hello this is community coffee break uh for sunday 8th of november uh welcome uh i'm bp 9 how are you and to my right is peter give me away peter thank you sir and then we've got doug also give me a wave doug welcome welcome welcome to the coffee break let's see uh what have i been up to i've been up to no good i've been up to no good you all know that i've been messing with um with this uh uh model 100 right you will remember that yeah so you know i've been you know i've been messing with this right so that's the the nice handy dandy you butte whiz bang model 100 great little machine and as you as you saw doug it has the um serial port yep that you use to connect to the um that you use to connect to the uh disk drive or whatever it is you've got for uh for storage well i started messing with the handy dandy display that i got on the perspex cover now let me deploy this thing and so my thought was i mean this is jackie is all get out i'm sorry but my thought was that i would just put the model 100 right there okay right and i would put the um you see i've used shipping tape to uh to attach the display to the perspex board and i did that just to mock it up to see how well it fits right so this is the vt-100 you've already seen that right um and then the model 100 will well it was about what about legs on on something to make it 45 degrees you know so you got a leg at the back so you can have about 45 degrees so yeah so the idea is that um that this is supposed to be on your lap like this laptop does like the laptop does already right um but i don't know there's a couple of use cases for this one of the use cases is that i am trying to transcribe old old old documentation that actually came for this machine you know stuff that hasn't been digitized yet so yeah transcribe it to a document to a text formatting language like tech and then use the main machine to actually process it create pdfs ebooks whatever i need to create from that another use case is literally just to write write notes right documents right books whatever right um and this might work for that use case except the problem i've got is that this all looks all nice and and easy now with with no you know with nothing but nothing's connected right now just imagine if i had a serial port a serial cable coming out of here and then running somehow to here so i've got like a three foot serial cable that runs from here to here then i've got a vga cable that's three or four feet runs from here to here in fact that's the cable right there then i've got to run power from here from this unit out to a mains or some source of 12 volts then i've got to run power from the model 100 to some source of 5 volts or 6 volts then i've got to run power from here to some source of some source of 5 volts 6 volts whatever usb provides and so it just gets uh it just gets crazy it i mean it it is no longer a nice easy portable solution anymore hello sobu welcome hey salvo i saw you were doing the the um retro feel uh the retro imaging again for for a second or so which was nice uh it's my um it happens and every time i start zoom it's uh all black and white and it's a pixelated for some reason and all i have to do is turn the camera off and on okay interesting okay so i was talking about my hopefully my hope my you know projected setup for the model 100 with the seven inch screen and the and the mvt 100 right here which is a small screen on that uh system that makes it look like an um like a cash register yeah i know i know yeah well i was just explaining as you as you logged in so boo that this all looks great as long as you've got nice easy um uh uh as long as nothing's connected but uh i don't know if you saw that i would have to connect serial rs232 from here to here right then i would have to connect vga from here to here then i would have to connect let's see power from here to some source of five or six volts power from some source from here to some source of um 12 volts and power from here or two here from some source of um six volts and so it's just all the power just all the power requirements it just get it it's just not very portable anymore at all i mean you could you could run the uh the five volts of the twelve volt through a couple regularly true that's true i've certainly considered that and so boo look at my handiwork man i mean it's all it's all shipping it's all shipping tape just to hold it in place right but you've got to start somewhere right the whole point is to see if you can make it work is to see if it's even viable is that um the plastic thing is that on all the speakers stand where you have some papers while you're presenting something no um and that's one of the things that i need to one of the things i need to do and peter touched on this earlier was that it would be great to be able to hold the documents up at like 45 degrees if you're transcribing documents which is one of the use cases for this uh for this setup you really need something that will that will hold the document up at 45 or 50. like a document holder i'm yeah but i wouldn't do that with this laptop with the perspex case i mean what this is so whoever it was that asked i'm sorry i forgot who asked but uh was it usable that asked yes what this was what this what this started out as is a um a platform to mount a laptop in my vehicle because as a ham radio operator and peter you know this as a ham radio operator sometimes running aprs way back in the early days back when i was a lad you had you had to run a full-blown laptop in your vehicle right so what this was i don't know if you can even see the four um the four mounting bolts there they mounted to plumbing fixtures that you ran yeah you ran plumbing pipe down to the seat mount on the passenger side seat so you fit this thing right here remember peter we drive on the right hand side of the road in australia in the us and so you know the driver is on the left-hand side of the car so the laptop is on the passenger side it's on the right hand side for for me um and so this thing would sit it would be rigid would sit in the car but stay out of the passenger's way and you could actually mount a laptop in here of course that didn't last very long that's just way too bulky if you look at the local police or law enforcement uh vehicles they have a similar setup which is how i which is where i copied this from um but so i mean you can buy these as a kit but i haven't used it for years and years and years i thought this would be perfect for mounting the lap the model 100 right here and as you as you saw earlier how i had the display and all but the wires just make it unus did they just make it unusable it's it's just not it's just not a viable solution in my old church we used to have a we have a microphone for phone stand and instead of the [Music] microphone stand on top that that you screw on on top of that you have a good deal we have um um one of those plastic thingy only i think it is and they use it to have uh the lyrics for the song or uh yeah and then it would work great as a podium for sure you know you can put your you could put whatever book or document or whatever you wanted for reference right there at 45 but you need like the proper stand and everything to me yeah and and and it was the four screw holes and that maybe if you think of the uh oh yeah okay is that how it works you know yeah with a podium as well you use just four screw holes to hold it in place yeah but i've never seen one uh that is uh not screwed into uh a mounting that you put on something okay okay yeah it worked there worked really well in the car um or in the vehicle but i wouldn't i wouldn't use it now um and of course there's you know the way i've set this up was purely as a mock-up to see if it was gonna work for me it's just not going to it's just not going to work so but i i suspected that already but what i did not suspect was what i did not realize was that the wiring was going to be such a hassle yeah i can mount all the devices nicely if i didn't have to wire them up it would be great i wouldn't use any space at all and it would be wonderful but it it just isn't gonna work and you very quickly you yeah yeah you soon realize that people who designed this thing really thought it through because this is a this thing just stand alone it feels quite bulky now compared to compared to you know 2020 model you know but there's been nothing like this since there's been the 102 which is a later version of this there was the 200 which is a version that has the full-size keyboard but it has the display that folds up and that was the precursor to the proper laptops and you didn't realize in in those days uh things were often still made to last a few um ten years oh yes this was this was made to last many many years there is no doubt about and it was if you wanted to uh and have the skills you could open it up and switch broken things um broken parts out for new ones i've done it i've already done it because this thing has a a three volt memory battery that it its sole job is to keep the memory alive while you're switching out double a batteries out of the out of the unit because it runs on four double a batteries so normally six volts one question that i have that um yeah and and i'm uh watching uh louis rossmann's channel and quite often and in um the last year he has been uh touring i'm sorry i did not catch that name what was the name louie i don't know that i don't know who he is yeah he is yeah yeah he uh fixes um apple products oh yes you posted a video in the uh in the chat yeah yeah okay yeah yeah okay that's where i've heard that name yeah and he has a channel where he uh show people he has been doing it for 10 or 12 years but um if you have a problem with an apple product this is how you figure out what is wrong with it and this is how you fix it fix it and then in the last year and a half two years he has been touring the u.s attending um um public meetings about uh uh right to repair acts in um yeah and one of the things he always mentions in the in when he is talking to public hearings is um in the old days uh things often if you open up the back of your old tv or if you open up your older yeah it has a it had on uh schematics on the back that's true yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah that thing you have there does it have a schematic if you open it up no if i open it up but um there are a docu there are books you can buy and i bought one that has a schematic [Applause] [Laughter] nice yeah wow and that is a manufactured supplied um no it's it's third party it's third party yeah yeah yeah so yeah i'm i'm trying to fold it up and of course this is like a sectional in the airplane you can't fold it up to make it to make it fit for a lot more money so schematics is from an era where the manufacturers didn't mind people either sharing schematics or making their own and sharing them yeah and i would like to i would like to figure out how to transcribe that schematic um to electronic format to include it in a in a tech document scan it and like a picture of it they put a pdf oh i could scan it but if i if i do that it'll be way too small i'll lose a lot of a lot of resolutions i could i could do that too um i like that it's all on one sheet and i haven't figured out quite how to do that yet um i would love to be able to uh to record it as one sheet you know one one large schematic and there are programs that i started g-scheme is one of them but i think it relied on some old packages i don't think you can get g-steam anymore i don't you wanted to record it as one large schematic but what were you gonna do with it i'll eventually include it as part of the documentation for that why not just take a high-resolution photograph of it and uh i need to do it yeah i could do i had hoped to go ahead peter motor manufactured that's why i make vessel more radios are it could some of them are very big like that they um they do enforce and they show the top off and then they do the better modules well that's easy to easier to do with a radio because you have various sections right you've got the uh you've got all of what brought to them yeah yeah yeah can you imagine can you imagine trying to repair a recent um a recent radio even a ham radio these days i mean it's crazy i was gonna say it's it's surface mounted parts and all kinds of stuff like that it's almost impossible and today you have a manufacturer so apple is a very good example of this but they're they're not alone but they they are the biggest um where they actually uh get out of their way they are falling over themselves in inventing ways to stop people from repairing it then the latest example is they did the used iphone 12. um someone made a 15 minute long video where he demonstrated uh what happened if you uh he he bought two identical iphones already on a black one i think and he moved the uh main board from one phone to the other and probably wouldn't start with it yes it started but you had to plug in plug-in the charger in order to start it and the camera didn't work and then um a lot of things didn't work because it it complained that it was um uh it was uh the throat battery or it was fraud something or another and then he moved only the cameras and it was the same thing so um each little module each little module has its own serial number and must be recorded with that motherboard so the motherboard will only work with those units with that camera with that serial number um uh what they used to do in the old days was in england uk circle was work service development and uh i we used to mark these groups with red uh retail stuff to stop the busy people damn but the other one they use is like a screw it's like a stars because you need a special like a special screwdriver for it and don't top people uh have temperature and things yeah but these days but peter these days this company's like i fix it that will just you know i'll show you all the screw bits you need to uh i know i know yeah but uh i i i don't i've had problems with my wife's uh up already already and that's all problem where where where the battery went and uh uh they wrecked their basic almost well the biggest biggest problem and i don't want to bash on apple but the problem i have with their parts with their things is that you put something in there you'll never get it back out again um i put i put pdfs in there i put ebooks in there i can't get them back out for love no money so you better keep a copy of them anyway so all right and this is um this is a few good examples of the importance of uh whatnot is and owning good products that you actually can tinker it and also in when you put something in and the importance of having a free and open source software so that that you know how they work and or at the very least some way of not or at the very least not disabling the device when you replace a a piece with this with this unit this is a 1980s this is the 18 this is a this is a 1980s or 1990s model unit and it has a 3 volt nicad battery inside it that keeps the memory alive it's also got a whole bunch of capacitors in there too and people who service these on a regular basis recommend that you replace the caps and you absolutely replace the little nycad battery that goes inside there and so i opened this one up and had a look inside and sure enough the nike battery had started to leak and it was it was it hadn't reached the motherboard yet so i was very very lucky but it certainly had started to leak so yep so i'm very glad that i fixed that i also have the same thing for the model 102 but i messed up the keyboard um the keyboard connection for it and i've broken it so i have to figure out how to fix that all right one one last round for everybody and then we've got to finish this because um we're running out of time so you go first sir did you get your antenna fixed up your aerial yeah yeah yeah but uh uh uh i wouldn't use them again uh for obvious reason uh um okay yeah because uh they're trying to tell me if i put a little area up i do better than the big one i got and uh uh uh they put the element up and i told him that the element won't and anyway my cousin's wife's cousins are on wednesday they put the aerial up for me two of them uh uh hopefully we're getting the game on the tower again i've also put a vert scrub so i've been cementing uh i mentioned a couple boats into the garden uh uh uh all last week so i dug a i about four feet and then i banged the bow in the other minute i have to give the other folks a chance okay okay okay i'll go okay okay okay what you've been up to sir just my usual working you've been tinkering with anything technical electronic anything like that not this not this week when i get time i want to set up a vpn in a pie hall okay other than that no are you looking to use a vpn to get back into your house or are you using to use a vpn to reach out to other places well i was thinking that i could set it up so that i could use it wherever i am that and pie hole if i use a static ip address i think i can um connect to that wherever i am and then pi hole and the vpn would both work oh look who's signing in yeah i know i know i just saw him show i don't know across the party that's um i don't see any video from you peter you me and robbie i mean robbie i'm so sorry it's always peter that has problem with video so uh uh while we're waiting for robbie to bring up some video there he is there he is robbie it's 25 minutes and i was just about to shut us down and then you showed up so now i've got to make it longer it's all your fault just so you know sorry i don't need to take any time i just wanted to say hi i want to show you something look at what i was working on today doesn't that look dirty source mass oh nice and not only am i building an open source nas but i needed to convert one of my ssds to a full size 3.5 inch bay so i'm 3d printing yeah man absolutely of course you are amazed now are you using a are you using a uh an sbc to drive that thing or are you just um to drive the 3d printer or are you just using an sd card or how are you using a oh a single board computer you can go both not a raspberry pi an odroid is it uh it's actually a cobalt device nice that looks like a pretty powerful device yeah it's got it's got uh one two three four five uh sata headers it's got m.2 um it's built uh to be an open source nas so that's the box from it there's the uh the branding oh no no i was talking about the 3d printer robbie using the 3d printer no the 3d printer has its own computer it's it's got its own computer built in really yeah so i'm just printing from an sd card oh okay if you want you can connect a single board computer up to it like a raspberry pi um stick like octoprint on there or something like that and then you can uh then you don't have to keep swapping sd cards in and out i might do that eventually because i'd like to make it so that i can remotely uh print stuff and then come in to pick it up kind of thing but is there an advantage to that i don't really know yet so for now i just i just pull the sd card out of the built-in computer um i'm building what's called last line backup it's a new software product that i'm developing last line backup is just like it sounds um it is the last backup in a redundant backup set and it is a write-only backup so it's it cannot be um affected by ransomware or any other kind you mean read only backup don't you no right on it right only well then it can be impacted by by nash well it's it's a it's a bit of a different infrastructure we don't need to get into it at the end of the day oh man oh man next week it has multiple layers so it's a write-only backup and then that backup is locked once it's written it cannot be rewritten over okay so that's that's what the device is for i'm sorry to do this guys but i got to leave right we're done in any case so it's 30 minutes so thanks robbie good to see you man yeah you too see you yes no worries at all all right well stay safe and we will catch up again next week next week that'll be nice yeah i know it's cool isn't it that is cool yeah she's he's been rocking that set for a few weeks but you haven't been here to see it robbie all right i'm out of here have a great afternoon everyone bye-bye