it seems like chia is all anybody's talking about and we're not talking about those little planters that you put the goo on we're talking about the cryptocurrency oh it's an exciting new cryptocurrency and the reason it's exciting is because it's changing the face of cryptocurrency farming by going with a completely different method through uh proof of or proof of space is that what you call it proof of space end time yes now we've had a couple of episodes where we're talking about uh some of the questions that have come in about chia and even more are rolling in as people are starting to catch on they're getting involved and so the questions are getting a little bit deeper jeff i'm getting involved yes you are actually we both are getting it's exciting times so i'm going to hop right into it and i'm going to see if i can stump robbie oh you got some questions i do if they're getting deeper they're getting harder let's hope i did enough research i hope so what do you got for me all right first question yeah for my chia farm drive should i format an ntfs uh okay so this is the farm drive this is nothing to do with the plotter correct i am planning to put my chia farm on a raspberry pi 4. um so it's going to be an external drive on my raspberry pi connected because it's such a light like so low powered so low cost and so ntfs is not the right solution but the problem that we run into is that we want our farming drive so where we put our plots to be accessible from any machine so that be like i i'm assuming jeff that your um your plotting system is a windows system as an example so because i'm going to be moving it onto a raspberry pi which is linux i want a format that's going to be compatible with that of course yes i can use ntfs but then you've got to install ntfs 3g you've got to get everything up and running with read write x forget about all that and just go exfat exfat is compatible right out of the box with windows and linux as long as you install the exfat dash utils and fuse tools uh using your favorite package manager so just type in apt install um exfat dash utils and you'll be able to access that drive so it's as easy as that so i would go with xfat i like fat i need to lose some weight all right so all right the next question all right will i have to replot once pools are available because right now there are no pools okay so i'm sorry uh the question is once pools are available for chia coin will i have to replot my farm because i've already plotted it for solo mining or solo farming correct yes and no um so yes in that if you want to use that same space for pools yes you will have to refarm it uh re re-plot it but the fact is is that plotting takes a long time jeff and so what i would actually do is i would take a different approach and instead of re-plotting just simply continue plotting but as we continue plotting we're going to continue plotting um for the pools right does that make sense so totally makes sense so right now we're plotting for solo farming but we can't use those same uh those same plots for pools um when pools are available to us we want to be able to create new plots and those plots will be accessible by our by our pools makes sense now so like add to it yeah now speaking of pools they're not yet available no do we know not technically i mean people are they're they're our friends like jeff if you and i wanted to go together and say hey let's create like a clustered environment where you and i are creating a bit of a pool but as far as official pools go um the question is when i don't have an answer to exactly when i don't think anyone really does however it should be noted that just um a few days ago as we're recording this video but um i think may 18th we started to see some action on the official chia network github and on that on that github page we started to see some open source code coming out for pool um connectivity for the chia plotter so this is going to be really exciting do we know when it's going to actually take place no but it's very very soon i mean may 18th we started to see the code going up and we're going to start seeing that take effect that's exciting very cool all right should i say what pools are sure so as we're solo farming that means that it's your hardware trying to get chia coin as we pool it would be jeff and me working together with the power of all of our computers in order to get well all of our storage i guess in in this proof of work uh proof of and time not proof of work and so we can kind of pool everything together it's exactly as a sound and with that pool we'll be much more likely to get chia so as a public pool becomes available that means that there may be hundreds or even thousands of chia farmers who are going to be using the same pool and so me the little guy who just has four terabytes of chia plots i have much more chance of actually seeing some chia in my lifetime right it's true okay now speaking of plotting yeah uh if you've stopped plotting say mid plot uh mid plot yeah mid plot no don't do this could be that you accidentally stopped it maybe potentially stopped it or maybe there's a power tripped over the power cord exactly so can you just pick up from where it's going will things be frozen uh yeah the plot will be lost so anything that you're plotting will be lost but your previously finished plots will be okay but the stuff that is lost there's a little trick right now and this may be improved in time i mean we're still very very young with chia so the the software itself i mean so what you need to do if you're on windows you're going to go to c colon slash users slash your name slash dot chia and in that folder you're going to see a wallet folder just simply rename that something else or delete it and then reopen the chia blockchain software and i should say before you rename it or delete it make sure you have the software closed or like actually kill the task on linux it's going to be in your home folder slash dot chia so that's the wallet folder you're not going to actually lose anything other than the currently progressing plots so your old plots will still be okay things will sync and then you'll get back and up and running um but you know that's that's that's just one of those kind of a little bit of glitchy kind of um it hasn't it hasn't been perfect as far as if a plot is partially created and then fails but you can resume and start over uh i should say if if that happens okay all right now for people who are looking to do a little bit more one of the comments we've got is that i'm hearing of people having chia factories factories factories factory farms and i like the sound of that now assuming i can afford the components to say 100 terabyte farm 100 terabytes that's going to be expensive by the way for the components so keep that in mind but how can i get it fully up and running as quick as possible oh my gosh are you kidding me so imagine if you've got a hundred terabyte okay you have to actually plot those plots first so how would you do that you would have to have multiple nvmes set up in a raid array set up in some kind of or not even a raid array i mean let's be honest you could have just separate plotters you could have separate nvme drives and you could be plotting on each of those at the same time and then piping that data out to the farm but a hundred terabytes jeff that's a lot that is a lot i mean i'm getting so on my i990 9900k with an mdot no i've got a i'm using an ssd right now just an sata ssd and i'm getting about two plus a day so like you've got to imagine you would have to have an astronomical amount of speed as far as your nvmes go as far as your data goes your i o right um it would just be ridiculous but you see folks doing this and you say it's like a factory um and i call it a factory farm but that's exactly what it is you have the amount of capacity and in order the the power to to actually create those you know jeff like you've been plotting for the past couple of days yeah it's it has been a lot slower than i anticipated but part of that is because i'm running an nvme but it's over usb 3.0 or 3.1 3.0 3.0 yes you're not even on uh usbc that's correct the old usb-a yeah i only had one nvme slot on my uh my computer and that's where everything's located so i'm doing everything over the the usb so yeah it is slower now getting into the post plotting post farming you've earned some chia we have great yeah we have fantastic cash out let's go buy some wendy's and we have two questions about and uh the first one chia isn't readily available on high profile exchanges like binance or kraken yet you can get it on some exchanges but they're very down the wrong in what i would call trustability but that's my opinion um so so this person's asking what do i do with my chia hold yeah okay so is the price and how is the price fluctuating if i can't do anything with it and and what do i do if i want to trade it we can't yet that's coming presumably um but this is all you know we're we're early adopters we are the early bird right now okay so understand that so so a big part of the process of farming chia right now is to be that early bird you want to be the ones who get this chia coin while it's really easily available for by farming rather than purchasing because you've seen the price go from six thousand dollars down to a thousand and jeff was telling me what about eight hundred today uh yeah as we're recording this because we're seeing um we're seeing the cryptocurrency market right now we're seeing a consolidation so things are kind of figuring themselves out and and we're going to see those prices equalize and and we're going to see where those land now as far as chia goes because it's not currently on an exchange that is readily available like binance we're not going to be able to trade that right so it's all about holding it's all about accumulating and holding at the moment and sure there are exchanges that will allow you to trade but i would as jeff says stay away from those for the moment that's just my personal opinion because um i'm i'm gonna hold my chia absolutely okay so then is chia a hold coin or is it setting up to be a trade coin coin jeff isn't a bottle coin well fair enough yeah but there are some coins where it's like this is the one i'm gonna trade with it's focused on trading okay or is this one of those ones because it's a new model in the fact that it's i don't know that we really know yet i there are coins that are very volatile and that their their value fluctuates incredibly and right now i know it's a very confusing time to get involved in cryptocurrency in general because it's so volatile the entire market but we're going to see that pan out as things start to equalize and figure themselves out but as far as chia goes we don't really know where it's going to fall and when it does fall we just want to be in there we just want to be a part of that cryptocurrency as far as the the market goes so if it's worth 400 when it finally drops on the cryptocurrency exchanges great i want to have a thousand of them so do i yeah but if if it ends up being worth two or three thousand dollars like we just don't know folks i mean realistically there's no way to really know at this point what it's going to be valued at when it hits the exchange right when it does though you you know you hope to have some and and the fact is now jeff you were asking a little bit about pooling um and whether or not we're gonna have to re-um plot our pool uh our farm in order to pool um the fact is we can do both we can both farm pooled chia and we can farm uh solo chia right so knowing that well we we may as well kind of get in on it as soon as possible and then when it all drops when everything comes together we're ready for it we've got our gear we're ready to go you've accumulated whatever you've got in the storage closet and put something together yep sounds good so let us know are you farming chia that's that's what i want to know i i do i do know of some people who are farming chia it's exciting to be in at the beginning so are you let us know comment below and if you have any more questions about chia just ask and when it hits the moon category5 [Laughter] all right back to plotting [Music] you