[Music] morning everybody this is community coffee break on Monday the 27th of April 2020 welcome to week and who else do I see I was getting a little bit worried there because um the internet it I don't know what's going on today hmm I don't know if it's like the usage or what YouTube studio which is what the videos has been down all morning so needless to say finally got all of the video up from last Wednesday's show but what do you do as a content creator if you can't even access the backend so and then I couldn't I couldn't connect to our server at the studio which is using Google Remote Desktop so I don't know if it was like a Google issue that was going on this morning or what and so I finally got in triggered the feed and then I couldn't connect to zoom on my phone so just shaping up to be one of those days man you're just you're just having a a fun day today you know - mm-hmm when I try to connect to zoom my laptop yeah so something something's going on today tell you what sorry so far touchwood touch wood everything you just touch your head what happened so far I've been pretty stable I hope I don't jinx it but so far it's good so we'll see what good good and your internet has also been pretty stable Wow you couldn't resist could you Robbie yes so bad you're so bad but the answer is yes oh good so glad to hear both glad to hear both this week I just I literally just took the took the weekend off I didn't do I didn't do anything even watch than you nothing yelling like that bp9 has stopped you just for a quick second because this is a really important this is really really important what we're all going to do is we are going to press record and that is my new zoom background everybody press record oh look we can don't worry I'll send you the video and Sabu will figure it out tomorrow when everybody shows up and everybody is in his kitchen right now I wonder if but can I raise my hand I can raise my hand look I don't know what that does on the screen but you know it just says right well it for the recording it does nothing but it says well I I as the as the I guess host button that says the lower hand okay on my screen I have the power to put your hands down you see the things we need to do Ron is demonstrating how you can use the virtual background so tomorrow if we can all show up with with soul be making a sandwich in the background that that'll be fantastic I could only do that if I'm running Windows oh that's right yes I'd be able to do it then definitely Ron will be definitely Ron will be able to do it so sorry about that but I interrupted I couldn't I couldn't pass up the moment sorry BB that's okay not a problem now all I was saying was it because I had such a lazy bones slacker weekend although I was explaining before we were started the recording but I I did make it out to the to the airport to get some stuff ready for the annual the airplanes got to go in for its annual you know so sorry we lost either bp9 you hear airplane was going in for its annual yeah that's annual inspection that's all it's just judging and if that happens every year and I was just joking that it happens every year therefore and but anyway I did catch up with the with the community coffee break thank you from Saturday and Robby you were confused about about so I don't I wouldn't ever put that past me yeah yeah it's not a huge deal yeah I don't know if you ever figured I couldn't what was that confused ago this time BP now Peter was trying to explain what what programming land she was you're asking what programming language having and he kept Peter kept saying Lazarus and you recognized that that was the IDE yet you're actually working you're actually he was actually coding in Pascal in cash cow okay yeah yeah so apparently Lazarus is just that is just a Pascal IDE now there is a Pascal compiler on Linux and you don't need the Lazarus IDE to do that ain't it's called free Pascal compiler if PC I believe I'd not try that I don't have any none of my Pascal source code survived so I don't have any it's a trying down a flattened disk somewhere my floppy disks have grown some fuzz literally grown gray fuzz there are literally there are like wound trails or something or no and that happens if you store them for long enough and and don't do anything with them and you know try to read them or something and yeah I was very very lucky to get to get you know three or four disks to be able to get the data off three or four disks to put on the SD cards but yeah yeah no joy those were the days mmm it was a running code I take to not those goes needing grandstand ah okay you compiled it you already compiled it gotcha yeah you been there well unless your Linux glory and getting to view together if they have to run it on my pine book or something yeah so I was just yeah just saying that I had been so long since I've touched Pascal that I would be I would be twisting to try today on I don't think I ever have to do that as well so my language these days is see that's what I do and I sort of presentation from Dennis Ritchie I believe it was where he was trying to you know trying to work up C++ trying to see how how wonderful it was I've not had that experience with C++ my experience with C++ is you know you mess up one character and the compiler will just blow up in your face it will it will throw pages of Error error messages at you and it's often very difficult to figure out what exactly you messed up it's like testing an HTML code and you check it it's also just called HTML a programming language and then you fix 100 you know you know it's so bird calling HTML a programming language is like calling PHP a programming language a PHP outputs HTML I have to say it I had to say it's come on now that's not true at all you can compile PHP but if you what if you place the PHP executive all in the header and then had it refer to at the end of mile that's not compiling it that is just passing it in as writer from yeah I think I've seen any compiler that I scene has compiled it into a different language like C e or something like that so yeah I would convert the code into C and then compile it yeah yes because you know it's not the same thing come on I will fight that I let that statement it's like sayings like CSS is the same as PHP it's not true there it is looks like Sudoku is it yeah nice running in that's running in window here sound held on I hear sound it's running in Windows that's why I don't know any Linux yeah Peter just put a wing Peter you could just put the microphone a little more in your mouth so it's getting trippy I was with my sister in the town I bought myself a new washing machine because I have it's 15 years old and it's starting to leak when it and it's a robot only we need I think taking in water in a few seconds and then I go home has society up for members benefits club I didn't agree to that and there is a link that you can get out of the club but in order to do that you have to agree to the terms and the problem with that and the problem with that too so be was that now they have a good email address that they know works so they can sell it yeah email address is only that store store ah good man if you believe if you believe that you believe anything nobody set up if he set up an email alias that's like Lowe's at category if they don't fix this then I have 139 hey subbu Sabu yeah that's reminds me of a video that I saw a while you get the t-shirt sorry I've just given everybody a hard time cuz you know I don't care today I'm just gonna do it we're just sitting around the coffee cooler come on sittin around the coffee maker no hot frappe it seems like you're talking about the bottled one sure I do the cold brew as well yeah cold brew I guess what they say is use your French press and you just leave it like overnight with cold water in it and then he like non-acidic and really really good I haven't tried it yet I really should i they is the first result in Google when I asked what's with this cold brew fad but I see everybody's selling like these cold brew kits and you got to buy all this fancy equipment and it's like no you can just use a French press so I'll just use my French press and give it a try but apparently the hot water makes your coffee acidic but by doing it with the cold brew method you don't get that acid acidity and or so many put sugar and cream in their coffee so I got cream today expend some of that bitterness yeah yeah maybe well I usually drink in black having big coffee makers that that they have at gas stations and you dream about this yeah I want to have one of those in my kitchen button for coffee whoo oh I know what you mean yeah yeah the instant spin spin yeah you know they're pretty awful be pretty awful coffee at those truck stops they're not actually make chocolate and when you actually make coffee from from from from beans which is what I have the coffee from beans but in addition to that I want to have have it make a chocolate hot chocolate and there's just no pleasing you is it's off you gotta have you gotta have one of everything you know what the the Tassimo and the Keurig is is what I use I haven't Asamoah at the studio and I got a cure a get at home and those are kind of the same kind of thing like just one-off coffees right I don't know if they've done this yet but the Couric's apparently the latest courage are going to have RFI tags in the K Cups so that only genuine take ups no machine yeah well they were saying that a computer years ago you you can't just put a no-brain take up in here is it going to be like is it gonna be like printer cartridges though where they did that to printer cartridges with the chips and then suddenly no name no name different or manufacture no you I think you can hack the Keurig there was a new story about this three years ago so on here he reused them and he filled them up and then he already can you come by a third party one but you could take of take of the top lid and just stick on top of the it's it's I think that you are putting a genuine one the Tassimo uses and or you could just disassemble the courage and alright accept what's coming to mind is are they doing that and I don't know this but are they doing it to make it smarter because to be honest Tassimo has better coffee than Keurig because Keurig it's just like it's either spraying water into the cup the cup the Tassimo has a barcode on it that it reads that barcode and that tells it is this a frothy drink is this a hot drink because this coffee is this tea and it responds to the barcode of corn accordingly so you can get frothy milk on top from a task especially that is the only reason because yeah reaching your hand and pushing you're the one who one push the hot chocolate button is buy a can buy a can of hot chocolate ad kettle water a friend of mine tried to talk me into inter trading in my old Nissan Leaf it's a 100% electric car and trying to buy a new one I said there is no financial situation where that is an advantage because the card but he said you can get all these new my cons you can get modern modern conveniences you can figure out I know I know you know what mod cons are sorry Robbie you can get you can get the lights can turn themselves on automatically I said I think I know when to turn the lights on that you can figure out it to someone beside you before you change lunch I said I know how to look to see a lot of people bp9 don't they teach them to do this stuff parallel parking assistance just learned the most stupid feature is the automatic headlights turning on and off because it doesn't work in total staff have taken their good point yeah and the other thing is come on so often when you drive through a a part of the road where the trees have grown over here and cost shade to fall along all the automatic lights come on and how how our young guys supposed to stock their girlfriends now you know the house and turn off the headlights and rocks at her window now is that what you did with Barry [Laughter] speeching about how to how to find and how to do the courtship and so on and he mentioned that he had a roommate he goes she was living alone but he took her back to his place he had a roommate and the three of them was watching a movie and then he said and he had to we have to print out a CD is not a joke his name is just in case I lost legit in just in case yeah okay I like that his parents had a laugh yeah what's a bad place to do that burger Oh kind with a bit like to probably only if you have a user named games and a woman no the back like to body user slash bin slash games perhaps yeah check your filesystem my recommendation is that programs that you're making that you are making and that feels a lot it's not installed as a package as I did there beyond package or something and put it in a search less locals less been good idea yes yeah and or if you are the only one who was going to use it if you if you create a folder name and then bin anything you put in that of the so you know in a partial in most abuse this so you can run the game without having to type the path yeah because we're that lazy hey does anyone have a Linux computer in front of them I just have my phone so yes I'm sure so user slash local slash bin slash games is that what we're looking at for Peter you're gonna make me look me over what is it user slash local slash games / games at that Peter user so the user is spelt you and then slash local slash games and it's all lowercase yeah I know a guy and they know that battery or if it's : of Windows and then it's on the fight like you don't yell to you Jake it's the audio in I know very good we could up like y'all on Windows or better I'm not I'm not playing around if you think of a anybody yes sorry I'm having trouble making out Peter has anyone able to help yeah I'm having trouble oh yeah okay guy I would fly in town huge a nice player on the quad yeah but yeah but books was a very good app like a Windows this I found a better way I'm glad that they call I have no idea Peter I've already said when you mentioned I have no experience with that at all yeah I know I understand yeah it's a terminal application to play audio files but I don't I don't use it or or haven't ever used it what is it you're trying to do later are you saying that the sound is better in Windows and it's not working as well in Linux on his that could be that could be due to any number of things I know I mentioned this when we talked three or four days ago it all depends on the configuration of your machine and if your audio dry your your sound card is properly configured that's going to be the biggest thing so yeah it's tough so have a lot of experience with that I just learned the system figure it out for each other yeah I did he told the debt collector thing to do that but he did that debated Rohtak they said then they don't get to make well I got very good at anyway they'd gone anyway yeah you know my ailing no very good but he's dead you still with it today and now I know I'm gonna tell you Peter why your hearing isn't that any good I was thinking of audio when I was editing at the studio on Sunday yesterday my audio or my video editor DaVinci Resolve I wasn't getting any sound out of it and I'm like what is going on because I've been plugging everything in it detected like 15 different sound outputs so it ended up it ended up sending the audio to one of the TVs in the in the studio the next room over so I'm trying I'm trying to figure out where the audio is going so I had to remap the sound in the Vinci resolve which is cool that you can do this you could actually select the sound card specifically and then it shows you all the outputs on the sound device so in my case it had seven outputs or or maybe eight and so I selected the first two and sure enough that's left and right and in that work but goodness me I'm gonna have to figure out how to like set up a permanent solution because it's crazy yeah I ordered some couplers for HDMI off of Amazon which i think is an experiment experiment because I'm trying to figure out how to get the cameras a little bit more slack in the studio because right now it's like there's like four feet of cable coming out from the piece of PVC pipe that I ran so not a lot of room to move around so rather than getting a HDMI extender which are like a hundred and fifty bucks each so that would be you know times that by four for the number of cameras we have plus add another one for a laptop you know it gets pretty expensive so I thought what I would try is they've got couplers for five bucks and it's just an HDMI coupler that you plug into one cable and then it allows you to plug in another cable to extend it so I'm gonna try that a longer cable oh oh you could cut the PVC tube shorter so you have more selecting okay I can't cuz I don't have a difference I don't have a way to and I don't have a contractor but that's actually a good question Lance man the reason is because each camera has a different type of interface so while the high-end cameras have the full HDMI output a couple of our cameras have micro HDMI okay so they're a very so I want to have some kind of something in the studio that I can plug into and I don't think I don't think you're gonna find a micro HDMI cable that will reach that long and and there are thinner cables so I don't think I think then do much signal loss if you have a handsaw you can cut PVC pipe with a hex which I don't have and the hardware stores are closed no I have a dremel somewhere and I thought I'd use the Dremel to do it but if you're patient I'm gonna have one shoot up into my forehead aren't I yeah I'll just have to wait it out what the coupler is meant to just give me something that I can plug into so what sort of signal lost what sort of signal laughing you're gonna experience through those couplers that's what I don't know that we're talking RF frequencies here this is a digital signal yeah okay okay so you're probably how long an HDMI yes yeah and you gotta start extending it with power right so much like Ethernet if you go over 600 feet or whatever you've got to have an extender in there so yeah it's gonna need if I go if I get signal loss then I'll have to I'll have to use a powered extender but there are only five bucks for the for the passive ones so I thought I'd try it it's worth or a window test David are you trying to go Robbie um well it's a 25-footer to get into the studio and then I got a do maybe another 10 15 feet from there so I think it'll I think it should work I'm hoping so it's that'd be a really cheap and cheerful solution but the cables that I have are like these really thick woven ones right like the 25-footers really good really good solid cables so those are what I want to daisy-chain plug into a new thing that one will be where you plug a USB 1/8 a capillary they I love that I love the the Freudian slip that he calls it a category-5 TV yeah cat 5 extender yeah they make those 4 HDMI as well but that's what I'm talking about those are about 150 bucks so I want to see if I can use a cheap one first yeah is that a USB extender to category 5 technology TV those are brilliant those are such great devices and that's exactly what I'm looking at for the video but because our cameras are 4k it's gonna you can't get the cheap $40 ones those are only 1080p so so I'm hoping the coupler will work because five bucks a pop yeah oh yeah it's HDMI yeah so all right guys I gotta go have a wonderful afternoon I'll see you again for coffee break tomorrow she goes next week you