it is Thursday 16th of April and welcome to Sabu and Peter Lutz and Ron Morris it and I say mush man-made and icy air illustrious leader Robby the last really [Laughter] well I wanted to bring it up because and I was I was gonna mention it yesterday but we ran out of time but we had a discussion I think last week or maybe the week before I don't know cuz can you believe 27 coffee breaks so far but Microsoft we had the discussion that I was saying like Microsoft is actually doing some good for github and they've made it so that it's free for teens so now I can create private repositories with unlimited amount of team members on that repository for free yeah and that's all because some someone there in the Microsoft team was watching oh sorry about all those things I said about you we we take back everything we should have bet you promised so I didn't say I take it back just apologize okay apologize for my brutal honesty I just thought that was great so I had to start off our coffee break with a little bit of praise to Microsoft which you don't get often from Robby right you're right I'm gulps Mac you run your own github repository that are your own github not github get server by denying us it's not hard it's not hard to do I run Linux throughout the house I don't run Windows so that that's just for your own codebase like I think it's correct what's different about me is that because I run nems Linux for example other people need to be able to access it so it's not just for me and if I want to make it public I would use so git git lab you know either one that doesn't doesn't matter there are plenty of places where they'll host git repositories so once you put it out there you've lost control of it right so you just don't anything not losing control so much as did we lose bp9 so I'm still moving yeah yeah all right it's be p9s connection that's dropping out today I was gonna say it I don't know that you lose control you just lose godlike power over your repository because anyone can fork it right that's all but presuming that it's open source although I don't know what the regulations are on a private github repository like I use private github repositories not for proprietary software but for stuff that I don't want in the public like people forking and using and you know more like my own stuff that I'm developing for internal use it still gives you godlike because you know take it away wow that conversation really died I heard back from go ahead give them time to go if you'd like of the way people but I think that got them going double alright so the perfect segue is since we're already on the topic of he gives and he takes away I found out that we could do construction and heard back from the contractor and said oh sorry that's great news but I'm completely booked until May so construction cannot continue even though the government says they can oh yeah I could find another contractor who's available but truth is this guy comes highly recommended I I think he's got good vision for what we're doing and and so I think that I think sticking with him is the way to go just means more delays welcome back vp9 yeah connectivity connectivity why was today a well what happens there's something weird about my paycheck propagation my new verse connection that if somebody reads if somebody calls and leaves me a message almost guaranteed that will kick me off the internet and it may have happened I don't know I did not hear the phone ring I've got noise-canceling headset on the days you remember the days of ADSL and we have call waiting code to turn it off right and then r67 comma comma yeah a friend friend of ours called I got a busy signal I'm not supposed to get a busy signal and say look it's my phone you get a busy signal when I say you move demand connection so did you see Kay and after a few months people started to complain it was they no longer could just call me on the phone because it was always occupied with all day no wonder it's only 33 K yeah and when their phone line was occupied for the Internet a form of force occupied and the year next year I am okay SDM and then I yes and yes the end line I had until I stretch me is slightly ironic strikes me a slightly ironic that now if after neck goes down my phone doesn't work in a year guys I give you a box with a flow to it once a lot of us go to the got the audio of the file and the other ones are like well filter cutoff above 1 Meg the ug to the internet now you shouldn't need to mix between each other I did a gravel road in there voted yea the carbon of Z filters here for a DSL lines yeah or you can get a pot splitter you can install a pot splitter if it that's so who uses a DSL anymore I would I would go noting that rule bang that's so brutal yeah I like you're talking 800 K upstream that's 16 you must have had a double bonded network connection or something as far as and I paid for 20 megabits down and but they they law in there at the cable stretch to the central and the set was just across the street but it's a run through all the other apartment complex and the lines that was almost three kilometers and that means it is there and it's the cutoff point for how far you can be and have a and have a BSL in the longer line that you have such a modem which they wish the electrical the good is a we don't have in late late the gaps at the bridge I get upset about that was they know your driver means lying there dead brutal dog is right for taking it everybody I think everybody could use a phone I know I could use it and the first thing I did after moving here was I knew that week two weeks before I am a package over Miguel Linux and on July 1st version 7 collapse and I always say you sourcing to download the the binary and the source here over PM's and I knew that was about maybe 200 gigs that was about to come down and I was waiting to download until I got here because and when I guess this came out it was about the same size and I the download was it for almost three days and this time it took only six hours so they take me five minutes in the studio burned bragging rights descriptors and and it's still only used six hours so you know but I got it will turn I got where the winner tonight you know it took they actually a to get from so I have to probe and I came up every every time like it would you know I will take it up like de espaƱa y boy I got outlaw improved from government and Jaden mulling but afraid of ago we never died after graduation if egg and it is very 12 like as I explained you did yeah we did very very solid fold up joined the college Walton the rage rage 1e top daddy wailing it is a guy who films in it in his rage are you in the gap are you in the guitar Lynch are known from there yeah one day on the road network or doubt could you know why did Jeff I put the arrow up the top right for why he was in high school he lived in the only house in the it was the only house like studio D after you move there's no internet to carry his baggage including computer screens and the neighbor upstairs so it was the police who came and arrested him out why affiliate girl able to wrap it all up that's one the nerves like to where the dogs very creative to go around there one up on the couch and down in the likes down in matters I did a deputy didn't bother to lay as well because a my colleague guard on that direction and he dated raw egg in there tried to bathroom for Michael he's a Javanese people with impossible critical for I mean a proper internet connection daddy boy in the dollar daddy banana but that damn down the board up there themself buddy up all the on the college which is about so I bought the way that years ago they didn't have dog died all up really well are there yeah I don't think it it be possible to especially for a program or us or you know somebody who's at least somewhat internet savvy I don't think a dialogue would work at all anymore or even a DSL it's just this way unless you have access to I thought you're gonna say a bottle of scotch unless you have access to a bottle of scotch Peter with with all the backlight today is really giving me a throwback to 1980s crime drama and witness oh I hooked up or I didn't hook up I got out the one you server chassis that arrived yesterday last night at the studio and kind of placed single board computers within this one you chassis to see how I would wire it in and how many I could fit and big assortment of stuff everything from a no droid end to Raspberry Pi for two couple of Oh droids and xu4 there's a couple banana pie in there orange pies so I was able to actually fit nine single board computers within that 1u chassis with enough room left over for the fuse box and the the power transformers as well they might've there I think that's gonna be pretty neat runs background amethyst oh my goodness dude I would I have looked for something like that maker verse Wow so you have to have a 3d printer but that's my or have somebody else print it yeah that's perfect oh man oh I thought you had that wrong I thought it was behind you in the room here yeah that's what I I'd love that to stick that in a in my rack at the at the studio yeah although I do like that I'm able to yeah I do like though I mean cuz Raspberry Pi to me like having used so many different single board computers Raspberry Pi is like the least I guess as far as like reliability goes so I'd rather have like an xu 4 so if i could have something like that with some xu fours in it that would be amazing well given how you were UN both have talked about how raspberry PI's can corrupt the SD card when the power drops suddenly or it was you and masked man I think it I think it was masked man who said it because he's got all kinds of different single board Peters yeah I may have to go get me like a no droid or two or something like that - yeah I'd start letting Odroid xu4 I think Odroid XP or is the real like one to one like comparable to maybe a PI 3 b plus but a little bit more power than that plus it's going to two gigs of ram so but it has an emmc emmc port on it so right you can you can plug an emmc instead of using the SD card which is exactly why it's more reliable although the power thing with the Raspberry Pi is it seems to be a real issue like I I have had I did not realize get damaged now I did not realize that the it was a an issue specific to the Raspberry Pi I thought it was an SPCC issue global him I've never had it happen with any other SBC Wow okay you can replicate it with a rapper bridle I given the dirty power for a day yeah I'm gonna look at the yeah definitely gonna look at the AirDroid for sure I like it a lot what do you think bill xu4 is probably a good drop in like one to one comparable but I think the end too if I was looking to actually build like a pretty nice little system to end to or maybe the HC one would be a the way to go so the HTC one being the one that has a you could plug an SSD into it let's just see I'll be happy to get a more powerful SP saying the problem with that I'm not using SPC's day-in day-out I still use my desktop machine day in day out cuz I'm still you know ripping baby days and stuff like that so I don't think this PC can do that I think it has to be at this top to be ordered install a desktop OS on on like an xu4 or something like that oh sure yeah but don't expect to get the same sort of power you get out of it transcode sweet yeah right right right sure yeah well I mean I'm using the h2 almost exclusively now on it right now so that's like your desktop during those I have a Windows machine for the proprietary software that I have to run for certain things but I'm almost i i rarely turn on my other Windows 10 machine at this point yeah one of the things I do want to do Robbie I have an inform inform people or something like that and what I want to do a big may need to google it and I should just you talking about an anode I know I'm talking about a process that I'm looking to do an object you would know better than I would I have an mp4 so it's a video file okay I want to I want to split the first few minutes have any mp4 I'm sure there are tools on Linux that will just do that right mm-hm yeah ffmpeg in the command line you can oh that's perfect I already used that to to transcribe from one resolution to another round some of the videos I haven't like 4k and right and they have to be transcoded on the fly to my to my 1k just take that or the most used method is to encode there a few minutes there that you that you need that is the easiest way to find the guide somehow to do but you just simply take their first few minutes and not re-encoded afterwards I know you can do that but it's hard to find it already yet the resolution and everything that I want I just want to cut those first few minutes here so yeah that's what I'll do all right good one as I say already using 50 yeah it's in Pig I'll get it right one day yeah I'm having a slug I love that your internet kind of went a little bit slow there as you said it all right okay good thank you for that Robbie I appreciate it yeah yep Google yeah I use it for tons of stuff I use ffmpeg to transcode from h.265 to h.264 because I don't have a 265 chip decoder chip on my plex server so it stutters so it doesn't it doesn't work as well but also if I if I get some files by perfectly legitimate means that happened to be Russian as the first language like an MK MKV file or something that is like multilingual rather than having to go in and change the language every time I click on a file I rather just re-encode it with the proper language okay sorry not rien code just recreate the file using ffmpeg I don't yeah you're right don't don't rien code because then you're actually having to wait for it to read but that's ffmpeg has the - be : copy so that that will just copy the video but yeah you're right hmm oh boy I think we are almost out of time it's hard to know because I started a little bit late today I wasn't sure if I was going to get held up in a meeting but but I ended up being able to come up to the lunch room 11:26 so I did some more just some real quick degree I agree with the with the point time I looked up the display documentation to try and understand had like a wouldn't it's around described and it looks the it looks like the 0-0 coordinate or pixel is in the top left-hand corner or let's top left-hand corner for me but yeah that's at you yeah and then X works normally right that is that it runs across to the right but it looks like Y increases as you go down as you as you translate downwards and that is different to how normal XY graphs work right XY graphs Y goes up as you as you increase okay you know a translate upward so I've got to figure out I probably just need to litter I don't need to turn the clock place 90 degrees to get the clock here to twelve o'clock there and then translate the whole thing down once by whatever number of pixels it is I'm still reading the documentation I still can't figure out if it's 240 by 240 or 320 by 320 I have a boyfriend I'm just waiting for that shipping notification I know but I have a suspicion that might be 248 crops and 320 down now which is given the mode but it's a square I think there's an on display area top and bottom of the of the vertical part so I think it might are cropped to 240 by 240 240 minus y I will put it on the bottom yeah yeah yeah I know I know how to say I've done that many times before it was just a question of understanding one you know what the actual coordinate system looks like on the plane time versus on my graphical window because in the end it doesn't matter what it looks like on my screen on my computer screen we regardless of whatever graphical UI desktop I use what matters is suppose don't be laid out on the punt on display Steve so I can't wait to get it I can't wait to get it and I'm gonna I'm gonna run your firmware on my watch for the first well when it exists there's nothing there but in big files right now that's just Mike if we're on prime time that means it's going to be about three months later than you never know when aim is ohm worship it though right I mean it might arrive tomorrow you you you're as confused as I am was about what a hunter essentially gonna enjoy it's been going for think about doubled and what was a broad path blood project and happy March him a birthday and I'm too wet into June hey right there come June again into my kitchen couch would you doubt yeah one thing you can't trust right now is Amazon's projected delivery dates because I ordered something that is supposed to be here may 11th and it's already at the post office waiting for me to pick it up so it's all not very accurate right now rather than say it's gonna be out that later yes yes exactly and I think that's that's the safety net that they've created they just said yeah everything's gonna take two months to get there and realistically it doesn't it just it just stops people from ordering stuff willy-nilly shows that they are not sure about how the postal delivery is going to work playing it safe yeah yeah we don't we're not sure about the postal system on the best of days that by Vanguard was almost done yeah well guys I'm Minh up coffee break for today and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's it's hard to believe tomorrow's Friday and then I'm gonna be at the studio trying to get things ready because Wednesday I'm on the air so I can't wait join me for coffee break and of course plan to be watching on Wednesday night as well as category-five relaunches from the new studio yeah great afternoon everybody we'll see you soon