whoa and welcome to today's soup break I'm not sure if I'm doing this right hey Ramon second 2020 nice to see you guys hey bp9 repaints I see soul who is going to be here working on his grand entrance and Peter's here Rory hi Peter are you a related going I can hear you a little better cuz I'm not in my office I'm up in the kitchen yesterday I couldn't come up in the kitchen because with with the whole thing going on we've really stepped up our sanitization like cleaning schedule so the cleaners were here and they were working on the kitchen area at the time so I wasn't allowed in there my wife years ago Mildred my you are huge bill to directly go Milton for the ballet what huge builted ugly go Milton they did not I figured out what blue box is it's a it's a WiMAX service yeah very very simple there's a matter of fact to to what we were using video II studio D because we had a ubiquity on the roof pointed at a tower using like you think woody I still have to get that from the studio but I want to have I want to have a spotter there with me because I got to get up on the roof of that big building in order to get down our tower and I didn't think that was a good idea to do by myself but it's kind of hard there's distance exactly and we finally got some blue skies and sunny skies so that's at least nice because with all the rain I was definitely not gonna get up on a tin roof that's Richard vp9 yes sir I don't know what you've gone done to me but I ordered a pint I'm oh good not Joe this just sounds way too good to be true and when I saw the price I was just like why not what yeah exactly what was it was like twenty nine bucks okay stay stay six feet apart bill look at all these carbs that Robin named yes yeah but I don't have chopsticks so I had to break it up yes have any things happened to you on April Fool's Day yesterday I cancelled April Fool's Day bub yeah you did mm-hm we didn't get the message worldwide we didn't get the memo oh dear what good road here well first of all she replaced the soft you know like the hand soap and the pump bottles in the bathrooms with so I thought oh she she didn't do every bathroom service with different bathroom to wash my hands again and yeah she did that bathroom too and then every every April Fool's Day we have a a April Fool's dinner and everybody makes a different dish that looks like something but it's something else and so so Renata my oldest daughter made cinnamon rolls but they weren't cinnamon rolls they were barbecued pulled pork rolls really good and then Marika my youngest daughter made horse dung whether they're actually brownies I made coffee with cream which was warmed up root beer and a coffee pot with melted vanilla ice cream float I was hoping that would be I was hoping that would be Kahlua yeah well that sounds fun I'm glad you're having fun yeah so to talk about today well I got a pine time because bp9 has been talking about this pine time and you've been talking about it and I'm just like okay I need to get in on this action so I've made I've made some progress to which I'll describe when everybody like did you hear that the the pine phone UV ports Edition is available for pre-order now I did not but I will definitely get whatever is available for school just today it's available so awesome so are um are you distributing those or random wouldn't have to gather them from the patch yeah we we are gonna be distributing them but they're they're only in pre-order phase right now at the pine store do you happen to have any inkling as to when the pine time will be shipping so bp9 and I have both ordered from the pine store have you seen any word on when the shipping date is because it really doesn't show you a bp9 it's like no money we got your money we'll send it Sunday are you talking about the time developer kit or the okay I can find out bo has insider access he can find out all kinds of stuff he's like my design ATL yellow the owner 964 yeah go well that's okay we don't need to argue about it so Robbie made some progress on the on the pine time Victor display that I was describing I threw a picture up on the on the screen a while ago but I can well let me do it again real stuff that I'm not allowed to charge bow types allowed on that mechanical keyboard that none of us can see you know there we go there's the there's the Victor display of the clock face do you see that yeah okay yeah so this program is running on Linux and I've already but it said before that I use that I used gtk for my UI toolkit so the thing is that this is not the version that it's going to be running on the on the point time watch what this is what I had to do was to figure out what the XY coordinates of each of those tick marks we're going to be and I don't know if you saw on the image but the 12 o'clock 3 o'clock 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock tick marks were extra-large the 1 o'clock 2 o'clock and each of the 5 minute tick marks were slightly smaller and then each of the individual minute mark we're even smaller still so I had to figure out budget on a 320 by 320 display I had to say okay we do each of these tick marks begin and end what are the XY coordinates for each of these tick marks from one end of the line to the other end of the line and so I feel like each time which is what this program does that's but the end of it the end result is that all I have to do is we can extract the XY coordinates of each of those tick marks all I have to do is extract out the XY coordinates of those tick marks and then put them in an array and then the program on the pointer just draws what the array says to draw are you documenting this process bp9 I could be I just imagine - well other developers are probably going to have to go through the same steps right well that depends on if they like to use victor implementation or if they like to use the the PNG image file in the back in sine theta and later the extra Y defender you did amazing that extra mile provoked and then you'll get weather tick tock that draws a circle the block code on their dying bones there you go that's what this program is that I can even make the program print a out to a file the actual C code that would describe that array with the very values pre-populated in it then I can literally just take that header file included in my regular project we're done right then it's just a question of displaying on yesterday's coffee break vp9 you you had kind of let on that you were starting to lean toward the ping and now working back on the vector is there a reason that you decided I was thinking I understand it at least yeah I think I was thinking about that last night or yesterday afternoon when we talked after we talked about it I saw the description on the video I didn't I did not want to give the impression that I felt like the PNG was the better approach I'm still sticking with the vector approach someone else on the on the call asked me if I was going to do both and I said yeah absolutely if only just to understand how they work that's the that's the point I want to be able to understand how they work with which whichever one I end up using ultimately is likely going to be the vector one because I like the nice simple display and I think I've already figured I think I figured out now how I want to update the watch face each time the minute hand or the second hand takes over I think that what I can do is to erase the second hand at its current position then redraw the entire watch face because it out very quick because I can do that because it's all vector based and then just draw the new draw the new second hand in the new position and I think that will work quite quite well because the CPU in that pond time runs quite fast I want to say 600 Meg but I don't think that's right I think it's I think it's probably 60 or something like there's any case Palicki for attacks mm right yeah just a cortex-m processor so yeah can see the inflate-a-pack and the thing is that the faster runs of course the Mojito generates the more power it uses so you don't want it to run too fast and while CPU is one part of it the be how fast you can update the display is another part of it so we'll have to see how fast the display responds I definitely do not want to clear the display between each update what I want to do is as I said wherever the second hand is now erase it so all I have is just that line that has yeah okay I miss anything wrong yeah then redraw the whole clock face which will just restore that one line but I don't have to worry about what if I drawing that that or leaving that second hand in the old location it should just restore those bits that were that were wiped out then draw the new second hand at that point so it should be a very minimal effect on the display I'm hoping I'd like to see the refresh rate and see if it looks like it slashes or if it's exactly yeah and that's why I don't want to erase the display each time because I know that's going to be very noticeable for sure but if all I do is wipe out the old redraw and that will just refresh what was wiped out then draw the new second hand I think that'll be the most efficient approach we go beyond what they did a second you your brain don't notice it if they did that that good early days of wonders of the second you won't notice that brave didn't change because yeah I just don't know what the refresh rate of the screen is so I'm I think it's fast enough I'd obviously don't know but I can certainly get the display yeah ultimate that all the elements of the display in place and then see what happens I can't wait what's the worst could happen right I want to I want to say hi real quick so we've got Peter Lewis at the top right we've got Sabu in the bottom left this is like that old Hollywood Squares show we got build Marshall in the middle we've got run Morissette on the right we've got Bo from a Mara draw it on the bottom left we've got Peter in two places today it's got two webcams right on the bottom middle and then we've got vp9 in the bottom right Bo did you have success finding out of it like an ETA for us well let's see responded yet but the CPU in the mine time is a cortex m4 at 64 megahertz 64 megahertz yeah that makes more sense yeah 60 yeah yeah that sounds good again depends on how fast the display responds yes as I recall I don't think the display responds terribly fast so if that's the case one thing you could do is you could keep one copy of the watch face in memory and after you draw the watch hand like the second hand let's say then to erase the second hand you just pick the pixels that the watch hand contained from the original watch face without the watch hand on it and over draw with that that way it would replace all of your tick marks and everything but just for the second hand part forbidden hand partner which everybody redrawing right yeah that right that's another approach and I can certainly do that it didn't have to be really really slow but I'm not I'm not sure yet how power slowed the display is and I just want to try it try it that way first and if I have to then I'll be really selective as you described both be very selective about which pixels I wipe out and restored because the second hand ticks around I saw what was that eight megahertz right good good good your memory to memory as like I would okay one one stored in there made it so she I would probably out of the with a copy command memory tube every hundred is great in the gap that would be very fast yeah it sounds like well again it all depends on how fast the display respond you can have any copies of the watch facing memories you want if it if it takes half a second to copy of from memory to the watch face you know to the display it won't matter it won't matter how how many copies you've got so what we're saying is we're not going to be streaming YouTube on our on our Smart Watch oh yeah this watch is very very simple and curiously enough I correct me if I'm wrong bow but I don't think there's a real-time clock chip in the device it looks like every piece that I found it looks like you have to get the time from somewhere to initialize it like a Bluetooth time server or something initialize it and then it'll keep track of time after that but I don't think it knows what that seems to make sense yeah I notice that even on like my Fitbit I don't think if you restart the without the Bluetooth on it's just funny that it's called a pint time but it doesn't have a real-time clock on it they understand that we're going to be syncing it to our phones right remember though that we're going to we're going to be syncing this to a Linux phone the Pine Point phone so we'd better make sure we understand how to publish such a service on a Linux machine so that'll be one of my tasks as well I'll hand out that also on the phone victory is over you guys carry on there that were damaged and about to pound it devote major budget no no $4.99 both I drove out at 30 million it's got that one image quite noisy like a good project bomb maker it was very very evident by the joy and of course are deeply affected by this as well but when a new bully 830 million and even at zero you know what I'd like to put that voltmeter in Peter would be like if I was creating a like a step-down controller something like that something I could give 110 volts to and step it down to five or twenty volts to be able to actually see it on the display would be credible ungodly a double Jeff one of the eye dreadful needs to make an O 230 volt bath but Williams no need of that a dot of computer Kylie medium because I've got no bench or working properly so I get James about my colleague about a major body of the dog doubly glad egg colorful may give it back to me but abusing it's a born of the I dress for my geography I have got four transits in or they at the Apple Begleiter 51 rage in parallel they put those all over a wider done you get a nerd yet you'd break it up yes sir Robbie don't forget that dropping 110 volts there and to do was it 5 volts or so just remember that's AC to DC as well so you need to ring the fire to make see also yeah I had a DC adapter that was like 12 or 24 volts and I wanted to step down then that would make boilin if I was to use the easiest quickest way to do it it's just a cannibalize a an old switching power supply out of an old AC because you could you may have already done it maybe that trick you did I picked up off cap 5 I don't know but you can plug in the switching power supply off of a PC you get 12 volts 5 volts you be negative 5 volts and negative 12 do you okay yep so all the voltages you want to write this sure so what I might be p9 I bought a a little PCB that has an ATX header on it and it was a taste shot wasn't it no your tea cobbler I know the raspberry pie I think that's for the that's for the gpio to be able to use the you die a really old computer that was the one you get the big brunt my guys they jump in there but you did wings back to ground returns if they go on the side can you get all right well a nipple brew by our little buddy bubble 120 I'm well that's the thing you get such a high damage so so I have this PCB that you plug the ATX into and it gives you it actually has banana plugs bp9 mm-hmm so you can so you can unscrew it and then I just use a piece of a piece of ethernet cable as my so just got that like the cat 5 I've unwound it and I just use that as a lead and so I've got my bolt going to whatever and then I've got 12 volts that I can step down or or whatever I want to do but is that another Ida fruit product that one's actually something that I pulled off of like gearbest or some some Chinese manufacturer store like that was like a little four dollar idea I'll unite the advantage but that competed I that's it but I didn't want to I didn't want to do as bp9 suggests analyzing cannibalizing the power supply oh there you go apparently my battery as 0 volts on it but it still lights up the display speaking of power I'm looking at the current cost of the power and then today there was an article that the average power is about one sense and kilowatt hour for the last month and they currently it's five cents per kilowatt hour and it's the middle of winter here it's been raining a lot so all the water magazines are filling up a bridge might have a bigger you'd be back on the thing to keep it dry over the prefatory in it cuz it just goes up and down you ready to on the back did go up because out for now me know that young people divert the main link or big wood box a big offering and will actually uv8 you pH you know that boy will I designed by you develop with a large batteries at by Georgia and if the tide was obvious - bon soir au l will go better that way out or not right is why did learn very big I just I just moved a bunch of 1500 milliamp hour UPS is so I know exactly the word that the would after the baby oil might you be a I'm about to order another UPS because I have a yet today six hours ago and the powers up for two seconds and up here I have our ups but my server downstairs it'll feel of power and then I'll go down to power it on so I have nothing I have half a dozen UPS's I don't need new ups as I need you UPS batteries yes can you even get that oh yes you think oh my god I wonder if you'd have trouble getting them in but I because I work at a place that refurbishes them I have access to batteries so I'll pay em you then I want to talk to you about that dodgeball budget and that I did to work it well yeah all month workers workers ever say anything usually the one day in UPS it's important to remember when you're changing a UPS battery that they're not all made equal or so kind of like printer cartridges you know how printer cartridges you've got the normal yield and the high yield there are batteries that there are some batteries that are going to last longer and provide a better yeah yeah and there is another thing you also have you also have to reconfigure the actual you and UPS system to account for the new battery and because the charge it is it can't hold is different than the old one it can hold Alice in charge and the battery of a song for some reason ever it it accounts for that so you have to reset yes somehow yours must be a smile UPS of some sort because I've never encountered that okay so if you replace it with the same part number same chemistry same voltage it should just work right kind of it accommodates the fact that a Battery depletes over the years yeah I don't know toy boy I do when I appeared and get full of a dodgeball battery to a million per John um as only network while well the other the other problem where the bag of loading off every time just one more measure a year I play big site they all rolled everywhere they've got God I walk world rate was born nine bad the by boom it'll draw and they did well undescribable the wafer we done did God born a night reindeer Geno throwing my big data will have full of bloody horrible pouch everywhere where people world a why the I bet that makes sense Peter but the thing is that the UPS is that that I have don't take a car battery so I can't just slap in a car battery an agenda to work put in the same battery is what it came with all right guys we do need to wrap up it's been a half-hour so it's been nice having you here for our coffee break today of course we do this every single day so be here again tomorrow if you'd like to join us it's been fun guys I've learned a lot and I hope that those who are watching this on demand to enjoy our discussion and and I really appreciate you guys coming together and doing this with me because you know what I've been feeling the I'm calling at the cove in Bern I'm just like I'm just done yeah so it's just nice to get together and talk about anything else because it's all that we hear right now so I just want you guys to know that I appreciate you thank you for joining me today well I enjoyed as much as you do Robbie so thank you to the bunch of fun so physical distance yes yeah exactly guys take care have a great afternoon see you later you