last time we got our colors looking the way that we want but what you didn't realize is that jeff was sitting next to me that whole time jeff way to go keep him quiet that's what i'm here for setting up an interview shoot or sitting on a set like we are right now you might only have one camera let's see how we can turn that into several virtual camera shots with just a few clicks in davinci resolve in today's demo we're using a single 4k camera on a tripod and we're obviously stationary that keeps things simple in the editing room later again comes down to planning our shots ahead of time now with only one 4k camera we're gonna create three 1080p full hd shots one will be a wide shot where we're both on screen with another on robbie and then one on me so let's join future robbie in the editing room to see how it works thanks past jeff and welcome present jeff so we're always learning here at category 5 technology tv and i try to allow what i learned to be reflected in this series because this is all about showing you the tips and tricks that i use here at category 5 technology tv and what did we just learn jeff turn off autofocus turn off your autofocus also similarly you should turn off the auto exposure on your camera and that's going to avoid the light changing but the autofocus in particular you saw how it was phasing in and out of focus that was the camera's fault so we're going to learn how to turn this one camera into these multiple camera shots that we can do with davinci resolve so i'm going to jump right into it jeff because we've got a lot to cover and i want to try to be as meticulous with this as i can so that you can follow along and actually kind of understand what it is that we're doing the first thing that i need to do though is kind of go back to the last video in the series which is our color correction i've already done my white balance here let's jump over i've already gone to my shot and corrected my white balance using the doppler and i've added a little bit of gain and adjusted the offset so that my colors are pretty good and everything looks good but i do need to now i've pulled back on the things like the mid detail i've reset that to default because there are now two people that i'm working with and i'm going to have three camera shots inevitably so i want to show you how to do that in a multi-cam scenario it's a little bit different also you'll notice that i've removed the vignette because we don't want a vignette that's kind of weird when it punches in on jeff's camera and there's only half of a vignette because it was on the wrong shot so so let's get started with this um so first thing i want to do is well you notice that the audio tracks are connected to my video and so i'm going to right click and unlink that so that my video track is independent that's so that when i switch cameras on my virtual cameras i'm not going to have it going in and out of the audio so um first thing i want to do is kind of punch in and set my framing the way that i want it for for my wide shot so this is going to be my bass baseline jeff just the the shot that we're going to use when we're both talking basically right and so i set the frame and then i just kind of skim forward a little bit make sure that we don't move too far out of it and that looks pretty good to me the framing looks good so that's really really simple as far as framing goes but now we're not going to add a vignette yet but we do want to do the facial retouching that i showed you last time so i'm going to first create a parallel node for jeff and we're going to add facial tracking for you once we've got you on there there we go now let's bring down your mid detail uh first of all let's zoom in a little bit so that we can see what we're what we're actually accomplishing here ready jeff i am ready here we go photoshopping you by just dragging down my mid detail just want to pull out any blemishes i should start with me so that you're not offended look at you with your perfect complexion oh i don't know about that but i'll take it all right okay so now just frame his face here a little bit better yeah the other one was too wide i'm trying to lose weight yeah you know now it's okay to go outside but you don't want to go inside because you're going to lose some detail on the on the edges or have too much detail where you don't want it okay so now we're going to do facial tracking for jeff so what do we want we want pan tilt probably not zoom because the stationary camera is not going to be going in and out it's it's where it is rotate is not necessary and definitely not 3d and let's rewind the track and start tracking jeff okay you're done jeff excellent beautified for the entire video so now you'll see jeff if i i'm going to zoom out a little bit now if i skim see how that thing follows your face oh yeah it's actually doing the touch up on your face there so i want to do the same thing to me i'm going to rewind to the very beginning of the video i'm going to create another parallel node alt p and highlight that and add a circle now you copied from my file instead of the main file does that matter what do you mean i copied well you so you i created a parallel node so right but i haven't do we're doing color correction there's no files involved in this no i understand but you did a you created a parallel file off of mine so does that mean yours is also going to have my no this is parallel so it's it's like layered effects ah okay so i'm i'm adding effects to this shot and my main shot is this guy up here okay so everything that i add to it is being added to that ah that makes sense yeah so i'm gonna put this around my face just like we did with jeff let's get in there so you can see how much of a difference i'm actually making on my noggin yeah there it is this is bald and shiny all right get it around there make sure we're at the very beginning of the track i mean you don't have to you can do reverse tracking as well but because i've lined it up to the beginning of the track because see if if my face moves i would need to change the positioning so there it is it's nicely lined up and we're going to go into tracking and hit play not the normal play but this play for tracking and that's actually tracking me notice the settings are the same as jeff's because i haven't changed them if i zoom out just continues to track so all i'm doing here is basically touching up my face [Music] so i haven't yet all i've done is tracked it with jeff i i did it on the like in real time um what i'm going to do now is i'm going to adjust my mid detail and see how it's kind of remove the blemishes from my face without blurring it without making it look overly falsified and now that we have those two tracking tracks look at how perfect our complexion looks we are just a stunning group of people see that so there's jeff's there's mine now we're ready to create our individual camera shots why did i do that on the on the wide shot well this way i don't have to re-track on each of our individual zoomed in cameras right so now i've got this baseline to work with that i can duplicate and just change the zoom level for the camera so i'm going to jump back here and now i'm going to copy this with ctrl c i'm just going to jump over here control v and then pop it onto the first additional video track so now i have two videos that are identical but see if i zoom in on this one i'm going to bring this up to just a little more than two let's say 2.3 and bring this over to and this is now jeff's camera shot okay so if i turn off that shot it's going to be back at our wide shot see that okay not the greatest shot there we go let's find one where we're both smiling oh i like that it's a good one there we go over to jeff wide shot so the wide shot's great for when we're both talking and then when jeff is talking and then i need one for me too so because i want to keep the same zoom level it's really really easy just to copy jeff's track and then paste mine and on mine i'm just going to simply move the position to me i want to get see that thing on the top right i want to crop that out so i'm going to kind of position it like that i can still see the shadow but i'm not overly concerned especially because my what is going to cover that vignette so there we go all right so now we're set and ready to do vignettes so we've got our wide shot we've got our jeff shot and we've got our robbie shot so let's start with our wide shot i'm going to click here and now i'm going to add a new serial node and this is going to add to our main shot and we're going to create a vignette so we do that by adding a circle and we're going to make that big basically consider that this is the lens of your camera so we want it to be as big as the shot and then we're going to feather the edge a little bit with this red one here just like that now i'm going to decrease the gain and you'll notice that it's making the whole shot really really dark and that i did on purpose so that i could show you what it's actually doing because now when i invert that selection it's just doing that on the outside of the circle right see that so we've got this nice vignette on the outside so i'm going to do the same thing on jeff's shot so let's jump over here and bring up his color correction notice how it's created another copy here but it's not got the vignette because i'm working on jeff's shot and i haven't yet added a vignette to jeff's shot so on jeff's shot we're going to create a serial node oh not there we want to highlight that and put it there and add a circle and jeff you know what to do that's right you go to the edges of the camera yeah there we go and then you want to pull your feathering out just a bit adjust your gain we're going to invert and lower the gain see what we're doing there look at that beautiful all right now next up is robbie as soon as i have enabled that shot now when i jump over to my color correction you see that there is a robbie shot so highlight that alt s for add a serial node add my circle make it approximately the same size i want to hide that shadow that's on the right hand side there from the drape system and add some feather and keep me right in the center of that and invert and lower the gain on the edges there we go so now we've got these beautiful vignettes for all of our shots look at how already that just looks so much more professional yes it does beautiful okay save your work and now what we want is create the magic because now we've got these three shots and you could go old school if you want to and start editing those all by yourself and cutting out pieces and that's extra time oh my goodness no we want to make this super brutally easy so what i'm actually going is i'm just going to right click on my iso shot so this is the actual camera file in my media browser here my media pool i'm going to right click and go create new multi-cam clip using selected clips and you can name it if you want i'm just going to hit ok and now if i right click and open that in my timeline oh so notice sorry this one has a little icon on the bottom left so that is my multi-cam shot this is the actual file so the multicam shot i want to right click on and open in timeline and it looks like this so it's basically reverted the shot to the original shot which we don't want so what am i going to do highlight and delete now back at my main timeline where i created those three camera shots i'm going to open that one in my timeline and i'm going to cut those three camera shots that i created i'm going to go back to my new multicam shot open that one in my timeline and paste it in there we go so now we have a multicam um shot that has these three cameras i'm gonna call mine robbie so that's robbie okay when it's on this one is jeff and this one is wide okay now i'm going to jump back to my main timeline and you'll see that there's no video because i deleted it i moved it to this multi-cam shot here so i'm going to turn off my inspector change the view mode to multicam and you'll see that we've now got two black windows we've got no video whatsoever but now i'm going to drag this multicam shot down into my timeline now it's all it's already timed to my um to my audio so i don't have to worry about that you may need to line that up if you've manipulated that now i need to make sure that i have just video selected because i don't want it to do anything with my audio just video so that's at the bottom here and now with this uh with this multicam shot highlighted jeff i'm gonna hit play okay now watch what happens as we're talking so we're talking talking talking and all of these shots are moving you can see the vignette over you you can see the vignette over me and now as i'm talking i can actually click and it will change the camera shot okay so if you're okay and down in your timeline it's doing edit points i want to show you that in just a moment so as i'm talking here we go now watch here comes jeff right so i can switch back and forth but then when we're both talking i click on the wide shot and it switches back and as you say jeff what it's actually done is it placed the edit point on my timeline okay so now if i go back to inspector and just play my video this is what it looks like and just fast forward a bit here comes a switch see that wow switches are right like that so you can actually control the camera shot there's our fuzz just by clicking on that timeline oh to the multi-cam editor here and you can have as many cameras as you want presumably i mean i think it supports something like 16 somewhere around that but so you you can do it that easily now to take it one step further jeff you can use your keyboard what how wide is one jeff is two robbie is three so now if i press play it's going to play just like it is and notice it's replaying everything at the top left as well now i'm gonna push three oh no two because you're talking so i pushed two on my keyboard now i'm pushing three so i'm actually pushing the keys on my keyboard okay to switch so i can do it really really quickly and i can just sit back and i can be doing my editing like this that's amazing now if you mess up here like you've got all the edit points right so oh jeff is talking oh no oh no but it's still pointed at robbie so what i can do is i can either rewind push play and then press 2 to switch to or i can go back to my traditional editing mode which is to say clip like that and then i can right click on it and i can go switch multicam clip to oh that's amazing so a couple of different ways you can correct that awesome yeah so there you have it folks multicam editing with vignetting on each of your virtual cameras right in davinci resolve remember davinci resolve is available to you free of charge you don't have to have the studio version until you have to have the studio version i always say like start with the free version and do all this stuff until you need more that's right and that's when you can start looking at the commercial version but there you have it folks what do you think comment below let us know what you'd like to see here at category 5 technology tv how we do things we are going to be getting into our audio end of things over the coming weeks so make sure you catch those here in our series on how to how we create content for youtube it's not the defacto this is how you do but i'm going to show you how we do it and maybe you can glean some ideas and get some tips that you may not have thought about and maybe get some really cool abilities capabilities that you didn't have before so thanks for watching everybody don't forget to subscribe give us a thumbs up see ya you