welcome to the coffee break for June 1st 2020 it's our community coffee break little chance for us to get together at the community and just hang out and think about other things welcome everybody good to see you yeah finally come and it's outside it was three degrees this morning here quick well we'll get some quick housekeeping out of the way coffee breaks today is Monday obviously and so I mentioned previously I was going to be experimenting with seeing if Monday's we're gonna work and last week I noticed a bit no Monday's do not work so because what happened is Monday of course typically the day that I write the newsroom stories and then get them all prepped for Tuesday and then they're ready for Wednesday when we do the report so we were a day behind last week so so coffee break is going to be moved to Sunday so effective Sunday June the 7th that will be our first attempt at locking down a Sunday at noon as our date so we'll find that we'll find a place that it fits within my schedule so that I can be there I also had a staff meeting with the team yesterday so we had Sasha Jeff Henry and Robert we're all there and we had an opportunity to just kind of discuss how things are going to flow and it's just finding a day when we were basically available and able to do this so so hopefully we'll lock down Sundays so Peter welcome just to know Sunday is going to be our next coffee break on June the 7th and then I'm always posting those on the homepage of category-five TV so it's on the calendar and it's not which I try to keep up to date bill you pointed out to me that I forgot to put it on the calendar and so I did that but it is also on the website itself I do post that there so we in our meeting we kind of had rain/storms about how the heck are we going to do category five technology TV amidst and post pandemic and you know it's like all the ideas that we're trying to come up with and that's it Sascha suggests okay well we can still do the desk thing but we just need Plexiglas between us so holy cow the world that we're in a well that's what they yeah that's what the check out any supermarket check it out people are doing that's what you'll see you're done TV it'll look weird on TV that's well not if you sit there Plexiglas to be a John then you won't even see it then you got the curve the desk around the camera if you have a green tape or something on the edge of the thing the two meters then gets up like that so that so I suggest maybe we need Maxwell Smart dome of silence Wyatt one for each of us and we'll just kind of we'll just kind of it'll come down on top of each of us as we arrive but I would say at least we don't use headset now so like if we had to wear masks we do have lapels so there's always the opportunity to do that but what what we what I think we've decided on is making a cluster of independent so a cluster as in multiple devices but independent as in each one will have its own distro raspberry pi unit that will each have the Raspberry Pi OS and zoom install and each one of those has an HDMI output so then each Raspberry Pi becomes a camera source essentially for zoom so I'd have one Raspberry Pi dedicated to Jeff and that would be HDMI out into his capture and then when I push the button on the on the stream deck it would switch to his camera basically and then have one procession one for Henry and however we want to set it up so it's just like one Raspberry Pi per person it might work so that's kind of where I'm sorry I think I missed what it is you were meaning to do with that Raspberry Pi being able to have it have them come in remotely through zoom ah I see okay because for the show we obviously don't want this grid layout and we can't have it so that it's switching back and forth every time someone speaks and okay no you need a separate input for each of them so you can edit them post electrician anyway you don't even and even live we need to be able to switch to the person who's speaking manually and I and and people may not realize but zoom cannot be running on the broadcast system because it's broadcasting so that means the good camera that I use is out of it basically is so during the interview or during the conversation I would be on my phone which would then you've done you've done this before though was I recall because you you did the same thing I live oh good point yeah Wednesday we found that out when my pine book probe would not work for the feature and then so then signed off rebooted changed the way I connected things I plugged the I plugged the atomos ninja flame into the pine Book Pro and pushed the cord mm-hmm worked flawlessly so some and if not a half a dozen raspberry pi for eight gigs yeah exactly so well I think four would do it because four is as many inputs as I have oh that yeah so then we just basically that would allow us to treat each person on their zoom connection as a as a camera source so I think that could work and it's probably a pretty good way to do it on the cheap on the cheap it's going to cost like you know four raspberry pies here in Canada is like 600 bucks so you know what selectee dollars American Rush [Laughter] ridiculous Robert said to me because Robert in Florida right he's like oh yeah raspberry-pi it's only 75 bucks for the new one really 110 dollars here just for the board plus you gotta buy the power supply plus you gotta buy the case I'm not even sure I'd use a rough spot for that anymore I probably you've already already been talking about the owner you've already been talking about the Odroid what c4 I believe yeah I don't know I haven't looked yet I don't know if they're any cheaper and they get hit up a mirror droid will see you see what they've got my top light my problem yeah I really don't like and much menu you've seen this too right you've seen where the raspberry pie if it loses power potentially that SD card yeah it's corrupted you can't afford that especially especially not live so you know maybe maybe once an option but I don't know what the crotch point is though so maybe maybe just a bunch of a few fours with with emmc little debian this with the desktop yeah I like I like what you're thinking and it's got HDMI I was strictly thinking you know I I just need a sec with some H HDMI output but you're right it doesn't have to be Raspberry Pi no you need for it to work especially when you're alive you can't afford to be having it break down unexpectedly not just not to say that they will but if you lose power all of a sudden being yeah but if you know why our and the SD card corrupting is the least of your problems if my UPS is so weak it can't power for Raspberry Pi I'm in trouble because that our 510 is going there you've got a retina beeping yes don't you I do yeah I gotta get new batteries and that thing well good point yeah I threw it out there for in case it would be done you know yes as a peasant option so yeah I like that idea Xu fours or the new C for any of those would probably do just fine it's really just plugging them in and then seeing how they how they operate with zoom in fullscreen I think it's a neat idea anyway baby yes sir middle name final final thing for housekeeping before before we can just have free-for-all is Robert is going to be expanding his feature so on the news room he does the crypto corner which is kind of like its new centric because it's part of the news room so very much about like the flow of cryptocurrency and and the value and why the value is fluctuating from week to week and things like that and any big news in cryptocurrency but he's going to be expanding to also include a feature on tech TV which is going to be an occasional feature but we're going to be he's going to be presenting some exciting things like how does the blockchain work and he's going to be showing us under the hood like behind give us a github source code and stuff like that how it actually functions and and doing some more kind of geekery as opposed to just the news end of things so we're going to be getting into the the technical aspects of not just cryptocurrency because we tend to think of the blockchain is cryptocurrency but it's so much more than that its encryption its security its data storage and we're gonna be getting into some of that and and particularly because he that's what he does he's going to be hosting that particular feature so so we're gonna have some of those coming up so that's the final thing that we that we really covered that I wanted to share with you guys a real quick question did you you plan to when you move the coffee break to Sunday the seventh of June is that still going to be the same time during the of the day so it's gonna be midday your time correct living a clock my time okay thank you yeah all right guys all yours Florida shoot everybody talk all it would you thirteen baby noise I answered that question Peter I answered that question yep and I said that that that's none of our business even still it's just it's something that we don't we don't act Anne Marsh man has been on the show he's been here in person we all know his first name we all know who he is so so it's it's fine for me to refer to him by his first name or his his alias because he's already presented that when somebody has not volunteered that information we don't request it three live and I think in one of those he had this last name yeah yeah he's been here and you've been here on the show yeah no I was talking about I had I had my computer on which I'm logged in it's large man and then the iPad which came up is my real name and then another my phone which was like my my legal name so well no worries no worries Peter I'm just laying down the law that's all legal reminds me of a video when I was born she still had the two months before she attorney turned eighteen oh yeah I know there will be 92 more great more great is Peter Hanson your wire so it looks like either might put my pine book or my pine phone is on its way I just got notification that it's that it's been shipped maybe they'll ship both in the same package I don't know but yep so I'm Pro I did yes I did pass that is you opt for iPhone or auntie a fancy of course that's the whole reason I got it cuz I as much as I like that pine book you know you and I've talked about this and you might just at that point book that keyboard is just driving me crazy yeah oh absolutely thinking about getting me a pine tablet to just because you know I'm thinking maybe and maybe we're clear realize in your video have watch did I know you I was watching I think I lost mix now [Music] I'm sort of stopped watching there I suppose I should go back and stop watching and then and at one point they were mentioning they came talking about the keyboards for our brief moment and then Steve Gibson said that he commented that his function case was on the left hand side of the keyboard no $0.32 the keyboard they used to be yeah absolutely yeah so he didn't have any function keys in there not 3270 the original PC keyboards had that as I recall yeah I know we're a small crew today but it is there anyone here who I so what is that and I'm not sure the keyboard layouts over yeah keyboard like international standards organization that's which you let me finish speaking it's usually used in Europe fancy is American so so boom if you have a look on the on the point 64 website and look at the original or any screenshots at all of the original time book not the pine Book Pro because you can get both keyboard layouts but just the original pine book I believe I did I believe it doesn't have an auntie option am i right so now did they though it's not a kind of keyboard at all it's not a nice Nancy so if I so I'm just I know this is running through my head right now but if iso is international standards association okay so can we say ansi is american not the stupid ISO yeah it's not married if it is you were trying to push you're trying to put in those thousands upon thousands of Europeans but that's okay you really push it you're really trying to push much man's buttons aren't you dear I Roby no you said why here I don't I I hated that layout I think I just hope that I didn't offend too many people with my reaction to it it was well I tried it - I didn't like it I went time I fainted but I'm annoyed as all get-out just you know what you used to that's not right exactly but the mind book is different they had to make compromises for the size and had to move keys around and ahead of delivered so it's not a standard keyboard by any stretch of the imagination yeah yeah well I'm still having trouble making a good physical connection to the point I'm in order to program at the raspberry PI's just not recognizing that there's a pint I'm there so I don't know what I don't know what I'm gonna do with that yet whether I'm gonna solve a some wise honor or what do you do it came with a doc did that not help the doc only provides power not programming Oh give me a break it is a it is a consumer device or you know the ultimate consumer device will it'll just be there for for docking for power for charging it's not there for programming it now now how do you program it when you when it's first supply I guess that would be done at the factory once they decide what image to use to program it with but for now I've just got to figure out how to make a good physical connection because this just isn't cutting it I I can't seem to make fur I think I got it to the point where the pine wood where the Raspberry Pi was recognizing that that point time was there at least it wasn't complaining but I couldn't make it I couldn't get an image to it I couldn't make it even acknowledge that the thing was there I just I just got it to a point where it where it stopped complaining but it it never did you know successfully tenet to it so I they have to have to pull out a soldering iron and look at Robbie because you've got some sobering practice to do yeah those those points at the old pair dreaming will the for programming points are very very close on that boy and I'm exceedingly concerned that our short circuit short circuit well yeah I've got to get a really fine soldering tip as well so that I can get I tend to be a bit heavy-handed with the solver I've got a good soul bring on Peter don't worry thinking copper stop that crap is my friend the team copper stuff is useless you want to get himself a 60-40 stuff I'm less concerned about what you know I had good solder I have a good soldiering iron it's just a matter of practice just like Robbie nine amateurs Hey are they past Brewer they surface-mount the connectors looks like passed through but I need to actually take the board out of the device to verify that I'm just wondering could we put headers on it and then put it into like you still have children you still have to solder I mean I'd have to say if there were solder pads on the other side of the ball well that's what Robbie means by yeah so yeah we'd have like header pins so that we could we could then out like user some cables to put it on to a well if I put pins in then I'll never be able to close it up so you know I'd be sacrificing that you know if I solder the wires indirectly then I can at least cut a groove on a very corner of it and then it the wires out that way on the or on the edge of it and is that way make sure the work done make sure they don't do a fool off or something you know well of course yeah I make sure that I drawed against anything but close can you change - yeah I know change the view here so that people can see I don't know you can even see that because because they are yellow everything there at the top of the screen and yeah in this orientation from top to bottom yes and you can see how you can see how close they are do they do go of them this for element might not show up but that's actually for connects the only these are the four pins that are supposed to go yeah yeah and do they plug in yes I see but they're not making a good consistent physical connection I mean you literally just yeah yeah and I have to trim them too because they were they were like like five times as long as that and they were stepping into the back of the display and potentially shorting out against the Bluetooth antenna with a copper thing that they that copper thing that you could see stretching keyboard I know that many of the at least in Scandinavia programming they the user they often change the keyboard layout into English because there is a lot of brackets and curly brackets in and we have two keys in order to taste you know in the Scandinavian capably are spread out across for kids and you have to pray stone the after your team or so since okay clear because about better bed dirty I'm all for today resistance less you know good little bit before name if I brought something to clean them up on gay rights I mean check would I don't make it like you're a yeah go good resistance a does everything today it may be Quito door which is a dirty connection from that yeah thank you like it well Robin made a good point as to whether they pass through or not I'm not sure if they are so it may be that it may be that those pins I just played it on one side of the one surface of the of the of the board yes that's true then those pins putting those pins in the holes it's not going to make a good connection in any connection prisons in yet here's hoping good luck vp9 keep us posted how it goes okay I wait to hear that I still don't have my fine time so this is great because you can mess up yours and then show me what not to do yeah you you just tell me what not to do and then I'll do it right on camera and everybody really wow that Robbie really knows what yeah he rocks man he rocks all right guys we'll see great seeing you and I'll see you again on Sunday the seventh of June for another community coffee break take care have a good one looking forward to it see you later