I'm here I'm here I'm here oh okay I was just wondering if we should start with that you're over yeah thanks man welcome to the coffee break everyone it's the 12th of May 2020 nice to see you this is something that we're doing here category 5 TV just as a way of our community coming together once per day every day just because it's kind of a crazy world right now so it's nice just to sit down as a community and say hi it's good to see you rubbing I mean sometimes we wonder whether you're gonna make it or not it's a mad dad well cuz I work I'm like we're considered essential service so being an IT so I'm here at the office and right up till like 12:00 o'clock which is my lunch break I'm running around and so run up the stairs grab a quick bite if I can and join you guys but I start I start the zoom meeting five minutes before just to give you guys a chance to connect in before me hey Peter yes I got your email thank you so much you guys are so helpful because I was a desire to take two power adapters and and I've talked about this for my my the 1u rackmount unit that I'm building with all the single board computers I want to do the same thing where I have a dual redundant power supply so basically two power supplies going in with the same voltage same amperage and if one dies the other one just continues running everything so between Peter and bp9 I learned yesterday that I need to put diodes and Peter took the time to even do a diagram for me which was simple enough that I understood it so thank you and it showed as the power is coming in to have that diode there and it will prevent the feedback of power coming back into the former so that's going to be an easy upgrade and Peter also provided me a link to the Cote UK Amazon so that I could see the product and so I then took that over to amazon.ca because I'm in Canada and I found a very similar product and it's like seven dollars for five of them did i order that so I know Kiera did you get out that they know because goods of job great did you it was in that shortly if you had to buy not see what did people would that fight bad to be based on what you were telling me Peter I don't care about the man but I care about his diodes you know that but he was a great dog yeah that's what you're saying yeah so I'll just I'll stick to the electronics yeah yeah we don't we don't have to keep harping on that pre de yeah the diodes look good and it was seven bucks for five so so that means so the reason I got a five pack is because I'm gonna use two for the dual redundancy on the single board computers and two for the dual redundant see it on my server in the colocation facility and three more spare in case you blow them up cuz I can that's why you were saying for your server I was at my car was having a ticket today for your checking the brakes and while I was waiting and there is some local newspaper laying around and in one of the articles there was this a photo the photo is not interesting but the subtitle of the photo was that this was an aerial photograph of 1862 that maybes much 18:52 yeah I don't even think how their balloons were flying it I changed 62 I guess I could have that I should have given I'll do that the left or maybe don't blow it it's a hardware raid and it's a raid on everything or nothing so so you can't have dual rain yeah but you you either but this particular Drive I do not want it in the red configuration it's a single yeah well why don't you set it as a raid zero yeah zero and you also have to configure it in the BIOS yeah yeah well well in usually in the controller but can you set that single drive as the raid zero just so that it yeah it's a four type of driver the control attendant there but I shouldn't even be recommending that instead I'm gonna say is for the record soul bubai a second drive set up a RAID one well yeah what is the so-called suicide raid what is it right no redundancy no nothing let's say the zero stands for zero drive fault tolerance okay you lose everything comes out to munch there's a motor taboos oh oh good two months to come in though holy cow those are huge dude is it is that a perspective thing because he's holding them up to the camera or the are those that actually look like this that's what big the big Dutch message really they all baked yet holy cow dude what kind of currents as I wrote it I'd like how many how many gigawatts are you pumping through that no no we're pretty gigawatts do you go Bubbe blog good things in a while since I've watched it hundred the entry I'll record likewise it was about about bullying trick that 6200 I'm so through it it would have really melted above the back wall doing sake why do you need such 50 connectors there because I'm using a 24 bed bears of life and I don't want to blow up because original ones the one smaller ones were out in violent before five and realizes buzzes engine rage of the edges milk milk milk the enjoys of this well sure but what is it your support is it your supplying from the power supply what are you trying to drive that's 32 both it by then - what things look like they can handle about 3000 volts commercial electronic equipment yeah okay okay clearly it's clearly a super secret squirrel and - no actually picturing a with the wooden any any videos would that remind you of did you guys see that my description on yesterday's coffee break I loved it it just worked I don't know if you guys spotted that I didn't so long turn at the end of the at the end of our coffee bro yes and I hated having to cut you guys off but do keep in mind so that's something I'm going to start maybe packing things in about 25 after so that I don't run into that situation but saw you at the end of yesterday started talking about the BBS documentary and at the end of the description I said and that reminded soul who have a video of already well I saw at the end of yesterday's copy break I did see the screenshot of the discord thing we're so blue said this was so much fun what you kind of short for and then he replied that was all I saw oh yes indeed be the well if you don't know on what we call it about dragwon Lockwood Vogel Toyota apple the Apple Wi-Fi Lane did you say that and children saying all right subscribers on it was supposed to be a trained up of people is what I made x-ray our joy don't you say Massoud is quite good it's owned by Google I think we just mentioned coming in the night with Tory yeah I left the video on their other his own there it's to that it's um a video you posted on this card yeah that's what judge good as well couldn't love even movie yeah I don't know man I didn't I didn't see anything but unless I commented or anything when you see this I'm gonna give you guys a hint when when my gesture goes like this that's my I can't understand the word Peter saying well I'm like each other thinking I'm trying it I'm trying to get everything not it's not working that's one of the nice things about discord as you can you can type to us and it is it makes it a little bit easier and your email helped yesterday to go difficult anyway I left a video and this gold about alright then yeah yeah it's our book which I've greatly but returning about I bore yo I go goes update which led to be I book which I you say even more I'm Stein Yuma distinguishes between my don't stand a too much well look at the discord to see if I spot it but yeah I'll trade you an email about the dogs in this road let me check the email we don't need to just keep bringing it up come on so to finish up the [Music] configuration claim stuff my forte but to drive salute to turn to true but something so you have how many drives are in that servers I'll do right now that's true to say 272 it gigabyte ok yeah and I ended up putting the fort fort photo and advertise in one in my older file server and it so my plan is to know what else you could do you could you could get a das and connect that to like if it has USB 3 or maybe put a eSATA card in it and then access it or though if you were going to put an eSATA card and you could use that probably for an internal SATA as well I'm just thinking you don't have to rely on the controller although I'd rather see you add a second 4 terabyte so that you have redundancy and my plan is to and after a few months when the savings accounts it's a building access to buy attitude to two drives over to terabytes we said ya know why don't you get two more Fort Hare by tuning you do like a raid 5 yeah but if they control the claims that my for tribal ties is a 2 J but driving oh you just have to format a TPP yeah yeah so my plan is to I'm gonna use some a year or so to and get a few drives and their protein there and set up our raid 6 I think yeah so what would be a would they take control of the driver externally will be at sour than the one enjoyed the one on the boat at the adults file wouldn't it well you could use like a PCI Express card that would be doing it fast six gig would it take a second yeah yeah oh yeah six gig a second for you for an IAT a3 yeah yeah and according to a few pages I've been checking turn off then it can use all drive say independently but then it can't from any of them so but at the you're going in the wrong direction don't remove redundant yeah but have redundancy yeah but oh my goodness so software Oh Serio j-bot you're gonna do a j-bot setup and then use linux to do the software raid instead yeah because if something happened to you they haven't read the books and I have to yeah replace it then I have to I want to take my my drives and then yeah here yeah that what I what I would see is the the reason I wouldn't go that approach personally is because then you're losing your controllers capabilities to notify you if a drive was failing or failed so if you have because your controller right now the built-in RAID controller if one of those drives is going wonky it will let you know and so the silver LEDs yeah MDA this is immune Linux it couldn't save your nails yeah if you can but only through software rather than visual like that might be depending on the smart or something like that to tell ya going bad right yeah whereas with the controller on your on your like it's part of the backplane right so that's going to notify you visually like with an amber light or a flashing light so I don't like the I don't like that in order to be there if I have to insert a few new two motor drives in in a few months and I don't like then I have to shut down the system in order to get it to the power your son yeah I don't you're gonna do an LP em yeah certainly gives you a flexibility that way yeah cool man Eric have that is in a big data center we have four drives of tutor but each in raid 0 so what what else are you using a server for you're gonna be running software on it or is it just a file server I also I want to offload a few of my VMs really powerful oh yeah so I can have a few that vmstat is not reliant on my desktop it being available yeah yeah that would be good I'd be real good and then get yourself a good UPS yeah that is the next step I have a UPS for the desktop scissors in my living room but I plan to get one for the two systems those there's cool I was thinking I might you guys know I'm dreaming now about having because I did the show on trying to reduce the noise in the server room and my server is still that our five ten still sounds like a it sounds like your Cessna sitting in my studio mm-hmm what bb9 yeah yeah yeah I was thinking that it said Sam of like a jet starting up whenever you yeah many of you cranked up that that server I thought okay what the VEX be amiss machine 47 land oh they got it and they cranked up the engine to break it to that that's the down to my server firing and it's the feeling again if you're sitting too close make sure it makes you hear I got it was that and from from I plug in the power cord until I get the BIOS check screen it takes almost a few minutes from power I get there so so what I'm thinking I've got an old I've got an old file server that I used to use at home before I before I upgraded my home server I'm wondering if I could take that in because it's just because it's just a low powered system I'm thinking along the lines of I really only need it to be a file server maybe I could put together something kind of cheap and cheerful to I'm thinking the same things when we were talking about going through yesterday and you know web servers and all that it would be pretty trivial to put them to stick a Raspberry Pi on you just on your network and just internal writing no just internal yeah yeah yeah but but what if remember I started a feature on the dash unit with a no droid xu4 yeah yeah yeah and the reason I to the reason that I chose the xu4 queue as opposed to a Raspberry Pi is because it supports UAS so USB Attached scuzzy which is a protocol that allows you to get three gigabits a second off of the USB 3 bus on an SATA controller Wow yeah yeah but do you need that kind of speed so relax for a web service oh I'm thinking more for in-house file storage ah when because I do a 4k video production yeah I need I need a fair bit of speed but I wonder if I if I well when I finish that series maybe I should use in that unit because it's just it's just got what five drives in it and I can just repaired it off of silent xu4 I do need to have virtual appliances running up a studio but I'm just that are 510 that's just a beast mmm IV see what what amazes me is and I've made this observation before with single board computers is that the arriving desktops now in terms of power the problem is she still have that old issue that old problem of dissipating heat you can't run these things at like 4 gigahertz and expecting a lot to rain or a bunch of however you can put some fans on there that are silent fan yeah yeah my are 510 as stupid as it is you can't take out the fans on an are 510 and put in silence down there they're like proprietary fans and for some reasons to Dell says these things got to sound like jet engines mm-hmm I had a couple did they take this to another to the curve like gene they work why there are their normal face I figured it out but we might wear that with something at 12 volts as it goes well that's what I would say loud I know I know I know I look at the calibrations there was no will find two spaces one server the ones at the dead like a cage and declaring I drove a Jaguar so I Gordon remembers I tell you that when I to example something that's well well totally that's why little huge love will bloody noise Ron you know the answer to that all was time million and knowing it well wells billeted a runaway occurring they runs abundant and no I trusted you know I can't make a door board and always they could it's funny you know FAFSA and that's what it was it went a lot faster than normal oh yeah yeah you can yeah it's why I love like a change so I thought it was the fall stricter control the sprays and offend not the answer no yeah no they know a new one funded I mean like well over 40 million and he was the one you gotta share around out there well well turd German room 50 millions and they send a lot less and I did the local power boat without paralyzed radar okay okay it's almost time to wrap it up guys out there might as well wrap it up nice well wrap it up no no no two more minutes so boot because she's gonna start shutting us down at 25 past there yes now it's gonna be it now it's gonna be a 25 minute coffee break not a half hour coffee break you know don't get me wrong it's like it's like when we call the kids for supper we called it 15 minutes before supper not because we expect them to come up the stairs 15 minutes before supper but because we know it's going to take them 15 minutes to wrap up so y'all are like my children it's like okay guys come on gotta go yeah I'm like okay I'm shutting her down yeah so in other words the 25 after let's not start talking about something that's going to take 15 minutes that you hear me Peter yeah I have to wait for Lent man to come back into the into the into the chat room or into the coffee break so that I can show off the cake bro again just a bit that yesterday it didn't occur to you you should be able to do a search if you go to our website category 5 TV click on the search button up at the top and just typing k-pro and you'll find the video that of the time that you you talked about it and showed us oh you need to tell Lance man that because I was curious about the right hears about the video so yeah pretty much everything is indexed plus I have an AI that that everything that we say is transcribed so oh boy Peter I'm not sure how accurate it is that's pretty well on my voice you got a synthesizer on your tablet yeah I played or a bad idea longer this one I withdraw the pitch my wife set back to coach the other day she put 20,000 applications on it so right answer oh it's a doll ain't no love and I had to dodge the machine you're no bloody good you dog bloody work very good they came back to me and said to me you should talk to me like that okay well they did I won portrayed you could judge without God and he's out did you know what he did I didn't understand that they don't even understand what God was by later job all right Peter glad you got a thrill out of it well guys so I'll wrap it up on that note so you guys have a wonderful afternoon I will see you again for coffee break tomorrow which is Wednesday so we'll be doing the show looks like we've lost vp9 but nice to see you guys so see you tomorrow bye you are early