[Music] welcome to this week's coffee break everybody it is anybody know the date what is the fifth of July 2020 that's right you guys had a holiday this weekend candidate Canada is Canada Day was that's what Peter was referring to Wednesday so this pathway so I had the day off work and I was here at the studio so right now the studio they've got me in the corner boys because it's like not facing the corner I've got things that I'm working on setting up so like I tried unpacking all the soldering tools I found them and I threw them on a table but they're not set up and I realized that the tables that I have from the old studio are not gonna work in this space so I ordered a small 4-foot table to do all my soldering stuff on so that's gonna that's gonna really help so now I got to get rid of the old crew table you know that big old curved thing yep you remember cuz you were there how like it's a pretty big table right so it's a full floor yeah so Peter I don't have the ability to mute you today because I'm over here in the in the studio okay just just know to to mute yourself when when you're making noise and stuff if you don't mind it's like Zoom etiquette folks and we live in this world of okay there's zoom meetings happening all the time now so we need to all learn our zoom etiquette and and mute our mics when we need to I also noticed that we have a mr. Owen from the United Nations those of you who are watching this on demand you don't see that but we have little tags under our pictures that show our name and and marche man today is un om so that's the picture is frozen but it's just come back to lunch so there we go well I should greet everybody I've got Doug up with the top left there I'm here in the middle at the top and marsh man aka you and I when do I need to call you that now over on the right hey guys Peter at the bottom left we got soul boo in the middle and bp9 joining us as well hey guys I missed being here last week it was kind of weird not having a coffee break and that's because I took my wife and kids up to the cottage up north and and just enjoyed some downtime so I had no internet connectivity except if I drove 25 minutes into town where they have like public Wi-Fi at the local park which is surrounded in caution tape whatever your work either right no my [ __ ] well I did have cellular service but I don't have a data plan so I stay off the internet when I'm up there if I can so I needed that time away to be honest Lou yeah Doug have you been doing anything technologically well yes I have three things to tell you first of all they're gonna have me working Sundays so I won't be able to be here next week unacceptable indefinitely oh no secondly I went Wireless oh you did you pull the soul boo we're gonna call that pulling the soul by now pulled us all boo and bought some Bluetooth headphones beautiful interesting story there my microphone all of the microphones attached to this computer got turned off through means unknown running Windows 10 one day I went there plug it in to do something and the microphone didn't work the head work with the microphone didn't work out here's your problem baby it was an issue with that corded headset that I was using so I bought these as a diagnostic thing yeah and turned out they didn't work either so obviously it was the computer Oh night did a Google search for why my microphones not working in low and behold there is microphone setting in Windows 10 they will turn off all your microphones oh isn't that help and let me get one of the automatic updates did it sure busted oh yeah you you don't need microphones and you want to use edge sure yeah and thirdly I have a Dell d630 computer that I was running point Linux on and even with that it was pretty slow yeah so I doubled the memory from two gigabytes one second Peter mute your microphone please thanks man go ahead done from two gigabytes to four gigabytes and it's much faster loads even faster than Windows 10 so you simply upgraded the RAM yep that's good man very good yep that's that's sometimes the secret cuz if you I think what happens is a lot of times like when you're when you have that little amount of RAM your computer's gonna have to start swapping to the swap swap partitions swapping yeah so your hard drive is being used as temporary memory in your hard drive is very slow in comparison that's actually a pretty old computer but raising the memory was a fantastic change that's great man I guess computer is your callsign Hank called them computer here at the studio because we say computer think about can you use right yeah it was funny because a few little while ago I was watching cat 5 TV and you were doing the upgrade on your Lenovo and you kept saying computer and I kept responding like uh Strappies love the fact that we can call a computer but it just doesn't work yeah I gotta remember to do that with his new Bluetooth headset harsh man I saw your shirt there for a moment love that you got a hole in it he's he's worn his category-five tech TV t-shirt to the point where it has a hole in it super fan right there guys laptops with the wife I got ya I got her unto a more powerful computer does that mean a downgrade for you when you say swapped or do you just mean you swapped guy down really yeah it's a downgrade for me but yeah I'll bring that downstairs and put VM ware on it and and run names on that instead of the big monster oh yeah electricity oh cool oh okay so you're gonna turn the old laptop into a hypervisor yeah how much RAM is in there right now for gig but I have eight sitting outside I can pop in there very good yeah that's one thing with the hypervisors we found a you don't want to get too close to the edge because then all of a sudden everything goes down hey I had that half my hypervisor went down this weekend because the power went out Saturday morning about nine o'clock in the morning it just flashed and so I had to come into the studio because I still haven't put batteries in that UPS but it just reminded me because my whole hypervisor went down so that took down my piehole so there was no DNS so I couldn't I couldn't remote into the studio my computer was off everything was down and so no need to get that UPS battery really did a long time it has but you know it's one of those stupid things where I know that I have to I got to replace the UPS battery because it's not holding a charge but it's not cheap but these are industrial 1500 volt amp ups is like you can buy three consumer UPS's for the cost of replacing the batteries but it's got to be a battery replacement so it's kind of brutal so it just feels like sometimes and I've found this through the move you guys I think know this especially those on Kickstarter that there have been a lot of these little unexpected that cost that cost a lot of money the cables to get stuff from this room into the other room have been like unbelievably expensive my webcam right now is plugged into a sixty dollar USB extension because it's got to be able to reach the server in the other room well that's just so that I have USB in here so and then as soon as I want to have zoom interview like on the show live that means I've got to run audio into the other room too so that costs like a hundred and fifty bucks for that one probably so there viola future right just feels like it's like I know it's it it's not a money pit and it's like oh my goodness I thought like oh yeah we're gonna just be able to just get up and running and up and going and now it's like holy cow I'm just burning through cash just to be able to do basic connectivity so so that said I talked to the contractor and I'm excited that he's got a vision for this place and I actually pulled that guy in here that I talked about last time he took a look around and he's looking around and he's like what do you do and I start talking about you know rap we do raspberry pie and others with single board computers and stuff and and we're trying to get more into that and soldering and stuff he's like oh man I'm a big fan of like Arduino and all this stuff and and and I just started talking about my my thoughts about 3d printers and you know that's kind of a cool tack and he actually as a contractor he built his own 3d printer like I don't mean I don't mean he bought an SM assembly kit with all the parts like he designed and built his own 3d printed everything that would mean very tight tolerances on the on the part basically you know you don't have a lot of room to mess around with that it's got to be pretty precise yeah that's what it seems like so is Zoe and he starts talking about yeah well to cover this the skylight we can put in like a blind system where the blinds open and close and then run a track and plug that into an Arduino and then I'll program it so that you just push a button and it'll open or close and I like this guy just kind of seemed like that's a good match because like this is gonna make some really interesting behind the scenes if he starts doing that kind of thing it's just why the fans running in your next to you is the air conditioner not up to keeping the space cool when the really it wasn't but that brings a point point B oh when I came in to get the server back up and running the AC was actually running for the first time since we got this place oh so it was like 32 degrees on Wednesday when I was here see so that's where I brought in the fan I'm confused because when you moved into the space you said it's wonderful to have a nice managed perfectly managed 22 it's all yeah but can I pass the world hasn't been perfect we managed oh okay so there's two things here first thing is just like bill is saying like they're in the same state as everyone else there there are they open or they close do they have full steam you know it's like and they're trying to make it and make everything work plus on that same note like this is a massive mall 120,000 square feet where there's nobody working so you know do they do they go do they fire up the ACS and everybody's units running cool when nobody is here like there's a restaurant there's a restaurant in here that doesn't have a patio so they can't be open so do they see that restaurant like it doesn't make any sense so so there's that but then there's also but cuz I had to move everything in all by myself and kind of just throw everything in here it's not really presentable like it's I'm doing my best but it's still I would be embarrassed to have somebody come for a tour right now because it's like boxes strewn everywhere when I when I found my soldering stuff I just kind of threw everything on a table and it's just it's a mess like I'm it's not it's not perfect so I'm not at the point yet where I want to call up the landlord and say hey the AC is not working could you come over to my unit and take a look you know so I I was planning to spend this weekend doing some cleaning and tidying and getting things set up I've got acoustic paneling that is currently expanding on the floor so you can't even walk in here so like there's that kind of stuff so if it just wasn't appropriate to ask somebody to come and take it take a look so to find that they got it working over the weekend was kind of a pleasant surprise so Peter what are you up to man anything how's your antenna project going last time yeah but you you back back more on more disasters Peter come on I don't wanna we got it working and that day we had to do a giant took the arrow down I went up in the land up when the boys went away and I kept it to the top of the tower and there was a crack once they know where to go to everything all four games I was off no no I better wear em so thou lov'st and the road demands a time on Friday so the healing cup right ping come come home I'd ever done on Monday hopefully and they deliver welder they're on board a guy pretty good you got David Greg down but I like what he's got a triangle tower and they're places to go at the top is a single diode with a plate we go and one that I would like correct uh no viewed it have you got like a young guy that you can send up the tower to do this kind of meant to be climbing towers dude like there comes a point where you you got to get somebody to just finish this project for you and then you can just enjoy it they keep on yeah I know you know what your your life your safety is worth so much more than the cost of getting a tower a by quickly young do I get after work and it seems to get back to that actually to tracking matches a moment and children Apple announced as well the game's up going to the friend of mine do a bit downing trees everything they were all rail full and very friendly though I'm not one around here when you have educated me on food-related but Gigi no human bad kind and killed of dead that could be another week ago and my page will get out again three days but they do to me like the other a rule down yeah you'll have to let us know next week Peter if you got it up on Monday and things are working okay but please please be careful okay up a letter Peter and you could break your leg literally 60 meters you know you are to stop climbing things you have to go and but when the leg and you said about the ground and the HOH Union that's where I know could go but they don't sure so boo here's here's how I think it needs to go down Peter needs to make a list of the things that need doing and he needs to hand that list to some young guy to go do it because I'm picturing now now that you say it I'm picturing Peter at the bottom of the table are trying to yell up at this guy it's not gonna go well hold a megaphone to your to your throat that could have two meter radios or yeah true enough you need both hands climbing a tower though so what have you been up to dude I had the cold last week this is scary time to have a cold dude yeah I had a fever in the yeah yeah but when I am with people then I eat some some for the throat and coughing so man I'm glad you feel better so you're not doing anything with with tech these days taking a bit of a bra enjoying myself and watching Star Trek Voyager how nice yeah butch chair the first two seasons and no first three seasons and I just started there the first two episodes of there I think it's the season for 7:09 then comes along and the kiss I just left she did this and them yeah shorten been about ten years he says he had to repair his rig his radio it must be an old time he read because there was a table or something that he had to replace when they would ever be a value a bit okay and I place them I mean because a guy named I went from about booty much rather than sixty walked in one go Wow a job it does great on here a little abandoned on zippered natural we did it when we brought him but yeah lady the well I am NOT a fan of the a frenzy to create today things are bang on youth very expensive to repair so what what what he calls valves we call tubes here in this take the glass it's maybe out you kind of thing career vacuum to well you're always Peter you're always keeping busy with projects and I love that yeah I like learn like I'm constantly learning but I'm not at your level with the electronics and stuff by any stretch but I posted on Twitter this this week because or maybe just yesterday because I had a chat on the names discord server with one of my users about creating a box that would connect to an M server over GPIO to a Raspberry Pi and then based on the response of the Tempur device which is the temperature sensor the USB temperature sensor if it got too hot it would turn on 110 volt power outlet and he'd have two fans plugged into that outlet and so if the room got too hot the fans would automatically turn on and then if it came down to temperature it would turn off the fans automatically so like I love tinkering with that kind of stuff yeah yeah yeah you can easily enough make your own temperature sensor I just have because I've got the USB temper device it's just so easy you just plug it yeah yeah yeah they're so like oriented I love that in the floor so he had that's ok so he runs up the CPU he oh there are more efficient ways to do this yeah yeah I've got some I've got all that like the thermistors and everything yeah I can build those things and but I'm I I still like the temper I still like the convenience Peter I gotta give vp9 a chance to talk because we're running short on time here what do you been up to do well two things the first is I've taken baby baby baby steps with my own time and bricked it yeah yeah well I say bricked it but I've taken what you have to do is you have to unlock a programming bit so that you can reprogram the pine type because as it comes it comes locked with a software bit that prevents you from from programming it so I did that I followed that process doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a developer camp it's just the way it came delivered so I loved it then I tried to program it but it refused to program the process of unlocking it causes it to means that whatever was in the memory gets a race that's part of a process so now there's literally literally nothing in the memory of it anymore it's waiting patiently for me to figure out how to program it but have any idea who episode did that discover the robot floating in space it came out aboard and the Bellomo was kidnapped and then in order to build a new one and the new robot came along reminded you of a video you saw what yeah exactly so the other thing remember Robbie when I got all excited because on the plane book Pro and the pine book the little SD card which you can't see because it's black on black but this the card you just push in and and pop it out and it it's a little spring-loaded thing and it just lets you remove the SD card well I did a marsh man and I had to cut to reflash the Durazo the flamebook pro yes so I did that yesterday but I messed up a little bit because I used my I used my fingernail to push the young the tiny tiny little SD card so it would release if denied but then my fingernail slipped off you know what happened right oh those things fly it's a very strong spring on this so I warned you about that it flew up to the other side of the room I spit the next day our crawling around in there I see a new segment Americans over there coming along I did eventually find it it took me an hour nearly two hours to find it but I did find a copy this copy break is just like we're gonna caption this one the things not to do I made the point about this point I'm no Robbie you know you said don't do that well you have to you have to unlock that switch see me programmer because mine hasn't arrived yet yeah so you're teaching me what well maybe not what not what not to do but when you said yeah I'll be able to follow your steps you don't have to follow these steps it's just a little scary right now because I literally get no response out of it but I have all I have to do is figure out how to program it that's all he's raised your live wiki yes [Laughter] okay maybe not dr. Graf's Cruden made them better looking for to recruit I I can't hear you Peter these screws you can you can get a magnet or something like that yeah I did I took the point time apart and I did got tiny tiny little screws in it which you can't even see but you guys know it was great I took apart the pine Book Pro recently on the show do you remember that what got KY is that I lost like three screws and I couldn't find them anywhere I was like what on earth I'm looking around and turns out when I set down my screwdriver which is a magnetic screwdriver they went put and ago clicked on to the screwdriver so they're on the screwdriver in my hand well you have a few screws left over and you have a few sometimes you can't figure out where they're going because you can't see see so bill this is what drives me nuts everything that you order these days comes like this this is from something that I assembled today these are the leftover remnants let me didn't assemble it correctly if you no no it doesn't what it means is that there are options so this is okay you want to do it this way here's here's the screws to use if you want to do it this way if you want to do it this way or this way there's no more different ways you can assemble it so now do these useless screws well at least you've got your part at least you got when it was I just got a package from Amazon it was an empty envelope the envelope had nothing through the USPS it did but the problem was that the envelope and I don't want to show it to you cuz it's got all kinds of details on yeah address label and stuff but you can tell that the envelope was never sealed properly at the at the Depot so it was it was it was open so when it was inside it and I know what was inside it but what was inside it just fell out even at the warehouse manual could I can I pull to NASA five and that vertical and as if the PDF folder didn't come with it I'm going going on digital voice and the absolutely impossible workout was like that may be time for me to work out which one day so speaking speaking of instruction manuals are you proud of me would be proud to watch a video yeah you gotta be able to program the timer on those things in the first it was not apparent from the remote control or the it had code that you can enter impossible to change the states you can set it to stop playing and then you could not stop in the power line you had the power led by the product for more than four hours then you could steal you remember crazy well guys I've let this go on a little bit longer than usual but just because it's too much fun chatting with you but I hope you have a wonderful week I will see you Wednesday I'm eager to be here doing the show a lot a lot still to set up thank you thank you next Sunday yeah so check will be here again Sunday I want to hear that you've got everything done but you've done it successfully unsafely Peter and to the rest of you Helen everybody have a wonderful week and we'll see you on the coffee break next Sunday and on category 5 technology TV this Wednesday see you then