[Music] welcome to the coffee break everybody nice to see you so far i see peter and marshman and sasha rickman here i am how you been good how's the internet there seems to be like that little bit of a delay is there a delay with me a little bit maybe not okay let's just all right let's get that taken care of okay peter how's everybody doing good good good good hey this week i've got uh i've i've re-uploaded some of the show because uh i had some problems with the recording from the pine book pro so it was like 2 40 p it was like season one mm-hmm sasha tell us about yourself how are things oh things are awesome i've i've just been working away at the house this is the first day we've been double digits so lovely i hear that other parts of the world like ontario are having like a heat wave right now um yeah but i have my internet hooked up sasha good to see you nice to see you your internet is working yeah that's good and this is like my first like trial zoom run beyond like with my sisters so oh yeah yeah so you'll let me know if anything's weird other than me i'm just generally weird join the club [Laughter] we're just gonna we're gonna rename this this broadcast the the weirdo club how's that yes speaking of weird i feel like marshman partially disappeared he did because well that's what up yep yeah he has a background running mystical that reminds me that background reminds me of uh the poltergeist of baldwin ontario from uh from becca's channel because that's got the house on the the one side stars moving in the background very nice very nice should i should i go back to the to the bird background for sasha yes yes it certainly is entertaining and it's sure it doesn't use for a whole half hour that's my life there's like 10 million birds in my backyard one of the trees seems like it's decorated for christmas with birds almost all the time they're eating the pine cones and they're all so noisy like lovely noisy they are um white throated sparrows so they like do that starting at like four they sing in morse code how cool yeah you may be surprised to learn the bird that you see behind bill is in fact not real yeah i know i know it looks so realistic doesn't it my goodness i i thought for sure the birds here the birds the seagulls here are the size of turkeys like they're huge and all they do is eat crab all day long over at the crab plant so they actually really yeah now marshman are you on uh vacation or do you have a holiday today too oh absolutely yes yep yep it's memorial day today so here in the states we're on we've got a holiday so well happy memorial day well thank you sir thank you i hope you enjoyed it and i'm working yeah yeah you're right you had victoria day last monday i want dual citizenship just so i can take both right it doesn't work for me i can't take australian holidays when i'm over here so it doesn't work you could you could you could you could as well i wouldn't have a very long employment history if i did that though do you think you could just do what i do and pretend you don't understand time zones and be i'm not late i'm right on time in australia oh look at that i had an american calendar it said it was the stuff that happened terrible yeah so hey you know the interesting time i do there it is it's mounted it's mounted on my um mounted on my raspberry pi we're using using uh they call it post attack it's it's a knockoff blue tack and i'm using it so that uh there's the there's the back of it and when i'm ready to program it i will just connect the wire up and go i got to that point about midnight last night and i finally said i'm done i'm tired i'm gonna if i keep going with this i'm going to tear it up and i don't want to tear it up so today so listen up kids you've got to get a strap for that and that's what you're going to strap to your wrist right there that just don't get caught at the border with that to push the battery out of the way you know like 90 degrees so that i can yeah it does look awfully suspicious with all that um all that goop around there doesn't it no it doesn't beep it doesn't have a speaker in it it has the actuator on it though so okay oh there you go vibration every second that's true now the i don't know whether you've seen this uh robbie oh you don't have yours yet oh i'm sorry i oh oh burn hi soul boo oh look at that yeah i was waiting for the meeting to start and then i um yeah i was trying to show so uh sasha then the the meeting idea and i noticed that it's just oh yeah yeah robbie went and changed the meeting id honestly and he also changed the password yes he did i i did figure it out this is the you figured it out yeah you're here this is you're here so how do you wire into that you don't what it is is um okay so this is the back of the uh of the unit right yeah so yeah on this side are the charging connectors right and they're also they also have magnets and so the whole point is that it'll drop right into the charging cradle and then these connections on the back will will charge right oh okay this is the cat this is the camera oh that not the camera the uh heart sensor opening um it's a window and this is the but i couldn't figure out what this was and uh what it is it looks like it's a spring mechanism it is it's a spring mechanism that that makes electrical connection with the circuit board it is the actual actuator it's the it's the vibrator so there's a there's a small weight you can see it's a silver thing a small weight right there it just spins that whenever it wants to um whenever it wants the thing to vibrate on your rum on your wrist so yep that's what that's what that's for um but in order to program it all i need is the front face part which looks really as you noted looks really suspicious with wires and all that but it looks a little a little bulky to have around your wrist just a little bit yeah yeah however just a bit you would you would stand out yeah i bet yeah all right look at that time wow look at that you're just waiting for someone to say what time is it let me tell you not really not really pull back your suit jacket i like a looks like an atx kind of computer chassis that you've mounted a whole bunch of high voltage stuff into that scares the crap out of me it's only 32 volts robbie's off dangerous out so uh um so it's all together now so uh it looks a bit like bp nine thing with all the while sticking out of it at the moment pretty scary in it yeah it looks like a computer chassis and put a bunch of components into it to create his own power supply unit which is pretty neat so peter's really uh gifted at that kind of stuff the circuitry yeah very cool very cool sasha what's new like what uh what's going on we haven't seen you for a while so i feel like it'd be nice to kind of catch up while we can here you know what i'll do is i will um maybe i'll switch around my camera and i can like give you a little bit of a walk through of what this if i can okay so let's see i'm i'm really new at this i'm getting really dizzy wow okay here we are here we go so have you ever um taken carpet adhesive off of uh floorboard it's horrible very difficult oh yeah i've been using that iron on steam and just steaming the vegetables out of that then also i have to remove all of this wallpaper some of it's painted um also it looks like you're getting the place like you're completely redoing the place we are completely redoing the place it's sad to say that we are going to get rid of this mural because there was a bit of smoke a smoke damage keith painted this actually keith and dave's brother tim keith is uh dave's father for those who don't yes um this is my bedroom everything in this house is in disarray right now so please forgive me of course this is the guest room for everybody who's gonna come visit it's not ready for you though so don't come yet uh because of kovid you would not be allowed in just tell me where the nearest airport is sasha that's all that's all i need to know just a three hour it's a three hour drive i could use the help actually if you wanted to show up yeah it's a three hour drive it's a it's an hour and a half an hour and a half to the nearest walmart oh no see that powder blue toilet that's a real thing in life that's changing it's a big place this is another house another house another another room through this door is another house now is it all one is it all one floor sasha or is there a road so is there more than one so far there is more than one floor i could give you the whole tour i don't know how much time we have okay so then here's time that robbie will let us have okay stop me if i stop me if i'm getting too crazy this is the dining room okay okay your wi-fi is holding up this is good yes this is actually a really good test to see whether or not it'll hold up through this is the kitchen you're missing a kitchen no it looks like a gutted room to me that's a huge yes oh is anybody here an electrician see this black around the legally what is this that's scary that's what that is that's a scary to me that's a short circuit you'll need to replace that you'll need to replace that insulation and you'll need to uh have an electrician check the wiring to make sure it's outside because and a plumber also because that's how our sink drains no that's not common here peter but um definitely definitely you'll need an electrician to come here yeah and check the wiring yeah i think it's safe to say with that kind of thing just don't mess around get somebody in that's a great license that knows what they're doing yeah sure yeah for sure that's what we're doing okay it might just be a loose connection sasha but the fact is if there's if there's one in one place then there may be others they'll switch off that's what you need to do as well absolutely so now we are entering into the abyss this is this is the attic these are dave's old childhood toys this is dave would die if he knew i was showing you this that's his potty from when he was a baby that's enough a view from the added yeah that's cool okay and then if i go to the other side of the attic obviously there's still like lots of work that needs to be done up here this is like a horror movie yeah when you move really quickly this is going to be my cat 5 office there's plenty of room out there is it insulated though i mean what's it going to be like in the middle of the summer that'll be hot it's really stinking hot right now i'm not surprised no insulation in the rafters no none at all in the winter um yeah you're gonna have to insulate that whole area there sasha for that to be reliable yeah yes we are we're gonna totally do up this section okay now now i know that i know that you are not as tall as me but are you standing right now like can you actually stand in there it looks like a really really short in the main in in my office you can't see my air quotes but in my office i can stand the rest of it i have to i have to um not stand i have to crouch yeah okay i'm climbing down the crazy ladder there's one more spot to show you it just goes dark for us what what are you actually calling oh yeah um i don't know is it one of those is literally just a dark ladder is it one of those pull down ladders that you pull down and fold up or uh or does it is no it's it's always there i cleaned the mouse poo off of it and now it's good the watch basement it is lovely down here it's cool and refreshing and i have a sheer officer did you just pass a bear that is my washing machine uh this should be my office down here yes you really need to make this part of your part of this your office it's far more suitable yeah and yeah and in really hot days it will be even cooler it'll be cooler i have a basement too it's uh it's not as big as your basement is but um because it doesn't look like you've got a garage or anything like that under there do you well here's here's the thing here i walk into what is kind of the garage there's it's only a man door so you can't actually like drive into it but like it's not a garage sorry well we're gonna no okay no so what we're gonna do is see these weird panels here we're gonna like cut that out and then we're gonna put two doors that like open out you know what i mean just make sure that's not a load-bearing wall you better make sure that's not a load-bearing wall that your house is on sasha i hope you're gonna be able to keep your hold on it's five acres five acres oh sorry i didn't there we go we could put we could put an airstrip right on your property sasha there'd be room i tell you there's room we could do that okay well see there we go i could land the plane right there next to your house i'm gonna get back into my face here hold on there we go there we go tour is done okay so i'm sort of hiding out because um there are feral cats on in the property on the property and we're trying to discourage them but then there are neighbors who are trying to encourage them so the neighbors feed the cats in our back property and then i go take the food away they're really hungry on their property yeah there you go i want the cats to leave i want them to want some other property to go i know what you want but your neighbors need to put their your neighbors need to put the food on their own property not on your property no but for a very long time there was nobody here because keith went to the home um in november so for a long time there was nobody stopping them yeah okay you know really are you whispering so the neighbors don't hear you so the castle the catch remember there's no insulation on those outside walls bill hi dara hello i don't know sasha a well-placed uh workplace right hi hi there ella yeah i was i was all the way across my house and i went is that sasha running into the office i guess i have the speakers up by the way nice haircut you like that yes i do i'm impressed a beard trimmer did it i just yep yep i've been there done that yep absolutely been there done that a friend of mine and it does the same thing here he used a trimmer to shave off the head and then use a yeah i don't know that i would shave my hair but i'd certainly cut it short i have no problem doing that i would uh give them pointers listen to you guys talking like you have a choice yeah jerk hey buddy hey well robbie you have a choice you've got some fun i mean some hair growing dude it just grows out like bobo the clown that's why you keep it nice and short huh yeah exactly yeah sasha knows the first time she saw me with with hair she laughed hysterically that is true it was the funniest thing i have seen oh boy well it's great seeing you guys we're gonna make a coffee break a weekly thing i'm going to try it out on mondays at noon eastern time so work that into your own your own time zone of course um wow see you there actually just kind of like dissolved into the background it worked it worked oh boy so yeah i'm gonna try this out on mondays guys um so make sure you're here if you can be and those who are watching that wanted to be a part of it go to our website category5.tv and just scroll down and you'll see the coffee break and the coffee break link will always be there with the next date and i also put it on the google calendar which you can you can see on our home page but you can also subscribe to the ical file by going to category 5 dot tv slash subscribe which is going to make sure that you get a notification beforehand you can set your notifications to you know warn you that hey coffee break is in an hour or something like whenever we schedule it so we'll try the monday thing for a little while uh and uh we'll see how that goes uh but either way uh we're gonna endeavor to keep this as a weekly weekly get together for the community um is everybody well like i mean the whole idea behind coffee break was to bring everybody together and it's been a trying time for our entire world and we're kind of all um i was gonna i was gonna say spaced out but that has a different um translation as well yeah we are totally spaced out but we're like geographically spaced out and uh you know i want to know that everybody's doing well yeah i'm getting i'm getting a bit crazy but 300 miles on saturday so oh yeah yeah the soap is still going out yeah i'm feeling the stir craziness too there bp9 to be honest with you i still go to work every day that's why this that keeps me busy keeps me out of trouble so it's good to have a project or something some something to do um i i love having the show for that purpose that's what i do as well yeah yeah i went for a walk the other day up to the rectory show about yeah i gotta do the same thing i gotta get out get out and walk so yeah yeah i'm trying to get upstream i'm only at 1300 steps today so i'm not doing very well wait i'll tell you what i'm at because i've been doing work 17 670 steps it's only 1 30 your time she's got a big house she's got a big house that's all i can say yeah that's what it is it's a big wow it's a huge house that's right you get up at like oh dark hundred don't you sasha like i do i get it i get up at five in the morning and actually the sun is already out at five in the morning here i don't know what it is about newfoundland but the days are longer the um north you go the longer the days are it's the same here wait until winter wintertime winter time is the other way though the days are going to be the shortest ever so you'll get like that was your daylight what's crazy too about about the work hours in newfoundland is that it's 12-hour shifts it's not eight-hour shifts like ontario so i'm gonna have to get used to it yeah because i'm gonna either be working work and not only mine as a psw and even dave's line of work his is 12 hours too so i'm gonna be working seven in the morning till seven at night or seven at night till seven in the morning oh many days a week though um i'm on call so i have to be available seven days a week um but oh that's to prove myself right and then i'll and then once i've like finished the three months and then they give me a line so then i know they've met you and they realize how awesome you are then you're in the clear yeah yeah absolutely well they know i'm super eager because i've already called the support desk to like see whether or not i could log on to my staff stuff just so that i could start doing my online training sooner than later when do you plan to finish they're doing the the house you have on the air schedule on how long you plan to work on the house until it's more or less done well the plan is to have it ready for winter by winter um the correct answer is forever exactly you're going to be you're going to be working on that house forever that's the theme you know how you said you were working 12 hours a day yeah add another eight to that i really like my priority my priority right now is the kitchen the bat and the bathroom obviously yes um and then and then as soon as that's done um some sort of source of heat for the winter because right now we only have one functioning baseboard um like baseboard heater so we'll just remember working on the bathroom at least you have that body up in the attic so you're yeah just be careful just be careful that's my studio take it easy everybody it's great seeing you i will see you on wednesday for category 5 technology tv and again next monday for another community coffee break see ya bye bye sasha good to see you