welcome to today's ramen break hyejeong gone done it again guys working too hard Oh Robin break a ramen break a kimchi break me how everybody good yeah we have here I hear Seoul boo I'm gonna get myself connected here so I can see who's here it is the fifth of May 2020 but it is great to see you guys Ron how are you I'm doing great I was outside for a little while actually a beautiful day over here in western mass now when was that photo taken that's behind you bright light coming through a window so that is what it is a beautiful sunny day good man I I think it's a nice day here in Bear too although I've been kind of like trapped inside all day I got a shipping notification today that the HDMI extenders that are repeaters that I had ordered them we're not going to be here until a week or two away are gonna be here today so that's a little I might actually be able to use the studio this week is taking five days longer to deliver you got the opposite note yeah but only ever for four more days extra days so if you everybody but Mike one of the circuit will be good okay talks about employer and it would do it hahaha yeah you can yeah I don't I don't use anybody right now oh do you know of anyone that does one-off prints of circuit PCBs gel-v PCB here in the states does it hmm yeah that's when I've heard of into it yet PCB way what are they called PCB printing and 3d printing are two things that I'm really keen to to learn and actually start doing but I don't have the equipment to do it so I like that there are companies there's companies that you can hire that you know like that that you just send them the schematic and they'll print it for you yeah things the difference the difference between them is to find one that also will solder the components to the board for you if if you don't want to have to do that yourself unless the I Peter you may want to just do that that's what Ron was Sam yeah I don't know them cool man but it what are you what are you planning to print I do a job Barracuda I want you okay a bit more than a today well hello rosemary oh who is it it's Marika usually hi Marika usually when someone comes in the room and starts talking real loud it's it's rosemary yes three interesting news from last week oh yes yes yes she bought one uh I don't if you've heard of the racehorse teabiscuit what is it the racehorse the racehorse Judith ariados the Seabiscuit yeah yes and then Seabiscuit raced War Admiral in the big race but she bought a filly that is the descendant of Seabiscuit and War Admiral what Wow no way Oh congratulations thank you do you ride I do she's still too young yeah yeah awesome congratulation that's awesome Sify at that time like a coffee shops consider being a small party to another they were they were you dig you dealers were using metal printers where there the printer then metal parts I I think it's a great idea for like the Mars mission and stuff like that to use it to be able to print tools and Oh what do you got there this is something this is the biggest thing I have 3d printed so far it is the top for a master beaut and what are you printing are you printing that vertical or how did you have to print that are you gonna you would have to be totally sure then yeah we do have a printer that'll do a 12 inch by 12 inch by 14 inch cube so you could actually make a helmet out of it could you make me a Mandalorian costume for this Halloween and what's okay and at $60 an hour one layer at a time oh boy so this takes about 10 hours to press this particular piece it looks like a really like I mean we're looking at it on a webcam or something but there on your phone but it looks like it's a pretty smooth print a well the surface is what was on the build plate okay yeah the sides are layered I don't know thinking you just a quick sand and it's not not a quick sand but you can do surface treatment but it's or you can just live love to live it it's them we're gonna call it the modern woodgrain the wood grain of 2020s mechanical properties were where it's stronger in one direction and in another we could also say if you count the layers and you figure it takes minutes per layer we can actually determine the age of that print right yeah oh yeah it's kind of cool because like these walls are six millimeters thick but they're primarily Hollow there's infill but really so yeah like a honeycomb but it's actually rectilinear I find rectilinear is easier to print quickly and it's just a supportive easier on the printer so rectilinear is where one layer it's doing 45 degrees in one direction and the other layer it does forty fed Riis in the other direction and they just crank each other yeah nice well I crashed out of zoom I don't know what happened but it just suddenly said oh yeah I see that clone is going away soon I'm sure that's what it did that's what it did to me just the other day yeah I mean it just crashed right out of it and it wouldn't rejoin the meeting I had to create a head to completely exit and then rejoin no idea good good to see y'all oh I've got good luck now ski we've got run we got Peter though and we got vp9 and his twin brother bp9 so bow is it bring your daughter to work day today no she works here see he works in the shipping department and she also just taking over purchasing during the shutdown oh very nice very nice speaking of pcbs we're also doing a project where we're assembling some circuit boards for a company that makes surgical robots so that's thinking a new story there's a well as long as it's voluntary I mean you don't want a surgical robot just showing up at your door and pushing you back into the house all I was seeing I was seen some news this week about the the new touch device have you guys seen that the thing that you attach to your shoulder and then it has strings a string for each finger and your wrist did you guys see that no we're gonna be talking about it tomorrow on the show it's a it's a touch a new way of doing touching virtual reality so when you touch an object you actually feel it so like a wall or like product or something but I was thinking wouldn't that be neat if they could use that and and allow like a medical professional to do surgery with a surgical robot like if they kind of adapt up the technologies as long as you get good feedback on the resistance of the object that you're touching yeah I don't think that it's one thing to just did a bleep if you're touching something but if you tap something hard versus just tapping it softly yeah what's neat about that I mean there's not the there's not enough there's not enough to it like it's very it's like six strings right so when you touch something so if there's a wall I could feel that wall in that when I touch here I feel the resistance so I can feel like that but I couldn't like it's not tactile like I couldn't hold a pair of scissors or something like that in in VR but wouldn't that be neat I mean you think about the evolution of how things how quickly things move could result in something like that so what is this what's the board that you guys are working on Bo well all we know is that it's a surgical robot that's yeah that it's a control system it has nice or no Ethernet on it and it has power connectors and MOSFETs and no no it's a discreet device mm-hmm but somebody approached us and said hey we need to have some of these assembled can you do that and Ron yeah we've got all the equipment to do that so you guys have droid in your name yeah yeah it does it does it need to operate in a in a sterile environment like in your in the o'er so does it need to be sterilizable I'm not sure if this part actually isn't the robot part of it or in the control part of it okay either case it's both in the operating rooms though so I'm sure they'll both go through a rigorous sterilization process yeah just be careful about little corners and crooks and any I mean nooks and crannies to make sure that you can get into those easily to clean ya up we'll just think they gave us a whole list of requirements very nice that's really a attack and it controlled and there are important things the surgeons operating like some kind of control levers or something and then the arms are mirroring that probably in a so a small alert a large motion on this end makes a very small motion on the other end where the robot is operating hmm I'm picturing it says sat on the side and it's got one of those big scoops yeah it may will do what me how far away is the surgeon from the actual device the country you're in the same room I know they've used surgical robots in Antarctica and other places where surgeons needed to operate on somebody but they didn't have a surgeon on-site so one of those telesurgery units or if it's just one like for brain surgeons where they're needing to make that make their motions very controlled you'd think one of the requirements would be you know rock-solid Internet yeah using DSL tactical would have rock-solid internet you know I just can't visualize that if it's a life-and-death situation you work with what you've got well sure wonder - it is not a lot of data right it's like positional data so what comes back there Roby or there's somebody on the radio that's that's explaining to the left no don't stab their brain surgery on your leg you guys think backs have you ever seen quacks that is exactly what that show is and I don't want to I don't want to minimize you know by joking about it the seriousness of what they're doing I mean it is this is some pretty heavy-duty stuff that they're doing with this telesurgery yeah yeah right that's so kudos to you both for helping out with that term help me I'm very different it's a great project yeah I'd love to learn more I think these are just prototypes so these aren't actually going in the finished units well still no you're doing your bit to help them out to - to use it yeah not too long ago you saw a video you know we're gonna jump on you for that code maintenance at NASA had that talk about it is a few years ago one of the Voyager space probes he has a good time over at that time had an appetizer 15,000 days and it still oh yeah imagine the latency the sending up command and they have to wait until the next day or the next two days can you imagine can you imagine writing a computer program that has to control this hard way and the computer program can not fail now you know it's one thing your master and it's one thing if you've got a young if you've got a program that runs it at work or whatever on on the mainframe or whatever it crashes call supporting by Alena do what you got to do to fix it but that's not gonna be an option when you're bazillion miles out in space you know what BP mind you don't see you don't see a whole lot of robots powered by Microsoft Windows now the thing is I wanted to I'm sorry with your so because I want to point out that the pipe time and while nowhere near as critical has a similar issue right because what you have to do is implement things called watchdog timers so that if the thing gets in a loop or gets caught up or get messed up somehow it's watched on time I will just reset it to a known state and start again so and I I suspect Sabu if you can correct me if I'm wrong but I suspect they use a similar technique on that Voyager program - right well in addition to that they have they have two completely independent systems that or mirroring each other and never one of them have failed one or two times and it recorded because they have a function it's a hardware function that if the unit stops responding then it cuts the power boots it back up they can say that that's the function of a watchdog timer they're like like having the the user manual and one function it has it if you and then these are functions of time that you have can enable enable in the hardware that it will ping ping something and if it doesn't get a response in a configurable time then it will hard reset the air finish right now the infinite that knowing thing no idea think roughly they'll get into the Bertrand which somehow and I thought really funny fix absolute of minions are there bolder and because what they as you might be DiMaggio because ISIL two batches were coming to lack of usual is by the judo boo I mean some guy coming who come to the waiter fishery said all that something active every singing to each other I know they're better pool there's a red light or something cold well were straight after that fall apart over good psyche and the other one with the other one I remember was when I was working up meaning and like you can be with the computer to take data from a problem a plate in London actually we had to go there and when we went there with all these police cars going up there were with promoted Hill and goes all these police cars up there and we couldn't work out why they've got a new car to dig it up the plate picking up his toys cold anyway when we came back we discovered it was boy Joey Joey looking for drugs and get back the same word because by obstacles and phone number in the wrong number eight you to keeping these woman number and I like to talk to the woman and apologize very much time sorry we made a mistake we were going boys ready boys in the pair who you know because he run the wrong number the girl out ticket was vogue then 6 etcetera seven or something yeah I hate it when that happens new story in Nova in the far north and the documentary about knew each other defense forces and the state state of the forces and they am an interview demo p.m. one of the guys who are money at the military post he was asked to do if the Russians see if it could come across the border in order to take air at the northern Norway and he said that the current plans is phone the process and then put the catalog was not per second they have nothing well so boot once again so you just you just bring in the disaster scenario don't you you bet you're so good at that right the Russians are coming they're gonna win made no way that's pretty scary that's pretty scary but again the Norway is one of the two countries that diversion actually pulled out of they came to help us in their Second World War as always and then they helped us get the society together and then it fill up so they don't think I didn't know why I think that I'm a fool too quickly you know why do you suppose the German well gents I got a big couple days ahead got to be ready for tomorrow's show hope you guys are able to make it tomorrow night time to employs me totally know I know dude and I guess I was mentioned just before you arrived vp9 the HDMI repeaters are meant to actually arrive today oh boy I might actually be able to if I can get enough time oh I wish I could just have a week off of work like just we should do that thing what you should do is get yourself set up in the producers room hook up the cameras with the HDMI couplers and put the camera in the studio just pointed to the wall so that's the show just film myself putting connecting everything and that's that's it yes this HDMI cable goes here this one goes there yep I also oh one of the things and then the brake is poppin and the whole thing just shuts down oh no not gonna stop that the tough thing if we ever did trip a breaker is that I'm only there after hours yeah like they they closed the office and lock up the mall so there's nobody there to to flip the breaker back and until the next day it's just so funny you call it the mole I just keep thinking of a shopping mall when you say but I'm sure that's not what it what the setup is no I don't know what you would call it then it's it's 120,000 square feet of offices an office complex is what I yeah yeah but that that makes me think of like a skyrise or something that has hmm you know what I mean like you walk in and you've got an elevator that takes you to floor 3 to get to where you're going no this is like this is a massive problem all but all offices instead of retail well that's the key right I mean that's the key point that it's all officers that's what makes me think of this complex doesn't have to be for the same company to still be enough it's an office MA just to say we've got a hundred and twenty thousand square feet at our new studio how's that wow that's impressive just mentioned that only 490 of that is mine right Microsoft does that all the times not a big office as a friend of mine worked in the kitchen at a restaurant in that trondheim the name of the the office so he heard a lot of comments from maybe you know the office yeah yeah it was long before the TV series but there but he had there he overheard often people who were coming in and having determined and then the phone rang and then they said that they were in the office clearly yeah well I've gotta go check on dinner because I literally an hour ago put the slow cooker on with a nice chuck roast with a bunch of veggies in there so yeah that's gonna be my dinner tonight and probably for the next three or four days just because you know I went to the grocery store God did a vegetable you know fresh veggie run and picked up a nice pot roast at the same time and threw that in a slow cooker it should be should be yummy so I'm looking forward to that I'm craving a pot roast okay I'm on my way I'll see you come pony up all right see you guys great afternoon I'll see you tomorrow for coffee break and then don't forget tomorrow's the show as well it easy they'll be good you'll be fine Robbie don't worry you'll be fine it's gonna be great it's gonna be fine have a good night bye-bye goodbye