hello this is category five uh coffee break good afternoon or morning or wherever it is in your part of the world um welcome we have peter up on the left hand my my top left hand wherever i am so peter give us away were you there we go hi peter give us a wave sobu all right then don't oh there we go thank you sobu and i'm beat p9 good morning afternoon whatever it is so let's see what fun have i had i fell into the um i fell into the youtube uh uh rabbit hole um this weekend hello lance man how are you sir good nice sunshine yeah it's uh actually creating a lot of glare on the and it's fine it's okay there you go much better now we can't see you it's all good don't worry about it it's all good it's it we can see your face fine that's important don't worry about it it's all right it's okay oh geez it's okay there we go that works that works how are you all right how are you i'm i'm wonderful thank you very much i was just i was just saying we literally just started the meeting so i was just saying that i fell into the youtube rabbit hole and uh sobu you might um you might know this group i don't know but i found a um i found a guy in a group called wintergarden i don't know if you're familiar with them no they're from sweden not norway so probably probably not um you probably wouldn't know them but um i don't know whether you've ever heard of anna music is this something you've seen oh yeah you have i've heard of it so doug you okay so without a music it's all okay so without a music it's all well you see the t-shirt right it's all um a computer generated an um animation right and the whole idea is that before the note strikes the animation kicks off the movement of the machine so that the note strikes just as the as the um as the striker hits the um the key or whatever the case may be right um so this this this group called wintergarten or at least the fella who um i don't recall his name at the moment but at least a fellow who uh who who heads up that group built a marble machine that does pretty much what you know these these guys are trying to do in in animation it's crazy it's taken him years to build the thing it really is a rube goldberg machine it's crazy um but it seems to be working so i'll put links to to both of those down in the um in the show notes so that you can uh so that you can see um what i'm talking about i'll put links to both anna music and to enter winter garden it's quite it's quite amazing it's uh it's fun to watch it's painful to watch sometimes because it goes through so much um a design and engineering to try and make the machine work and it's it's it's crazy it it just doesn't it's it's crazy anyway so the other thing i got to play with is a new arrival no this is not a model 100 i know you've seen the model 100 before this is a uh let me see if i can focus on it there it is let me see it that's the wrong way there we go it's a dtandy it's a tandy wp2 word processor too okay it it's focused primarily on writing is what it's it's what it's there for and that's all i ever wanted the model 100 for right was to take notes the biggest problem with the model 100 was that it was um it only allowed 40 characters by four lines so you really couldn't see very much on the on the screen at all you couldn't see much of the of the document that you were or the file that you were that you were typing into this does 80 characters across by eight lines down so it's much more usable screen the characters obviously are a lot smaller but still easy to read so so far i'm really pleased with i've only had it a few days so i'm still still getting used to it still figuring it out figuring it out but uh yeah it looks like it it looks like it'll work what i'm trying to find is is something that i can carry around it's still fairly large to carry around but i think it's probably the the smallest form factor that you can have for the kind of um for the kind of use case that i'm thinking of and that is that something to carry around to take notes that i don't write down and then have to transcribe right so i mean i'll do it either way but it works with that see if you can that looked like a core radio uh car radio no it is nice it is a disk drive yep now that is that is a a um that is a cardboard keeper to uh keep the heads protected while you're around while you're traveling they look like a comic commodore one type one it's a metal design it's probably from that it's probably from that uh vintage this is a 19 i don't know if it says when it was built no no it'll be the 80s or 90s it won't be it certainly won't be the 70s because the model 100 didn't uh didn't come into being until uh until 80s mid to late 80s or something in the 70s i don't think they'd started using uh drives yet they were still using magnetic tape they might have been using uh they may have been using eight inch drives yeah possibly yeah oh nice now i like to treat my media a little more with a little more respect than that peter oh yeah but we'll do work doing that you know obviously we had the boards here nice these these are 3.5 inch floppy disk drives um you want to guess how much you could store on one of these things okay maybe 100 no 1.4 black 1.4 megabyte and what did you say sober 300 something k a actually actually you're the closest out of all of them never know i know i know doug you said uh what one point no it was peter said 1.4 meg right yeah well this thing was built well before that standard was in place this holds this holds 200 kilobytes oh wow and this is the this is the tptpd whatever it is too this is the second revision the first revision looks exactly the same but only holds 100 megabytes there was some an article in one of the local papers in my county um about the uh uh radar installations and uh they said in part of the article that um it was an article about the old storage media and about uh floppy drives and and they said that uh uh all of the software that was running the military in radar installations in norway all the software fitted um on one of yours uh 200 something k sure and the same thing was true for um for the apollo space flights as well these things that i'm showing off have more power than those computers that were in the apollo spacecraft but peter i'm going to give you another giggle because i'm going to show this again [Laughter] peter stop it peter don't say anything this is a this replaces my jewish roots he left my jewish roots with that this um uh uh this replaces the uh the disk drive that i just showed you and it lets you store the files on a pinky little sd card that you can just transfer back i showed you this last week so i don't have to belabor it but there you go that's that's my collection we'll see how we'll see how that works uh let's see a few weeks ago i talked about um a client server that i was working on a client server application that i was working on and i was trying to do i was trying to use a crypto library to encrypt traffic and to um and to sign the traffic well in my tests i couldn't make it work every time and that's still true i still can't make it work every single time so it's even running the tests exactly the same way as their test harness works so i don't know how their test harness uh survives it unless they how it passes every time unless they just don't run it over and over and over again so you know it might work i don't know 60 of the time something like that so i've i've finally given up on um on gcrypt and now i'm gonna try and use uh and and i apologize in advance if i don't pronounce this correctly because apparently if you call it gnu then you're a newbie shelby want to weigh in on that is that is that true i know the name of the new system that the stallman launched in the 1980s um he on purpose uh picked the name because it was the funniest in his opinion it was the funniest word in the in english dictionary um because the g is supposed to be silent okay okay so i didn't even know that canoe was a real word it is a little real word and they had in the 60s they had yeah yeah [Music] the wildebeest wilma beast yeah what were you going to say peter i would just say the same thing yeah all right okay oh i did not no i did not know that i'm going to have to write that down in in the 60s um there were a few songs written about uh because of the english dictionary it says that uh guinea is supposed to be an uh pronounced new and stallman used that word uh because to say that something is not a unix and a glue is uh um new is not unix i thought that was what the uh acronym was uh and it's old and it's also uh it and it's also a word at the same time so yeah i i did not know it was a word i i simply assumed it was an acronym yeah in in the first ten years when they were meeting up all the developers they would sometimes ask what's new he had a talk in norway uh in 2005 and he and he told this story and he said that um he and he and he said that uh it's um the joke is not working so much anymore because it's not so new yeah oh you could play on that word over and over and over again couldn't you that's crazy and yeah and he has said and he also talked you know um often in his um talks about in the 60s it was a it was a song by two by two people uh who were um who who were the reason he uh chose that word and it's um it's called the the new song and it's by uh flanders and swan who were um what was the [ __ ] yeah he was in the wheelchair yet yeah so i think i'll have to get you i'll have to get you to send that to me in chat so i'll be so i can put it in the in the show notes i i didn't catch the correct name the name of the group so it'd be easy just to type it out it'd be easier just to put it in the in in discord if you wouldn't mind so i can spell it correctly when i put it in the show notes that's one as long as it's one london wonders like in flanders like in holland yeah okay okay okay okay so um so gnu tls and again i'm sorry if i did not pronounce that correctly you'll just have to put up with my newbie um my newbie pronunciation but what i'm trying to do is to make it so that when a client contacts the server it's encrypted over ss over tls which that's that's the main aim is to encrypt that communication but i also understand that it's possible to identify who it is that's making the request by um sending either an id or a key or a private key um and i'm looking at uh tasks task warrior at the moment because i'm using that you know every day and it uses exactly this process but as far as i can i'm digging in the source code and as far as i can tell although you generate a private key i can't see how the server uses that private or rather the public key because the client would have to have the private key and the server would have to have the public key and theoretically the two should allow for the identification of the user i'm still working through that code to figure out how it works there's also an id an actual user id or a username passed as well and it might be that that or some sort of id is what's um is what identifies the user if that's true then i'm not i'm not as happy that as i thought i was with um being able to identify the user i'm still looking at that still figuring out how that fits together so i was going to ask you soul boo about um about running your own mail server not the details of it but the advantages of it because way back when in a few companies ago that i worked for i actually stood up a mail server for the company and um uh and i was surprised shocked even at how much was exposed in the logging um of the of the mail server and i yeah i can just imagine how much just browsing the mail the mail server logs how much a a an internet provider can glean from your from yours from your yourself just by browsing the mail server logs it's scary is that why you're running your own mail server no the reason that i'm running my own mail server is that i control the the mail storage um and also that i can have as many email addresses as i want and i can share um can give other people access but it's that i am controlling the server who holds the mail that is the main uh the main reason is it difficult to mine is it difficult to maintain no and also one of the biggest advantages of running your own mail survey is that um no one can kick you out because you said something uh yes um yeah so i think about someone who um after being using gmail for 15 years he was banned for something um and he appealed and the band state and he lost all uh access to all his mail for that he has been had for 15 years and he also used their photo storage service and he also lost access to all of his stuff to a lot of his photo albums so wow and if you're running your own mail server gmail can't kick you out yes wait what say that again if you are running your own mail sir right gml cannot kick you out oh oh i thought you said gmail can kick you out a little what wait no no it's yours so are you running the mail server you're running it locally at your location yeah and are you treating it like webmail do you log into it with a browser no i use a pop email but i can set up i have a server uh together with my friend eric who was uh widows for two years coffee breaks uh half a year ago and we have a server in a data center uh and there we are providing a webmail for uh clients and all the clients are people one or both of us and personally no personally no so we have full control over who gets access yeah i don't i don't think many people use pop anymore most folks can continue to use most folks are using web based pay on now either um either gmail or you know whatever whatever is available or through their own internet provider would you agree with that or i guess the old folks like us would use pop i use pop all the time because i'd rather have all my mail local yeah there is three ways to use email most people today they are logging in via a browser or um like my friend eric he uses imap where the mail is stored at the mail server but he and then he have the same email like same email of course all of his uh he said uh the devices the downside so but that's a good that's the point of that though is that you have to have access to your own mail if you want to use imap from your phone or your tablet and you're away from your location right you're away from the house or wherever the machine is you'd have to be able to connect into um into your device from outside otherwise i haven't deliberately chosen to only have access inside the house so so my um the mail comes in but in order for me to check the email after i have to be at home yes that is not deliberate uh this isn't by my and that's fine yeah yeah yeah i get that and you you have to decide for yourself if that's something you want to put up with by running your own mail server yeah and i also use an old non-smartphone so yeah when i leave the house i also leave the internet behind on that these are deliberate decision i don't want the internet i have a i have a trio around here somewhere that has it's not a tr i've got i've got various palm devices all over the place but um i have a trio floating around somewhere that finally bit the dust and uh and it checks mail too i mean but i i don't remember if it does i map or not but it certainly does pop so yeah anyway let's let's let the other folks have a go because uh because we're running out of time already can you believe that peter what are you what sort of trouble have you been getting into well donald's on um uh we had a bomb scare a bombshell in the bedroom oh boy i bet they pop pop but uh they put it on the wrong car oh wow that's no joke that is what happened we had a place everything from the squad the army does though are you okay is uh is everyone at your place okay yeah well yeah yeah i couldn't go nurse and i needed to be cleaned down that's the problem and uh she let's say she belongs to she's not present she's from the other side she's quite nice and uh he told herself john's how to go around the back way this plane has to go around the back i'm glad you're all okay good okay and uh i wrote my verse to be at that hell today the other day is that new zealand yeah yeah yes but you like this one well the sunspots are starting to get more active so uh yeah so you should be something you know or something if you go to qrday.com yeah and you you put in that l3 sv he's got right brother down go on type it down zl3 sv yeah yeah i'm using i'm using my fountain pen to write it down because you know i'm old school he's got a multiple halfway which is 640 meters long which is about half a mile oh my god wow the gain the gain is unbelievable i can do the same see i can i can add as many pins as you want because look at this oh there's only one in there and it sounds down 640 meters it's uh it's uh 32 weight down to 120 meters wow was 160 up to up to two meters and the game was absolutely crazy very big i have not been i've not been on hf for a long time peter so i don't know how long it'll be before i get back on so and the other thing i i found a new mode you might be everybody might be treasurer programming basically um what it does is it uses a uh like a uh 360 degree clock and every uh 45 degrees uh it it changes the digit and the number so the number starts at zero the next 145 degrees phase shift will be zero zero one sector two three four and what you do is when you write a text file you just change the phase of the we've got to start closing it out peter sorry sorry yeah all right doug you haven't had a chance to talk yet what uh what else are you up what are you up to i have a raspberry pi that i set up as a sort of an entertainment server good did you get you a new 400 raspberry pi 400 no it's a raspberry pi 3. oh nice okay and as an entertainment well you're running clicks on it or something what's that you're running clicks on it or so um no it's raspbian um okay i do have flex but i don't have anything to play on flex okay okay i don't have any i don't have a uh a drive with movies on it or anything like maybe you want to get rid of them one once you go pledge you'll never go back i enjoy it i like it a lot although i have not signed i have not signed up for the um for the plex account because uh so far i don't see the advantage so um what's that they get free still good it's it's free for local use but if you pay for a if you pay for a plex account um which apparently this past this past good friday i just passed um black friday deal you can get it at a bit of a discount but what it means is it lets you access your plex server from outside of your own network i don't see any advantage to doing that because i'm about to shut us down uh i went to the roll and uh i couldn't get anybody to take me and that cost me 80 pounds to go or 80 dollars or whatever it was and uh i i made a complaint to the hospital that i can't keep your forwarding to do this yeah on a regular bloody basis yeah and so i i i almost didn't go i was not very well before it and we found out the reason was because then my valve out i tell they have to give me a new one they have to give me a never could have failed that he failed yeah adorable it's been 30 it's been 30 minutes folks so it's time to close this uh blows this party down so thank you all thoroughly enjoyed it as always and uh enjoyed the insight for a lot of the programs um and the chat have a good day everybody take care bye-bye