[Music] well the talk around the crypto town still seems to be chia tonight we're looking at how to plot and all the things you need to know when it comes to plotting i love it um we're actually going to be showing you on screen how to plot how to use delays and things like that so stick around first of all jeff can we hit a couple of those questions really really quickly that have come in this week yeah absolutely excellent so right off the hop elko brand watched our q a on chia volume one yeah and asks are you saying that four terabytes for plotting is a starting point or is it four terabytes total oh okay so i would say four terabytes would be the very least that i would have in my farm and that's really to do with the fact that the difficulty of chia is exponentially growing and when i made that statement it was in fact down at about what about 150 difficulty now in the past week we have surpassed a thousand difficulty now you can figure you know without even understanding what that means you know that it's harder to mine or to farm chia at this point um so the more space that you have dedicated to your farm the more likely you are to win a chia coin and uh if you have very little space you're simply less likely to to win that i think the the analogy that was presented uh in one of our comments is that it's like a lottery in a way um and i said well yeah kind of however what's different about chia coin versus a lottery is that when you buy a lottery ticket and then they do the draw somebody wins right right but with chia coin yeah somebody wins but you don't have to throw away your ticket and buy another one you still have your ticket and that ticket is then a part of the next draw and the next one and the next one so thinking about the size of your farm basically think of those plots as your lottery tickets in a way not to call this gambling or anything like that but um just to give it an analogy that makes a little bit of sense um the more plots you have it's like you've bought more lottery tickets so what have you done if you've got a hundred lottery tickets you presumably have a more likely chance of winning than the person who has only one or two right and actually this relates to a question we have from ashrash al-sabog and he says i want to ask you about cultivating chia coin okay i'm going to start with 30 terabytes will this be profitable after a month or two will i even get profits and what are your expectations for the date of the pool okay so that uh that's a loaded question and there's two of them in there well let's hit the pool one first okay we know that as i've mentioned on the q a in the past um they are working on uh pool code right now now there are some pools out there but understand that those are like third parties that are trying to get started up before it's officially available and we can't promise you that they're legitimate and and some of them are even asking for your private keys and that to me is a big no no so don't go there because it's just not worth the risk so um okay so first question is about uh i was related with the terabytes yeah so okay so he wants to know profitability and will he see you pay it in the next month okay so again not to not to put a gambling spin on chia coin okay i don't want to do that because it's not really what it is if you're if you're just using what you have sure if you sink ten thousand dollars into your chia farm you're gambling okay we're not doing that you're not doing that um but using the analogy and taking it a little bit uh of a step further if you have 30 terabytes you have enough space for x number of lottery tickets or chia plots so you've got room for a lot well let's find out how many so we're going to go to chia calculator.com and okay so you said 30 terabytes so first of all in google i'm going to go 30 terabytes in tebabytes which is 27 type of bytes so we'll enter 27 into the calculator oh and it changed it be mindful of that okay so that's going to give me 273 plots so like 273 chances to win at every time that the draw happens so right now as i'm recording this video the the expected time to win us five months that is completely arbitrary throw it out the window are you gonna win some no go into this expecting absolutely not okay that's if you're going into it expecting to win chia coin then that's the gambling mindset we're not you it says that you might get chia coin in five months it might be two years it might be five years uh it's really just the luck of the draw so um i would just go into it expecting no you're not going to get anything however the chance is with 273 plots or 30 terabytes you could get a chia chia coin or chia block which is two coins uh in about five months but it's arbitrary that's not a guarantee that's not a promise that's not and and as i say it's exponentially getting more more and more difficult so uh just three weeks ago that might have said two months right right so if you plot all that right now and you have all those 273 plots done um tomorrow it's going to be it's going to say six months yeah right because it's going that's the way it goes yep now with the five months and again that's kind of like you said an arbitrary estimate because we saw within the first week of chia coming out yeah somebody had plotted and the expectation was a couple of months and they won two chia coin within 24 hours luck of the draw and everybody was like god darn you you know and it just it absolutely was that luck of the draw yeah so well it's like i say again an analogy but you could have one lottery ticket and win and the next guy who has 10 000 lottery tickets and blew their life savings on lottery tickets will not win and it's completely you have no idea right but you can look at odds and say well if i have x number then the odds are i'm going to win once every year right well it's still arbitrary and it's still just a guesstimate now is that because i mean as i'm looking at your screen i'm seeing what the total capacity of the chia network is yeah it gets bigger and bigger and then what your hard drive capacity is compared to that so in this case you put in uh 27 tippabytes and you've got point zero zero zero two percent of the network sure and so yes yeah and so if the the idea is that you have point zero zero zero zero two percent of the network and x amount of chia coin are being released every so many minutes that based on that mathematic algorithm this is how long it would approximately take but again there's that luck of the draw so if you're trying to figure that out uh ashref look at the total network size compared to what you're putting forward uh with your hard drive space and then go oh okay well i've got this percentage it's ever changing and you keep saying jeff hard drive space hard drive space hard drive space is irrelevant no i get that number of plots because you could have 100 terabytes with one plug but but you're because it takes time to plot if you don't have a good plotter you're going to take months and months to plot that so if that's the case and we know that there's exponential difficulty growth by the time you've plotted 100 terabytes it's too late right you've missed the boat well and i mean case in point for myself like i've been plotting chia now for three weeks non-stop uh now it started off with really slow process over usb with an nvme before my um my pci card came in okay now that i'm running uh two nvmes on over pcie cards i'm getting a lot faster plotting price much faster with nvme yes but i am now up to i think it was like 62 plots okay in the last three weeks it's really grown in the last week and a half but it's taken me that long to get there and so if you're talking what was it 100 and we're using 30 terabytes for for this example but i'm saying like if you think you're going to plot 100 terabytes and start getting chia like there's it's going to take a while unless you've got a massive system which still yes that's not that's not who we are we're not we're not building that system right because you would have to have multiple nvmes and multiple uh so it's just getting crazy so i i think that's all the time that we have for questions if we can move on uh because i wanted to show you how to plot because that is the most important thing to get you going with chia now we talk about using nvmes why well you've seen videos that say oh you can plot on a standard spinning drive don't worry about it don't get an nvme you can plot on a standard ssd ignore those people okay because i'm not telling you it's impossible the statement is not it's not possible to do this you can take your bicycle on the highway but you're not going to do 120 kilometers an hour great analogy well it's the truth so like don't don't get sidetracked by people saying oh you can do it no listen to people who understand the technology behind it and and you're you're gonna want nvme because it is significantly faster at plotting and the key thing is you need to get your drives plotted as quickly as possible otherwise you've got a couple of plots and a whole bunch of empty space and that empty space is doing nothing for you it will do nothing for you until it's plotted all right so remember that so let's get into the plotting process jeff i'm sure you've noticed plotting can be a little bit of a mathematical precision you've got to kind of figure things out right you got to figure out what your system is capable of so understand that if you're plotting on nvme and you over saturate the uh the nvme bus which means it can't handle that amount of speed then it's going to basically be like maxing it out and it's going to slow down the process so we don't want to do that right we want to try to find out what is the sweet spot for our system and no calculator is going to tell you that you have to figure that out and the easiest way to figure that out i think jeff is to simply run a single plot yes and that's going to show you it's going to give you a chance to benchmark things on your system so first thing i'm going to do is uh bring up my chia blockchain software you can see i've got 119 plots so far zero uh block rewards get used to that folks one day our day will come okay so under plots we're gonna go add a plot and i'm just gonna go okay k32 is the default yes plot count one uh and then show advanced options i'm gonna just change this to four gigs of ram and 4 threads because that's what i'm targeting i've got 64 gigs of ram and 16 threads so now my temporary location is my nvme drive so this is our plotter so i've called it plot nvme just to make it easy to pick and then my final destination is my third field which is an 8 terabyte hard drive so i'm just going to drop it in there so what it's going to do is it's going to plot on my q drive and then it's going to move to my y drive so then i'm going to create plot and it's going to start plotting so on windows 10 it's really easy to bring up your task manager by right clicking on your taskbar which i have on my left you might have it on the bottom click on task manager performance and then click on that nvme drive the q drive and i can see as it's plotting here it's sitting around 8 12 usage so that tells me i can easily plot another 5 or so without over saturating the bus of my nvme drive right but i kind of want to stagger those so that i don't also over saturate my ram or my cpu so i can see immediately that is only using this much of my bus to do a single plot so i can easily um increase that by adding more plots so i can do that now and i'm going to start staggering normally i wouldn't start one immediately but i want to show you how to actually kind of delay them which is kind of like scheduling so i'm going to set my plot count to 10 and i'm going to plot in parallel and you say well robbie on your plot calculator at category 5 dot tv on free tools under robbie's chia plot calculator if we punch in my 2 terabyte nvme and my 16 terabytes of farm space i've got 64 uh pardon me 64. what is this amd um and 64 gigs of ram this is my threads on my cpu and i nine ninety nine hundred k so i see by default with four threads in use i can get only four plots in parallel so robbie how the heck are you doing ten because we're going to use a delay so that we're never running more than four on that nvme at a single time right because we don't wanna well you can run maybe five or six but because once it's far along uh in the process you're gonna learn all this stuff as you go it's an experiment when you're far enough along in the process you can it shrinks it down so you're no longer taking up as much space and it's going to start working on the other things and move them over so the first time you run that one not only do you need to know the bus saturation but you need to know how long it takes so honestly let it finish but watch it like check in every half hour and see how far along it is and record the time that it is when it gets to about 40 or 50 percent would be like a really safe cushion zone you could do 30 to 40 that's fine i think it's between 32 and 39 uh percent where it it switches from nvme to doing ram and cpu but you know i like just playing it say 40 to 50 so i know that that's going to take about 120 minutes to get there so that's where i want my delay to be so that it's going to start plotting and then it's going to wait two hours then it's going to start plotting the next one and it's going to wait two hours it's gonna start plotting the next i could probably even do 90 minutes with my system because of the speed that i see on that bus so i can do that i can say okay delay 90 minutes and you're gonna figure that out from that one plot that you ran the first time remember i'm i'm proceeding just for the sake of the video but i i've already run that and i know how long it takes to plot a single plot of chia so so i'm going to set that to 90 minutes delay i'm going to set this to four gigs and i'm gonna set this to four threads and then i'm gonna set the same drive for my plotting and the same destination for my farm field three field one and two is already full there we go so we're gonna do uh 10 plots but we're going to delay each one so it's going to start one right now so i'm going to have two running because i've already started and it's going to wait an hour and a half then it's going to trigger the next one and it's going to wait an hour and a half and it's going to trigger the next so by the time it gets to the third plot in my 10 it's already almost finished the first one that i started so we've got that kind of overlap happening and then it's going to move those off of my plotter and onto the farm so this is the first one that i started you can see it's already at one percent this one here is the first one in the kind of um schedule so after 90 minutes it's going to trigger this one 90 minutes later this one so that's just going to go and go jeff and inevitably uh probably by tomorrow morning i'm going to have those 10 plots which is amazing so you're on that kind of math you're able to get 30 plus plots a day i can actually show you that um so if i bring up my plot uh my farm so let's uh let's do that so i told you i'm working on farm number three right now uh field three there it is so we can just pick a date where i know that i had it running so here's the first of june and you can see first first first first so this is my plotter running and i got let's see i'm just going to highlight all those i got 16 that day okay on the 31st i got 14. so no not quite 30 okay doesn't look like but still doing pretty well yeah so 16. all right and see my system at home i'm averaging about 10 to 12 a day yeah it's a slightly slower processor than yours and so that impacts it and i again i'm being very conservative i'm you are i'm avoiding any kind of crisis situation where i run out of space on my nvme and it can't move the plots or can't create them yeah i'm avoiding all that by just being really like playing it safe you could speed that up if you were to meticulously figure out where is the proper time i'm arbitrarily saying 90 minutes approximately uh i think i've been plotting at 120. right so you know i this is going to be faster than what i've been doing in the past right but keep in mind if you start using your computer for regular everyday stuff it's going to impact your speed that's why i've been kind of playing it safe so if you know say you're going away for the weekend and you're not using your computer maximize your plot that's a 30 plot day that's right and make it happen but if you're using your computer throughout the day pull it back you got to you got to vary that based on your usage otherwise your system is going to drag slow and i will i will mention when i first started i am i am vme on a usb ew it was not good no do not do nvme through a usb well it's not truly nvme then is it no it's simply usb so i ended up putting it like i said on a pcie one riser you've got yours on pci4 x4 x4 yeah so mine is not running at full capacity for that nvme similarly because i don't have that spots on my hard drive yeah or my motherboard i mean just looking at the usb thing because some people are probably thinking oh well you know usb with uas is going to give me up to you know five gigabits a second if it's usb 3. yeah but remember see i'm moving really really fast here but gigabits per second right remember that the measurements are different so when you look at the speed of an nvme drive at 2 000 megabytes per second and you think that you're oh well i've got a five gigabit usb well five gigabits is only 620 something megabytes yep right so it's a completely different measurement you got to convert same reason i'm converting from terabytes to tebibytes right because it's not the same measurement even if it has a similar acronym so that's all the time that we have remember uh plotting is very complex i understand that jeff understands that but we're pretty far along in our understanding on how it works and how to maximize the performance of our plotter and we're going to be looking at farming as well on a raspberry pi moving our plots over to a raspberry pi farm so hey if you've got questions for us of things that we've covered up to this point please comment below if your question is about something that we have not covered and make sure you check out our videos on our channel linux tech show on youtube um if we haven't covered it hey ask it and it might make it into the next q a so thank you so much for watching and good luck with your chia farming take it easy everybody bye you