hello this is cat 5 uh coffee break uh rather community coffee break and uh my name is bp9 hello and uh up on my well that side we've got uh lance man over there and over this way we have peter give us a wave thank you so good to see you all just a quick bit of um a quick bit of uh administrative this will be the last coffee break for 2020 um since the cat5 studios are going to be shut down over um over uh the christmas break so the two weekends around christmas that would be next weekend which i believe is the something like the 20th and then the the weekend following which is um the 26th or something on 27th something like that just checking the calendar real quick just to make sure so yeah sunday the 20th um is no coffee break and sunday the 27th is no coffee break and that's because uh that's because robbie has the studio shut down for those two weekends around christmas time so just bear that in mind so uh peter no need to ask if there's a coffee break what about because there weren't then what about third of january i do expect to restart the coffee breaks on the third of january yes so that would be so you know we'll all be a little bit from from new year but if we're if we're sober and somewhat upright then we'll then we'll do coffee break on the third i plan to be there on the third we'll see who else shows up right okay with that out of the way um i have not made any progress on this peter i'm still i this is the uh do you think the government i made about uh i did yeah i did and i understand your comments about the opto isolator and i absolutely agree that would be critical because the last thing you want is any kind of voltage leaking through from uh from the main side back into the arduino good and good as well yeah yeah and i don't want that so i absolutely agree with you the interesting thing is this thing doesn't have any opto isolators it has the relays but further up go back on there because i've got anything in the way hold on um no not okay you're not going to be able to see it very well anyway but but the these are all uh here these are all relays they're not up to up isolators and i don't know if the relays are locked if the relays are locked either what would that do i have all that a couple of down by uh there is one down by the great relay look on the other side the grey relay you're talking about this little uh i see right here yeah it was number one but you got four legs uh yeah i haven't been able to identify what that chip is actually dropping a couple of those do you think so i think you're fine oh i can't i can't see it because i'm old now i hate getting old i think you'll find that tomorrow i'll pick up that okay all right that'd be good because it looked like one anyway that would make sense that would make sense do you think that would uh that would be between the relay and the rest of the relays and the rest of the circuitry then yeah but there's only there's only two legs uh how does how does it drive three relays they might be coming from the input from somewhere else i would say to isolating that ball from the world um but uh did he have a 12-volt power supply with it as well how did he drive the electronics buyer as well oh no it's it's it's mains voltage coming into this thing but some of these some of these pins have mains voltage on them yeah i know that but do you have the electronics you don't want electronics the main voltage no absolutely not no you're absolutely right so um there has to be a there has to be like a voltage regulator and i actually thought that that four leg um device was actually a voltage regulator could be it could be could be you could have one drive as well yeah so i'll keep looking i'm going to try and reconstruct the circuit i have no idea um how to do that from the circuit board oh yeah by the way yeah do you see that they are like magnets yeah okay they're natural magnets they come from they come from africa they come from a uh river bank river um a part of a part of africa that portugal run at one time and it's a natural magnet and they were very strong and what are you using them for i i bought them because i thought they were interesting and then and i like the shapes of them because they're they came to exit extraction okay yeah they're rather annoyed i thought you i thought you were using them for a project and you're going to shoot into an explanation of what the project was but you bought them because they were interesting well that's a good enough reason to buy them andy by the john schools where the top one is anyway because you know the jobs cause where the rocks are of that shape hexagonal shape so uh yeah yeah yep but they do apply a quality of portugal which i can't remember which one it was but i think it's down then their motion big direction knock off okay i'm trying to remember whether you've showed those to us before because i have a curious feeling that i've seen those before somehow i don't know why am i done am i done you might have showed them off i lost them for a very long time and they came up in the box recently anyway that happens to me all the time all i have to do is go buy more and i'll find the original ones every single time after that i got wiped i've got a wife the odd things as well because she's blowing she puts everything away and you can have a long time yeah or my cat she'll find stuff if i lose something i guarantee you that cat will find it she'll figure out where that stuff is every single time yep i've been there done that just just yesterday i lifted the sofa because the cat was digging for something under there um and what she had what what she likes to do i don't know well uh doug you'd know what these are the ritz crackers you know the packages that the ritz crackers come in well i i tie a knot in the middle of them and pull them into like a bow shape and then i just toss it on the floor for her to play with and she just bats them around plays with them well she kicks them up underneath the sofa every single time i looked under there yesterday there were half a dozen of them under there and she was digging she was she was trying to grab them she was trying to get to them cats are a trip i'll tell you oh yeah crazy cat you would think that she would you know think oh i knocked it under there or she would know not to knock it under there but i don't know they got a good sense of smell and a good tread division as well that's true yeah yeah you're right yeah exactly well so um i've been working some more on or studying some more on the on the uh client server that uses encrypted ss not ssl tls using gnu tls we made fun of the of the new name a couple of weeks ago and as far as i can tell the the program that i'm using as a model as a reference implementation as far as i can tell it does not use public private key it seems to use a shared key and i'm not happy with that i don't want to i don't want a shared key i want to use a um i want to use the public private key so i'm i'm going to first get my reference model working first get it just working with whatever keys it thinks it needs to make it work make sure that i understand how that works and then i'm going to change it to make it use a real public private key so that you have to have the public key on the server and you have to have the private key on the client or otherwise it won't it won't connect even though it's uh even though the the channel is encrypted that's fine i'm okay that's what i want but i also want to unequivocally identify the uh the the person who's running the client and i do not want to and i do not want to rely on username and password which is what i believe the reference program is using so um i want to use a proper public private key because that's how you're gonna use pgp uh yeah that's how you generate the keys absolutely right i assume there might be more than one version out there so uh well good to you yeah gnu tls includes all the functionality to generate the public private key just like just like pgp does so i don't have to generate pgp keys but i do need to generate um uh i do need to generate the uh uh public private keys using the gnu tls command line arguments which is the same functionality as um uh as uh a pgp i've used i've used pgp and i use thunderbird um but i haven't found anybody who wants to exchange encrypted emails if you send them encrypted emails i'll say what what what is this remember that old tv show i remember it well that was a funny it was a british tv show but they all had american accents what's up with that i don't understand that what was that uh thunderbirds the old tv old tv show from the 60s or 70s as i recall and it was it was marionettes it was uh it was all um puppets believe it or not but um pretty realistic well yeah as realistic as marionettes can be so it's an old old tv show they've done a animated series since then and they've done a movie since then so the the concept is great i always worry when when the people who get in trouble you know they they tear up a plane or a plane crashes or something and their solution [Music] oh yeah i know i was worried about that i thought oh oh i've lost my internet but no it looks okay so yeah what i was saying was that the the people who get in trouble with the thunderbirds always seem to think that the solution when the plane goes down or something like that is to send another one and see what happens one of my friends a professor friend of mine uh uh wanted to get a client which was uh an email client which was safe but he got fed up with the windows windows version so i sent him the version and i put the bare music on the end of it oh no yeah yeah yeah those every time he was told he was getting the thunderbird music he did laugh at it because it was quite funny so every time he got an email he'd hear the thunderbirds theme song yeah yeah nice i gotta i gotta do that i'm gonna do that but see i won't i won't do the whole webmail thing there there are lots of folks who are happy to do the google mail and the microsoft mail and all the mail stuff i won't i won't do that maybe i'm just old-fashioned but um i don't want all my email to be stuck on someone else's computer you know and so i mean sober pointed this out himself remember way back when um a few weeks ago he he hasn't showed up even though he did respond in uh he did respond in discord so i thought he'd be here but oh well um in any case uh uh you know a friend of his got locked out of google because of something he said or whatever it was and why why do that why lose access to everything you have why leave it on someone else's computer that doesn't make any sense to me so i do my best to make sure that all my assets are all on my machine it's called political correctness we did a lot of rubbish but then now careful now peter we've talked about this we've talked about this but i yeah i i get what you mean though and yeah i i well i think it's more convenience more than anything else i mean uh back in australia my um my sister does the same thing she said yeah but we just leave all our email up on on google or or whoever the internet provider is because it's so easy because we can get to it from every device that we have i said yeah but if they if they choose to throw a switch you lose access to all of it everything and in the case of gmail it's not just your email it's your photos your documents and everything else that you've got in um in gmail do you really want that i use it for uh just for uh chatting to friends rather than anything which is important you know so if you lose it you don't care no i don't care no well that synology box of yours that you that you don't like very much hosts an email client as well that you can use as a web-based email client just like you do gmail if you wanted to try that yeah well think about it i have not tried that yet i'm still still wondering whether that's uh i'm still climbing up poles and things all the time but uh i've seen by the end of by by next year i should get installed today and then get the idiots won't come and sabotage be again i'm looking bloody happy about that one you know i'm sorry you know anyway um yeah yeah i i i didn't know that about technology books but i will look at it next time anyway well you got it you got a synology box didn't you you didn't like it i didn't like it i just felt that you couldn't do anything with it because it was also a bit like a bit like apples it's true that you are locked in there um in their uh you know in their little world yes i want to say ecology or something like that but um yeah you know you're stuck with them there's no doubt about that and if you like that then okay i don't mind it because i'm prepared to put up with the functionality that um that moments gives me where it where it categorizes photos for me automatically without me having to do anything manually it does it all locally but i'm prepared to put up with that without using all the rest of it in terms of using all the rest of it i just leave it alone i might use shared drives um but that's about all i will do what about if i took the uh actual bulldog from and i got a i found talking about finding things i also found to buy a raspberry pi i wonder if i could use a raspberry pi as a uh server in there in instead you know yeah you absolutely well not in that unless you took the thing apart and replaced the box replace the insides of it but they're driving they're driving the dead drive to be the problem i think it would i would talk to um uh i would talk to robbie about that because he's actually done something just like that i'll talk to you about it yeah when i get married he seems to be busy at the moment though very well well yeah absolutely he's been crazy busy building um building shows for category five so i really like that you know yeah you know he wanted to make sure that we all understood he wasn't just taking a break over the last two weeks he's actually he's actually been very busy so yeah so we shouldn't we should not give him a hard time for that i think i may i think i made a comment about putting those two grindstones and doing too much work uh if they go on uh on whatsapp you know yeah yeah yeah yeah don't overdo it in other words well exactly so doug what have you been up to sir you've been doing anything exciting with that raspberry pi well i'm waiting for the fan to come in oh really okay i'm getting a case with a fan built in and it's going to have a heat sink and do you have the heat sinks for it yet or not now they're coming with the it's all in the kit okay okay so is the fan going to be attached to the heatsink or is it just going to be part of the case in it and it blows cool air that's the way it looks anyway the heat sinks are separate uh-oh you have a you're being visited by a cat again yeah i'm gonna have to install the heat sinks you know thermal paste and all that ah sure yeah and uh then the fan is above the heat sink it's part of the case okay okay nosh what are you pointing at peter my wife would just come in aren't you just telling me tell your wife merry christmas and happy and happy new year yes from both of us yeah you're doing the happy christmas time thank you merry christmas to you i don't know if she can hear me because uh you've got your head set in haven't you but tell a merry christmas and happy new year happy new year thank you very much appreciate it i'm doing a minute i've got a teacher i've got to go on all right no worries we're about done anyway so so uh yeah did you plan to do any kind of programming doug or you don't think you're going to do that i've never been able to grasp programming yeah we sort of talked about that we sort of even even basic or anything like yeah i've tried basic and it just doesn't make sense to me oh really okay so you still think you're gonna run uh uh plex or something on there is that the plan um i'm not sure about that in the united states it's illegal to copy um anything that's got digital rights management so if i was to put anything on a hard drive that i would run through raspberry pi it would be illegal to do that huh okay they'd have to rip it right which is a form of copying and you have to crack the copyright to do that okay okay it's going to be breaking the law okay we could move to canada um i don't think i'm going to do that [Laughter] it's always an option too cold in canada well it's about the same latitude as you're in peter isn't it yeah but they got it but they got a colder weather because it's uh a big landmass they felt golden and they could as like europe it's a lot colder because they've got a big landmass we went on an island to proceed around there so we got bloody warm by the gulf tree so is it true that it's still crazy that it's crazy windy over there in ireland and in england yeah you get a lot of wind over there yeah we ever get a lot of wind all year round no no between october and about january time for every time huh okay okay 60 millimeter sounds like our pacific northwest yeah yeah when the weather gets bad it gets really quite nasty and horrible out there you know i aren't really quite enough then horrible weather i don't want to go out there but i think so we'll get colder weather than we do because they're in the landmarks you know because they're on they're in finland yeah that's further all for me i think he is signing i don't quite know where he is but i got opinions further enough for me when i was asking where he was would you near that land i think it's further than enough for me uh that's uh sobu yeah yeah i think we would be yeah and i pinned so we went discord and told him we were ready to go but and he responded but i think he's fallen asleep again and i can't do anything i don't know can't take him anywhere well we're um we're up to almost 25 minutes so we're not going to stay on for very much longer robbie requested that we that we keep these around 25 minutes so i just threw him under the bus i hope he doesn't mind i'm such a bad person i'm really really such a bad person i really don't have very much uh very much else to uh to add i have not um done anything with with the uh pine time it's it's still it's still bricked i i haven't messed with it at all it's still just might be you're broken they leave it and done one day you gave a brain wave and exactly that's exactly what i've done and if i leave it long enough somebody else will come up with a good with a good program to load into it which is exactly what's happened so i'll probably just load their program into it and if um and if robbie ever decides to uh fire up his own pine time he says he got he says he got it but um hasn't done anything with it well if he chooses to uh to move forward with it he can just load that destroyer but it's a learning curve you know you learn every time we do it is it is and and i would love to i would love to get in there and figure out how to program the thing but the hardest part with this is the the physical connection that you've got to make to these right there are four tiny tiny little pins in there that you have to get just right and have it there for a good 20 30 40 50 seconds whatever it is in order to make sure that every single bite that you send down the serial port makes it into that unit and if you don't have it set up exactly right it won't program correctly and it won't start so it took me ages just to unlock it the first thing you have to do is unlock it they probably don't protocol as well oh yeah there's absolutely a protocol involved but um there's a physical connection of four pins that you have to that you have to set uh pins on that you have to set um uh uh connectors on and they have to have good connection for the whole programming process or otherwise it just won't work so yeah yeah yeah you've got i go under the electronic blockers go to the kto plug in usb and put the thing underneath you can see the thing big and change it that way you know and that's another way of doing it you know if you're looking at wii stuff because uh my eyes are not good anymore though you know i'm glad 200 times boy i can relate to that i could so relate peter i don't know what job is about no i i think he's a devil wasn't tough yet to play with like i'll keep well away from it yeah yeah i don't like surface mount either i'd rather work with some i'd rather work with this kind of stuff and i'm i'm already you know hardware challenged when it comes to dealing with this stuff as well so you know this is not i did tell you um i was doing the same thing um as you know i've got three endeavors on my mouth and uh i've got three coaxes on my mask coming down so i've got one of these twitches as these four ways which you think and i was going to put four relays in the box and then i would use about the other raspberry pi or some sort of uh way i could switch it you know each one whatever uh that's the problem i've got his waterproofing because it's so wet around here yeah i was gonna say that and you it sounds like a pretty complicated project in terms of you know having to to do a lot to make it switch these relays i might also suggest for such a simple task i might also suggest an arduino instead of a raspberry pi because if the power ever goes out on the raspberry pi you might lose that sd card and then you're done at that point okay but an arduino will just keep on trucking uh even if the power goes out it will just crank right back up again roughly the same price are they uh yeah yeah in fact they're probably cheaper i think the um i think you can get an arduino these days for like 20 or 30 dollars i have not checked the price lately so don't quote me um but the equivalent uh raspberry you know a raspberry pi which is a much more powerful machine of course it's more like eighty dollars to get so i think once you don't only input output on here all the input outputs are there apples a mechanical switch in the end and uh i decided to do it easy just have a mechanical forward and it's got a knob on it and on it it's got like a a line down on the knob with uh you just gotta you just gotta watch out for uh lightning strikes oh yeah yeah very dangerous so that's what i'm that's what i'm dealing with right now with this thing did you know i don't either drive where i used to live in down in april i was up on the downs up up between banks of tokens uh and four marks yeah and uh i was very i happened to do quite well up there as well and uh i we had a line in strike in the next field which was run by my relationship yeah and they have to get close peter they don't uh they don't have to hit you they only have to get close and they'll do that we've got to get ready to close this down because it was it was the static field that dropped a deck right after the field from from the lightning bolt and it probably was about to go 40 feet away and you can glove it it globbed my prayer it would absolutely right folks here we go um i've got i've got to close this down so remember this is the last coffee break for 2020. there won't be a new one until the next coffee break will be the third of january 2021 so two weeks we're taking a two week break okay so let me let me take the opportunity to say merry christmas to all of you to both of you and happy new year stay safe merry christmas and happy new year to you thank you i appreciate that thank you and youtube peter everybody who's who's watching after the uh after the live broadcast or the live the live zoom meeting merry christmas to you as well so yes thank you all um i've had i've had a fun year so far and looking forward to many more maybe i'll get some more stuff done before right before the next one we'll see what everyone will be better than this year was oh i certainly hope so i certainly hope so all right everybody have a great uh have a great break enjoy your break and uh we'll see you next year take care bye you