welcome to the category-five community coffee break Thursday March 26 make - thank you take - Robbie is on site at Studio a lodging internet-capable being cold and getting installed awesome you know you know painters should be there to paint over the the spackle job they've done after removing the wainscoting so it's coming together coming together hopefully hopefully he has the keys to this time well he's in where babies in it's good he sent a picture this morning so he is in nice food what had to hear it I'm sorry my internet just went down and came back up again so yeah my dad sorry but a lot of that going on it's been pretty stable all week until until today this morning it's just been a bit fragile yeah alright so what you got in the way of coffee I'm empty this is a coffee break come on I'm waiting for my tech to jump up on my yeah hey is she still doing okay oh good yeah she's very loud though she's very vocal yeah some cats are like that I had to go to him to get some fresh litter I have a self sleeping litter box and had to go and get it another another box of litter for it and they have catch for adoption near and I was I was so ready to take one of them home but I know that my character would not have any part of that yeah she's a she's a one-house she's a one cat three screws the boss of the of the house she is you when any part of that so yeah definitely yeah definitely not gonna not gonna do that but such a gorgeous ain't but I think was a Persian or something and she was just she was just gorgeous she was just gorgeous okay Hill in mind having an a pet now that I've been getting allergy shots um I've been doing really really well with animals she doesn't want to come up yeah I used to have the birds 25 years ago my sister got had to and I bought to myself and then we discovered that I had three females and she had two male small is not easy to tell the difference so this one and three years later I ended up with eight birds friends of mine cage did your parents never tell you about the birds and the beach when a boy bird and a go bird get together [Laughter] I'll bet that is one of the stories that I have never actually heard that story but everyone is using that everyone know what they mean but I think that the most people have actually not heard the story but everyone know what I mean which is low blow you need Robbie here - hmm keep the keep the conversation go how long do you think he'll be before he gets a get two guys online no is he not telling ya oh boy okay he said that he might be lucky it's like the lid that was half an hour ago yeah I had a chance to check this code because I'm on my work computer so I'm using the phone here but I went on during working hours I've only got the work computer running so mm not using the the home computer at all not that the cat cares should be more than happy to to mess with me even when I'm working as you can tell so yeah I've got them let's see if I can do this my work computer is right there okay anyway to sleep now here's something interesting I got this computer some time ago now when I joined the company it's an HP EliteBook there is no insert key on the keyboard what's up with that the hell have you had your keyboard bill or your laptop does it have an insert key this laptop is actually a month old for me but it's a bit too Dell let's see for tudela probably has a pretty standard keyboard yeah yeah it does have an insert key but I cannot imagine why HP thought that we don't need an insert key why would anybody use need surgery clearly they did gave w us at a VI - editor and face no exactly I would use the insert key on both UNIX and on the mainframe which is what I'm coding on now cobol and all that fun stuff and the three keys that I am use regularly yeah if it's an eske did the insert key and there's a scroll lock know the adness cistern record speak because when they examine the graphical desktop in a Linux system freezes you can use that force application to shut down oh okay but once you started doing that you get will displace will never again again access to the keyboard yeah you have to either restart the graphical display or you have to restart the entire machine but there it's just yanking power yeah the the biggest one I remember is ctrl alt backspace that resets the yeah it's supposed to reset the whole x windows yeah environment that's the only one that I recalled isn't there one of the hypervisors that you use ctrl alt insert instead of Control Alt Delete exactly it boggles my mind I can't say what did I do I just went like being a regular USB Logitech keyboard I saw a picture pretending to be here maybe maybe he's coming in through the new internet studio II wouldn't that be something and would be a hello we have to be very very quiet look at that how's everybody doing we're doing great with trailer I got really change the view on my screen tokens briefings Robbie I was just looking to see I had to change the view on my screen so we could see us you were room I was just the menteng the lack of I don't know if you've ever experienced this but just got a fairly recent HP EliteBook laptop there is no insert key on the laptop what's up with there yeah no no no and I was saying that there clearly doesn't use VI well with the I don't specifically made the insert key because you can use you can use the i key to insert because if it's two different modes right one for for entering text and one for actually controlling VI so so what's going on there rubbing oh yeah absolutely I don't have a computer yeah I can't take you through because there's people working but is it it's a big mall and so it's like just a bunch of offices and take you in the office because there's somebody working installing the it ok that's the main studio skyline up there and painters just coming in itself making progress oh very good yeah so there is like the skylight anyway happening here no I said it happening oh it is yes yeah sure it's so you know I guess anything should be done tomorrow sounds like yeah so cool and then we'll be on track for Saturday magnificent yeah yeah I don't have a coffee though yeah but Tim Johnson's right outside yeah but it just got Wi-Fi so that's we're doing yes it's very good yeah that's it that's a nice surprise Robin to see the studio yeah I know you're glad to have a key for sure I haven't got a key yet oh she's checking the locks so Robbie yeah can you read this but read it he's on his phone I doubt it nah you can barely read it on the computer named Mary Joy boxing unfortunately the recording stopped by there yes it is Wow buuuut and he has to know I have a model 100 and a 102 and this does it have a Tandy address sticker on it anywhere that says Barrie Ontario not sorry what's it I see Robbie's wearing a hat [Music] yes-yes-yes injuries I remember those Robbie be the only stylish ones yeah well I don't Cupra some way hold on let me see if I can find it so Robbie takes to do excellent today yes sir so and literally just got internet so wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to check in need to have a of course I like it so so why are you Robbie sorry where are you this is the entrance to studio eat right here oh I'm gonna go down against Ellis hey you're not gonna show us oh I got workers in here so but I'll peek in the back entrance here and just finish oh no no no let's see it in the recording happy to audio I never knew and have a headset or anything so it's pretty hard to hear anything all right think of a loud up there you go so is it pretty good today yeah sure good I'm waking up yeah that's pretty good good good so what time is it in Australia no idea because I mean I'm in central time zone in the u.s. yes that's true I believe it's something like 3 o'clock in the morning over there I've been in the States more than 20 years now so all right so it's I go back every night yeah it's 321 in the morning over there and they're still on daylight savings I think their daylight savings shuts down early mid-april something like that so date daylight savings isn't that summer time yeah correct it just coming out of summer now there's no games are reversed that's correct because that's when their that's when their summer is their season to reverse right yeah so 525 in the evening yes yes nice so you're done with work yeah [Applause] so I made the only one not in that yeah that's correct you know where I am thanks guys I have to run because Internet installer needs to chat with me I'm probably lose my connection so have a great day everyone are going to Robbie like tight theory so I'm not see you tomorrow I think I'm gonna go ahead and drop us well cuz I've got I got plenty to do here also so I enjoyed the chat guys yeah have a good afternoon and hopefully catch you tomorrow maybe I'll have some battery charge batteries charged and I can maybe do something useful with the shells off or something yeah I can do all right in any case at the end of 40 minutes after this stream stock so I guess we have at least 5 minutes left yeah warning hasn't come yet now I haven't seen anything you know well anything else you know any other big plans for the rest of the day no catch up on a few TV serious and I have a friend who has a big ear plex server I have watching a few episodes a day from the server in addition to a few of my own so I have maybe a thousand different TV series on 8 900 the movies to select from that's cool so I got a I have a ton of online training so I'll probably be taking a nap in about an hour yeah but my choice I'm gonna reload year ago with networking on my Windows machine for some reason I'm told Windows 10 on monitoring would have bloody you use the network but they're going to windows 9 and upgrade it work but totally wearing why doesn't work unknown figure out anybody god no I did yeah yeah they they say that they're more than technology on computers came to help us solve our problems but do you often get computers or the networks are the problem so it's just a new set of problems yeah yeah Twila time to think of it they won't quit hear that wind quadratic in value men determine that today we'd like to win the Technic I really well with the N word on we can work on your own window to the boundary so a Peter how long have you had that in the hole in our wind it's in that I'm going to die the Judith came down I go up I should and really mean to literally a theater to get done to put there that 2001 I'm good well I could not go out I've not read in every day to look after me and my wife it was relaxers nobody behind that wall again were they probably a lot of he everybody that got mental problems I think once I could call me show and do anything with any insurance or need to go anywhere so I'm they tuck it on into the moment our country mobile in Canada we cannot repeat repeat acting shown routing help you come to exercise position in your in your epic average very expensive much of the ecology work from our base camp on gradient which wrote a blog about my moving avoid the car - nothing - comes out in everyone you know Ln which can be eight is a Catherine from Pune very good but I go out because I like it pretty much our try again we done drama Cunha they told me that they drink and it's a kind man to tell me that not is a anyway but on their own Martin now yeah yeah no this is one of the big differences between the most of Europe and the United States is that in Europe if something happens to you you're not going broke because of health care bills you are paying up to just a small fee if I wrong but yeah so we don't need insurance are better in Ireland it's much it's a lot of the same yeah yeah yeah yeah we are painting in silent women you know interfering with windows paper rightful masters in Ireland where about about the white in the border they made derry/londonderry from that pool she was 34 the amount away that sounded like a first generation Star Trek communicator so now I come out drunk or on drugs and clean on our water in fear like ramune Michael Gallagher because I ate it on there I'll be going off sick I know I'm on and I can I think we're better you are you I mean two hours and off of the truant I'm in the middle of Murray State yeah so I'm in the middle of Norway you have their song and Trenton fjord and as far inland as you can cover about it's about where I am I'm taking notes because not one who are in the Caribbean the ocean flacco French without till show which is either or either could you find oil in Java we don't know that our beautiful thank you guys everything I think on employers I'm like mama joy and and possibly one of my father's life is an old Marilyn Geneva 1500 but we've got the same so 9 we go figure out the connection between 1500 and 1700 1770 do believe in God we can't we can't prove it was the name is filled with no way detecting long-range rocket uh continue filming show there you think there's a little neighborhood catcher in London I've seen it yeah but they could be a lecture or not I'm not gonna die out of the changing up you know think of really bizarre things not being run here and trading relations over in Ireland even worse when the 1917 happens there when the FDA revolution got a couple of turns in the era when traveling I can refactor and Republic and allotted up in Dublin brought Los Angeles a difficult retraced her mother and letters of mine put some of my saintly Harry - Talia Latino go far away and unify at all my younger brother Cato we got relations get where Ireland as it gets where in your very far away again about 30 miles away Gary a place big one Oh Nick nice paint job on the wall behind you so real 4G coverage here yeah it's the same in my memory well gang it looks like we need to wrap this up yeah this third time is probably almost over so again Robbie Robbie is on site in Studio e working with Internet guys getting a good table in you want to still want to help with the Kickstarter cat5 TV slash kick we're at the we're in the home stretch that we should be moving in this weekend as shiny good - should be good in a couple of weeks hopefully we can get the show back on and get going all right guys it's been fun yeah yeah we'll see you again tomorrow all right