have a vnc viewer installed okay so is this going to be a problem for me let's click it and see and there we go so i'm actually looking at the ubuntu live cd so i'm just going to hit enter and it's exactly what you would see if you downloaded it created a virtual machine installed it went through all these steps yet it's just running directly in my web browser here we go let's click try ubuntu now you can see a little bit of latency on my mouse and this of course is the fact that i'm vnc'ed into a virtual appliance that's just booted up just to show me what ubuntu looks like this is not a gaming system you're not going to be booting this up firing up games and doing all that kind of stuff but it gives you a great opportunity to test the de the desktop environment gives you a great opportunity to see what suite of software is included with the operating system and gives you a chance to give it a go so here i am already booted directly into ubuntu now these virtual appliances do not have access to the internet you can't install a whole bunch of stuff through apt or anything like that but it has access to the the suite that's included right uh let's see here i'm gonna click on the applications button at the bottom here and i can see everything that's included in ubuntu out of the box wow look at that again a little bit of a latency there that's typical of what i am doing imagine what i've actually achieved here i i booted this up in my browser that's sweet so once you're happy with that and you've said okay well uh all right uh let's try a different distro i've given that a try distro hopping can be a nightmare because you're going from one iso to the next yes this makes distro hopping instantaneous so i'm just gonna close that window so you don't even need to shut it down why would you because it's going to scrap itself as soon as you shut it off so i'm going to power it off now with the system stop button so i just push that now it's gone the system stopped that's amazing completely gone you can upload files to it if you want to try running your favorite scripts or anything like that now let's see okay this is a big long list let's actually jump into system list okay and let's go to e and i'm kind of curious because i've been hearing good things about this endeavor os so i can click on details or just hey you know what i want to see what endeavor os looks like so i'm just going to boot it up so i didn't have to download it i don't have to do any configuration on my computer it's now booting up spinning up a live session of endeavor os when you were looking at that list you saw the images yeah are they the current versions like because you're going down the list and you're seeing all the desktops like ubuntu and yeah so are they are they the current or are they a stable version are they they've obviously been updating it like this endeavor os which is already booted by the way and i can open it up um is showing as version 20210203 and we're shooting this in april so just so two months old yeah so it's obviously current enough um how often they update it and everything i'm not too sure but um let's boot but still the fact that it's only two months old it shows that this is not something that they built and deployed and then it's just sat yeah with old iso images that's cool so they're definitely keeping it up to date so i'm booting up endeavor os for the first time i didn't have to install a thing endeavor os looks like we're in sweet we don't have a hard drive in this machine so i can't install it or anything so i'll just close out of the installation thing here uh and click on the endeavor os menu button this does look kind of sleek yeah it does i like it uh what do we got multimedia office no office suite included so i can see what's included but know that it's linux so i can install anything that i want right but this looks pretty sleek so i kind of dig that now i had mentioned that you can upload files okay how do we do that so if i bring up i'm assuming it's going to be in folders here yes you see this 105 megabyte volume if i click there this gives me access to an empty volume so over in my browser i can actually choose a file and then upload that file it's got to be under 10 megs but it gives me a chance to test my favorite bash installation scripts or something like that test various things on various distros and see how they run and you can do those right within your browser but if i'm done with endeavor os i can close it out and i can hit system stop and i've just terminated that virtual machine that's really just really good so i've showed you so far we knew about ubuntu we've heard of endeavour os just never seen it now i have and it looks pretty sleek um but what if you've never heard of these flavors of linux and you just want to have that experience like because if you've never heard of ubuntu how would you know to go to ubuntu.com right you just wouldn't so you'd start googling around and trying to find your way to different distros and maybe looking in forums and things like that but this site gives us an opportunity to go through the list kind of look at the picture and see kind of you know judge a book by its cover a little bit but it gives you an opportunity to see what things look like and say hey you know what what one appeals to me and then take it from there so let's jump into a which is i guess where we are here and scroll down and start looking at the images there are a lot of just desktop wallpapers oh but this looks kind of interesting first of all it's called av linux never heard of that but av is audio video click on the thumbnail oh that does look sleek and i see like a custom icon set down here um i'm imagining that this is probably a multimedia distro so let's click on details for more info and it has a link to the website so i can click on it and i can find out more so yeah av linux mx edition is a downloadable installable shared snaps so see i've discovered a new flavor of linux that i've never heard of but is it any good i don't know let's boot up a system oh look at this so we are now running av linux what's all the uh oh is that system stack this is like conkey over here so it comes with conkey already pre-configured uh which is yes as you say it's like a desktop widget system stats so this gives us some insight into the virtual appliance that we're running as well so we see that it's a 64-bit uh linux 5.9 kernel uh we're running with a high load two is our average load uh 2.5 gigahertz so we can see a little bit of information about the virtual appliance that we're running so what do we have so we've got like this dock bar down here i kind of dig that show my desktop oh cue jack control so this is the jack controller so you've got full control over your audio inputs outputs that's beautiful so this really does tell me this is most likely a uh a very optimized for audio production uh and that kind of thing uh i'm going to click on here because i assume bottom left is always the menu that looks sleek i like that graphics it comes with gnu image manipulation program which matters to me i'm going to click on it just to see what version it comes with out of the box and remember we're running this from a live distro on uh distrotest.net so let's run a 210 and it's 2.10 and uh we haven't done like an uh dist upgrade or anything like that there it goes so wheat perfect wow we're running in a little window we probably it will look a little nicer on a big screen full screen speaking of if you'd like to i imagine if we pull out this guy over here we can switch that over to full screen mode and it looks like that just stretches it it doesn't actually adjust the window resolution so right probably not worth it um but let's see what else we got here okay multimedia we definitely feel like this is a multimedia distro yes we've got our door uh which is like a multi-track audio recorder and mixer everything else uh we've got a ton of multimedia stuff here i'm not even familiar with a lot of this stuff guitarix simple mono amplifier simulation no way guitar simulator handbrake is for ripping dvds nice uh k3b is for writing your own uh audio cds and dvds and things like that with a burner um then what have we look at all this stuff obs studio if you want to broadcast your live streams it's built in it comes with it already pre-configured and ready to go reaper uh for uh music production uh it's like a d-a-w wow with uh sequencing as well that is cool i dig the look of this one i kind of like the sweet because i'm a multimedia guy yeah but uh that's pretty cool so that one that i just found is called av linux and this is not an app for av linux this is a we're talking about distrotest.net yeah i just discovered a new distro on distrotest.net i never would have known to look for that no neither was it cool so go through the list check them out and this is a chance for you to distro hop without actually having a distro hop distro distrotest.net check it out today you