[Music] hey guys welcome welcome to our coffee break hey got my copy today is Friday the 24th of April since you forgot to say ah yes so people can be like when is now absolutely we're gonna lose track completely one of the things I realized when I had to do when I had to do the intro I don't know a couple of weeks ago I think it was it's hard you know I know wina be preparing for the show or preparing for coffee coffee break hmm usually by the time yeah usually by the time we're live we've already done it four times because technical difficulties made it something worked we call those our practice runs got it I see okay not a problem and I you know I should realize of course but I didn't realize I've done presentations before but only usually rehearsed them once or twice in my head I don't usually stand up and do a full-blown reversal oh yes but when it comes to go time when it comes to okay now now's the time we've got to get it right it's you know trained correctly and all I think you're gonna see that if you look back at old episodes of category-five to where like we had to come into our own and then it it suddenly clicks and you because you've been doing it every single week for 13 years you're able to think much more on the fly and able to pick up I think also when you stumble over your words but not that you did obviously not what I mean is thinking along the terms of it's hard you you learn as you stumble over your words how to recover from that in a way that makes sense to the conversation yeah so you know and there's no crutch terms like pardon me I meant to say and you know those kinds of things you here yeah and I've seen it happen where you will or Sasha or RAM or Jeff will do a news item or so and I want to don't want to come back to that too because I never did find Jeff on the on the broadcast when I looked at the produced version I saw him do the news I saw him being a news but I didn't know if he was supposed to make an appearance earlier on you know during the interviews and stuff and I didn't know if that's what you all were talking about sorry oh okay no I'm go back and look again when we aired the show live I wasn't able pardon me I wasn't able to get them on with zoom okay so the intention was to have an interactive newsroom as we normally do but socially distant using zoom didn't work out that way so I had to have them after afterward they they recorded I guess they pre-recorded their segments and then sent them to me so then I post edited them in and that's because I couldn't get it I couldn't get everything connected in time to make it work so what I've done I've created two Linux Mint virtual machines on my hypervisor and well I created one and then I cloned it so but and so what it is is it's it's Linux Mint with matei desktop and the only app that's installed is zoom ok so then I've got it set so that each one is you know so we've got zoom one zoom two and so I can open zoom one and connect to the discussion the zoom meeting and pin Jeff's video mm-hmm press record then over on zoom to I do the same bring up zoom connect to the meeting pin Henri's video and press record so now so now I have two recordings happening on two virtual machines basically hacking zoom in such a way that it allows me to record two isolated video shots and then our cameras will be recording me in an isolated video shot so then post Pro set so live you'd see a normal zoom we're transitions every time someone talks but on demand it will be edited together in a much nicer way I think that'll work I remember when I first found cap five I haven't done a few of the older episodes including a season one and I noticed they're quite quickly that you were in the first season at least in the earlier you were quite occupied by a into interacting with the chat room and you're constantly asking for how do you think that feedback seemed like that process but that's true even now the only difference is Robbie let turn you've got people to help you with that now because those early seasons because when category 5 started remember it was not meant to be a TV show it was meant to be support form so like a free place for people to come and ask questions about their computers and stuff so if people didn't ask questions I just kind of rocked yeah nothing my chair yeah then that started but then that started to evolve into okay well we didn't get enough questions this week so maybe I should have something prepared as you know time filler and then all of a sudden and then when Kerri joined of course every man in the world started watching and suddenly the show took off [Laughter] have a female host that looks like in it and I make her you should be safe yeah I feel like my coffee cup is like like maybe if I if I do this often enough maybe they'll start sending me money or free coffee or something you think they do that on purpose a maybe importance would just get the clear advertising no I want good coffee so hey Starbucks you watching product placement good job well done your work on that now better than product placement yes I've heard his paid product placement that's what I've been told by my colleagues I mean you're odd I could type a to the company page to put on your show to get the visibility today I paid to put this coffee in my belly and it just happens that they've strategically designed their cups for the companies to use the DCMA to start charging you for any logo that appears in your video whether it's no I should have the other way around come on yes exactly because there are billions of people watching our little daily chat for the placements in their TV shows and movies it was in the late 90s when I watched a documentary on the history / advertisements from the paper press and TV and after they they told how that was done for a long time I couldn't help but suddenly I saw all the product placement I did yeah oh yeah I saw the sign you look at all Sibley's and ID's maybe we know it's really blatant that what you know and all the cartoons all the cartoons that we grew up with we're just basically like zellers commercials and my name's Jimmy what is that cigarette you're smoking there over I'm thinking more like every he-man action figure and every you know she run oh yeah any any of the toys that we grow up with transformers was another one it's like the whole idea behind the show was strictly to sell product and it's and that's all see and it worked that's unheard of that chippy I do our Ranger saw it by the time we moved back to the stay out in the eighties I refused to watch in you know speaking of product placement pipette we have an unboxing we have to go get a cat save it for you I should say I know that you who are watching on demand are probably already becoming fairly familiar with our community members but soul boos at the top left vp9 the top right Peter on the bottom left and agamotto on the bottom right and of course I'm Robbie yeah let's see what post sent me he said so I ordered a pine 64 module and a couple other goodies but the real question is oh yes this is all I care about boys yes I was thinking about these the other day because they do let's see what do they make yeah they have gelatin in them because like these days you got a like there's so many Egan's yes sugar right this also got gelatin which is pig right so I'm guessing that I'm missing the first ingredient sugar what we're doing yeah yeah we don't need to get into the gory details I'm just saying that I'm just saying that like because my wife is vegan right so I love this kind of stuff I get to have it glucose is the number one ingredient sugar is the second verse half oh okay glucose is just sugar anyway so okay yeah main line all right what do we got okay this is cool can you guys see oh oh look at that M's nems a cache for your case yeah I'm guessing no sugar yeah it could have been a herb aced print Wow no I need to I wish beau was here I need to ask him where the case came from he showed us one of those because he was when you were talking about names on an earlier coffee break he's showing us one of those he had one on the shelf yeah no I remember I remember seeing it but so this must be because I I guess I had thought that maybe he 3d printed it but this is not this is like a really good quality like there's an that's not a 3d print that's a great great now instead of sticker on the Zemin sticker on there something is that been printed on emboss looks like it's a yeah it's a it's like a vinyl sticker so it may well be that that it's already a previously available product that case and you just put rail on it for you yes on there's a clear one too Oh like clear what say we gigs like to see the innards of oh yes absolutely yeah oh nice these are these are from Bo so I'm gonna I wish he was here to say thank you oh cool gonna have to send each of you as an M sticker all right now I'm getting into my order okay oh sweet okay so I got a biscuit which is like a nine axis gyro I guess you call it it's like a sensor so I don't create circuits too and these are really nice because they've got the Arduino built right into it you don't have to have like a whole bunch of parts it's all just one circuit board one little tiny one-by-one circuit board and they're super cheap compared to doing the Arduino components yourself before you prove the Box I was imagining another cookie yeah in Australia in England we call biscuits what yeah yeah when you see biscuit sorry to dissapoint guys yeah or or or similar a sensor a 64 module for my pine 64 cluster board not a memory module touch ticket that won't work I planned her battery a lipo yeah so that takes me to let's see here must be in here must be here box within a box oh no it's taped I don't have box cutters in the lunchroom there we go there see this always keep a Leatherman around oh sweet though oh you know what I do have is this power module with Wi-Fi mm-hmm and the module what is a power module need Wi-Fi are you ready for this bp9 almost has like you because this particular power module is app compatible so you can monitor and control the voltage from within your phone's app so I can either I can over bought my um I can over bought my power supply just for greens if you want to self-destruct the unit this is like nothing good or change the voltage for whatever you're plugging into why would you want to do that at runtime not at one you don't need to necessarily do it at runtime but isn't it nice that you can see and I haven't even plugged it in yet man I don't know all the features yet I can't wait to play you can see yeah you can monitor everything on it so you can monitor like the power the voltage everything like the dry suppose so you can do a lot of stuff that you'd normally have to use your volt meter for or like some kind of inline device to be able to monitor but you do it from your phone I'm just cool too long it has your lightning strikes and then you've got to replace Oh suddenly your app jumps up to four million and then dies then it has an LCD screen that plugs into it too so this goes on top and that gives you a readout as well so that'll be fun that'll be something I'll show on the show yeah I got a piece of plexi which must have something to do with that it's about the same size so it must have something to do with that board hmm okay there's a there's a double sided tape all of mecha blackboard maybe a Josh to do some here just a supporting or like a stand to like this out yes Jamie but I got nice to use it at telling just to nice to use as a stands though yeah anyway we got some stuff to play with I got some stuff to play with and stuff to nibble on is that I just so you know I told Sol boo in discord I'm gonna get him a shirt that says that reminds me of a video I saw a big day was having some kind of party the box was one meter by one meter the entire box she used half an hour to unpack it and inside all of that packaging was something I like is what you just occurred in and it's handsome well I've got a Christmas present for my brother one day it was you know it was in a box that was not quite as big as than later by a meter but he opened the box then he unwrapped the first layer of newspaper and read the next layer of newspaper it went about I think there was something like 20 layers of newspapers they don't need which keep on wrapping and unwrapping and there was a lump of coal these books had that he had he had a counter in the open called the corner counting how many layers it was closing 130 when she got to the final somebody has way too much time on there the best my parents ever did was like put in a box of macaroni and with it or something so that you'd shake it and you'd be like what is this but then it always leads to disappointment doesn't get through that and get a block a call never a brick you know they're my favorite too they're my favorite prisoners to put in a window when they're bad now did I tell you guys at all about I know I demonstrated the clock face on the on the primetime but I trying to remember whether I went through the mess with you you know the mathematics or for figuring out where that where that our hand should be because remember I said the our hand needs to move incrementally I'm yeah I'm not sure how how it wasn't it every five minutes you said did it that was the plan but no ended up doing so if you follow this the minute hand around every time it every time it clicks by the men that would be 60 times for every hour right so 60 minutes in every hour and a half there bp9 yeah in this 12 twelve hours in in one rotation of the our hand right multiplied the two you get 720 divide that in half you get 360 there's 360 degrees in the whole thing somehow and I haven't I haven't completely rehearsed it in my head so I can't explain it completely but it worked out somehow that the hour hand updates every two minutes so the position of the hour hand changes every two minutes more often than that I think I've got wow someone's making an oh yeah bows here you always is the grand entrance bow I just thought it was somebody with a girdle I don't want to get sidetracked but bow before before just letting you know that I got the box of goodies so we'll talk about you'll watch after time sorry carry on just a very very quick comment that was with 720 possible possible opportunities to update the arrow hand the resolution at 200 by 200 just isn't enough to update more than every two minutes or so and I think that was the reason why every two minutes at updates that were it doesn't receive that and the way I did it in order to save memory in the in the actual pine tome itself was to actually have three arrays one for the hour hand for all 720 possible positions one for the minute hand for well for 60 positions 6-0 60 positions one for the second hand for the same 60 positions because the they have separate arrays for each one because each of the clockface hands are all all different lengths so they all fall on different XY coordinates as they go around but as they go around the clock base but yeah actually my skills main screens I were on a discrete on my machine it's a digital and local clock and I'm watching it as you are describing and so and it's updating and the mediator is operating 60 times a minute the minute hand is updating 60 times a minute yes is that what you should yes so so that means the minute hand is incrementally moving between the tick marks then yes okay yeah I didn't go to that level of detail now with with so booze screen that what probably a 1k screen or something right - anybody know it's like every 1080 by 1920 four or something you're gonna notice every single little you know incremental move but at 200 by 200 which is what I believe the resolution is you're just not going to notice that little movement it's just not gonna you're just not gonna see it so there's no point trying to track you can ask your questions about it yeah well now the bow is here we can ask him questions so both vp9 had probably the first question which was what so and I did my best to answer but bow you answer better so the the power module what is the biggest purpose of having app access to that power module well there's two main reasons one is to be able to remotely turn off and turn on your devices that are plugged into it nice perfect so that's lit let's say that something gets into a into a lock state or something like that and you're not there to troubleshoot it just reboot it yeah that's great normally that would be something that you'd have to buy like a server rack unit or something they're like idrac called my server for example right another reason you'd want app access to it is to monitor power usage so if you're trying to do something that's little power or or maybe you're trying to manage heat you can see what's what's pulling power at what times using the the history of the power utilization oh that's cool nosh Rubick knowledge now Robbie thought that you could change the output work together programmatically is that is that true we'll know me because I explaining I was explaining to rub me that that would be a great way to to cook your device you know just keep incrementally increasing voltage and presumably that unit is powered separately from your from your rock crow or whatever it is that you connected it it would be the power supply for it yeah connected you wouldn't use this for a rock Pro because it's a rock goes 12 volts and this is a 5 volt power supply oh this is 5 volts okay okay anything that's 5 volt this can you just can run that up to I forget how many amps 5 amps I think yeah you can adjust the output from 4 volts to 5 point 3 volts DC and then T and bsp they can can handle that without any problem right well 4 volts is gonna be kinda iffy for a lot of SPC's but 5.3 is fine yep yep so somewhere bullet between 4 & 5 is where most SBC's are are gonna start working well so a heck I can't get in and fry your wrist bc by cranking up the voltage thing right not if it's a 5 volt SBC okay nice now you say Robbie is it's the power supply for the SBC is it plugged up like a shield or no or a hat connect it does have some standoff holes but it doesn't bow does this match up with any SBC it doesn't it doesn't look it's not a P hat that's for sure but this is a no Droid board no it's it just but you can create a standoff or build it into a case and if it had some sticker on the back so I could build it into something if I wanted to yeah it's a standalone unit and you need to have you need to cut off the end of a power supply or something to to wired into that okay this is the input then I just opened it is where you plug into the wall and then that green connector is where you connect your SPC's power supply a power cable into you oh okay so that this power is providing power to the Wi-Fi module and the system itself no no that's unite power what you just pointed to is the input that barrel connector if I understand boat correctly that barrel connector is where you plug the war war into yep the device right that's that powers the device then the green block then the green block is the output of this device that you feed power to your SBC to it from that block is that right Bo yeah that's right okay so then so then I ask okay so we've got USB a and we're SB micro yeah the USB a is power up to be lighter or oh it's waynebow okay so five you go one amp yeah you can do both at the same time okay cool and the the micro USB connection I believe is for connecting directly to a computer that you want to have control this oh cool or you can do it via Wi-Fi yeah nice cool I'm looking forward to that very cool very nice cool okay so what you're gonna do now is figure out how to remotely reboot your machine your SPC yeah you've got to connect to it somehow is it so we really yeah is that food we're in there Sara like yep yeah there's a firmware in there but you can SSH into or whatever you need to do right so I believe there's an app for hmm that you can use to communicate with it and via the plan via someone else a computer right some reason that Mara picturing in my head there so on there is a shading into the post player interface for the heck is - hey come on I got a micro tech just make sure you fire will let puppy off Robbie make sure you're real good I sure will I sure well I just like all my other devices it's been fun once again I got a jet it's been fun having a coffee break with use again today good to see each and every one of you and I will see you again tomorrow