welcome to the coffee break everybody I hope you've got your cuppa Joe I've got my cup of joe so I already was a pledge was all you yet that you want and Jeff wasted Jeffers I mean a employee because there they go did you catch it did you see Jeff yesterday yeah I'm Joe excellently add all that later yeah as well of the day and it's like George there they go I'd like your average wage and I have to I'm gonna have to go look at the at the recording again because I saw the only show the live recording I didn't catch catch yesterday welcome back category five yeah last night of course we broadcasted the like at the at the lifetime well sort of there's about a half-hour late but I got there he's got there it looked like you've cream accorded most of it Robbie you said well I had to I had to bring it all together because I the studio isn't built right like so you're going together really well I was impressed thank you the nice job yeah I love the the to Robbie's next week three of them every every week I'm just gonna add one more Rob I wanna see you take track of the dialogue that's gonna be the fun part yeah oh boy yeah it was already complicated enough with just two I'm sure hello Sabu oh he can't hear me because you took it off oh dear so this I should I should introduce everybody for those of you who are joining us for the first time we got be p9 up at the top left we've got Peter at the top right and then there's me hi soul boo in the middle and agamotto on the and then at the bottom Ron Morissette hey guys oh it's the same motley crew isn't it yeah that Robbie keeps showing up I'm surprised some folks have been saying that they'd still they still don't know about the coffee break and here we are every single day for 33 days if I can figure it out come on yeah and Here I am the so it's the day after our first broadcast in studio E so what I'm experiencing is the overwhelmingness of the amount of work that I'm going to have the next little while because you guys know like when the shows on the air I'm already super busy because I worked a whole time and then I produce the show but I also write the news stories and do all the coordination and everything so so today Thursday's are usually what I do is on my lunch break which is now typically my schedule is this would be the time that I edit out the newsroom edit out the interview and create the individual snippets for Linux tech show com of course I'm not doing that today because I'm on a coffee break and then Friday Friday I take the newsroom and I break it up into the individual stories and upload the news stories hey I'm gonna hit this this snowball of I'm gonna be overwhelmed with the amount of editing work that I'm going to be doing all at once I think if I keep out at the coffee break it's just a minute it's just a matter of getting back into the same routine you're in before but that routine did not include coffee break right that's right yeah so the coffee break has been I think that's where you know some comments have been coming in that you know they wish viewers have wished that we were on the air during the you know the end of March so that they could have you know felt a little closer to the show but I think that's what kind of at what the coffee break has brought is we've tried to you know I've made an effort to try to still stay community connected to the community and give you guys this I think they have Toya I dented up thank you I think before I around called my dream g1 Bobby no Bobby I'm sorry couldn't make help you I played a guy I played I gave you a new ground a new body building boy oh okay all right thanks yeah all new stories are subject to the criteria that we that we've established on category five so if you don't see your submission on the air then that just means that it wasn't approved or that you know there were other stories that needed to be covered yeah so but thank you I appreciate that and as as you see news stories that are of interest that you think that you'd like to have the team cover just send them in and if they if they do or don't get on the air like vp9 is is known to sometimes send us stories you know bp9 that sometimes they get on sometimes they don't so it is it's subject to the limitations of the half-hour segments and and we do have very strict criteria about the types of stories also another thing that another part of the criteria is that we do story bedding as well so I think there was one time when a story got through that was a little on the fence whether it was true or not and and so we've we've established if I can't find three sources that are independent of one another then we will not we will not air that story they're like ooh like yeah yeah oh yeah but even when it's from the local paper it's gonna be on like a Google search I mean these days where are the local papers getting most of their news to article in the each article have a page where you can discuss the article and proposed changes and disgusting I think for sources where removed because of the and the the argument was that all four sources had did the same single in verbage yeah they have the same yeah well this is the thing and and I know because I'm in media we're on PR lists so we get a lot of email and those emails are sent out and and what you'll find is is you'll say okay well is this credible is this true and do a search and you'll see oh yeah there are ten other people saying this but then you realize that it's the exact same verbatim verbage yes just rumors in the same source yeah and so there's still only one source even though we found 10 other copies that same thang Bertrand what is going on somebody's sandpapering I think it's like a scratch-and-sniff or maybe lottery Taylor's here you win the million dollars yeah if you win the million dollars then I want you to share it with us that sounds like a lottery ticket I'm not hearing a thing maybe I'm a CPA 9 in my old I must be deaf in my old age I don't know that people over over a certain age they stopped hearing things that the use can still hear like there were cool yes making them pick up your songs Robbie yeah I'm sorry I'm at that age let's solution here is hang your underwear megamode oh you dropped off at hang your underwear underwear yeah exactly at least you're not a stage where you're hanging your underwear on the door just to make sure don't know so just pretend I'm gonna move myself and see if you still hear the screams it's gone it's stopped okay yeah so it's not moving no I was just joking I was just playing with you you messing with me Robbie you would never do that not in a public forum not unless you're alone or with someone right donate doc category 5 TV yeah I agree should the moment of the game of Kali 3 to tie a does work a lot to things a little meaty like that absolutely setting filming but in the bunny Bridget are gay and you is this the one is this the same game you were working on previously yeah yeah yeah so did he were you able to work out the audio issue no no yeah no no but the game is running so that's good I'm a a dildo impacted one which would be where you can work at what God really dancing and in a way that given I have to accept it as well from the range of volatile because welcome and we never shown ideally 20 foot return of the goalie there because they only do difficult figure out in the month the DVD would be matched and the Iguana could yet be one-third the picture that they not and then bring the plane model which is so wait why I doing things but he does work good glad you're already you're already doing stuff Peter that that has grown faster what a lot of the stuff I do is I don't do sound and I don't believe I've done any printing from any of my applications either so you're already treating treading ground but I've never been yeah yeah but I did it we know those it's okay we don't get in front in support of the moment or when I get it suppose I will get there to work on it as well but for the moment so if anybody wants to did they put the go somewhere and okay cue disruption didn't make the run and when Elliot folks and dry out you know gave me the beach in monodevelop I don't think you will need to give a go I think it's 15 years ago Linda's Taurus yes having a talk at the as American History Society and half an hour talk and then are now we're doing are free of the questions and he mentioned how he started doing coding for those who aren't familiar with them Lingus Torvalds is the creator of Linux the kernel they got used to this father over here and don't not show you but the data computer he got was and it was not a very popular computer outside of Finland so he couldn't get any software so everything had to do he had to do himself and he said that he made a few games that he played once yeah it's the learning as you as you do it like if you do it it's just to have that that end game result that it gives you a target to achieve he was already doing this done this world ten years almost something every year and when he started they're going to to the University and discord you next time you want to be at home but he couldn't afford it and if he was already there doing everything himself so how how could it be right so that's one of the big arguments about a bed open source when you talk to businesses and corporations who were trying to who you might be trying to convince to use open source solutions it's a question of whether support come from and and how does the publisher of the open source make any money on it and I guess they do that through support right provider yeah yeah Red Hat exactly but Lina say I've often wondered how does he because he doesn't he's not a support guy right Foundation miners like okay that's cool that's good yeah yeah it's an interesting because he was asked he got a job - just met after me the chips and he got them to agree in their job the contract that he was free to do a Linux on his spare time and if necessary mo is listening to the radio at the same just came in with his microphone ablaze and a contract that said that he was free to do Linux in spare time and if necessary also for his job and yes that's a and he still retained all rights to any code he made that's that's good that he had the foresight to do that like to work that into the contract because I mean the immediate one that comes to mind is nginx and how yeah they've just gone through that super stressful situation of having the developers former employer claimed rights to the ownership of the nginx code which is open source because they think they own everything he created yeah exactly because at the time that he created nginx he was working for them so so to know there's a general as a general rule as an employee or a contractor it doesn't matter any code that I write that belongs to the company I'm working for or that is for the company I'm working for that code belongs to the company it's not if it's for the company yes like really understand or clock but if you're doing it at home again this is what's not clear with that particular thing this is a Russian law so they had it works a little bit different area and that is part of the problem is that they have a different law regarding that and they didn't have it in the contract yeah they may have a verbal agreement but as long as I'm signing anything it's I said you said yeah one way to help resolve that is if you have a PC or a laptop that issued to you by your by your work you know company that you work for don't put anything personal do just work work of that machine you'll leave personal stuff out of don't do anything I mean I've heard of so many people who keep personal documents on their work laptop you're crazy you're nuts to do and we're we're in an odd world aren't we work world like right now people are working from home so guess what they're either taking home a device from work to use at home or they're using their home peripherals in order to do work so it's like where's the line so be thinking back to your comment about you know you a verbal agreement doesn't really mean anything well nowadays see in 2020 you can just push record on the zoom meeting so you got proof because we're not allowed to meet face-to-face you are doing because only the host can do that I think yeah unless the host gives grants access to it yeah so you got to initiate the call oh I died when I draw this out somebody and the bicycle to drop we're told it was in software and like two they graduated and capitalized out as I as I got the Oh again I change it back because that I'm against it which I yeah it was telling objects will blow and reboot living by delight Lily go all we can hope all we can hope is that Peter has not been coding his numbers game on a company laptop zoom is always an adventure guys you never know what's gonna happen I think I think an ambulance I think I heard an ambulance go past I think that's what he's dogs my or the dog is barking at maybe 25 30 people in anything and almost everyone officials and they were about to start anything and one of the he was a minister of the government in some capacity and he was talking down some woman who was for the meeting and he didn't know and he forgot to turn it in yeah and the host commute folks as well with coffee break I mean unless it gets bad I'd prefer not to like government will do that like government will have it set up so that everyone is muted unless they're allowed to talk Oh given voice yeah yeah yeah exactly no I've worked there's a I've worked as I was I did the same as what you do so booth sound sound technician for a presentation that somebody had up on the stage and what I did not know is that he turned off his radio mic and so I was trying to get sound through the through the sound board I was terrified of winding up that pot because I knew that if I wound it up too high it would start squealing through the thing but you know it was another way he turned it off now here's the opposite story negotiate of course you got that quickly bring up what here's an opposite story for you that you'll appreciate vp9 when I was I played the Tin Man In The Wizard of Oz and during that performance while I was on stage one of the one of the like I don't know just one of the characters had gone back stage with his mic pack on oh boy and had a PE the restroom hasn't he yes he had and and like we hear the story but it actually happened to us so it's the Opera House in Ravenhurst there's a 35 wireless lapel microphones and the guy working the board is trying to figure out which one is it meanwhile we're on the stage singing well it actually happened to me so yeah well it's just one thing that people in and in the last episode we're ending and ending this the series one of the characters he's going to do a radio interview at BBC and he has never done this before and he fell for the biggest the biggest trap that you can fell into an after date you was over yes thank you thank you but they were still rolling and he about what the government actually should do but they were yeah and then everywhere to know this the office knowing and he and he schooled him and and but he told his secretary that you should always treat every microphone Allah oh yes we know that in broadcast and and oh actually when so you guys watched the interviews last night and I do that soul boo where I keep tapes rolling all the time tapes right but so Bo during the interview when he introduced himself then he proceeded to show us that he's sitting in the the warehouse he's at his office that was actually a clip from after the interview was completed so so I do that as well so that clip made it into the interview because I thought it was appropriate to see hey this is a married right yeah yeah but what we do of course like you know everything that we do is you know we aim to be ethical so though there would never be a point of you know concerned that somebody said something and even when I was interviewing Amy we came to a point where we were talking about about Lego masters and I understand she's under embargo with some stuff so I just made it clear like this right now we're not it's recording but it won't be used and so that we could have that discussion so there's you know the full disclosure we're recording everything that you say is on is on tape until until we say goodbye so if someone wants a good example of how not to do to behave it around the microphones watch the last episode of the biggest one is yes and the very last episode it's quite fun they touched on that today speaking of British comedy shows Michael Crawford from Phantom of the Opera we talked about him a few days ago yes to take the TV series the British TV series that I was thinking of was some mothers do album it is a no it is a British comedy series and now where he came from so that's why I was that's why I was expressing so much surprised that he was able to do such a serious wrong yeah yeah and from those from those roots speaking of British series did does anyone here watch Veera no yeah well Brenda is also she just started doing a comedy which really seems out of like you when you're used to the Viera character which is a very serious like it's a murder-mystery it's like you know kind of along the the tone of Shetland I suppose has that kind of dark tone to it but so taking her from that role as the investigator the pie into a role of a comedy it's kind of it's really kind of weird but it's something fun appeared in Picard oh yeah as the base commander oversaw get to see that on the Orville Lara's dad is played by Robert Picardo and people who play a certain character and to see them yes probably what you need to remember what you need to remember is that the the EMH was only a hologram yeah that was like a guys I'm gonna keep this coffee break going as well as I possibly can there may be times when you'll see me in discord and say hey vp9 can you host it today left to be Marsh man or someone else may come yeah it may come to that yeah I'm gonna see I'm gonna do my best to have the show edited this week and ready to go except that I can't start the meeting because no no I I always always start the start okay yeah that's okay and that's why I keep the the ID the same as well perfect if not I'm going to change the ID every month so how do I change one real quick focus we got to wrap it up got a final heart colonel announced the Odroid C for today so they I knew I knew it was coming but they didn't they gave us very scant details and I asked Justin at heart colonel to please give us a heads up so we can get our product pages ready traditional Odroid style you found out at the same time as everyone else ten o'clock last night he sends me an email saying sorry I can get you the information sooner but it's open for sale now now I'm busy trying to get all the products and accessories pages up and just it's like two or three days worth of work and I'm trying to cram it in here in the morning but good nice to get just a little bit of warning just a little bit of warning would be nice notice that the c-4 was coming out other than through our through our informants through our super married roid spies just rosemary shuffling around in the background to think about them and then they normally forgetting a few things yeah so go to a married calm because presumably bow is gonna have all the c4 information up there very very soon well the product page is up there right now but none of the accessory pages are yet yeah and no blog post or anything yet so yes I'm doing today good luck man can't wait to see the product so it looks really good from the early shots what I understand is this got emmc and it's meant to be like marshmallow was saying it's it's roughly equivalent to like a raspberry pie but with the MMC and a slightly faster clock speed significant significantly faster than the raspberry pie for it's gotta be for and over two gigahertz clocks for you do you have a price yet about there tremendously nice sweet four gigs four gigs for 55 bucks Wow oh man that's as soon as the Raspberry Pi community comes about and says maybe we should see what other stuff is out there they're gonna be mind blown like well doesn't make it's such a huge community but it's like okay if you've never tried a no droid like my xu4 that's my go-to because it's so much better than a Raspberry Pi but as c4 Sam you can still do you can still do GPIO and I squared C and all that on those yeah on the Odroid oh yeah right there you have it I don't want to offend the Raspberry Pi community I love their boards but it's like there's so like 55 bucks for 4 gig and it's faster and it has emmc support that's a no-brainer for me yeah anyway guys looking forward already to tomorrow's coffee break I'll see you there have a great afternoon Arobin see you later bye enjoy