i love my smartphone but it doesn't have wireless charging capabilities built in which i would love i talked to jeff about this problem and he's all you can upgrade any phone to be compatible with your wireless charger one of the great things about cell phones is that they literally can go anywhere with you and do a whole bunch of stuff but it does mean that it takes up battery and one of the challenges i've always had with cell phones is that often my charge cables are not long enough if i'm going somewhere or they're too long because maybe i've bought a 10-foot cable and i just have extra cable kicking around and i hate that idea i like the idea that i could just pick up my phone walk away instead of having to finagle with the charge cables and maybe the connections get broken you're like oh my goodness now it's not doing a proper charge and so when i got this cell phone i was told that it had wireless charging capabilities and turns out it didn't and so i bought the phone i bought these wireless charge devices and i was like this is great it's going to be awesome and i'm putting the phone on and i'm like why isn't it charging turns out it wasn't what i was sold but i liked the phone so i didn't want to return it so i thought you know what there's got to be a way that i can make this wireless chargeable and the answer is you can i did some research and i found out that you can buy some wireless charging receivers just anywhere online that you can put into your phone uh through the charge port and that's how you can wirelessly charge so in the case of my phone i've got it in a case and obviously i'm not going to put this inside the phone but i am going to hook it up to the charge port and so because my phone is usbc that's the connection that i bought i just plunk it in just like that and now i have a really thin wireless charging uh pack on my phone so that i can take it i can put it on my charge table poof and i'm ready to go my phone's charged i take off i don't have to worry about cables and it's really nice it's really convenient and i've got a whole bunch of wireless accessories now everywhere in my house i've got one down on my computer i've got one in my bedroom i've got a wireless charging unit in my car and everywhere i go i just put my phone it charges i'm good to go i don't have to play with the cables now if you're going to do this with your phone you want to do some research first find out does your phone have fast charge capabilities if it does then there's a couple options available to you when it comes to different wireless charging packs when you're doing that if you have fast charge available you want to look at your milliamps because these while they look the same provide different charge rates this one two thousand milliamps this one 1000 milliamps so you're gonna get a much faster charge out of this one than you will this one one of the other things to keep in mind is the thickness you may not be able to tell but there's a significant difference between those two and that's going to matter especially with the case that you've got on your phone the first one that i bought actually was this one it was a fast charge and i'm like this is going to be great it's really cool it's crazy thick and what happened is that my case wouldn't actually go back on my phone because it was too thick and it bulged right out the other thing i want to mention is these heat up any of them heat up because it works off magnets and if you have a metal case you're gonna need to change your case because the metal cases get extremely hot and the first time i charge i went to grab my phone i actually dropped it because my case was so hot so if you're gonna convert your phone to a wireless charger do not use a metal case use a plastic case and you can see i've got my phone uh in my case there's really no bulge at all from the wireless pack but if i put this one on it would be quite thick and it wouldn't fit properly so when you're doing your research on wireless charging you want to take a look at how thick that is and as well how fast it charges the last thing i want to mention to you is the length of this little cable because where your wireless charge pad is in the back of your phone may interfere with your camera if the cable's too long so you see on my phone it's a bit of a longer phone so i've got some clearance between the camera and the receiver when i purchase this one because the cable is significantly longer you can see that it goes much higher on my phone and if you have a shorter phone where your camera is a bit lower this could interfere with your camera could interfere with where the charging port is on your base unit one of the units that i have at home that i charge when i plug my phone in at or when i put my phone on the dock at night the charging port is down near the bottom and when i had this and it wasn't connecting because this went too high so keep that in mind when you're converting your phone to wireless charge and once you've plugged it in it's kind of a set and forget i don't have to carry cables with me anymore i don't have to worry about plugging it in as i go just place it down away i go and it charges nice and fast my fast charge cable i can charge my phone in about two hours on this unit takes me about two and a half hours because it's a fast charge qi receiver so there you go you want to take your phone upgrade it by converting it to a wireless charger it's just that simple find your wireless charging unit somewhere online make sure it's compatible with your device whether it be usbc or micro usb whatever it might be and check the dimensions check how thick it is check the length of cable all those things to make sure it's going to be exactly what you need and then you're off to the races [Music] jeff thanks so much man that is a huge improvement on my traditional smartphone and thank you for watching category 5 technology tv for these 14 seasons we're about to kick off season 15 so make sure you subscribe you don't want to miss out on what's to come we'll see you next time you