hey guys welcome to coffee break it's good to have you here so far I only see Sol booboo and Peter but hey guys oh and here comes bill yay y'all are running behind schedule today that watching a movie with Darren Kaylee they taking a break from your movie or are they your watch I paused it hey everybody y'all well oh oh I'm pausing it it's coffee bro it's the first it's well I mean it here we are it's Saturday what is it the 25th of April April 25th and that's the first time I was the first one here in a while and I know the date I didn't have to check the calendar [Laughter] hold on so you're not gonna see something for a couple of seconds alright all this sticker really stuck where is it there it is that's why thank you yeah are you guys having a fun day yeah even yours got hold it oh nice here I uh I can actually if I may I'm gonna switch so that people can see that a little better okay just one second there we go that's my they cut out they took pictures of my family and friends and cut them out that's good they're all doing all sorts of weird things yep nice that's good man glad they're giving you a nice time today watching The Thin Man what is it The Thin Man The Thin Man I don't know it's a 1934 oh all right classic my time you would like it I think oh yeah oh I'll definitely look it up listen man all right yeah back then like they had to get real creative with the way they worked visual effects again yeah it's a it's a movie off a Dashiell Hammett book they can Nora Charles and detectives it's funny though funny stuff good stuff hate to interrupt your movie man okay so what do you do like it yeah you're doing a nice dinner you mentioned the other day you're you're you got something out of the freezer I got a 15 pound turkey very nice I found myself a chicken leg in the freezer so that's the closest I'll get I was saying to Bill yesterday just in discord that I'm the only meat-eater in my household of five people so like to get out of Turkey is like that you can't do it so because it would just you know just be waste had the final I went shopping before the lockdown there was no chicken in the store in any of the stores there was no pork in any of the stores was all beef and I rarely eat beef and Derrick really shouldn't so I said well turkeys closer know if everybody's ignoring the turkey so he's just great that'll be a treat yeah I usually only get I get turkey at Thanksgiving and Christmas and that's it but I've every time every single time I sit down for a Christmas dinner I say why don't we do this in July this is awesome turkey and the love lamb yeah I mean two big lamb fan over here on the first day we have a big yeah the lamb in our grocery stores actually says right on it New Zealand lamb so what else is going on what else is going on I am working my pants off guys I knew that this would happen right like I don't know if you've noticed but I've been trying to publish from Wednesday and get all the videos done and but at the same time I'm I'm doing coffee break on my lunch break which is the time that I normally like pre kovat would would be doing the editing and uploading and stuff like that so real struggle this morning and last night to to get everything done so so I'm working on republishing Wednesday's full-length show I got the news going up this morning I've got yesterday's coffee break going up this morning so today's coffee break will probably be posted tomorrow so is what it is so what happened with the show unfortunately I can't get into a bill I had I had to take it down I had to do a recut and it'll be republished so seeing them all yeah unfortunately there yeah that's all I can say you know sometimes when you're a TV broadcaster that happens where especially when you've got a lot of people involved in the show and a lot of people that are you know like you got a lot of people I had a lot of people on on Wednesday so it's really hard to coordinate with everybody's PR teams and everything and so and you question that insurance thing about being a broadcaster now I think you just answered it what's that one when you were getting trying to get the insurance yeah now you can try oh I know yeah no I know and and yeah you're you're liable for so much stuff it's like you say the wrong thing on the news and someone can sue you it's ridiculous exactly though regardless regardless it was decided that yeah I mean the problem arose and I just just I made the decision that I'm gonna pull it down and recut and put it up so that it just relieves the stress of those involved there you go yeah he did John I think is the most ever and no name for him he created the first and a graphical user interface for a DVD player that worked on Linux and he was sued by the major studios you just lost a case but it's a personal blog his coat is called at it I think still to this day so sue me just the names of oh my gosh yeah and it's never like a case of I would I mentioned about Brenda was a blessing or I think is how you say her name or something like that but the actress who's gone into comedy from Vieira and on her one of her recent episodes she was being sued because an overweight person bumped their hip on the table in the coffee shop like it was with the helix and it's the same kind of thing it's like it she has no case but these days you just get sued over anything and it's like and it's just the stress and the time wasted and yeah money was so often just a story okay I can did I do that and you guys were like okay yeah frivolous lawsuits one of the Norwegian TV stations 98 or something like that it was about American Insurance frauds and they do too and they had the document at the documentary team following them where they had a sting operation where a bus with people just stopped at a red light and a car came back and gently nudged at the end of their bumper on that on the bus no one noticed anything until they did the better we just we have open the door and without in and I talk to them and they've been in the store apparently to fill out some paperwork and and then I had two more people entered the bus and seven people filed in insurance claims and the lowest claim was million dollars and the judge he defyin was the exact amount they filed for insurance claim they were fined I like that that's ready and people file I think they get a settlement if they get anything they'll be happy it's ridiculous though yeah anyway it was stupid it was actually a lot a two-parter it was the some years ago a woman I think sued McDonald's because they had two hot coffee yes yeah and they and they they lowered that one made the global news yes lower the temperature and then they added of warning to the cap that their content was hot later another person sue them for having too cold coffee no no so what is what's going on with everybody else this weekend I'm just like getting through it you know what I'll say though it is beautiful outside so it's been a stressful couple days I'm going to take my family on a drive with the hope that we're gonna find a hiking trail that's not got people on it and if that's the case then we're gonna then we're gonna go for a short hike along a marsh or there's no allowed to do that we went to dine door there thinking about the big dead people your friend and I don't think that's wise even if they say you can get together with up to 10 people it's like you got to be smart no don't do that unless they're from your own household yeah you guy gathered you like it right no I understand that and here it's five people but that doesn't mean go out with your five best friends it means don't don't be near more than five people it's a warning not a not a guideline for how many people you can hang out without changing the safe route so that you can go you can maintain different people going there but the only allowed to go to again people no more or something like that anyway but to grade your drug which I'll get close about from the date anyway the good navy buddy the Great Lord revenue as well cuz I called them in to give him a bubbly because he went yelled at the graveyard fact is yeah exponential growth is exponential growth whether it's ten people are a hundred people it's just in a lot less if it's ten people but it's still exponential growth so god be deadly that's definitely it safe I got a gig up in it were they doing dating yeah I was gonna visit my mother cuz I haven't seen her in a while and Jesus she's you know she's alone and lonely she's 91 um but she's been having tons of visitors so it's like I can't on the risk going in there and bring it in home you know it's crazy yeah oh that drives me nuts my yeah I don't like to talk about person like but my mom is like don't have people in your house right now please I just want like I'm trying to keep you safe yeah you don't know like I mean I'm hanging out at my parents house during this whole thing needless to say I'm you know I'm spending time with my family that live with me like my kids and my wife but other than that I see my colleagues in passing in the office but not to get too close and I'm locked away in my butt in my office which is in the back of the building so so I keep pretty clear of everyone else right now which is a sad state but you got to do it so I know not everybody's practicing that but we gotta keep other people safe we're going down to the dungeon I cleaned up a little bit I managed to see if I can get the light on here see if you can see this I'd have to turn the other loose dude it could be a lot of drawers for storage down our whole 9th let me get the mean I know I'm gonna pin his video here guys so that you can you can see that that's better I'm getting dizzy bill sorry yeah I got all these sterilized roids now all sorted out nice so I got the Arduino Xand FPGAs in that drawer the banana PI's in the orange PI's and Google coral the Cata stellata pandas notice that one Robbie don't get them mixed up that one says grater yeah I accidentally hooked the 12-volt power supply up to a Odroid xu4 and still worked we will never hold it amigo the voltage regulator went out I keep it here it's sitting it's sitting there marked that it's bad oh yeah yeah that's the one just to remind can't trust that one yeah well that looks great I like the organization of it yeah no it's good that the old Dell used to be there 2950 way I get rid of that thing it was just you got it you've got to display there do you have like a KVM that you're using to be able to switch between SBC's there's a little KVM switch there yeah that goes between the the two servers here which are running proxmox so i can put any vm on nice and i got i got that running VMware EXI ESXi 5.5 for testing for names and one of those over there is running the ESXi version six for GM's testing and the one on the left is that's the one running server 2019 hyper-v excellent the free version one is my file server for the house yes and these guys those are the torrent service with the cat fire oh cool nice I got the same same device I mean wow those are the HC 2 isn't it no those HC ones with are the HC one ok the video is deceptive so HC ones I that's what I've got on top of my server rack I'll show you some time at the studio is it HC one with my torrent server as well so we're doing a very similar setup with that those are all your names mom I should I should like seriously like install crypto mining on my name's updates or something quite that arm D that's the rock pro nice the LTS cute so yeah it's finally got this this half of the basement straightened up very nice did a little different and it was when the mini more say a year or so ago haha lol I suppose there's a bicycles hanging out the same cool you bring those down the stairs or do you have separate access we go we go I bought hangars for our bikes for the garage but I've never it blocks the ability to then open the garage door around here to the water outside yeah notice there's no car in the garage all right the other day again we have been waking up to snow today yep the floor is moving well if you open the garage door on the outside there's there's a deck above it so there's the two six by six it's coming down on either side of the driveway so Mike do we really want you what you're gonna have to back in or back out you really want to run the risk of taking down the deck yeah good good setup like a Saturday doesn't when I was in school I bought the house from garage and and the concrete garage within the concrete a roof and on top of that was ultimate area space and if the previous only used the roof of the garage to store a few tons of timber on it a few cars on top of the garage man what I used to control everything regular pine book Wow yeah I hope you have a USB keyboard for it bill I am I am not a typist so I can you can find everything yeah yeah I guess that's the that's the truth isn't it it's it's young you don't ever look at the keys that it drives you nuts if the keys aren't in exactly who's actually I'm not a touch typist I've tried I just I'm too old Thank You doc the last year I've started to do typing almost without looking so after almost 30 years I'm starting to be my problem is I I do it while I'm trying to learn and then I got to do something and then I hunt you back and you just pretty much lost all the muscle memory you tried to learn so I give up I can't I said well enough hunting and pecking with three or four fingers oh yeah that's why I like some people say oh why don't you just learn the new keyboard layout yeah I go from computer to computer to computer it's got to be the same on each one otherwise like I click talk in 10 different languages it's just you're still going to be pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time my old man he I think you're almost 40 years at the same job as a computer engineer hold the keyboard that he was taking care of that he used for almost 20 years or 30 years until he had he had to stop working because it had to kiss any keyboard that emulated those two keys it was an old UNIX keyboard and yeah so he he took care that keyboard and he used it and I think he fixed a few problems with it along the way until he had to give up some keyboards that you just love like the Commodore vic-20 and Commodore 64 I just loved the feeling of those keyboards yeah and then it moved it like to the IBM remember the old mechanical keyboards then used to get from IBM those were great now it's like it's just whatever you can get yeah we still have one of those in our server room in the office there I love that they're great keyboards though they just feel so good to type on and you can't kill them from as they'll be ps2 I would expect so you know most of the modern computers don't have few ports anymore or ATX even remember the old ATX barrel plug the 5-pin din yeah oh man yeah Peter was saying there and I'm sorry Peter I know we kind of missed you but Peter was saying that he's gotten the first draft of his program ready he's got that that game he was doing so Peter I put on the schedule as I promised I'm going to do a feature on how to use github and I think that's even more important now that you know that github is free golden autumn did you and my neighbor the Belton female thank you yeah so you watch for you watch for the for the feature on github it's it's several weeks out because we're pretty hooked up but watch for that because then that's going to help you to be able to to share that code because I don't want to upload it to my github I want to show you how to use github and when you look at AJ what you think yeah oh I don't know that I don't know the language so I don't have any opinions that's why you got to get it on github you gotta get it on github and and get other people that program in that language I beg you to bunny go over there did you get that big of a as well I'll take you to the running code unit oh yeah yeah I don't speak that language Azeris is the IDE what's the what's the language you used on the run directly will navigate by inaudible fault that gave all the wonderful flow oh it's like a unexecuted oh yeah oh yeah Peter you do so well man and I hope you the viewers who watch this on demand know that you know Peter it's hard for him to talk so I appreciate them Lauren doing his level best you don't want me brother yeah yeah well you know but anyway but if you will need people it will run on Linux oh yeah yeah good you don't need a beta version of this type for me I'm trying to go in the part of something a Eugene gate directory which is over come on and you couldn't find it to do a quick word reductio though I began to letter I have no idea how to do any of that stuff I'm dying about that got to let it in the bond of the word out you know whoever does that I met to be in a blended it was out yeah in Linux it does have to be case sensitive but I don't know how to do your your dot a Qing Levin's and stuff like that that's not a good I had a yeah yeah so they did reliably they did wind up doing oh yeah he does like they did the wouldn't work oh yeah I imagine if it's using the Linux file system it is gonna be case sensitive in Linux like slash if you had a folder called slash home with a capital H that would not be your home folder that would actually be interpreted as a different home a different directory all the other yeah I get which one does code which what do you put will they will like it's all lowercase you know I did glad to be quite good are they to you don't you know what you'd probably be best to do though like if you're looking at the Linux file system for the home folder is it's going to be installed as the user and running as the user right so the home is just a tilde so tilde always resolves to the users home folder so if you're logged in as Peter then slash home slash Peter is your home folder but you can just use tilde slash and that will be slash home slash Peter you can take you there automatically like that it's like a squiggly a squiggly line I think it's like on the left hand side of your keyboard on the back kick above the tab where right here chef yeah exactly yeah like a sine wave yeah or you could do that a dollar sign on home in their home is in all caps like use the home string yeah yeah that works too I like the tilde because it's pretty universal guys we we are out of time again I know goodness I will be back again tomorrow I'll be at studio Itamar oh so I'll be checking in from there remind me I'll show you where my where my Odroid hc1 is that's probably it's probably like a mirror of marsh man's setup we have the same files being that we're just sharing torrents between us all right guys I'm gonna also get our video published from from Wednesday night that's gonna go up today during the course of this I got the approval on the recut so so that's good so you'll see that go back up if you already watched it liked it and commented and stuff please do that again because I lose all the views so we're starting back over from zero from zero it sucks that youtube doesn't allow you to replace a video because it's like a simple recut and you lose all your views and all your likes so what can you do over you have to upload a sack or like a new file altogether cook that put a boost version you have to really do over yeah yeah I had to re-render yeah yeah rerender re-upload well they get to baby does when you move on dat soulja fulfill that you look at it somebody go through and well they like a baby without the thingy but when you go to when I've got some time and on that note I am completely out of time see you tomorrow happy birthday Belle