hello good afternoon good morning wherever it is in your uh in your time zone it is uh category five um community coffee break i'm bp nine um and i'm in the middle of the crowd here so we'll see if i can point correctly there we go way up in the top left hand corner is sasha hi sasha give us a wave good there's so boo right above me i think i don't know how this is going to work but i think there we go that's that's uh doug over there give us a wave doug good job and then down there is i think is is peter but he's not there i i he's his camera's on but i don't see him or hear him so i don't know i saw a shadow i saw a shadow i know he's there somewhere all right good reminds me of the anode uh joke i heard uh i think it's um from one of the black other episodes um i just had the the audio portion because we used it in uh in uh in ioc chat 20 years ago the eyes are open the mouse moves nobody's home yeah yeah lights are wrong but nobody's home oh this peter hello peter there we go hello peter uh-oh he must not be able to hear us yet so we can still talk about him oh crap there he is that's uh there we go that's peter bob uh down there let's see if i can do that there we go that's peter welcome peter good to see you yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh let's see we've talked about we've talked about this um and i'm pretty much resigned to doing a uh component level repair on this i am not going to um i'm gonna finish the circuit diagram just because uh just because i want to and sasha just to show you my handy work that is part of the circuit diagram oh no well i started with yeah way yeah yep yep that's that's only part of it there is a whole bunch of um there are connectors and all kinds of stuff there but this thing right here is a thing called an integrated circuit or an ic and and it coordinates all of the different signals and controls and all that stuff um and uh that i don't know if that i see is any good or not so this is part of my garage door opener in case you're wondering what it was and these these relays here what they do is they can they control the um the power to the garage door opener motor that brings the door up and the door down so what i'm trying to do is to figure out i know this got struck by lightning and i know some parts got got burned and i don't know if that's easy to see because my big old fingers in the way but there's a there's a resistor here and other resistors here as well that are um that show obvious burn marks so anyway that's my next thing um so i may have to i mean i don't know yet if that i see's any good if the ic is bad i may replace it with an arduino or something put a socket in there and put an arduino in its place you just need to add a bm something and then you have an icbm yeah true enough yeah that's true yeah you're right um so i wanted to to touch base with you about my client server um that i'm writing because i cannot get signatures to work reliably i can if i can all i can do all day i can encrypt a user i can encrypt the payload so say the client has the public key of the server and has its own private key and say the server has the public key of the user and its own private key right so the private keys belong to the to the um parties that they they should belong to if the client encrypts uh uh encrypts the payload with the service public key and then the server encrypts the reply with the client public key would that be enough in your opinion to prove that this is the right person that this is the correct correctly i mean that would correctly encrypt that would allow proper encrypt and decrypt across the wire all the time but would that be enough do you think to identify that person i'm not sure that is how it's supposed to work and that kind of setup indicates that the client sends some a message somewhere and then later on maybe an hour later then the reply is coming back but it's an instant connection where he sends the server message a command to do something and then get an instant replay then only the the service uh and the key is is all that matters your client doesn't have need any kids with them yeah but that's that but but apart from encrypting the communication also want to prove that the person who i'm asserting i am is that you know is that person to the server so if i want to if i want to say i'm user id123 right i want to i want to prove to the server that i'm user id123 but all i have is my own private key and the service public key and the server has its own private key and my public key so it can encrypt with my public key and i can decrypt with my private key see what i'm saying yeah in order for you for the server to know that the message is coming from you and not someone else then you in addition to it and then encrypting the message you have to assign the message with your publication yeah unfortunately signing isn't working because i am not able to uh i am not able to reliably sign every time for some reason using the using the gcrypt library signing does not work every time anyway that's that's something we can discuss later if you like um but i was i wanted to get your input on that and i agree with you i would rather sign that sign and encrypt but i don't think that's going to work so this one can't do it this is to come into the end of the kind of uh advice that you need you need someone who actually works with the uh encrypting in order to yeah yeah okay maybe you are using their own encryption tools oh sure it's certainly possible it's certainly possible um i thought i was using the same library that tls is using but uh um what is it called open ssh i think that's right open ssl is the one that everyone is using finish the show yeah okay yeah but um implement that there quickly and oh sure oh i absolutely i absolutely admit i may have implemented that incorrectly i'm more than happy to admit that it seems to me that that whole note of the uh that seems to be the tone of these days to admit being wrong right yeah yeah we're not going there we're not going all right okay uh sasha what have you been up to so good to see you what have you been up to real good to see you too i've just been working and fixing up the house and more working and so nice to know that you've got the weekend off i think i saw that in discord just before you popped up oh goody we get to chat with sasha today yes and for christmas dave got me a kitchenaid stand mixer and so this weekend i've been attempting to bake how's it working out for you well i made pizza so that was good yeah yes that's true later very exactly yes so my end game goal by the end of the weekend is i'd like to figure out how to make little donuts like the little doughnut hole donuts are you gonna are you gonna deep fry them well i have a cast iron pan so i think i'll just throw some oil in there and like do like a light little fry of them because i would like to bring those to work to share with my friends um they're not as interested in my healthy options as i am so i need to learn how to make junk food and win the hearts and minds of all my people your healthy options what are your what are your healthy options what are your healthy options well i i for example like i also got a soda stream and like that's a healthy option instead of regular pop i boiled down my blueberries and made a syrup so now i have some blueberry well i made homemade ginger ale yesterday and that is my favorite flavor now oh i've got i've got to get it i've got to get that recipe i love ginger ale yeah and if you make it by yourself like make it at home it's healthy right so i have a stream as well so um i'm i'm already i'm already pretty tired of the sodastream yes but i'm tired of sodastream flavors i'm i'm ready to try something else so you can pick and choose among all kinds of different flavors um whether they are made for the soda same or not you can take some custom flavors or sure yeah or do like sasha did and do like sasha did wherever she is and uh and make your own what did you say you used blackberries blueberries so we have lots of blueberries on our on our property and we picked we only took one day and picked as many blueberries as we could one day and we have enough to lost this a year um and so all i boil down a bunch of blueberries with some honey and some lemon peel because lemon peel i guess has pectin in it which automatically makes syrup syrupier um yeah and um yeah you just mash up the blueberries strain it and then you have blueberry syrup to add to your soda stream it does that preserve it or you or do you have to freeze it as well well um i didn't it didn't uh last long enough for me to even worry about preserving i'm on my was supposed to own a whole year and it lasted how long a week oh wow that's too bad nice well i'll get your antioxidants up for sure i think blueberries yeah absolutely yeah so instead so yeah instead of healthy healthy things this weekend i'm going to learn how to make donuts i'm impressed nice job sasha nice job now um a little funny that uh david gave slash or something for the kitchen for christmas i'm not going there i'm not touching that i'm leaving um she probably asked for it did you ask for it sasha yeah nice nice stereotype for a reason then yeah is the house all ready for winter or did you not get ready did you not get it ready in time for winter no you know what is funny is we got it ready for winter and then winter so far has not fallen upon us oh really we have no snow so last year i don't know if you'll remember i don't know if it was international news but we heard about it in ontario newfoundland had snowmageddon in january shut down like the whole island it was insane yeah um and this year we still have green grass outside wow wow so i keep walking around making fun of everybody i'm like oh yeah this is your first winter though isn't it and yeah yeah okay nice wow wow it'll come don't worry it'll it'll be here before too long don't you worry oh well you know i'm sure it'll be here it'll probably show up in april because this april is my 40th birthday and i want to have a nice i want to have a nice big shindig and it'll probably be like seven feet of snow or something you should just you should just hijack the whole garage and just make it a big party room for you for your birthday that's right big birthday there you go we gotta let some other people talk sasha i'd rather just chat with you but we're gonna let some other people talk too i'm so sorry a great listener and the phone sounds great even without the headset by the way so you've done done a great job with that well done thank you doug what have you been up to sir hey well um the saga of my raspberry pi continues i was going to ask about that keyboard well the that uh little keyboard that i showed you um wasn't working so i bought a bluetooth keyboard and connected it to my raspberry pi but that kept losing its pairing so i had that like a day i sent it back two days after i got it um and i've got another keyboard that i got this morning and i'm going to see how that works oh wow i'm charging it right now and it didn't do anything when i first got it so i figured no luck with keyboards are you needed to be charged well it's because it's a raspberry pi i think well maybe what you need to do is get you one of those raspberry pi 400s with the keyboard and everything all built in well then i did yeah i could do that i suppose i don't know if there's any way to connect it wirelessly to my tv though i believe it's a standard raspberry pi inside um that would be another question for robbie but you know he keeps i'm trying to not have to run cables to my computer or anything other than you know from the computer to the tv and i guess you want the raspberry pi to be near the tv because it's going to serve as the media center right i'm sorry i think it's uh you want the raspberry pi to be near your um uh near your tv because uh it wants to serve as a media center right yeah yeah the raspberry pi is under the tv so the keyboard has to be separate and you don't want wires strung across the room too right connect to it got it right from from one side of the room to the other oh bluetooth should do it bluetooth oh yeah yeah it should be okay i think it's like 15 feet or something isn't it 30 30 feet no problem at all you'll be fine 10 meters i i always forget how to do that conversion yeah okay i'll take your word i'll take your word for it it sounds about right a meter is a meter is 39 inches oh okay okay so it's roughly right okay i need to get out my wiz wheel for the airplane that's probably okay you know what the dog is doing i'm curious about the [Music] steam or smoke care coming up i think that's a vaporizer of some sort oh yeah yeah that mist coming up back there that's a vaporizer not it's not smoke just in case you were wondering is that for essential oils or just to humidify the air well i can put essential oil in it but i have a cat so essential oils and cats don't agree ah-ha i did not know that i'm glad you said that so i have a cat too and i don't have an electric vaporizer like that but many many many years ago i got one of those clay ones that has a little tray in the top the diffuser yeah you put a candle inside it and you put the essential oils in in the top i think with water as well and that that does that but i did not realize that that cats and essential oils did not mix well there are certain essential oils that can harm your cat others are okay but some of them are not good i'm so glad you said that because uh because that would have been very bad and i the last thing i want to do is is harm the cat so yeah if you were going to use essential oils i would research it first absolutely yep yep yep okay well thank so what was the what was so you're charging that last one and you're hoping that it will work correct that one you're charging is it bluetooth or is it uh wi-fi it's wi-fi okay it comes with a dongle right okay uh do you do you still know how confident are you that it'll work with a wi-fi keyboard but that raspberry pi will work with a wi-fi keyboard um well the last time that i did a search on um amazon i typed in raspberry pi mini keyboard for raspberry pi okay and this one came up so it says it will work with a raspberry pi specifically mentions raspberry pi okay doesn't work um i don't know where i'll go yeah yeah well i have any comments did you read the comments and reviews because a lot of times if people have a complaint they write it in the in the reviews right and that's when you find out whether or not it doesn't work i didn't read those to begin with i was kind of in a hurry but i can check that out well i have a um yeah always trust uh you have to um if there is no negative uh comments or review or something then my advice would be to check um other things that that they are selling uh and and see if there's anything that has bad reviews and if there is not chances or they are deleting bad reviews right right okay yeah yeah i i i don't know how much i trust anything that i did i see special comments and stuff on on amazon yeah but it would be nice to be able to trust them for the bad and good reviews not a particular product but if the the platform have a mixture of good and bad reviews and um average um reduced and um it's not a platform who's doing something nasty and to hide the comments okay okay well um doug all i can suggest is i have a think outside the box folding keyboard it is a bluetooth keyboard and i i would suggest using that except i don't know that i have tested it with a raspberry pi so i will do that i will test it with a raspberry pi and i will let you know what it what what how it works what brand is it the brand is literally think outside the box that's that's actually the that's actually the brand of it and the thing the thing has two aaa batteries inside it and you you unfold it and that opens up to a fairly decent sized keyboard but it does not have i noticed on your keyboard so all the ones that you've shown us have the integrated mouse pad and and yes a little joystick and stuff that this keyboard does not have that so if you need that that those mouse controls then this keyboard won't work for you so well i suppose i could get a bluetooth mouse or something wireless mouse you could but then you need a platform to actually drive the mouse on right well i've got you can't see it in my frame but i've got a what i call a um a remote organizer and it's got a flat area on it that i could use a mouse on it's right here on the my right side just out of shop yeah just take my word for it yeah there you all right peter what sort of trouble have you been getting into uh did you see that yeah i spoke about so what about what the uh the password program did you download today uh i did not try to download it um because you said it only will only compile on windows uh and i don't run windows here okay okay okay uh i could probably make it work on the linux if i try which is uh sorting out some of the libraries and things you know well if you want to you could stick it up on github um you've already done that you created a github account didn't you yeah but i've got a problem like i'm got a machine that will work i could go and kick up a bit um it's a bit of a problem and uh the other problem was was um the the aerial problem with this swedish box well the chinese decided to cancel it so nice back and that was a bloody problem because the uh the mistress said let's say them they're a little bit green and a little bit precious against people who come from my country understand well yeah i mean i have a i have a parcel that was that was shipped over from uh california and from uh chicago illinois it took two days to get to the central post office in my city and then it took three weeks to get from that central post office to my local it's crazy local [ __ ] which is a bit uh um well a bit funny that's right yeah yeah because i've gotta you do have a talent for uh choosing people off though [Laughter] don't worry about it anyway i got my money back okay so i'm gonna end up doing what you're doing with uh relays and uh on the huge relays and uh i've ordered another box from merv and got me a box uh yeah from the local uh electrical uh districts are going we are on that in in the next week or two is to rebuild it again on amounts of ones in the relay and use them uh some uh dining and transistors to switch them on we've got about we've got about one minute to go and then i have to close it down because we have to stay to about 25 minutes yeah yeah yeah but anyway um you remember i said about the aerial people that uh tried to bother you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good if it's less than one minute it's going to be about 30 seconds okay uh i was on a cap and uh i worked into the old man o am the end down in uh saudi arabia attraction and uh i called him first time worked him the guy i lived through said that by all no good and you did the world in said that uh i need this little thing looks like a uh well i think uh i think sector would use it for a clothesline particularly uh that's been very rude about it and uh uh he called involved that didn't work him i went somewhere else and worked into the salon and who had the same things i've proved that i was right that he he talked a load of uh well you know yeah okay so by by saying he worked into for everyone else who's not familiar with this that means he he worked his operation his ham radio station and talked to stations in ceylon and then where was the other one oh man okay so that's what he means when he says he worked all right let's um let's close this up anybody have any final comments real quick comment sasha you want to go first um i'm just so excited to see y'all yay me too so i think it's ten years ago there's an island uh outside of this country and uh in on the coast of uh uh norway uh along uh uh uh where i'm living where mail from the uh uh local uh authorities to to the inhabitants of the island it took two weeks to be delivered so they got eventually they got tired and they started their driving and the mayor started driving around the island himself and delivered mail in the tournament it was a meeting and calling for meetings for the mayor and his staff but after the meeting was supposed to happen then the invitation came in the mail so yeah how about you any final comments have a nice day all right enjoy enjoy your keyboard i hope it works for you this time thank you i hope it does take care everybody have a have a good night