we're back to answer more of your chia cryptocurrency questions jeff we're gonna jump right back into it we ran out of time last time but uh you've got more questions for me let's do it somebody says i'm trying to do my first plots but i don't understand what all the settings mean i've tried doing just 10 plots and it said i don't have enough space on my drive but it's two terabytes and this goes back to the storage space that we're talking about earlier uh the nvme space for the uh yeah the temporary so they're saying it's two terabytes and i read somewhere that shia plots are only about 100 gigs each so i'm lost why is it that i can't do 10 ah interesting okay i'm going to bring up my screen here okay what this user is encountering is they're adding a plot and they see it's 101 gigabytes they're seeing it as but that's actually give a gibabytes which is hard for me to say but it is a word um and they're setting this to 10. so thinking that okay 101 times 10 is going to be about a terabyte and they have a 2 terabyte nvme so it should work if they plot that in parallel right uh well uh now note that this is give giveabytes not gigabytes okay and the temporary space required per plot is gigabytes so a quick way to figure this out i'm going to go into google and say 239 gigabytes to gigabytes that is going to be 256 gigabytes per plot and we're doing 10 plots at once so that requires 2566.24 gigabytes uh convert that to terabytes and that requires a 2.6 terabyte drive so you're actually exceeding the capacity of your nvme right there so when you're when you're setting up your plots um you need to keep that in mind now we actually have a very helpful calculator for you if you go on to our website category5.tv this is going to help you out viewer on our website click on free tools up at the top and then we're going to scroll down to cryptocurrency and click on robbie's chia plot calculator and in the calculator we're going to say okay now you mentioned you've got a two terabyte nvme drive um and let's say my farm capacity is eight terabytes and we've got eight threads on our i9 cpu and we've uh 64 gigs of ram okay i can see that i can do two plots and selecting parallel and i can use 3.7 uh well 3780 i don't know how to say that megabytes [Laughter] so well you say well two is not enough robbie i want to do more than two so notice that this is set the mode is set to performance which is going to give us fewer plots per run but it's going to be faster well if i want to maximize my output i can go with the most number of plots per run and the slowest and that's going to give me 7 on your 2 terabyte okay so follow those settings and you'll be able to actually maximize how much you're able to do but you notice that 10 it's nowhere near 10 it's seven is the absolute maximum that you're able to do right okay now as far as the performance versus maximum capacity is there a sweet spot in that like it's hard to calculate yourself right because you're going to be doing a lot of testing so under use of computer in our calculator you can change it to balanced so that you can still use your computer system for example which basically relieved it of one plot so that's going to give us a couple of well one thread on our cpu and a couple gigs of ram uh or i can go with low resource usage which is going to allow me to run it in the background and i can keep working on my computer it's only going to plot three plots at a time but it's going to be able to find that sweet spot for us okay that's just a helpful tool this is not the de facto tool that's going to answer all your questions and get you plotting perfectly it's just a helpful tool to get you started and it should be able to help to to get your head around some of those settings sure absolutely because those settings do matter you don't just randomly punch in a number yeah i don't know if anybody who's done mining i'm just going to put in a random number it just doesn't work yeah now when it comes to mining cryptocurrency there's been a lot of talk about some of the some of the coins and the environmental impact now chia says that they are environmentally friendly they do say this jeff but there are some on youtube that's saying that that's hogwash and it's actually just as bad environmentally as some of the more well-known cryptocurrencies right so is that true is it environmentally friendly because my thought is if you can do it on a single board computer that's so much less on energy pull i think the statement jeff um that i have heard about some people saying that it's just as bad as proof of work or it is proof of work they are looking at the plotting process so we again backing up to our first question understanding the difference between plotting and farming so the plotting process well when you're watching these videos or learning these things reading tutorials and things understand that if the person that you're observing is setting up petabytes of storage and they are creating a plotter that has 200 mvme drives and they're all set up in a raid like they are that is they're more than a farm like they are like a factory farm okay so understand that now what we're doing is completely different because understand that the proof-of-work aspect of chia is just the plotting process if you want to call it proof of work it's not technically but it is you know that's the time component and it does use cpu and and uh i o and ram not gpu so if they say it's not environmentally friendly they are referring and when we say environmentally friendly we're talking about like energy consumption heat generated all that kind of stuff it's not like it it doesn't spew things into the atmosphere right but just like crypto you know the proof of work cryptos like bitcoin um that's they're referring to the plotting process in our scale so we're we've got a hard drive connected to a raspberry pi that we're going to farm on we are plotting until that hard drive is full on our farm once that hard drive has as many plots as it can take and our calculator will tell you so your your 8 terabyte drive can take 75 plots okay so once i've created 75 plots on that drive i stopped plotting i'm done now for as long as that raspberry pi and the hard drive will live without failing they will just run and run and run farming chia how much usage is there in that process now what do we have jeff we have a raspberry pi micro computer and we have an external right that is this the usage which is negligible yep it's just that initial plotting process so thinking about traditional mining you're going to be mining mining mining all the time 24 7 for the end of until the end of time this is a process that happens once you move those onto your farm and then the farm is extremely economical it's not going to be running up your hydro bill your electricity bill we call it hydro here in canada um and and it's extremely uh by contrast to proof of work extremely good comparatively for the environment right so i mean if you're doing a an analysis in a you know say 24 hour period between asic mining groups versus plotting you might say oh there's it's not that negligible but if you look at the grand scheme of you know you do your plotting and say your hard drives run for three years yeah and you balance that all out it's like it's not even close keep in mind a consumer hard drive is gonna have a five year warranty on it and it's meant to run for five years consecutively exactly so you know you're you could get five years out of that and beyond that's right so it's just gonna run using nothing which is amazing so okay now somebody has we must be getting through the list we are we're getting we're getting right near the end thank you so much for your questions folks post your comments below give us a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel as well we'd greatly appreciate that hey we hit 30 000 subscribers let's see if we can hit 100 000 love it yeah all right yeah we got a couple i think easy questions oh good because now we've gone through the setup process we're mined yeah yeah all right we're getting ready to start mining farming sorry um what wallet should they use because oh okay she is like i don't have yeah you're not putting it on your traditional wallet um it's part of the chia blockchain software right now now will it be adopted by um by other wallet software probably uh yeah i would expect so keep in mind that chia is open source and you know that's that's likely going to happen but right now it's very very new so there's not third party integration i i don't know of any um any uh exchanges that are currently carrying it etc etc and the wallet is going to be the chia blockchain software right okay um and as far as you know the investment cost because you've talked about mvmes and you know you're going to burn one of those out in the hard drive space one at least yeah is there kind of a sweet spot between investment versus potential profit there's there's a big fine line between investing and just simply farming chia i would suggest i mean if you're just the average joe consumer like me just grab some stuff that you got kicking around you might have to buy an nvme drive i happen to have a two terabyte nvme drive that i can burn through and that's okay uh if you don't you might have to buy that but uh and a little bit extra hardware just use what you have um jeff you were asking about like how big of a hard drive should i have and and i think if you've got a four terabyte hard drive kicking around which most of us do at this point maybe you can pull it from something um you'd probably be okay to start with that you could start with a one terabyte and you're going to plot it and let it run on your farm and then upgrade it or add another one and you can continually kind of grow it that way but don't go sinking a bunch of money into something that hasn't generated anything for you yet okay build yourself and there's there's a flip side to that because early adopters you know the early bird gets the worm and that's absolutely true with something like chia because the more people who start farming it the harder it will be to get chia and so you know the early adopters are the ones who are going to get the chia coin really really quickly so there's a flip side to it too if you can pull up some extra storage and you know hook it up then that's great but but there's a fine line between setting up a farm and gambling and i would say as soon as you cross over that line or even approach that line uh back up okay that just use what you have and and that's the sweet spot to get started and if you have to put a little bit of hardware into it then by all means do but just keep it within reason and watch out you know don't look at that calculator and say wow i'm going to get 600 a month on my raspberry pi well then you've got to factor in that you're going to actually need to buy four nvme drives because you're going to burn through them in order to create that many plots so you you know you've got to be careful of that so start small work your way there and then you can start to increase that as you grow okay makes sense um now if i decided you know i've been mining chia for three years farming farming sorry i've got to get used to this farming yes say i've been farming chia for a couple of years now and and i've but it's only been out for a week well yeah but i decide that yeah i'm done and i want to and i finished i'm finished maybe it's gotten so complex that you can no longer get chia right so can i um repurpose those hard drives for something else can i use them for a different cryptocurrency or is the whole thing like once it's plotted that's it you're done the only thing you're burning through is the nvme so you probably won't want to reuse that nvme drive you'll want to use that for plotting until it dies as far as your farming hardware goes yeah absolutely repurpose that hard drive use it as an external backup drive for your computer whatever you want to do use it as extra storage put it in a raid array yeah absolutely we reuse it it's just a hard drive okay well those are all kind of the top questions and i think it kind of covers the gamut from getting started to well shutting her down here we are yeah we're going to be looking at chia over the course of the next little while as it grows and uh we are going to be doing some features such as uh farming on a raspberry pi microcomputer um so you don't want to miss out on those features make sure you give us a thumbs up and subscribe so that you get those notifications click the bell blah blah blah you've heard it said um you know how it works so thank you so much for joining us everyone and thank you so much for your questions do post yours below if we haven't covered what you're wondering about with chia and we'd be happy to field those for you take care everybody see ya bye [Music] you