thanks for joining me for today's coffee break everybody it is the 3rd of April 2020 I hope you're well yes just so absolutely so what's new cheese started you're gonna have some studying to do Robbie oh good yes because you you bought you a pint time right yes sir well you're gonna have to figure out how to program it aren't you I think so unless I so unless there just happens to be anyone in the community who's gonna share their source code of course I will uh put it up on github or something like that brilliant that you will let you all have at it your your request for documentation I will also add that in as well of time I'm not going to share the screen program but generated the screenshot that I showed yesterday because that's based on another project that I'm that I'm working on and a catch here that but certainly any any point time source code that I have I will certainly share with you the day the issue is going to be I expect I'll use a Raspberry Pi to to program it and I think it what's already I'm not gonna read document what's already been documented I'll just point to the point 64 website where they already talk about the best hardware setup to use you know three or four wire set up from your Raspberry Pi and then to the to the to the actual point time watch itself there are four pins or four holes in the circuit board most people as I understand it literally just stick pins into those they don't solve it to those pins because it would be too easy to damage the point I'm if you do that yeah so like base looking thing like because the developer kit has what looks like a base that you would plug the pine time into what's that looks like it comes in two parts in fact probably three parts one is the front face of the watch the other is the back face of the watch but some people have actually drilled a hole into so they could feed the wires in and have the thing trailing wires all over the plot going to do that the production model of the watch would actually have those two halves you know close together and glued together in a you know waterproof way so that it stays waterproof yeah the development kits don't have that so don't expect those two halves to come together and then there is a cradle that I think you're talking about but the whole watch just clips you two will slide into it and I believe it's a charging cradle for it okay so that can't be used see it would be nice if that could be used to actually do the pre looming firmware yeah those that the four kings there sorry I can't hear you there for a second I'm gonna just gonna mute Peter there cuz see a lot of noise dude don't unmute yourself and then make a whole bunch sorry that's a kind of no problem that the four pins or the four holes in the circuit board and not accessible to that to that power cradle or anything like that the only way to flash it would be to take the back off that connect some wires to those four four pads on the circuit board and then program it you don't you should theoretically you don't do it very often so in the development kits you you just stick them out the Ray you know you put it in a framework in some sort there's a pretty elaborate framework that someone's built that uses you know a blue tack or something to hold all the pieces in place okay I don't know if I'm going to do that we'll see what happens but but the next thing for me is to figure out these Oh Peter I'm sorry Peter continued you keep unmuting your microphone and then making a whole racket I couldn't even hear you be nice it's like we're playing I got a bag I got a budget for nitrogen to tie the ball to one gave the trade name because of Al and if I bail out I'm no begging no lady like that you've gotta stop saying and I think I got to get the job that the dirty table their day and they don't know no no I just was you know the dough qualified believable we believe yeah that's that's the hard thing right now a like if you can't get into the hospital and you need to what do you do are you gonna be okay Peter like you okay oh okay if the Bell failed I need one too late doctor that friend that you're I would have said yeah they fail other wouldn't feel very good at this one it's late grab the dog would actually very much and sheet after today I woulda killed down the drug great hope I need oh bloody no I didn't hear that that doesn't sound very pleasant at all no there's not time like fun neighbor had some problems yesterday at the beginning of the coffee break so I had to visit him after the contract it's on old man closing on 80 he had to go to he had a doctor's appointment today today it turned out and he didn't know how to get there so I have to help in the phone of you and the the doctor never had a ataxia to come and become picking up him up today ham bring him back so it worked out fine good service for me he sees some field and so he speaks a little Norwegian but I think here your Norwegian neighbor would fit in really well on our coffee [Laughter] yeah hey guess what happened this morning guys you'll never go home well yeah I I got to work where I am now and maybe 10 minutes later 15 minutes after I got here I got a phone call from our alarm company that our alarm was going off at this at the new studio I was gonna side the alarm went off I had a feeling it was something like I was gonna I was gonna say it jokingly but so I my initial thought was okay well there must be a false alarm like you know we just had it installed on Saturday right so sometimes there's some kinks to work out so I emailed the alarm company and asked them to send me a copy of the manual so I can reprogram the terminal thing just in case it was a false alarm and I and I went there and everything was fine so I called off the police and told them we didn't need anyone because it was a false alarm and then I went back over my surveillance footage just on a whim and sure enough 837 this morning my door opens wide and the guy walks in looks around looks around and then the alarm starts going off and then he quickly gets out and how did he get in exactly so that was my thought so I'm sitting there watching the surveillance video and I'm and I can't see his face I can't see any because I haven't set up the surveillance yet so it was just the camera in the in the office happened to be pointed toward the door so I saw the door open that guy walk in you see kinda his right side and he's looking around and then he and the alarm goes off right so as I'm watching this footage I hear somebody rustling on my door so I jump and I run to the the door of the studio and I whip it open and I say you can't come in here remember I've just watching the surveillance and I see this guy turns out he's one of the maintenance workers at the condo and he didn't when when they leased out our unit they didn't mark us as as a leased unit they had because they're short-staffed right because of the copán 19 they've closed them so we're moved in we've got our alarm setup but they didn't mark it as as not vacant so but he thought it was empty he thought it was empty and he's going around for me all of the empty units he's got a clipboard of all the empty units and they do an inspection at the beginning of every month I guess presumably to prepare them for you know that months you know trying to rent it out but so he had walked right in he had a key obviously he just walked right in set off the alarm and he's just freaking out and of course my his first impression of me is me yanking the door oh I had no idea who you were or what you were doing all I know is that the police are here my alarm went off this morning I got a call the alarm company and get them to reset the code and yeah so that's how my day started Wow yeah and that happened this morning happened this morning yeah or at least mail I got a voicemail from the property management company all apologetic and they're going on about how you know it'll never happen again we mark we're so sorry was that I'm really hoping I don't get a bill for a false alarm a good point because if the police get cold lay out they'll uh they'll charge it for that and you want to know what's neat is that I got there within ten minutes in the pool roughly there oh yeah oh yeah they were miss around with that stuff yeah well I'm glad it had a good ending and I'm glad the alarm system worked exactly so and I put a couple more cameras out just on shelves and stuff I want to have more eyes on the place just never hurt yeah because you've got those two entrances right you've got one entrance literally goes right into the studio so you definitely want to watch that good morning did you hear you heard back from I don't know if bp9 was in our discord you heard back from from tal yesterday about the nine-time delivery right yeah he said they'll be shipping within about a week or was in the witness oh thank you sir I appreciate that sure I'm looking forward to it 59 it's gonna be a race we're gonna see who gets it first well I ordered first so I should get mine first yeah it's Canadian post right once it gets here it's gonna take months it'll take three days to get to Canada and then two months to get to me Wow I can send somebody to I can send someone a letter it like Megan my next-door neighbor and it'll take two and a half weeks to get here you're kidding as they send it to the Depot in Toronto my dress I track the package once they said in Toronto then it went over to BC and then it came back to Barry makes no sense I really didn't a velvety then it that cool - go go - Bellflower guy well I think that's true even if you even if you drop a letter at the post office for a P o box at the same post office it doesn't matter it all goes to the central facility firm get sorted and then comes back - to your local post office yeah you're right it's crazy but I don't know I guess it's more efficient than having to sort through all the incoming letters for any local and then sorting it out I guess it would take longer to do that then ship them all to a central sorting facility and then bring him back I actually I seem to recall it was an order from Ameritrade that came in through New York and then it went across to BC British Columbia way out west and then back again so I'm watching this tracking because Bo you've got an amazing tracking system on your site so we can actually kind of see where where it's traveled and it's like this is and Here I am waiting eagerly for my pine sixty-four board to arrive sometimes two will get a shipment of like 30 big boxes and one box fell on up in San Francisco and then they'll come up to you can and but one box will end up in Kentucky or something now I don't realize it but you're over in California aren't you right so it's the very start of the day for you it's still one nine nine o'clock in the morning for you at 9:15 very nice okay nice start to the day for you you don't even have a copy yet it's all good no problem absolutely okay Johnny photobomb oh hello good to see you too so Robbie what I was saying earlier is that I'm not sure how much experience you have with compiled languages uses PHP earlier have you know what have you it becomes mild anything at all maybe when I was a kid working in and was a qbasic that brought out the exe compiler it possibly but thank you basic interpreter oh yes I think that I'm aware of it interpreter I started with basic and then gw-basic and then qbasic I think it was you I think they renamed it QE and then that was when they brought out the aqui compiler so you were a child executive so you're gonna have to get into you're gonna have to spend some time to learn how to take C or rust or whatever you decide to use yeah and compile that into what are called objects obj files on Linux right or on the Raspberry Pi or dot those files I'm sorry in Windows its obj files playing then it's it's just dot o files then you have to link them all together to create your executable right and now the process is all going to be different for the for the point own so it'll be different because the end result is not going to be an executable it'll be a binary blob that you're going to have to transport over to the Pine time around you're there you're going to have to work on there you're going to have to work on the physical connections that you're gonna have to make between the Pine time and your raspberry pi and then you're gonna have to figure out how to get just a simple C program my first one is going to be the LED flashing program and which is the equivalent of hello world right and what it will do is it will change the intensity of the back light on the on the pine time ditched each model do it every second it'll go low intensity medium high intensity and then back to zero and then low intensity high that way you'll know good I've got a neck I can make an executable and I can send it to the pine tone and it will work that's a very first set to the equivalent of a hello world right that improves that your whole compile toolchain all works like it's supposed to then what I'll probably do will be like literally a hello world program where I will make it I'll Drive the display to make a display literally the word hello right yeah that the get but the exercise for that is going to be understanding the Adafruit video driver that they publish so I'll be downloading that I'll be integrating in each of the project and then I'll literally just make it hello bring up LED intensity the fulbright make it say hello cross my fingers and hope it works right practical joke and he said hello and then someone else and then a third it sounds like this could be a good opportunity vp9 for me to to learn something new something by language I haven't no I'm too busy Peter right now I'm glad you but let you learn from that they better the bike shake anyway it was good I mean yeah yeah yeah with that you know you did go up to Israel at a very brave club where ganya and Linux as well yeah my full-time work is all PHP mostly so today I'll be today I'm coding a new mailing system so like a mass mailer so from day to day I don't know what I'm doing but again it's it's not compiled code but interestingly I don't I don't necessarily write for the browser bp9 I know you made that comment a couple coffee breaks ago but I actually use PHP as a CLI language as well so like this mailer is going to be a cron job for example beeping us for some reason Oh No we became unresponsive yeah as Internet was kind of going so I'll see that I had a few chats with notice that last night oil-producing countries and every single oil drilling company they are paying on the income and not the profit but the income they are paying seventy eight percent tax and they still yeah crazy and it's one of the reasons that we can have a very healthy very wealthy health healthcare system and social services and so on yeah sorry my internet went down and here I was talking all to you and telling you all about I'm so sorry I apologize say it again if you want to or I'll just get back then look at this thing I was just saying I'm writing a mail or in PHP right like that's my job today so okay Heller but I was just commenting that when I write PHP code I don't always write it for the browser in particular like this one is a good example where it's gonna be a cron job so it's a CLI tool little can run from the Linux command line so which is which is great except none of that's gonna work on app on time there's no PHP just that second longer to see copy come here to you know I don't need to run my mail or on the pine time though but doesn't work on the point I'm no she wanted actually zombies hex code yourself you could do that you could actually assemble off the Hicks bytes yourself and not write intermediate code lots of ways to do it and you can them and and they know postman I know that that post fix is already taken yeah I think post man's already taken as well yeah you know they're you know there are Linux utilities and services that actually seem my own yeah I know what I got to do is I got a create a program to basically send one email every three seconds to a list you know these are these are opt-in this for a what are they like a lumberyard so they're contractors subscribe to receive their their price list so they'll get the price list so I do that once a year what would you every three seconds this oh just because if you if you throw if you try to send 500 email all in one second yes you could really just it's like using nice right it just yes it just makes it so that the script doesn't bog down the server know or a CAC out and then you have to rerun it and send them a second copy yeah you might could just do that striking bash you probably don't need PHP because I do a lot of because I'll do a lot of it'll be an HTML email so to be stylized it's got an attachment and everything so it's not just a text email it'll have a logo and everything else just a little bit fancier yeah okay man okay it's just a just a boring thing that I'm doing today just some people some people would look for a tool to do it or use MailChimp or something and I'm just like I'll just write it take me about two hours and then they'll have the mail blast out the only thing I would say is don't get into the rut of using PHP for every solution because you know PHP is not necessarily the right tool for every source oh no no it's a good way for me to write a cheap into your fault okay all right because I'm doing a 70s MVP authentication mm-hm TLS 1.2 so so yeah it's just a quick easy way to do it that's all that sounds like fun yeah yeah just one of those days I just worked in the I got lost in the Twittersphere last night she meant it should not do that because there's always something to click on to follow him and see what else someone else was up to yeah but I did I did get to catch up with all the Star Trek actors so that was nice oh yes they've all got they've all got Twitter's yeah I follow all of them and do you okay did I call you back next-generation era no no okay I've had grief like comments and stuff from levar period anyway James it's time for me to get back to work I gotta go write my own PHP program busy man do it you see that would just that would take me four times as long at least and would and it would initially but once you Melissa I know I know I mean the more you do because before your baby yes seriously yes and and this is just I just got to get her done it's like because the old tool the old tool that we used to use for mass mail was was PHP 5.3 well I removed that from all our servers last year so they want to mail it I got to come up with a quick solution so that's what I'm doing 47 is the current version isn't it 7.2 I believe so okay yeah okay at least that's what I'm running on now so that's the most current all right guys have a great afternoon see you again tomorrow hey Robbie take a free letter