good afternoon well good morning whatever it is hello welcome to cat 5 tv coffee break i am bp 9. um and i have sol boo in the top left hand corner uh give us a wave subway thank you i have peter give us a wave peter thank you very much doug hello give us away hello and sasha i haven't seen you in ages [Music] and of course i'm bp 9 over here um doing my best not to mess up so we'll see what happens i'm just double checking i am recording and uh muted lights are on we're good to go such as a screenshot it's not looking like a construction zone no although i will say i i found yeah i found a sweet spot in my house where like the internet is not so bad it just happens to be in my messy bedroom but at some point if you're interested i'll show you some new developments at the house absolutely because i want to know that was one of the questions i had was i wanted to know whether the house was ready for winter because i suspect winter has well and truly arrived am i right yes now let me see i know i can switch around my camera so i can show an outside view nice see a little tiny bit of snow happening yeah i love that i love that view sasha i mean yeah look at my wood stove i am on the top of a hill hold on i'll bring you to the the best view of the house yeah i do see the stove there's my wooden stove oh just installed it and then you can see out this window here down the hill you can see the ocean it's on the horizon i am so jealous i'm so jealous it's so amazing because we're not all right we started australia when i lived in australia um i used to live right near the water because in melbourne pretty much all the cities are on the water they're on bays or or on the seashore and so i used to fall asleep to the sound of the surf and i missed that i'm nowhere near uh water here so i don't get to hear that and i do i do miss that no you're landlocked yes sir absolutely i don't mind not with all the hurricanes and tornadoes and all the rest of it flowing through i i'm quite happy to be in you know further inland but um i do not like um i i do miss the the surf that is true yes have you seen any icebergs sasha when we first got here in april it was iceberg season i suppose if there is a season um but now it will be again in the spring yeah we're right in iceberg alley so we get to see a parade of them go by in the spring did you see me after you moved in yes so we were quarantined for the two weeks and um during that time we could see out of the living room window these massive big icebergs floating but they were big enough that we could see them like their majesticness from as far away as we were and then when we were able to get close to the ocean there were hundreds of little guys so it turns out they're called growlers if they're not a certain size right and and then they're and then so there was tons of growlers and then a lot of icebergs as well that's almost very cool and then even the even the growlers can mess with um with shipping right or no yeah that's i think what took the titanic down was a growler not oh really oh i i thought it was a bigger yeah because i think it wasn't a bigger or if it was a bigger it it hit below right it was like one of those ones where it wasn't detectable enough for them to notice as they were powering ahead right right right so and then we there's tons of whales here and it turns out that there's a lot of sharks too so like my friends who get to go out on the weekends fishing because here you don't need a fishing license to fish on the weekends they'll go out to the ocean and they'll see tons of sharks there too so now there is there is not much in the way of population on uh on that island is there or no so is there any restrictions on hunting um yes you need a license to hunt moose i don't think you need one i'm not sure if you need one for rabbits um i think rabbit hunting you're just allowed to do um and ducks you want a license i don't think anyone cares too much about rabbits unless they've got mexico they're pretty good at repopulating themselves that is very true [Laughter] um oh fish the fishing you're allowed five fish per day per person three days a week so 15 fish if you're allowed yeah wow and can you get that many fish out of the out of the sea you can get it within an hour like david only went out he only went out one day because of just the way the timing went for his work and we don't have a boat so we had to use the generosity of friends to get out there he went out one day and within an hour he had all five of his so wow wow well if he goes fishing and then once a week can he then uh if you shop at 15 and all the quarter for a week at the time i i think just the the five each day so you could go three days in a row and get your 15. well what would i say they bring all bachelor oh god it is um salmon and yeah route is it trout trout fishing does that make sense to you yeah yeah it would be nice too okay someone who is not seen the cfe in quite some time doesn't know how fish works i enjoy walking by the sea i enjoy you know the beach um i enjoy the sound of the surf i do not enjoy fishing you know to be honest i will one day fish i'm working my way up to it but so far i haven't done it so it's just like with any other hunting activity um it's not even the catching so much it's the the gutting and cleaning and all that messy stuff but i'm just yeah on a much more beautiful and peaceful side i will tell you we have a zillion blue jays that come to our property every day it's they they eat us out of uh bird seed constant well if you put you know bird seed out they're gonna eat it right so yeah are you putting bird seed out we are but mostly because of the beautiful birds there are now they're fat beautiful birds they're practically just blue turkeys they won't be able to take off when they get ready to leave in spring oh my so how are the house renovations coming along i saw that you you pointed out the um the wood stove um yes last time we saw your house all the plaster was off in the kitchen especially yes so we had a electrician friend come in and fix up the electrical now you'll have to forgive me because i do need to do dishes um because i made so i made soap today i made soap in this crock pot i made soap and you're not going to be including that you're not cooking food in there i have two crock pots that's my food cooking one down there mix them up mix them up whatever you do yeah so there we go this is the kitchen now oh yeah but i see that i see all the nice plaster but did you fix all the stuff behind it yes our well our electrical our electrician friend ryan did okay so that's good yes um and we got a new sink that actually drains oh this is my dinner for later is that a veggie burger is that what that is it is it's a veggie burger yeah it's like one of those impossible burgers yeah not real food yeah hey now i don't know i don't know i've been um pretty happy with uh robbie's suggestion he likes to he suggested to me when i was when he and i were talking about roasting veggies in the oven i like to take eggplant and mushrooms and cucumber and i'll slice them all up into small chunks olive oil and balsamic vinegar and then put them in the oven for 30 or 40 minutes nice awesome very good yeah i need to do that more is the problem because that's you know how that works i i know i'm not exercising enough that's my problem we were given a great big huge amount of swiss chard like during like the harvest of it and i ate i ate so much of it all at once and then i told our friend who gave it to us i was like i ate that in like three days it was amazing i was frying it up with onions so they gave us another big batch and by the end of that i was like ooh i am charged i'm done with charge i bet it's like if you go to hospital and the people who visit with you think if they bring your favorite foods in to the hospital then then you know you'll feel better but no that just means i associate my favorite foods with the illness that brought me into the hospital in the first place that's right fun that's no fun i remember when i was oh so that's all right i'm sorry i was just going to let some other folks have a go at talking because we've been uh we've just been sort of chatting and ignoring the rest of them sorry about that so sober you have a go you you tell us what you've been up to well um i've been uh switching um and i mentioned uh earlier this year that in the in uh that i had bought two new systems uh for using down downstairs um i had to uh one of them was so noisy and it turned out that it was almost as old as one of the systems it replaced that um the fans of the new all system was so noisy and it made me mad so i finally gave up and i um the biggest uh of the old systems are whenever i brought back and i just swapped the drives around so now the living room is nice and quiet as it should be yeah i have a i have a high performance um uh amd machine an amd athlon machine which unfortunately keeps shutting down on me which is why i bought this this other high performance desktop machine and when i took when i took it apart i discovered that the um uh the the paste between the processor and the heatsink had dried out and so i think it was shutting down because it was it was overheating so i i've got some some thermal paste now to put on it but now i've got to figure out how to put it all back together without making a huge mess so and also um a few people might know from the chat room um i am one of those people who and i host my own my own email server at home so um all my my emails comes directly to my server server in the basement my internet connection is not strong enough for me to be able to do that reliably that's that's my problem because you have to have a 24 7 connection all the time it has to be contactable all the time doesn't it no um it has to be connected connectable uh at least at least once every uh five days uh because at the most um email server send and receive email yeah because most email servers are configured by default to attempt to deliver for five days and if you can't deliver in those five days then it will be returned so if you have an intermittent connection um every now and then that's that's not up so so up to five days but how often will it try during that five days i'm not sure once an hour or once every 30 minutes yeah it's um configurable and um a few a few of them big hosting providers like gml and yeah yeah okay they will try uh uh once every 12 hours i think um um so in my old place i had did not make an ip um and it was no problem i had a script that updated my uh dns record so that every time the ip changed and it would update i have a static ip so i have no problem with that the only problem i have is that my is that my internet modem the modem provided by the network provider blocks all traffic by default um incoming traffic which is nice but i i have to set it to bridge if i want to do that control the problem is that that the internet provider can see all of the machines internal to my network but of course what i've done is all i've done is plugged routers into the um into that modem so that all they can see is routers not the actual machines internally i do the same that my mail server also serves as my router um and i i don't have a in any wireless capabilities um i have a wireless router that is permanently disconnected i only connect it when i have the visitors who need to use the internet um so what about your phone or your ipad or whatever else you have in the way of tablets how do you how do you connect to you to your internal network that way that looks like internet that looks like an uh not a smartphone is that uh i don't like smartphones really i have uh i have two um i have two devices um that i use for uh i um they do not have a sim card um um it's on a galaxy four and galaxy um s4 and s4 4k but i use them to uh store pictures uh when i'm out about uh notebook and and if i need to connect something to them i uh plug in a usb cable and i transfer manually i don't trust smartphones i go i go old school i have notes yeah i have a few of those as well um what difference does it pin what difference does it make whether or not your ip provider can see your machines on your network um the ip provider if they can see any um any machines on the network they will attempt to connect to things like shared drives stuff like that um and so they'll have access to uh the content of your of of whatever is shared by your machines and also if the internet provider can see it the rest of the internet can also see it yes so my router is uh my mail server is also a router and i have a switch connected to it and i run the cable the cables from downstairs up to a switch here and i run a cable from this week's to a switch upstairs um i would i would like to catch up with you later about that because i want to talk about running your mouth one more thing i want to let some other folks have a go as well i did one small thing that i had to uh turn on uh i run my own um dns and then my own main server but i had to enable uh the sps um spf the thing that tell the email servers what servers are allowed to send mails on my behalf because at gmail after i moved here i have to uh my esp blocks outgoing 425 so i have an external server that i am forced to use um that i control but yeah and um this server is not uh trusted by default by gmail because uh an organization equivalent of eff electronic function they have all their mail servers on this server so they send out quite a lot of bulk emails one of the lists i think have 1500 members so um um so i have to tell them so i have to tell you the dns record that this server um is allowed to send emails on my behalf and i i definitely want to catch up with you later so i'll talk about that later whether we do that on zoom or or some other way i'd love to um pick your brain some more about that and you just look like it looks like the reason i turned that off but i had to turn it off is that uh after i moved here i it turned out that gmail started to throw all my emails in everyone's spam folder oh nice and after enable that this server is allowed to send on my behalf it no longer it in another in it shows up in everyone's inbox instead which is what was what they were supposed to do so so doug it looks like your cat wants to be part of the party as well oh yeah this i had two cats my older cat died while i was served yeah so this is the one that's left her name's madeline for short oh so she's loving on you because because she's oh she's a cuddler oh yeah yeah i know mine mine's the same well she would be if she felt like coming out saying hello but she's she's not coming out today she said no i don't want to i don't want to play so this cat is very gregarious she uh she comes out for company and really oh yeah she's got to be the center of attention mine will mine will go crawl under the bed if anyone if anyone shows up my other cat did that she may show up later especially if everybody stays reasonably quiet because she does not like a noisy household oh yeah we blew through here uh a few weeks ago and we lost power for two days i think it was i had to open some windows to let some cool air and fresh air through the house yes of course the central air wasn't working and of course there was a lot of noise outside you don't realize how much noise gets insulated by the windows um but yeah the um uh poor old poor old kitty cat she she was hiding under the bed most of the time she was freaking out from all the from all the noise that was going on so well we've seen her jump up on your computer table oh sure yeah she she doesn't care she's okay with me um not so much with visitors so right so peter what have you been up to sir what sort of trouble have you been getting into is your new antenna working no oh um the wings broken you can bring that microphone closer to your mouth there peter you'll be fine no clue yeah the winch is broken um the the wind's clear as i have to buy a new winch oh no and i no you'd sabotage i think the same people who did the uh we did the world indeed to build a flavor tonight was wrong oh jeez peter i'm sorry that they would jealous from my antenna because it's a big one you know yeah yeah yeah so i just uh yeah but i'm still now i'm gonna buy one tomorrow i've got i've got one on older one that people want to order tomorrow i've got to hang i've got to hang my long wire back up again i've got a dipole that's a long one i'll do what you know i have a tuner i have i have a tuner in mine um but it's lying on the ground right now so a tuna even a tuna won't tune but 132 feet that's the only problem oh wow yeah but uh yeah yeah i put one up like that oh my god it's longer than 32 feet but it's 132 feet oh okay that makes more sense that's about right for mine as well but i've also got two really long ropes and i've got it strung up between two trees on one end of the property to the other so i've got my my mind on a very large poplar tree which grows like so a foot a year yeah but it works very well if you want information i'll give you information on it yeah i'll give you the information uh is that why contacting you well we'll do it we're not going to do it now we're about ready to shut it down that's what i mean yeah that's what i mean yeah we can talk later for sure oh nice okay here in the states we have like ham radio outlet and other places but i can give you the name of it you know i'll give you tonight i've got to go and go and put the name right here link to it put a link to it in the in the chat if you want um no i give a phone number as well because i'll give you the phone number but yeah no we don't need to do that just give us a website or something like that yeah they need to advertise them that strongly well well i've already i've already advertised it somewhere else all right all right we're about to close it down any closing comments from yeah speaking of uh antennas i have a fun story that my old mountain told it it's a short story quick quick he is a hammer the ham radio operator 30 years ago yeah in the 80s he was a a very active operator and he had uh an antenna and as big as uh peter's i think uh maybe his was even a little bigger but um he lived in a apartment complex and they had uh a walkway uh between the apartment blocks and on the other side of that walkway uh he had his antenna set setup and the antenna cable was uh out from his living room window down and over and just laying on the grass and laying on um and they mounted it and we put your friend and then the winter came and they they were starting to blow away the snow one day he was at work and his wife called and said that uh he had to come home because something had happened and what had happened was this snap blower um had catched the antenna cable oh no yeah and then it was fully stressed out um he said i can just see it i can see it in my mind's eye i can already tell his equipment was uh mounted inside a shelf much like the one behind you and that was uh took off across the living room and then on the in the wall and the antenna broke four meters away doug what you got any closing comments before we shut this really okay sasha thank you enjoyed enjoyed visiting with you so so glad you came and dropped in to say hello i love you being a part of this thank you you're always welcome sasha just come visit any time you want you're always welcome so we'll do all right good deal all right hey all your friends in one go larger because okay we're out of here have a great afternoon everybody thank you good to see you again sasha i'll do that for you now okay all right yeah bye bye