welcome to today's coffee break for March 24 nice to see everybody and I hope you're well one thing I want to kind of shift with the coffee break because I think you know while we're not we're not here to pretend that what's happening in our world isn't happening but let's try to keep things positive and and stay away from some of the the things that you know come to mind because we've been listening to the media you mind pause in that or yeah at least turn it way down so how's everybody's day going so I'm I'm at home I'm not work from home because we've been deemed an essential service and that's cool but I did come home today just for for this brief time and I have an interesting thing happening today because one of the one of the fun kind of shifts in our world right now is that everybody's work from home that that needs to be and there's a an opera singer that we all really love Claudel Podolia I don't know if you guys have seen The Voice UK have you guys seen clips of it yes so do you remember seeing the opera singer yeah the lady a few years ago no no no the this this is like this year so so season 9 no she's not a little girl no she's she's a woman but anyways needless to say she like all of us are stuck at home in self-isolation so so I've actually been able to set up with her my daughter is gonna be getting singing lessons today through zoom from a UK london-based opera singer so that's pretty cool so that so I came home so that I could get her set up with that so hi Ron Rob I like your background oh thank you oh nice it'd be great for flight sim yeah that reminds me 15 years ago there was we have a show loosely translated to around Norway a pilot he's a captain in all not eatin the biggest and with an L on SAS he and his son had built in in the in one of the sheds in the basement they have a built a flight simulator where they are seeing flying internally and in very nice and a flight who normally takes three hours takes to go yeah it's real time cabin door nice I've dreamt of one alien are like that the dream as a teenager was always to have like an arcade setup so I still have like the steering wheel with force feedback and all that kind of stuff in storage never a use for it but I dream that one day I'll have a space and the kids can play with that would be a lot of fun and I'm gonna Faro runs monitor set up this office is this is the whole size of the office like my arms are touching both walls oh yes and I make that worse I'm actually on my wife's computer which is like directly across it's like I could touch both this is this is our office which is actually like behind our closet yep you have to actually walk through the closet to get through the office nice was that ever cool so tell your safe room like we had to well six years ago we had a house fire and we lost our home oh yeah so on the plus side we got to build this wonderful new home and this in the in the same location and so we had to we have to work really hard to figure where we're gonna have our have an office and I really didn't want to put the office in the basement yep so we managed to squeeze it in behind the clock that's neat that's cool yeah you actually have our books through plus it's not just a walk-in closet yes we have a walkthrough clock exactly it's like a it's like a hidden hidden gem right your house that's pretty cool yeah hey Henry so that's cool I think Henry has joined us I maybe he can only hear us oh and my puppy is coming to say hello to Adler do you wanna come over here Adler come say hi you can't really climb by Zack yeah yes Oh heed if he definitely wants to climb over you yeah this is Adler everyone just so you know Roby there is a flood simulator on Linux yes cool okay that's that's my pine Book Pro Oh what what flight summer simulator is it that you use on the next one class yeah what is that it's called flight gear flight gear okay yes it is I think I actually in that same in that same big Rubbermaid tub as the steering wheel I have an old logitech flight stick with the like the accelerator whatever you call it everything yeah I like back in maybe my early 20s I got into collecting those kinds of peripherals and then never actually I mean I used them for a while but just put them in storage and decided I would never get rid of them because it's the kind of thing that you just don't want to have to replace when the kids are old enough to use them what was that I said my relatives are on the floor your ramekins no my rudder pedals rubber pedals how did I hear ramekins that you used to control the murdered rudder okay yes I got you I don't have I don't have that but the the force feedback steering wheel does have the gas and brake and a gearshift and Allah wants a cup of coffee yeah takes it takes me some space hey storm chaser welcome we can't hear you yet doesn't seem and I am I've still got to go back to work and I'm covered in dog hair now hey there you are yeah we can hear you now welcome so this being our coffee break how many of us besides myself actually have a cup of coffee in their hand I don't see enough coffee oh okay yeah coca Scott caffeine I guess that counts yeah I'm halfway done this and we just started how's everybody faring today everybody doing okay he is passing through here he's one of the few to do so is he wearing any kind of respirator or anything like that to keep him himself protect them taxis or plastic oh good yeah yeah very good very good no cash family which is a bitter and could be a bit troublesome because in Norway you are legally Allah you're legally required to accept cash if one of the if no yes so you can't deny anyone from using cash register that stuff I think if if everything is to schedule our studio studio a is being painted right now that is assuming the assuming the painters are allowed to go into work which I haven't heard otherwise so I think I'll give them a call this afternoon and the property management company who's doing the painting for us and just find out kind of what the status is and see where when I can get a key I'm so nervous about that I still don't have a key for the painting yeah I worked it into the lease so they will do the initial like refresh painting so nice so they're gonna like give it a fresh coat of paint on all walls and and they've cleaned the carpets and so all that stuff is like it's ready to move in and then my end of the construction will just be having our contractor build the sets so we don't need to actually paint walls and stuff but we need to create sets which are you know built out from those walls yeah that says you're quite a long time because plaster dry yeah I don't know how that's gonna be but I mean we're moving in on Saturday and today's Tuesday so exciting yeah sure is yeah and everything is gone quite well so far I mean it I am nervous about the fact I don't have a key but I can't imagine they would close the doors without telling me beforehand because I've already I've already paid I've already got the insurance and everything in place Internet is meant to be installed on Thursday so that's kind of cool so I wanted to have that in place before we moved because then we can do vlogs and stuff from there maybe a zoom for the Kickstarter supporters and that can five already cable what's that's all boo what kind of connection you get it's gonna be 50 up and a gig down yeah it also has LTE failover so if our internet goes down we've got the LTE to broadcast over and we don't have to pay you don't have to pay extra for the bandwidth that's actually provided as a failover service from the ISP whole new world for category five that's for sure yeah no more downtime but also like no more having to downscale the 720 for our live feed like I'm I'm pretty confident we'll be able to do at least 1080p we may be able to even go to K if we're lucky so Oh we'll see so I don't I don't I've never done that so I don't know what kind of latency that introduces but I suspect you know Google that has really good low latency transcoders so I think it should yeah the latency on streaming sites way down the national TV and my latency was about I mean it's it after I came here 15 seconds wow I don't think we've ever been that bad like we're what about 20 30 seconds guys yeah if you're watching live then it's on the platform yeah yeah I guess so Roku is much worse oh really yeah what Roku model do you have bill you know the top of the line oh yeah like the current the current one okay yeah that's surprising no I use ice I still do the development on an old Roku 2 and I had thought and it's really slow and so I thought about upgrading to a more current one yeah because it still works yeah Roku makes any difference I think it's just streaming streaming path but I have a Roku 3 and I see probably a 40 second delay from when from when I say something a pig when I touch something on the discord chat yeah takes at least 30 or 40 seconds before the peers right I'm gonna string you you know what would be an interesting go ahead sorry that what I was thinking is it would be an interesting test to bring up Cody and Roku at the same time and see what the latency difference is because those are actually feeding from the same HLS server so if if it is in fact the stream it will probably be pretty well synced if it's the Roku device or their platform then that would tell us if it's maybe something in that platform that causes the delay maybe they have more mustering or something YouTube on the other hand bill is is a completely separate feed we actually send directly to them yeah that's that's about 15 to 20 seconds yeah that's that's incredible yeah I mean considering we are sending HD video and they're transcoding it down to 320 and 240 and 480 and so that's pretty good it amazed me when I first got DSL which wasn't very fast at the time I was able to do a ping to a website back in Australia and get a response around time response with less than a second and I couldn't believe it yeah blown you know yeah and here we are like and I know that those who are watching this on demand see it but I'll show you guys so this is my pine Book Pro which is a $200 Linux laptop gonna do there's looking and there's what the feed looks like so that's the feed from my perspective and then I've got my phone over here and everything's Wireless right yeah that's so how this the pile well does the pine Book Pro work I haven't seen any of the category 5 videos on and I have too many reviews on it so how well does it work in terms of just an everyday do work machine I gotta say you gotta watch those videos dude I did I did kind of go through it but you probably have a really good perspective on this now I've been using it as kind of a remote terminal and sew it and it works fabulous for that yeah yeah I rarely use it as a as its own standalone just because I I I'm very much a like a cloud-based worker so none of my devices have like this device doesn't have any files on it and if my laptop breaks that says that's why I'm able to recover so quickly anytime I have a computer crash or something I don't I don't really use the device itself other than as a remote terminal so for what I'm using it for which is basically Google remote desktop into an i-9 9900 K it operates as a screamin little device so I can do my video editing and everything on it because I'm doing it remotely to the to the server but does it standalone but I use it for general stuff like just surfing the web and uploading videos to YouTube and stuff like that the webcam is is pretty miserable but I mean what do you expect it's not it doesn't need to be good it's just it's a convenience thing right it's definitely worth it oh definitely oh for 200 bucks yeah just be careful with it it's really thin which gives it that really nice sleek look but it also makes the plastic pretty pretty you know you could see that it you could crack it if you weren't careful it is maybe not recommended but again Sabu who's gonna do that right that's not the intention behind the device yeah you would yeah you're you're you have way too much time on your hands anything but anytime I do compiling in a few times a week yeah but but you would set up with like a little i7 or something that you can just fire on whenever you need to do compiling and then you would just throw your code on it and start to compile it's like how I I render 2k video from my pine Book Pro but I'm connecting to an i-9 with MDOT to storage right sorry what's that storm chaser so you mean like cross architecture compiling or something like that you just throw it on the more powerful machine and cross compile it to the arm 6 aar 64 architecture and then load it back onto your pine book or yeah you could like if you're compiling software that's a little different right on the pine book sorry maybe I misunderstood like certainly when I like when I create MEMS Linux for example I actually use each device to compile itself to compile the software otherwise it like so it's time-consuming unlike the PI 0 but oh yeah it's worth it because you know that the software is gonna be perfectly compiled for that architecture and that hardware so in the do so that but I compile for we have I think we have two arm architectures that support someone donated of your devices yeah and compiling is something that takes an hour on a regular like it takes zero four days that's crazy so be what I would do in this case if you wanted to use pine Book Pro for like software generation is I would get a Rock Pro 64 which is the same exact SBC just a different form factor they just kind of flatten it out for the notebook you could compile on the rock pro 64 separate from your pine Book Pro and then you just transfer the software onto the pine Book Pro and then and then you're not let you're not using the laptop to do all your compiling you still get hard software that's compiled for that hardware might be a fun way to do it so another thing that I do as well apart from compiling is I do a lot of writing in a using the the Tex text formatting language so what also known as latex or latex tui it's all pure text so it's really easy to version control with some house meat or whatever you've got and that's one of the reasons I like it it has no trouble of even even the pine book not the probe the phone book has no trouble at all railing yeah absolutely yeah what I do have a problem if there's anything that's graphic intensive and you've seen this Robbie any time you drag a window around or anything like that that will that will cause a problem I haven't I haven't had any of that kind of trouble on the pine Book Pro I'm not surprised when you were able to do that when you were able to stream YouTube on the plane book pro se I've got to get me one of those yeah and that was on the Debian install okay so have you ever tried the moonlight project arm project moonlight moonlight that's not no it's not it's it's a it's an open-source game streaming thing so basically you have a computer with an Nvidia graphics card above with GTN 600 and then you and then you stream that to any computer even remotely so you can like not be at home where your computer is and you can still stream it there so you could do that I'm pretty sure you can do that with the pen Book Pro that's that would be amazing yeah I've used similar technologies to that and then stadia came out and it really reminded me of that but I couldn't remember the name of it because the Google stadia is doing exactly that with their supercomputers that basically just got streaming computers that you're connecting to I think that's that's the next generation of gaming for sure the third would still need a pretty strong graphics card all new moment client right on the point no that's what's beautiful about it it uses it uses like like video playback so just as just as well as playing video it must be a delight you couldn't really play again real-time why do you think so right remember we were talking about low latency yeah it's insane now they've got proprietary codecs that are just they're unbelievably real-time Wow yeah I mean I you think about it we all most of us have gig down and if you're playing a game like that you don't need to send any data other than how many buttons do you need on your controller I'll be lucky if I get 20 20 min yeah yeah I don't know that you could do it with the SL I think you probably need like 200 mega or more oh dear so I've got like 15 megabits down 16 down and I know I did both Direction beautiful oh my goodness I would love to get fibre to the hash that would be just a wonderful thing I mentioned it in text in the chats a few months ago but maybe last year after median I was downloading a YouTube playlist because I it was just a static video but each video was about 5 mm eggs and it was about 10 tracks in their playlist and then each track was downloading so fast that I thought it failed because in my previous left flat I don't know something and it failed it was just a few seconds and then it and each track now downloaded at the same speed as it previously used to fail a few seconds before us no it's actually yeah I uploaded the last time I uploaded one of these coffee coffee breaks I'm uploading it at the studio and and took what was it an hour and a half sold ooh I think and then I decide it was having trouble transcoding to HD so I downloaded it back again from Vimeo and my download speed it took one minute she no surprise at all yeah and I say I said to the ISP where we're instead of what we're installing at the studio I'm like can't we skew this a little bit more toward uploads like we've got a gig down and 50 Meg's up like give me give me 500 500 or something right nope can't do that so wouldn't it be nice if they could skew it the other way for broadcast HD a no-show to do that wouldn't you instead of a cable or fiber fiber would do it fiber is four times the price though oh yes the end up until I moved and in this house phone service is not even it's not installed even so yeah and in the three three years they are shutting down the entire base phone service in the entire country they're going yeah I'm all a void paste now like I don't have a real phone line haven't for years I cut the phone line when we moved into this house and installed void so all my phone jacks work that's interesting because part of me is like that's kind of sad because I still even though I'm even though I'm like even though I'm younger than the generation that got to play with dial-up PBS's and all that stuff I still like that idea that you can just dial up a BBS over a phone line sure but you say it's sad but it's actually kind of cool because even though I'm using VoIP as I said my jacks are all active so we have traditional like old-school phones plugged into the phone jack and it doesn't like my kitchen like it doesn't do it it doesn't do the phone line equivalent of packet drops no oh wow okay but I mean like like if you want to go like go retro right yeah that's my face is my kitchen phone at the studio at the studio we're putting in a payphone just at Studio E so that's one of the things on the shopping list so yeah I had yeah I can't do that with VoIP I don't think but yeah yeah the pay the pay phone we're putting in has touch buttons but it's made to look like a rotary phone but it is buttons so yeah guys I gotta get get rolling because we've got this this singing lessons coming up but it's been nice having you here for a coffee break and my coffees empty so I need another one of those doing this we'll be doing this again tomorrow and I hope you can join us don't forget to check out our Kickstarter campaign at cat5 dot TV slash kick I added a couple of really cool perks there so check out what's there if you haven't already supported the campaign hoping that we would see maybe a couple of companies that would take on one of the sponsorship opportunities so if maybe you have friends who own businesses that are you know maybe when we're all through what's going on in the world right now they're going to need some promotion I'd be happy to work with them so there's some really neat opportunities there too so thanks everybody thank you I couldn't speak today cuz I've got the headset but he's here and he would have participated if I had the tech looks he's watching the office on the TV at the same time so he's just having having a blast yeah actually had an office take it easy everybody we'll see you tomorrow all right everybody you