welcome to today's coffee break nothing's gonna stop us pandemic whatever having to move we got this is socially distant from us for me he's in the studio I'm in the office and I was joking that were socially distant but realistically because he's using his phone and I'm using mine we're getting severe feedback so that's that's you watch nothing around you panorama yeah sure okay so I am in actually the broadcast area of Studio East so we're Robbie's and showing up from is from the production studio but this is actually the studio for where we're going to be broadcasting so behind me is the blue wall and right now the idea is that is where when category-five cuts off will be and then we're gonna have I believe the unboxing table you said is over here and that's right and then we're gonna be having like green screening standing studio over here and over here is back end well there's that and this is the wonderful natural lighting that we're getting in studio II so that as we broadcast from here we'll get a nice glow coming off Romney's head so we can save energy on those money and I'm here in the production studio so this is where all the wires are going to come to you can see the server rack fits very nicely in the alcove so there's our server rack I'm gonna put some LEDs in there to make it look nice my desk is obviously ready to go set up and I'll just put my computer on that there we go so we'll get this all worked out Anthony's here putting in the motion sensors and everything else say hi Anthony strangely didn't want to convey didn't want a coffee for a coffee break so Cheers looking hey Jeff one of the things that has been noted so far about the studio I'm going to just kind of creep over here for just a second watch this here we go there we go I can just go like that just for a moment cuz I'm gonna go see Jeff I just want right there so I just pointed at that little bubble in the wall Jeff can you see it on my camera a little bit yeah so how tall would you think that is I guessed from video probably about 8 feet 7 feet yeah that's about 7 and when you're sitting how how high is that compared to you so here I'll bring my camera around I am not touching the bubble you know that's about 7 feet okay okay so yeah we may see it a little bit maybe we just find a nice drape to cover that or something I don't think it's really all that major I don't think so hmm we'll see it's not something I noticed before but it was pointed out right on on Kickstarter yeah so did everybody know it's just it looks like it's just us here I saw Peter Peters here hey buddy I wonder if because today is move day I wonder if people thought that we we weren't gonna do a coffee break well it could be but I mean Soul Boo is in here Oh easy I don't see him on my phone I'm gonna try to figure out oh there's a participant's button Oh bills here and soul boos here nice hey guys or just being shy okay yeah we like because I don't have a computer I can't see anybody other than the person who's speaking so so unless you make a noise I won't even know you're here okay Bobo do you have an electronic drum kit set up just beside the kitchen yes I do it's yo MALDI TX something I just okay so I have always had two drumsticks in the church I went to the thirty years ago the pastor was and he played the drums doing service so he gave me two drumsticks for some reason nice and I still have them so I've been all these years I've been playing ear drums so how to do it yeah it's a great feeling having something that a little bit yes actually it's it's funny I mean dude on the whole air drum thing I totally get that I'm an air drum and myself but I'm also a finger tapper and my - you know pointer fingers have become a drumsticks so much so that they actually curved out now and they start to twist so it's like I've done all this damage to my fingers from all years of finger drumming okay good check on the truck oh my goodness look at you go Wi-Fi reaches that far hey guys I don't think the Wi-Fi reaches how's it go though good how you doing got a lot of buffering wrong got some you're frozen there you go oh there we go what that wasn't yeah I was connected but I had I had to disconnect my camera for a little while because I was flashing a micro SD card now i just read plug the camera in so i'm here i need i need a USB hub that's what I need yeah so what do you guys think of Studio B so far it's looking good [Music] Bobby you guys I watched that video the Kickstarter video and I saw that wall defect as it worked yeah I think if you just pay attention to the lighting you won't even notice it and also like there's there's usually stuff that we put behind us I don't think we're gonna use the same shelving that we used before but I'm gonna I'm going to have the set designer kind of come up with some ideas on what they can do so I don't know what what that is going to be it could be like some kind of fancy lighting it's also quite off-center like it's it's far over to the left side of the walls or I guess you know yeah stage left so it may not even show up on camera depending on where we're standing I mean yeah drew whenever you think about where we filmed in studio D the camera was maybe only a couple of inches focused above my head and I mean that's that spawn it's not seven feet so I don't think you're gonna see yeah I don't think so and yeah and you may not either yeah I think the other thing to remember too in studio he is that we're gonna be seated instead of standing oh it definitely won't show yeah standing you you only went up about six and a half feet so it's probably would probably be just that arranged we're just sitting there the contractors gonna be building a stage for us so see where Jeff is okay so it's gonna be a little elevation and that's gonna give us something that we can feed all the wires under bill you remember how hard it is to hire the stage and it can just come up where we need it I like I like a raised floor yeah just slightly raised yeah it's so it's an old building that we're in and so the floors are a little bit uneven Jeff you can probably see that it's not it's not like terrible it's not uncomfortable but your desk might kind of look back and forth a little bit so putting the stage and is also going to give us some more level strike well meeting you're eating heating yes absolutely eating an air conditioning that's something I'm really looking forward to with having a professional landlord is like a landlord that is that's what they do it's gonna make a big difference for us I like your t-shirt Roku sitting there today yeah very timely isn't it well I don't know if you guys are planning on necessarily planning and if you got a check that the videos we've been doing from today because we had some special guests hanging out in studio today studio de while we were packing up and Anthony is just warning me here guys what oh dear Anthony what are you doing here we go I heard a click case maybe that silent alarm is deafening I was expecting my sirens and blaring all little beep like you open the door and then to me is there the SWAT team will be he's doing all the programming and everything I don't want to like put him on camera cuz he's probably punching in like secret passwords and stuff so you guys see how big this alcove really is yeah there's our server rack and look at how high it is it's ridiculous you need a bigger rack more stuff to put on it right here you go yeah umm what's cool about like see doesn't that show you held my camera really makes things look smaller so if you consider that how small that little I look and then think about how small the studio space looks because people are saying oh it looks a lot smaller well I think my phone does that weird eh yeah normally this camera we're supposed to add 10 pounds in this case it takes off 30 square feet that's my this is my 5 foot server rack you guys know how wide a server rack is and it's like it's got a foot on either side it reminds me over a comment that I saw I think I mentioned this week back on the very last video that Lewis rossmann did on his old store it was all cleaned out it was just empty yeah the commentary said they in response to the video on the empty store that only priya said that he couldn't believe that it looked smaller with nothing in it than it ever did it all the crap in it yeah does work that way sometimes so maybe the studio will look bigger when you start feeling it this stuff yeah I wonder if need to get more shelves on that rack Ravi so you can put your name servers on it I've got one set of rails so our main server goes on those rails and I thought I could strategically there's the rack has these little lips see those yeah and that gives it a little bit of extra stability the rack itself but because it has a lip I could just put a like a piece of plywood on it even for just a cheap and cheerful solution but you can buy like silver rack shelves for like 50 bucks hmm be cool be nice for you to have their server is not going to be nice no server noise no fan spinning oh could be absolutely silent I heard a train go by the other night when I was here and I just like I'm trying to picture where a train track is so I don't I don't know if that would ever happen during the show but I don't think it would pick it up but it's only for a moment I remember when I worked in a local radio station in there 93 next door they were pushing down maybe 10 meters long they were doing some digging and they were flying down some metal bars to keep keep the dirt away and then we had to walk out and ask them nicely if they are during two hours it's a if they couldn't take a break but there was the deafening of all our microphones I don't see railroad tracks on this map that's why it was so weird I'm like where's that coming from I can't think of any nearby I mean there's the Allendale train station but that's pretty far off yeah there is some train tracks I don't think they're in use but they run right along I think it's Tiffin Street which is not far from here II like I used to live on Patterson actually yeah they are used because I used to live on Patterson and for England right by our house they're rarely used though they're not very heavily trafficked no I think we had a train go by once every three months yeah that's what it was you know Istanbul of course our secret governmental facility is not marked on any map well this cool the the studio II is right beside the high school that I went to except they tour the high school down it doesn't exist anymore so now it's just this big field so it was weird driving in and looking over to see you know where I graduated and it's all gone yeah kind of it's kind of weird being back in this area yeah I did the same last summer when I visited there my place the old school building is torn down and they have built a new one and almost all of the other supporting a buildings are not there so it's of the big empty space it's it's weird time moves forward in the that won't happen in New York they're gonna let those buildings fall down and I draw that way with it as well the government did have a term what people do and I got my own and their time to pull this up their old stuff I've been digging a little around yes Wow Masek is that weird five megabyte for four megabyte yeah because it was in used up until them two or three years ago and ethical install on destroy this Mandrake 2006 still works so it must be gigabyte and four gigabyte yeah okay so it's a little newer than I was thinking that's out of a comic I have no idea no I don't still operate the big ones bill when you commanded people things went I don't go that far back and I found the second the second the disk of the second limit Linux ever used in 98 or something on the local gas station where I used to live there was a magazine a niche and computer magazine had CDs often and Sue's 5.2 all over the front cover it said a real 32-bit free operating systems and I knew that the windows 95 and 98 that I had at the time was not completely I was intrigued by the ego so real and it was freeze of course at the tried and Here I am they realize you lived in a gas station I think we lost the Robin Jeff again Robbie took a walk yeah yeah I still got a dude every year but I still sometimes go through this book oh boy [Laughter] profit drives do the keys yeah I have to one before but a very good oh yeah yeah this was one of the first first games I ever bought I still have it no there's a point you can you had was the non floppy floppy see yeah my kids call them the save buttons I've got around the house yes to Twitter a few months ago and put the commented that his daughter I think it was was amazed that they he had he had a real say button in his hand and there she comes oh you printed the same button yes and and will Microsoft ever get rid of the have disk button yeah and of course as a this was the first computer game by own I still have this is the cd-rom version but but there I initially had it as on the three floppy discs I think I think we should do Unreal Tournament on the day that I go through labor and this is my favorite it is still my favorite it was the first ex-con game with the real-time turns and I remember how often I won battles just by waiting for the aliens to come where I was sitting up ambushes so I could still run wait I have all my original video games even the ones on the floppy disks and everything like I've commander key and all that kind of stuff up at home I just can't part with it for some reason yeah I made it okay as well going back to it well done I'll do Goldman I'm gonna cover somewhere my wife was an elbow no family would back to work Oh probably even though I'm enjoying sitting down today Robbie picked up the truck at 8:00 I got to the studio 8:30 and we'd be going solid ever since and I'll probably go into the evening hours sasha was here earlier as well with Dave and what I've been doing throughout the day if you are one of our Kickstarter supporters I've been recording all throughout the day and I will be publishing a video tonight or tomorrow morning depending on how quickly I can get the server set up today have basically the the entire day's events so if you want to follow along with that it'll be a lot of fun so thank you everybody for joining us for coffee break I hope you have a great afternoon see ya take care you two are fine guys