welcome to uh category five tv coffee break it is the uh it is october the fourth um sunday and i'm bp nine hello and uh i see doug over there on um uh on the other screen and uh well peter was here but he's dropped out so i i guess he had some microphone issues he didn't have any he didn't have any video and then he uh he he dropped out so i'm guessing he's going to call back in again shortly so all right so um uh what i was going to say what and peter won't hear it but um uh please understand if i have to mute you it's because you're making um a bunch of noise on the on the microphone and you're distracting from the audio so um uh if if that you know if it if i have to mute you it's because um uh it's because the uh um [Music] uh it's because the audio has been too distracting and i have to to do something about that so it's no no slight on you or anything like that it's just that i have to do my best to make sure we we uh have good uh good video and audio on the uh uh on the mic on the on the recording so so i appreciate your understanding with that so hello robbie greetings hey robbie hi everyone hi guys um i haven't been able to join you yet in season two yeah you too how's my sound i heard you're you're talking about sound issues uh you're overdriving the mic just a little bit you're a little a little hot on the microphone but uh otherwise you're yeah that's much better yeah that's much better oh who's good i'm gonna have to run it through the compressor yeah that'll be you that'll be me so i've done this and i so i've done the intro but i'll do it again real quick so i'm bp nine and uh on my left that way is doug give us a wave doug hey and then below him is peter and then robbie give us a wave sir uh-oh we've just lost peter again give us a wave robbie and then sober hello welcome glad to see you so i was just explaining uh when you all uh when you all dropped in thanks for the royal wave there robbie i saw that so i was just explaining i was just explaining that uh if i have to mute you which please don't take that as a as an affront or an or a insult it's just that i have to do my best to keep the recording as clean as i possibly can so so that so thank you so bp nine i should say to the viewers then that if suddenly i'm like if my mouth is moving but you're not hearing anything just know that bp9 has shut me up because i wouldn't necessarily know i wouldn't necessarily know would i why would i would i do that to you robbie would i do that to you we should you probably i've already won [Laughter] we've gone through the it's it's it's all good it's not a problem so here's here's what i've been doing i don't know you've seen this before right you've seen this device prf-80 yes sir candy trs-30 model 100 and seen one of those in about 40 years i know i know well it runs its own doug where to date me this was manufactured in uh i believe it i want to say late 80s but i can't find a if i if i'd remember no no it was it was later than that as i recall but in any case 83 my cats my cat's messing with us um so the the bitter news that i have on this is that what i did was installed a thing called an option rom on this thing and what it lets me do when i do that and i'm just going to pop it open so you can see what it lets me do is it lets me run cpm on the machine nice so if you can see i don't know if you can see that it's got okay what it is oh there we are so what it is is that there are two uh uh sockets in in the um uh in the back of the unit that allow you to plug in what's called an option rom and what i put in its place is a device that replaces all of the memory in this um because as delivered this thing has 32k of 32k of rom and 32k of ram i'm gonna say all of the memory oh 32k all of the 32k yes so it lets you replace it lets you replace the um uh uh all of the all of the memory in it and give you 64k of memory and then it um and then it's uh also has enough space on that dinky little device for a four megabyte hard drive wow that's why i did it because my capra you've seen me use the capro before you've seen if you go back to the earlier coffee breaks you'll see the the um the uh uh you'll see the capro that i was using previously and it only allows something like 390k on the um on each floppy disk well with this i have a four megabyte hard drive and i can go crazy with it if i want to so i'm really chuffed about that um that came to my mind when i heard you're talking about the 32 ko memory is uh does anyone even have a document smaller than 32k the answer to that is yes because i've been transcribing a lot of documents for um for um uh uh for cpm uh the cpm uh a lot of the uh uh and also for this model 100 as well applications for this model 100 there are a lot of programs that have user manuals that are that are pdfs but they've been scanned in so they're not searchable and they're just images they're just images of pages so what i've been doing is transcribing them into a document processing language called tech for latex use some kind of recognition i tried i did try that but i can't i just don't get good enough um i just don't get good enough uh uh character recognition by the time i go back and correct all of the issues i may as well have just typed the thing in from scratch so i take one chapter at a time and i type that into yeah we hear you peter um taken off the pdf file if you've done braids already the recognization will not work very well yeah well the original the original image that was that was stored in the pdf is pretty crappy anyway it's pretty poor so ocr that's what i was just explaining that the ocr is just not very uh strong it's it's not going to be very successful so you end up having to just type the whole page in anyway by the time you get around to trying to correct all the mess that you get from from attempting ocr so that is what it is that's how it works so the other thing that i was going to show you if any of you are familiar with palm os at all we're going back in time here do you remember we are i'm i'm such a geek today remember and also all the participants of the coffee breaks are old farts anyway yeah come on now come on now so here is what here is what my uh um what my phone now does i can now if i can get that lined up properly i can now instead of using the keyboard on the um on the uh instead of using the keyboard on the the k-pro um a correction on the k-pro i really am retro today instead of using the keyboard on the android well the screen just went blank uh like the on-screen keyboard you mean i can now it's yes i replaced that on-screen keyboard with an application called graffiti pro and what that does is it lets me i don't know if i'm going to be able to demo it but what it does if i uh if i literally type in this is a test and i do it over graffiti i don't know if i can easily do this but i say this is a test and what will happen is that it has you know i've done that through the oh it just says this is a test on the screen and i did that through graffiti not on the keyboard it's j i i i just trying it out for a while to see if it works and i'm finding it works pretty well i can actually you know type notes in pretty quickly um using using this so it's just a bit of fun it's just a bit of fun so that's what i've been up to so long coming on to f right there f droid where have i heard that before what does that do it's on a on a free it's an uh alternative to al alternative to the google store and they have only free software open source software oh okay that's okay that's where i've heard it before got it okay probably by me all right let's go around the room let's go around the room doug what you've been up to sir well i've been sick since uh late monday evening um oh no apparently it's food poisoning and i've had oh no yeah not to be in delicate but i've had uh diarrhea uh dry heaves um i had a fever and extreme chills i mean uncontrollable shivering violent uncontrollable shivering and loss of appetite yeah and i went to my doctor and he put me on clear liquids and it helped um my fever went away he had me calling back a couple of days later and he said okay try solid food very bland salad food so i was eating stuff like cold cuts um yeah bread or toast with just a little bit of jelly stuff like that yeah i was using the bathroom like every half hour yeah so i so i've stopped uh stopped eating it and back i put myself back on clear liquids and i got to call them tomorrow we'll see what happens but how's that ham sandwich going good i'm sorry i should not make light of it doug i hope you get to feeling better soon yeah i i keep up those liquids because something i did not know is that or i found found recently well a while ago was that a lot of the liquid a lot of the moisture uh that you absorb into the body is through them absolutely yes i did not i knew that i didn't yeah so you've got to keep you've got to keep the liquids up because that'll keep everything let's say you're moving shelby robbie stop laughing making us yeah diced carrots don't just go right through i'm just looking forward to seeing your description for today's episode of bp-9 uh i i don't know how i'm gonna describe this one oh man we should not we should not stop stopping now but i i say enough and then i laugh i'm so sorry doug this is not this is not professional it's all right we can't we can't help ourselves but robbie we haven't seen you in a couple of weeks what have you been up to yeah oh nothing i've just been relaxing bp night yeah right see what they did there yeah i believe that i believe that yeah so today i've got the server yeah i've got the server all torn apart drives everywhere oh so i'm pulling all the i'm pulling all the drives running fio test gotta run some tests and then i've got ssd's data center drive to put in there so you're going to see some nice improvement in performance right there a little bit of a performance improvement yes lucky nice now you do know how to use dvd in linux you you do know how to use db in linux well yes what do i need that for my transfer to transfer all the data from the spinning drive to that no no i don't need to do that um because i've uh i came in i've spent the last three days running redundant backups so i've got full images of the entire system on separate drives um it's at 96 doing an offline rebuild right now so um so while i'm running fio tests to get the benchmarks um so i'm benchmarking the spinning drive and then once i upgrade to the ssds i'm going to be benchmarking those to see what the difference in performance is and i got um one of these like decibel indicators that show you the ambient noise nice so i i actually took a reading before so i took a reading before so that i could hear because you know that i've been trying to cut down on the noise in the studio or in the on the bridge but i'm curious to know if getting spinning drives out of the server because there's six of them right if that's going to make a difference um on noise because spinning drives do generate a little bit of motor noise it should be should make a little bit of a difference eh yeah right oh absolutely that's what i meant today guys the capro had uh the capri 2x the cpm machine that i that i demoed several several months ago in the in the previous coffee break had two floppy drives in it and they generate a huge amount of noise exactly and i pulled those out and put in an sd card reader in in their place to emulate flop yeah i recall it's dead silent now no fans no nothing so you turn it on and you hear that zip you hear nothing it's amazing so i remember watching a video of someone yeah a video redoing um um a rec server i think it was off of uh two unit um uh wreck server and he was um taking out the um france uh wreck mountain service uh the fans are not uh particularly quiet here they took those out and here uh we did um the um um without few with our pliers and and he mounted the um standard uh silent desktop fans and he connected those to the um and all of a sudden it went from very noisy to is it on yeah yeah it is amazing that the amount of noise these machines can make it's quite surprising and i guess you're right i guess they don't care if it's a server a rack mounted device i guess they don't care too much about noise but there must be all kinds of noise in a data center as well yeah i often wonder that oh yeah like when i walk into the data center where our server's co-located um it's like you walk in and it's just nasty and i just wonder like why don't dell and the the big server companies why don't they reduce the noise like it makes sense right like they're not cheap fans that they put in it like it's it's not like they're cheaping out and going with noisy fans like they could put silent fans in their servers and it would take the levels from here to here yeah just to make it more pleasant and i think maybe we'll start to see more of that do you think we'll start to see more of that because uh we're gonna have so many more uh work from home environments where people have to have servers like my my boys from uh from the oroville uh brandon fayette is his setup is like he has um petabytes of data storage sitting in his living room because he's doing the video production for the orville it's like so like they need to make them quieter i got a i'll just uh put the rest down in the basement and then i won't hear it from up here so that'll work for me yeah and eric moved when we upgraded our servers from an old uh system to a newer system that we bought from the data center and we went to the data center and they had it lying on a desk helping us to install the drives it turned out one of the drive was bad so they had to and get a new one and i remember when they had to go to get a new drive and then we had to wait for uh half an hour before he came back yeah and then they shut down the server in the uh small uh room yeah we were three people in the uh room and when they he shut down the um when the fourth guy shut down the server all things simultaneously yeah yeah yeah i'm not surprised oh you wouldn't believe in here when i turn that thing off it's just like this place just becomes like a sound booth yeah you know that that where there's just nothing there's no ambient noise at all which is like brilliant but it seems like doesn't that alcove doesn't that alcove help to i guess it acts more as a amplifier it might it might separate yeah yeah so what i did is i put the server on the very bottom of the rack so it's close to the carpet and then i was going to i was going to put some sound isolation foam around it just to help yeah i was going to say that nice so real quick robbie anything anything else you want to add before i hand it over to sober no hand it over to soldier but i just wanted to stop in i'm literally waiting for fio tests to run they're going to take hours so i thought and it was it was five minutes before noon that uh that i started the fio test so i thought oh i can make it to coffee break today so good to see you so glad you made it robbie yeah i'm glad you're helping in man yeah sober what you've been up to nothing much just being uh home alone as usual um i did one run to the uh grocery store and yeah i'm just just looking at home outside a few a few minutes every day the post office is still working i'm still getting bills in the mail so uh you know it's all working people seem to be coming no the people people keep complaining that uh the post the u.s postal service is so messed up but no no no i'm still getting bills so that's working out just fine you know how about you peter what uh what sort of trouble have you been getting into you know i've been having a bad arm and i playing there on the uh young lady in the role dead by the way trying to strangle me well i went to the doctor today i heard bad i peter i heard bad arm and blamed it on somebody but i'm not sure that's the first thing we've heard of at least i think he blames it on you bp9 okay fine i don't care um oh yes yes well i um now peter slow down wait wait for some reason your audio has just blown right through the roof i don't know what you think what you changed i i i found a large lump under his arm is that right peter yeah preliminary oh my god you're having a preliminary uh like the doctors are going to give you a prelim to see what's going on yeah yeah uh uh give me the treatment and the role uh which i knew about so i got to go through therapy yeah how do they think that your valve change how did they think that your valve change has anything to do with this peter the good they got because the woman got me bothered it's only been two or three weeks into surgery though hasn't it so it'll take a while yeah i think he got me to learn about why he went to the hospital afternoon they gave her a couple weeks away they sent her out and they said well that's it all we can do you just gotta sit down and she didn't sit down and uh they came running after that they got round and uh from the old table a toilet chair she broke she broke that bone aren't now they're talking about another opponent and then they talk about their vote and they're all in the same area they don't really really really know what they're doing and uh uh so they just arrested i like sitting down and watching tv and watching youtube and stuff so i would have no trouble at all doing that well yeah going to have trouble healing up if she doesn't uh she doesn't rest it though i told her that one and i'd give her we're running out of time now we're running out of time now later but but let me say let me say peter my thoughts are with you are all of us so our thoughts are with you i hope uh all goes well do keep us up to date with that uh with that lump in your arm and with your wife and the same thing for you doug keep us keep us posted on on how you're progressing keep those yeah it's all it's all good it's all all right we're up to we're up to 30 minutes now so i'm i'm gonna uh i'm gonna get ready to shut this down so thank you all for um for for joining and having some fun with us um and uh for keeping it keeping it geeky because that's what we do that's that's how we roll folks so um thank you all and uh have a great day take care everyone bye-bye thank you see you guys get healthy