[Music] happy Wednesday guys oh you up I was about to say there he is I don't know a rubbish hello Robbie's right here you already want me to do the intro or your room no mic then coffee why not yeah I'll just pour myself a coffee you got you go up at the intro sure here we go good morning welcome to community coffee break for Wednesday 6th of May 2020 on the court looks like we've got meat I don't know where I am on the screen but here I am hello and Peter and then we have mush man then we have Ron Morissette thanks thanks room and there's Robbie finally back with his cuff after missing up the kitchen area and Agra motor welcome yep alrighty discuss okay what arrives the porridge Upson I got four bonds like this that looks like a note droid to me nope Oh close though I mean most as far as size goes yes your text DVD so these came in I haven't even been to the studio so I don't know if they work yet mounting a word where it is does look like it's pallet it is yeah okay a lot that's the idea so I've went instead of passive I've gone with a powered unit that is it basically allows you to daisy chain to hdmi cables so the hdmi output is going to go along the big long cable into the producers room and then the input is gonna be where i plug in the camera okay here's hoping motor does that mean you can stretch 50 feet from that point now from hey point for Joe to be well you tell me based on the instructions it looks like it's trying to use also yeah it's a yes to me so I can sorry about that yup a whole bunch of Chinese characters and then it says 4k / 60fps Chinese yeah that's all I care so to answer your question me I'm guessing this is not made in the US just against word I could have scanned that into one of our machines and had it translated oh yeah have you guys seen that the Google Translate app have you guys got the Google Translate app in your phone you probably because if you if you switch your camera on and you scans like you just pointed it something like that it will actually on the screen change it to English it's amazing so we've we've gone to the I mentioned the Asian grocery store which is where I get my kimchi right nope so I can get like a package like that oh yeah and where where the ingredients on the back are all these hieroglyphs you put your site in it it will say image to image G and more imagery most likely yes it's actually it's actually been pretty helpful because we do a lot of we do a lot of Asian food and so so I've used that a few times and a lot of times for snack foods too because like a bag that we would see is like crisps or chips you don't know what the ingredients are or what on earth is loved us Chinese or Japanese will be tofu tofu soy yo soy yo soya and we buy that too yes bad dog barber pops him last night yes I did actually tofu on the BBQ has been a really good kind of substitute for the Rebecca and the kids I had pork chops it's nice that totally you've got a flavor right because there's no flavor to the tofu itself yeah pretty much so what what Becca does before I get home is she'll press the water out of it I'm just like just put some weight on top to press the water out and then she'll slice it so that they're their individual kind of steaks mm-hmm and then marinate it in like a teriyaki homemade and how long would you Helen would you marinate it for at least a half hour Guney Buena Park yeah would you know her if you count her yeah last night it was a half hour because it was like a last minute kind of like what are we gonna do for dinner I'll barbecue [Laughter] that beef that I turned out okay was the wrong cut of beef to put in the in the crock-pot what I was hoping to do was to just cook that meat low and slow for hours an hour and until it literally just falls apart and what cut was it it was a pot roast when I shoulda called a pot roast yeah so what I should have done this what I should have done is used something with a little more marbling I think a chuck piece of chuck or something oh yes just wrap it in bacon just wasn't it just didn't come apart as I'd hoped it would so I just thought the wrong kind of meat that's all I was I've never liked I have round for that reason because I've always cooked low and slow and then I just found out the other day I know it's silly but I just found out no I have round it's so lean that you've got a get fast so lots of high heat and and get it cooked fast and I think that's what happened I think that's what happened with this one I've always done the low and slow I always thought that was but what but yeah I always thought that is what but roast was for walls are not but roast this was quite roast to be pretty fat on how to be good yeah yeah take some things please the other thousand just as my older may not be any good help us out on their kind I just got no trace I've gone away for a long time and I finally voted in eating a bit difficult if you only go to make money don't worry just don't work at work at the moment so you know no jail I just area that one now and when served morning plate and meat I can eat or drink anything particularly in variable so does that mean we should stop talking about cooking food and eating food then Peter is that what you're requesting oh yeah a drinking water problem a mother of six no and not going really I'd ever both she does really hated Jesus sake now he's not very six is very nice and nothing horrible death oh my okay a cup of tea I don't wanna forget could be if they follow the goalie study picture inside a yes take any outdoor can swallow it tip of the day usually one of those batteries okay Megan I bought yeah if you agree one guy yeah one of those thanks that again old one allows take the top of the day so this is wild on it and what I would I don't got any go for battery clip perfect there you go you saved yourself 30 cents boys it is a good hack though that's the only battery that I know of that you can do that you can absolutely yes baby pictures as well TP 6 I don't know baby 6 is I only know bp9 yeah that's me so now we know who the is LexA gives in a bunch wait all this time is just upside down anyway guys if you guys do garbage it don't they get to know you to face by the right up more I'm a little confused by the way everybody like your your camera's doing better now Peter your microphone is a little bit on the lease offices some to be desired yeah you you'd be good because we have trouble hearing you it would be good if you got like a reasonably decent microphone I think that would probably help the problem is that he he overdrove that microphone big time yes thing a couple of days ago now it's under and now it's not a bit under yep zum-zum has a pretty good in the settings you can select to automatically adjust your microphone and if you set it to automatic if you're too loud it will automatically turn you down and if you're too quiet it will automatically turn it up that is a bit better it is better for sure yeah but if you set it to automatic then then you're not having to worry about it and then if the dog barks it soom will presumably automatically turn down your microphone a little bit so we're not all blasted video today menial that again the relay no dhoka dhoka with microphone settings yeah yeah that's pretty helpful that's a definite improvement there for sure we're all learning how to operate within this zoom powered environment it is 2020 yes I'm just used to doing this on my phone about the computer so it's like that's what I'm using yeah that's what I'm using but I have a Bluetooth headset which really makes a difference I think that that helps with the audio yes at some point during our board complaints yes domestic ducting is a lovely automatic in there looks back up when it did Enzo go through your settings you don't have to be on to find it like app maybe after the coffee break take a look through your settings and see if you can find it okay so I dropped the shipping notification for the parts for the clothes washing machine excellent I dish these parts to rich still works so if yes well that the website is actually sees parts to read or one word okay that's the rear so Hartman's so it's not serious part no it's Siri prices no it's all one word Sears Parts Direct I think here no North America would be called a nd because that's what was spun off for what was left of Sears Holdings oh yeah we just had we've got like an appliance I think they call them appliance Shack or something like that here in Barrie and it's just like a mom-and-pop shop that they have everything any any time you need anything you just walk in the door and say this is the model of my washer I need this part and they go into the back and grab it for you it's pretty brilliant there's an order there's an auto parts place close to me that does the same thing they I don't know where he get these parts from but you know if you can describe the make and model of your of your vehicle and the part number you need yeah almost places don't well yeah like we as consumers like will walk in and like how do they have everything but then you realize that the actual like the auto shops use them as their suppliers so that they've got immediate local access to two parts good points though so it makes a lot of sense then yeah they're gonna want you've got a chop shop in the back probably yeah then the the chop shop must be putting all the package packaging back around the parts because they look like new plan just whatever you do don't park in a red spot where exactly caps go fund the free correct happy shriek Rhett packing to put it all back into yep today it's show day guys yay that's my life in a nutshell yeah yeah I'm so much still waiting patiently for that point I'm cuz I'm yeah me too I mean I'm gonna I could start writing some code but have no idea if it's gonna work or not to let the device FedEx says my c4 is meant to be here which sounds funny now that I say it yeah I'm just getting a shipment of I shipped a whole bunch of c-4 buy makes you wonder what what happened to c1 c2 and c3 I wonder if they're like Raspberry Pi for loading right c4 right I wonder if that's the if that's the connection actually the c19 the c1 of the CT were both released previously the c3 was an in-house development model but they decided not to release and so the c4 is the latest model Wow okay you know about God you're great you're loved John ago and I was at work that was cutting new cootch grows and they were all gained under Gotham because of an echo and do you have that problem or that problem got away now Guffey Nichols grows gieok make some shorter the nickel in it is supposed to be poison anybody heard of that one before nickel hmm mega cross pinnacle of they were made of nickel made a nickel then we made it nickel the battle nickel and I a chemistry chemical face yeah am i and but like well of the were they they did my god dirty nickel screwed up glaze all we own the die eventually got the outsell barely out in the world while I never get upset the maple we're bloody Facebook and I've got something today I was thinking about that you know I've had I've come to die Chokin believe this and still remembered about the nickel screws at work and that's a long time ago you know I did when a believe me I've had that problem before yo we gotta try our nickels grow in debt because it [ __ ] we suppose they're poison under the arm talk to you you know I can I can never tell I can never tell if your room if you're messing with us or not since the doctor whose parent ox internet things I can never tell whether you're messing with us or not I know jewelers don't use nickel much because as their hen allergic reactions and earrings and other jewelry with nickel I believe I said that nickel when I work in nature gummy and we work in the the age group art is above me and ever cottage goes down to 13 billion German Stuka there were two long time out on and X on the top of the name you'd have altered to make it you know right and eventually gained in one day and said that we couldn't do that because the niccola voice no no no glad you buy cute about it as well you know we read to will this space was just as well but yet I don't like I don't know why they doing that but anyway I'll never go after that you know you look really out there speaking of nickel you guys here the Raspberry Pi it's got a new camera oh not a perfect segue okay about the Raspberry Pi camera I've heard about you yeah Bo you you of course all heard about it or are you gonna be stocking it but I've been contemplating it that's pretty pricey though it is yeah but the marketing makes it out to sound like it's not only $50 Oh until you add it to your cart and then realize nope it's 150 what it's just the modulus so you like a very pie you're closer to 200 bucks at least Canadian maybe not like that much America suppose if you want an open-source door camera you're calling your door my dangle from Kanaka what's a bell a 135 I got the camera the telephoto lens and the wide-angle lens from a nice sweet that's not bad I mean it is but it's not it's like 12 12 and 1/2 megapixels so you're talking like potentially movie camera quality or reasonable DSLR quality out of a Raspberry Pi which is kind of neat wonder what it's good for is it powerful enough to be able to handle streaming that kind of that's what I don't know yet well it's 1080p well be one way for video ever across the street in their nightgown oh where did this just go well as usual agamotto takes it to the to the go thank you I was gonna tell you my use case I was gonna tell you my use case but now Agra moto is gonna completely twist it I was thinking maybe connect the sensor to a telescope oh yeah oh that I can oh there so that I can do so that I can do nighttime photography at 12 megapixels so you that was my thought on the block yes there you go now you can be a little more selective we've had a little scandal in our neighborhood group watch it's a online thing called neighborhoods and somebody posted some camera from their ring doorbell thing what are your neighbors going out to get the newspaper and their bathrobe and of course there was something of a wardrobe malfunction instead of I was politely informing the neighbor hey you might want to consider some different underclothing no somebody had to put it on the group and on a model Department in order to embarrassing all right so that's not what the Raspberry Pi cameras for boys stick with the wide angle lens agamotto I don't want to see you buying a telephoto oddly enough I am one of the least technologically houses in the world because I just don't trust all that stuff in the household yet yeah maybe that's what I what I find intriguing about it though is that because it's Raspberry Pi you are the one in control of what it does so like ring you don't know where it's sending your data yeah it's the idea I love the idea but I just don't like that it's in someone else's control but your data isn't someone else's control yeah yeah so here's here you could make your own out of the Raspberry Pi if you want to do well one of the one I think I've mentioned to have a Synology box and one of the apps on yeah particular box is called surveillance station you can mount cameras around the outside of your building you come and have it all controlled by the Synology box itself so it's all it's it's all your data you know your images storing it on your drive doesn't go anywhere else does it just use like any IP camera that it finds on the network yeah on the website they've got some they've got some recommended cameras that you can go catch you don't have to buy one from them or anything you just use no no no they just say you can use any of these and they'll work you know you point your Synology box to it and it will go the issue though is that you only get a license for like one or two cameras if you want to add more cameras than you oh ah see that's what I want to get away from is the throw you gotta put more money into it in order to get better software features that's why Microtech is so appealing good go and yeah see you can use the Raspberry Pi camera on that put it on the lens or on the viewfinder okay amazing for reading this will bring tonight please and good done the quick tour noisy the bit you need you need a microfiche at a microscope I remember those microfiche I remember those yeah baby words but it don't think was Meleager either pretty good it yep I don't you know because if we don't know you I see the bridge will be easy Toby you've got to have a steady hand though to move it just just so on the cyan't understand yeah I say Kitty's one but it would you like what the man had things reshaped our other wouldn't like spicy Welch's what she's no good way the Prince of things picks her and I'm Victor and Peter now a sitting in a nice big lazy boy recliner it's got a good luck in his hand and he's got a microscope connected to his forehead locked up like a ball garage yeah exactly whatever works whatever works well hey if that works man I've just got the glasses I couldn't read without them but well I thought about logic I thought about lazy quanto for business own way there's no way there's no way I'm letting them cut my cut my eye open so they can hit there at the back of the eye with a laser and then put it all back together it yeah I've been told that that wouldn't work for me just with the stigmatism that I have oh yeah it doesn't do well enough to do wrapped outrage took more that saw it that way could marry those in design Nate the good eye late they did down those good all and mucked it up awesome she does it no no no that's not very nice no no you don't feel loved it'll wither how close did oh dear see soul boos not here today is he so Peter stone is Arjun he which been sober would spin this in such a way it would well Peters taken care a little more desert there something better good jobs for that yeah so you were considering LASIK let me tell you about someone who it was not successful guarantee your guarantee you're gonna get horror stories no matter oh yeah yeah how lenses where they actually put the lens in your eye mm-hmm because I thought that I wouldn't know I haven't been I haven't been in Australia for 27 years oh sorry I was just going by the accent sorry that's right there's but the answer is here they do I believe you can this is for cataracts right that's what I was it's true here in this basically a special type of soft contact lens so they can put in your eye the German the lens in your eye in your you know everything else as an alternative to LASIK for people with image isms and such mean oh okay I've ever heard of replacing the cornea or folks who've got cataracts that's what yeah I've got family members who have had that done in order to remedy their cataracts and it's pretty pretty amazing and night and day for them like one day you can't see the next day all of a sudden you got clear vision but they didn't believe it Mary's different guys she had other problems I read it wasn't service provision the problem happens well run the operation she tried weekly we don't wait to get up could you could invisible it will be a big nothing farad yeah a little too serious the end end of our coffee break guys wish me luck tonight I got a lot of wiring and stuff to do and I'm like oh my goodness I wish I had like a day or a week or something yes yeah exactly yeah so and do the news for me and then I've got to get everything going and and and get everything set up it's nice having Becca willing to do that because she's like the one person that I know who's allowed to come on site right so it's wonderful right now for us there will be Benji you and Robbie don't worry yeah thanks Andrew I'll see you see you guys tonight and for those who won't be there see you tomorrow at the coffee break bye alright see you later bye