welcome to the coffee break everybody it's Saturday the 18th of April 20 20 nice to see everybody I see soul boo I see Ron Morissette and presumably your wife Ron I don't know that your name Eleanor yes hi Eleanor I see I see bp9 as well hey bp9 and bill bill bill can you hear us no bills having trouble being able to hear us today so if he if he seems to be like looking around like he's lost he's probably just trying to figure out the audio settings we can hear him but he can't hear us bp9 who's thinking bill I poured myself a coffee in this particular mug as a reminder to let you know that Andrew Andrew Lloyd Webber is broadcasting the 25th anniversary stage production of the musical on YouTube this weekend so it's a limited time thing it's for 48 hours I think in the UK and 72 hours in the rest of the world I believe because of copyright so I posted the link to that under I think I forget what the videos channel is on disk or to things called like interesting videos where channel on discord if you click on there it's the last video that I posted but it is limited it's only this weekend if you want to see the stage production which i think is cool because growing up being such a fan of the Phantom of the Opera as a child having seen that Pantages Theatre when I was in grade 6 and then like following the musical four years after that I always wanted to have a recording of the the actual stage production rather than the movie the movie came out and that was something but it wasn't as good so it's nice to see a proper produced staged version of the show so that's really cool I went to see it in a smaller theater so it was hello as logistics as it were painting in one of the larger theaters and I did get the original CD of the original cast Rick so with but not original Canadian or UK this was a UK I believe okay yeah I can't remember I can't remember his name I would as soon as I as soon as I hear it I know here no that wasn't the right one no Kevin from Ireland was was the Phantom here in Canada okay talking a bit and I'm trying to find the CD and I don't I just don't see it I want to say Kevin there Brian there so yeah but it's like I can't think of it hi Peter Peter is still with us Peter you were meant to be on like a medical leave of absence from the coffee break and and here he is once again it's good to see you I I could I told was a big gypsy and old auntie of a kind advantage to for any equipment antastic I'm glad to hear that another I got other problems a body might window for shame doesn't recognize my mixer if I'm so women obtain disc it doesn't recognize it yeah you are the only way I could do it if it's the wind seven and up ground anybody got an ill I did good on me Peter are you talking about like your samba shares on the Ubuntu server yeah yeah yeah okay that's the first thing that comes to mind because Windows 10 deprecated samba 1.0 so you'll need to go into your your settings and enable that otherwise you won't be able to access those network shares on Windows yeah I do do that you did that you did that off the top of my head it's a window setting do it I could do a Google search for ya and post the link but just do a search for an Abell samba 1.0 windows 10 and I'm sure you'll come up it's like it's just a checkbox that you need to enable and windows features you know enable enable samba 1.0 windows 10 and I think it's just in Windows Features like if you just go through the list of Windows Features it's disabled by default yeah yeah it's strange because mine works perfectly well you may have like our version on the on the server maybe a newer version of samba like you might be using CIFS on your on your server but like some some older Ubuntu servers will have samba 1.0 it's a little excited it's been yeah so we're talking like a five-year-old OS no no that wouldn't open you know it's a lever that will be yeah that's five years old okay yeah sixteen represents 2016 was the yeah yeah with a boon to their naming convention so 1604 is April 2016 was the release day yeah so that would have gone into development in 2015 16 point 10 is October's release for 2016 well that's why the the coming version is 20 point oh four because that's the April release of the 2020 version of Ubuntu take a good eye out great depth of okay do you think you could but it's a bit of a process because you'd have to go to 17 with 17 the LTS you go to 17 and every second there even numbers okay so you could go from 16 to 18 and then to 20 so you'd have to you'd have to go through to upgrade processes Peter which yeah you can do that but you probably like there's a very high chance of running into into issue that one is dying yeah that extends beyond the ability to diagnose over a coffee break cuz I this is supposed to be my break man really a you just can't escape it my my boss so the guy who owns the company that I work for he owns a place in Belize and they when they moved there they decided you know what we are not gonna tell anyone that we own a computer company not like good move you get a small town like an island and they find out that you're a computer guy and suddenly that's it you're at the grocery store oh can I just ask you a question about my Ethernet found the t-shirt on a t-shirt website somewhere yeah it's it no I will not fix your computer Peter Peter can use and you check the chat I sent you a link thanks Bill no I suppose suddenly can hear us this is good I didn't even when I was into Nick Nick I worked on copiers every time they found out that I worked on people will found out I work on copiers they used to complain about you sorry Billy I about found in there what did you say if you go to the chat and zoom yeah I sent you a link I do get that maybe just might be posted on this coat oh yeah pop it on your own accord might be here what I haven't got disco dard-e-disco glad for me as well and we are opening a can of worms here guys don't get it started don't start you're thinking of mark you're thinking of Michael Crawford aren't you Michael Crawford yes I think Kevin Monroe I know it's easy to forget but yeah yeah yeah you that name because it was hard to believe because he's a median and him yeah he was in a lot of English comedy shows him do a serious role like Phantom of the Opera and so fantastically well yes excited who sent me an email and my zero of the exit page Netcom agenda the links to their I did why'd you do it do it that way bill I will gladly forward the link to Peter for you just remind me so today my day consists of ok so I'm taking my coffee break because I've earned it and then today yeah and then today I'm heading to I'm gonna head to the studio probably bring my daughter with me just keep me company and start setting up because Wednesday is the show but I also have two interviews tomorrow a broadcast for you do you remember do you guys remember Jen Jen wagger from new every day not sure if you ever watched that Jen's Jen's in the same situation as so many other people in the world where her church can't hold their their services so she was looking for a way to be able to do virtual service so she's gonna actually be at the studio tomorrow morning and then and then I've got two interviews following that for Wednesday's show and then I got to be ready for Wednesday so a lot to a lot to do in the next couple of days plus I'm working full-time on Monday so and the control center it's at the point Book Pro that you have in yes yeah sure is [Music] it's a beautiful little device it has a price to 200 bucks bucks for that with a full 1080p screen unreal so I like it as a terminal like I just remote and I'm actually looking at the screen at the studio right now so that's the studio broadcast server mm-hmm so it's just very convenient good Wi-Fi so just take it around cool I don't know I don't know me where mom's going yeah who's lost what I don't know what she's doing but yeah yeah blocking me in so I can't get out or when I gotta go to the studio that's how she keeps me here she moves the band behind my band [Laughter] what's that Peter it takes being Boyd outdoor I know I have this idea but if they but it was I think you know what you do Peter here's here's a here's an answer for you just quick and fearful boot up boot up the Ubuntu 20 point oh four disc when it comes out just boot it up don't install it just boot it create a Samba share like a network share and then try to access it from your Windows 10 machine and if it works if it works then you know that the to the five years between they've improved something or increased a version of something that is fixed it for you and then that answers the question should you upgrade and that will fix it locking me in oh I see the Sun it's so sunny the Sun is reflecting off the van that's what's happening oh yeah it's a nice day very vp9 you were gonna say something I was just gonna talk about the pond time some more have been doing some nothing serious this monkey curry that's a win it's when this thing actually arrives he's gonna hold it in his hands and he won't know what to say I know like I know I've already I've already told you everything there is to know but it's here come on give me a break but I will say just to let you know Robby I think you should be aware I think it was two or three days ago two or three coffee breaks ago you mentioned the way to figure out if the screen what the resolution of the screen was you're not gonna touch the screen at the bottom right hand corner yeah get the XY coordinates of that touch event I don't know if you realize this but the the capacitive touch portion is actually a separate component from the screen and mainly it's not it's not built into the screen I think it's I think it's a piece that goes over the screen and it it may use different coordinates to I know exactly what you're saying so the X Y is not necessarily representative of the pixels correct to warn you about that because yeah I in the documentation that shows up as as two separate devices now they may then you may address them as two separate devices I don't know what the screen looks like it does appear though that they are two separate W you know they come together to make the unit so what if I was just just because we can and just cuz it might be a little bit of a fun experiment what if I was to put the pine time once it arrived fire up the screen and just make it white or red or something and then use my electromagnet Oh microscope and actually look like count the pixels across well why not right well you could do that yeah go for it absolutely let's do that cool I will use that lost count halfway through the disk you'll be able to keep track totally try that it will come pre-installed with a with an app already installed on it you should be aware of that and ok apparently allows you to get your your um a heart rate and your blood pressure I could according to the screenshot that I've seen yeah I know and I want to see if it does that now that app is closed source the author will not able source for that so I don't know how to make I haven't even looked yet at the Stata Center to see how to make it pull heart rate or blood pressure so we'll have to see what that does so yeah I think the key thing with that too is that it doesn't have to be app stuff like it just has to log the data and then you just have to have a more powerful system to import and aggregate that it's true but as a think I've mentioned before this particular device works much like an Arduino in that you don't load individual apps into this device you have to yeah the right height of that by a single program that runs as an executable on that device and it and then that program has to deal with everything so so let's do like every 30 seconds let's record the data in a JSON file or something sure from the sensor and then we now have it sync with either an app on the phone or a Raspberry Pi running a JavaScript app or something that pulls that data yep remember that the pine phone which is what I'm hoping to pair this with is running Linux so any any tools that we can build and ranks should work with the with the pine cone that would be my aim right and they stasis the smartband takes hot rate every 10 minutes I think it is or every 30 minutes something like that and Cory lecture every hour yeah yeah see I my that's the trigger that I train no my the mine yeah I have to actually initiate the the the blood pressure monitor now the heart rate know why you're waving so boo but hello oh hi mini Marsh I wasn't watching the screen how are you guys doing hi there okay good good oh man I just mini much I just pushed the button and Nick just gave me a my reading right you can do that on demand Robby but it will also it will also with that you with that showing up there display or anything like that or at least yeah mine goes but a blood pressure you have to you have to have your arm at the level of your heart in order for it to be accurate there so it doesn't make any sense for it to be running automatically every thirty seconds because then you're gonna get inaccurate measurements every time you're walking with your armor yeah that's true and especially if you move around a lot it will loan that which I obviously yeah check the H band app and you'll find that there is a history page on that app and you'll find that you're you're a smart band is dumping its data to the H band app every you know oh yeah hour or so yeah and the H band that will I think the I think the smart band holds about four days worth of data then it rolls off oh I see okay yeah you got a sink way quick web well big guy choice it works on the laptop when he won't work on the dead dolly it does its job these films you know what your best to do peter is probably like post the question I saw you posted it did you post it in disk or yeah just because this is this is our coffee break we're not here to do technical support that's all but I want to see you get it work and that's all so like and things will be a lot different when the show's back too because then I can do things like features and helping you with stuff on air it's gonna remember to follow them the link in my email address it's a guy with oh is that cool Peter I'm gonna send you the link that that that bill found for you okay and III can eat the white chain it bunches like Jane at the moment I love just and the link for that okay okay I don't know too much about their job need young today yeah yeah I think it's just a versioning issue that's all a version issue of the sharing Damon yeah which is called Samba or CIFS on Linux on Windows they still call it well they call it SMB on Windows so Windows 10 deprecated the old version which causes you to lose access to your old Linux server you just got to enable that yeah hey can I show you guys something that I think is gonna save the the show a lot of money yes I found this and I'm really really excited about this because one of the things that we need to do we've got six new LED lights for the for the new studio because you remember the big soft boxes that we use their massive right and they take up a lot of floor space so I got some LED light panels that are about this big they have 6,000 LEDs each and they're gonna be hanging from the ceiling but traditionally so looking at photos and everything of other studios what they do is they build a trust system out of PVC or metal piping that kind of thing and with that trust they then use C clamps to mount the lighting even C clamps alone for 10 C clamps is like 60 bucks the truss work I imagine is going to cost at least a couple hundred bucks for the hardware plus the person to the contract would actually sure it mount it so you know you're looking probably several hundred dollars just to create this thing to mount our lighting and then I came across these do you guys see that what it is it's it's a butterfly clamp that clips to the drop ceiling oh so it clips on to the metal portion of the drop ceiling and then it has the the proper type of mounting for the lighting so it's actually built or that you cannot hang much white on that Robie thing you can put you can counter that by putting a wire between so inside the drop ceiling you mount it up to the truss work just like I did at studio D with the camera right but look at the price can you make that out oh seven goals seven dollars that'll be us so those you wish okay yeah seven dollars - I was going to say seven dollars Canadians like 30 cents an American yeah really so like for 50 bucks I'll be able to get those and like enough for all the lighting and and then it just clips and then there's no damage done for the roof there's no changes made to the unit it's nice and simple so I can mount that but is it is it safe enough that you you know that nothing's likely to fall that's probably the biggest concern right yeah the LED lights vp9 are so lightweight like they're they're just they're this thick they're in this big and they pump out just as much brightness as those great big honking things so yeah remember Leo Laporte was there talking about how they did it in the cottage they had before the brick studio I am they rented an old house and they were not allowed to put a single nail or a single screw in the walls so they have so they had a lot of cameras and all of the lighting and all around and he was still describing how one of the interns a lady a I don't remember her name and she made a design system with the pipes going all around and they hang there and they did what you describe as your initial plan until they came up with that right so that's pretty traditional yeah the Hank hanging truss system is pretty traditional like if you do a search for studios that seems to be the way to do it but this is gonna save so much money and it's gonna do the exact same job noise yeah now you've got the drop ceiling so you've got those tiles hold those files those roof tiles yes just lift them to hook the thing in is that how it works well the metal piece that the tiles are sitting on yes this clips on to that metal piece okay they don't even know the tiles to make up no no reason on it sorry yeah so is that kind of limit your where you're able to place the lighting yes but considering it's ten feet up in the air and you're using shutter doors to control where the lighting goes it's like you're gonna have I'm gonna have it's it's gonna be flood right it's not like a direction it's not directional spots or anything like that these are floods so as long as it's up in the air and back far enough it'll it'll just fill the room with light that's all we need mmm and then enough of them that we don't have shadows good yeah so we'll see how that goes I'm excited too everything that I've been ordering is taking longer than it's supposed to so it's always like my shipment that was supposed to be here Friday didn't arrive so I'm like oh oh that's again and I didn't get the the Power Distribution unit for the server rack so I don't have power in the server rack still so one question a very quick question about that I we've mentioned this before but if you're feeding boards that are 5 volts and 12 volts instead of using a laptop power supply haven't we've talked about using a switching power supply cannibalized from a PC enclosure haven't we and that is that that will give you 12 volts and 5 out of exactly the same plan yeah yeah they're actually the same plug the issue with that is that then it would have to be an external power supply that is an ATX power supply because it's a 1u server right well your brick is an external power supply - is it not yeah but it's like a it's a nice you know like a power cord from a laptop so it's just a barrel plug going into the side of the server so I'll just have to barrel jacks on the back that I just plug in - done and done versus having to put an ATX power supply on top with a big ATX cable coming out of it what about using the devil knew it's normally used in servers I could but it's so expensive that's all so you know I can get a step down for get it and get a step down for just a couple of bucks right versus having to go with a what do they call that PTX power supply for you know so something no idea it's ie ATX yeah cuz it's it's like really really tiny right plus they're only like I don't know well I guess they'd have enough wattage that'd be like 300 Watts but that'll be between I don't know how it would be divvied I don't know I just think it's a good way to do it but definitely a valid point bp9 I think that's a good slimmer than 2000 scenario when edge will vote for they laugh that'll work and then they go for voters a like that as well yeah but you could put the drive the guy it does back underneath um like would you that exact if they figure and thinking one corner somewhere yeah I just like the I just like the cleanliness of just having what I'm actually planning to do is have one blank expansion slot on the back like a PCI expansion slot so I'm gonna drill two holes in there and put five millimeter barrel plug inputs and then and I can just plug in power supplies and and they're just nice neat power supplies that I can just have on the floor below so I think it'll work really that's not that's not the Power Distribution unit that I'm waiting for though that's nothing not related at all my enemy in game and also a look at what's in that boat and Lobster and I love to a desire that give me 20% of the next week and that's what's happened is that the Power Distribution unit so vp9 that's the actual like strip bar for the 19-inch rack that I plug all the servers into not this single board computers the actual like rack servers and routers and switches and everything that didn't arrive so I think someone stole that out of the post and but it never got here it got stolen out of the like out of the depot so they are shipping another one no car and no cost but pain in the butt cuz I gotta wait another month so sorry bill what were you gonna say I still have I still haven't recycled my Devil 2950 I could yank the power supply is that is that one you you're 2950 that's a to you isn't it I don't know it's a big box yeah thanks man yeah that that I believe is a full the 2950 I believe is a to you with a full sized no they're like a hot swappable dual aren't they yeah yeah so they're like a tray that you pull out on that one so I don't I don't know that I would have a use for those I actually just he wasted a 2950 I didn't know what to do with it it's just been sitting because it's got the old-style SAS interface not not the SATA compatible so I can't even I don't even want to try to get drives for it no you're just so hard to please Robbie we're doing all we can to try and help yeah yeah I sent you those came out of 950 no yours is a different back plane than mine okay my that's what I'm saying my back plane on the 2950 is the old-style SAS then you have the dome 50 - no that the drive that you sent me went into the the r7 of the r6 1000 r5 r5 20 or whatever it is I forget yeah so though that was compatible because it's the SATA style sass yeah you do have the you have the 2950 version one I had the Persian - it's the old old old interface yeah yeah it was horrible you can't get drives for it and the trays are not available and the drives are so small like 72 gigs and it's like it's just it's just holding up space at this point so that one was but yours it's got the upgraded controller so yours is much more usable than mine okay yeah okay I was like you probably everybody but I was like it's better and that is it they made to lose the bugs about to have and after they know if they please send it again it comes back to me today Johanna try it they give me 20% oh yeah you were saying that yeah and that's lucky that they can get it to you quickly unfortunately the Power Distribution unit that got lost that I ordered takes a month to get here so I waited a month for the first time it didn't arrive I gotta wait another month for this for the daily does god I could do the Bell by him why a bit more notice the mask is gone because my coffee is no longer hot guys that's the sign don't forget Phantom of the Opera is is available this weekend only on YouTube I'm totally guys I have a have a good one and I'll see you again tomorrow a bank robbery by