[Music] this is category 5 community coffee break good afternoon or good morning or wherever it is in your time zone i'm bp 9 and on my view at least to my this side is is doug and then below him thanks doug for the wave below him is peter give us away pete thank you sir and then down here is sobu give us a wave sober oh that'll work coffee will work yeah absolutely i was um chatting with um uh with you dough before we got started and hello to your cat i see him there uh in your lap i see the ears poking up into the picture right there so he or she may make a is she or she is that right she's a she nice this is maddie there she is hi ah rump it's here good we have questions maybe he'll have answers jolly good so good i'm looking for that's that's excellent i wasn't sure if he was gonna make it this week hello sir robert how are you sir uh-oh he can't hear us hello robert do you hear us yeah hi hello hello welcome welcome it's been some time i i am i'm so sorry that uh that we're missing with your uh with your other appointment i did not mean to do that no don't worry dory absolutely seriously don't worry okay good okay so i have questions and i'm sure the rest of the crowd does too so uh let me if you don't mind i'll start with the questions and then if anyone else wants to throw some questions in we can do that okay so primary oh you're hanging out outside oh my i thought it was i thought it was pretty rainy out there and i wasn't sure if um no it's been we had fantastic weather uh here so it's a little bit overcast but not too bad very nice so my questions primarily revolve around the everyday uses of bitcoin um and the sorts of questions i have are related around the wallets um for instance i i don't have any bitcoin and i i you know i don't know if i'm going to invest or anything like that but when i first saw it my first thought was yeah this would be an excellent everyday use currency something you would normally use for cat you know instead of cash but um i'm not sure that i'm seeing any particular um um i'm not sure that i'm seeing widespread use of it it seems to be used more and more for an investment type for an investment type vehicle rather than for day-to-day use yeah would you like to throw some comments in there yeah that you're absolutely right i mean the initial setup of bitcoin was that it was uh meant to buy a cup of coffee as you are drinking one right all right so it is coffee break after all yeah it's a as a monetary uh value but that has changed significantly so bitcoin is exclusively now um store value so nobody's using it to buy something i mean you can buy a house for example or a car with bitcoin but nobody else does use it on a day-to-day database it's because of value yeah one bitcoin is 32 000 us dollars right and also every transaction on the bitcoin blockchain is around seven to twenty dollars so a cup of coffee that costs two dollars will cost you twenty two dollars because of the of the fees now having said that there are two solutions that run parallel one is to use a credit card type of scenario so they're companies where you deposit the bitcoin and they are still yours and you have got a credit card and you pay with a credit card and at that moment they deduct then the lower value uh so the two dollars like through the visa network from your from your bitcoin account yeah so that's one way how to use it and the other one but the problem with that is that you're you're still relying on someone else to actually transfer the funds in this case yeah and the whole point is that that wasn't really the vision for bitcoin right yeah but those those times have changed so it's now the old world mixing a little bit with a new world so this libertarian ideal of creating a global currency that everybody can use there are alternatives that are much better than bitcoin and also bitcoin created a so-called second layer that is a layer above bitcoin which is called the lightning network which is currently still in development but there you can use it and to buy a cup of coffee so there is no problem to use the bitcoin to to buy a cup of coffee through the lightning network but then the vendor has to be and that will happen yeah so the fees there are then again 10 cents or even less than that for a cup of coffee and it's immediate yeah in the case of bitcoin you have to wait 10 minutes minimum to have a confirmation uh and with a lightning network it's immediate okay what was the excuse me what was the other scenario before i interrupted you you mentioned one scenario yeah the was okay okay so so my experience with with bitcoin wallets is that they tend to yeah the bitcoin wallet that i downloaded many many years ago downloaded like 40 gigabytes of blockchain data in order to in order to make it work and the whole idea was that the um that the blockchain every node was supposed to verify the blockchain um i'm i'm i'm guessing that's also changed quite a bit as well yeah i would yeah that's true i mean if you're true bitcoiner then you have got your full node uh with you and the wallet is on the full node but that has changed because people don't want to wait uh several hours until the they're synced no so yeah so like you have got let's say software wallet or hardware wallet and then the vendor like let's say an example trezor is a vendor that that vendor then has got the full node for you so you're relying on them which is okay because if they do something wrong then um they would be dead immediately because nobody would would use them anymore so but but that you have to download and sync with with bitcoin that's not the case anymore okay yeah you've got full nodes and then uh small nodes and and sometimes you don't even have that i know that my um my android wallet i used to have an android wallet i guess i still do if i remember the the private key the passcode for the private key there's no bitcoins in it so i'm not that worried but um so i'm not in the i'm not in the position of the poor fellow who took or who who left his um uh uh jacked his hard drive out into the landfill with uh you know 50 bitcoins or something like that yeah i think it was several several uh millions of bitcoins yeah 200 million u.s dollars wow that is nuts i cannot imagine that would be but then again i mean the point is it's currency um well it's digital currency yeah it's it's backed by more trust than i think even the us dollar is at this point right absolutely that's one thing and it's also by far more secure than any other thing that is out there because of the of the blockchain and would you say that is true of of any cryptocurrency i mean no no no if bitcoin if bitcoin was uh running out like i was i was doing a little bit of research before the um uh before the coffee break started and if bitcoins are you know run out in what is it 21 stand by just one second here oh you did the wrong person yeah just because uh peter was um i'm sorry doug you're gonna have to unmute yourself there because uh i muted you by accident sorry about that no problem um thank you sir um there's more trust we already talked about the trust okay uh that pretty much covers the various questions oh um i i know i have an android wallet somewhere and i'm gonna have to go find the bitcoin application that uses it but i don't know about a linux version my linux version is um uh it's the one that downloaded the entire blockchain and i'm not sure i i need that anymore you have any suggestions robert for um for linux yeah i mean we've got two scenarios here if you're getting serious about cryptos then the only solution for you is a hardware wallet and there are two one is trezor and the other one is ledger yeah and if and if you're planning to invest more than 10 000 yeah then those are the only solution i mean they cost around 100 bucks or so okay okay and if you if you're planning to buy one only buy them on the website of the manufacturer yeah because i've heard that if you buy it to amazon they might be compromised so those are the two and if you're under uh 10 000 then use a wallet that is like exodus or so that offers you the comfort of many other applications in one go a pure bitcoin wallet is i mean unless you're really a bitcoin maximum maximum list and you don't believe in ethereum in any other currency is is not advisable so because there are other wallets that offer by far more uh goi than the pure bitcoin ones so if i were to get into bitcoin my use case would buy would be primarily to see if it was you know to make it easy for me to transfer money to my to my siblings over in australia or or something like that um is that something you would still recommend bitcoin or a cryptocurrency for of course the difficulty is having them figure out how to use bitcoin at their end and reconvert it to their own fiat currency yeah you have got stated coins also so bitcoin i would not use for that but you can use a stable coin there is for example tether which is kindly a little bit debated but it's the third largest currency can you spell that for me what is that style coin you said stable oh stable coin yeah okay and it's a coin that's linked to the us dollar so the the terror coin is always one to one with the us dollar and there are a few others there's also usdc that's even regulated by the u.s authorities and there you can just transfer dollars over to your relatives in australia and then they've got the the dollars the only thing they need to find which is usually never a problem for australia it's definitely not a problem is to convert those u.s dollars uh into australian dollars yeah so you need to have them i don't think banks will do that but you've got exchanges and those exchanges are then linked to a bank account the same what do you say convert us dollars you mean convert the the cryptocurrency back to australian dollars right correct yeah so they have big well again i keep calling them bitcoin atm but that's not going to work necessarily for for this particular coin they have to go through an exchange of some sort then right yeah yeah and and also atms are very expensive right so i would never use atm you you lose too much money there no they're exactly the same yeah they're very i mean here in in in north america so canada and and also europe we've got kraken is for example a fantastic exchange and very low fees fantastic customer support you can sign up literally within half an hour you've got an account it's a really good exchange and they have been in this market for a long time so you can also only come there and and then buy tether and transfer them it does require that you connect a bank account to your um to your uh kraken account no no not possibly okay so how do you convert how do you convert fiat currency then to bitcoin or whatever currency you want i do that with wire transfers because my bank here is one of those old-fashioned ones that doesn't like cryptocurrencies okay so i once linked my bank account to a crypto exchange and they closed my account then oh nice oh nice okay they didn't yeah they didn't like that yeah in norway two hours a few years ago and it ended up in the court system and in in in one of the lower courts and now when the banks can't close your accounts due to bitcoin users wow yeah so does anyone else have any questions for robert uh that i haven't uh touched on because i wanted to also talk about uh when bitcoin runs out what's likely to happen there but i want to give everybody else a chance to ask some questions as well wall street uh debacle that happened uh this last week uh it's it's a fun watch but uh one of the news items that i read the headline talking about gamestop yeah and games yeah but the the same guys who initiated the gamestop rice have no um have put their eyes on one of the bitcoin alternatives and one of the headlines said that they had a realistic uh ability to have data and the currency in the one dollar range wow yeah that's dodge coin and dodge coin is a currency that has got absolutely no use there is nothing behind that one so theoretically that thing should be zero but people especially through tick tock and so the young people are pushing that and so that grew in less than a year over a thousand percent because of the people in tiktok can you explain what you mean when you say there's nothing behind it you mean you don't have to do any work to earn dogecoin or or what do you mean by that no if you've got if you've got bitcoin for example you've got the store value and and the proof of work and and so there's a big network behind it if you've got ethereum you've got smart contracts so you can do a lot of things behind with ethereum and every coin has got so it's usability dogecoin has got absolutely zero usability you can't do anything with that that's because nobody will accept a theory um no you can't yeah you can't do anything with it you can only exchange it that's all you can do with dodge coin so because the logo of dogecoin is a dog it became a meme and because it's a meme those young people 20 years 25 years old they use that just to to do to be part of it right right right so you could still exchange fiat currency for dogecoin and back again right yeah yeah that's that you can do and if if that's all you wanted for then it's a viable option yes yeah yeah there are other options like tether for example or so that are by far better because the volatility i mean if you look at the chart of dogecoin it goes up in one day 300 percent next day it goes down uh 50 again so it's crazy that's even that's even true of bitcoin that's not the reason no the volatility of bitcoin is a complete different one but yeah just in one year thousand 500 percent or so those kind because young people just do means and say hey let's push this coin let's get it to one dollar and it's currently i think it's eight cents or so [Laughter] so bad luck if you bought it at a dollar because uh that'll be worth very little now yeah what one can do um the uh uh latest week's uh stories have uh taught us that what one can do is short the uh dodge coin because if it has a one dollar and it eventually will go down then those who have uh what the short positions um it's called i've learned they can earn a lot of money by just talking going back down or yeah yeah but in general uh shorting um cryptocurrencies or or getting long positions is something that is not advisable because the market is extremely unpredictable yes if if you short something and suddenly the price goes in a complete different direction you lose all your money yeah that is what happened with the the uh gamestop um uh yeah the big hedge funds uh had a bet on um and um shorting is is a bit um i've learned they're betting that their stock is going down and when it does that they earn they earn money but um people uh uh on a particular reddit forum where they are actually doing and they're reading public information and they are doing um due diligence they're reading up and they're verifying that their information is correct and then they are sharing the information the public available information in the forum and people thought that maybe we can stick it to the big greedy uh traders this time and then and the hedge funds are losing big time money because the stock is going up and not down 89 yeah yes doug go ahead sir um robert i was wondering what would be the best uh bitcoin to get into for a small investor for a small investor at the moment because we're currently in in the beginning of a bull market yeah the bull market is the following that the price like bitcoin was i think when i was here last time on the in the break at 13 000 it went up to 40 000 at the moment it's 32 000. and it's predicted to go this year to 100 000. yeah so one has to be careful to to to be part of this bull run because you know it's a bubble and after that the price will drop again by eighty percent yeah so it will come down again and so if you want to know yeah if you want to invest my recommendation is if you don't first if you want to learn more about those currencies then um there are many opportunities yeah in d5 for example so finance you've got coins um that will guarantee do a 10x in the next few months and yeah i i i come back to that and bitcoin will not do a 10x bitcoin if it does well because they're institutional investors will do a 3x so for somebody that does not want to learn just want to invest something i recommend ethereum or cardano those are the two ones that are safe bets cardano or so ada is the the ticker or if ethereum so those are those two and let me let me just put a quick disclaimer in here because i know robbie will likely do that anyway we are not offering financial advice here no uh we are purely just reporting on on what we what we understand is going on in the market and we are um and these are opinions so we are not we are not offering financial advice just to make that absolutely clear and also one thing uh two to keep in mind there at the same time before you do that um did you have any other questions because you didn't have a chance to throw any questions in so do you have any other questions well is there a specific place i need to go to invest in ethereum yeah the only the only recommendation i can give you is to open an account with kraken don't do it with coinbase or any other exchange because they all have got have got their big issues coinbase for example will sell you data to the irs so it's not recommended kraken is is is a very good exchange where you can then wire transfer your your money into that exchange and then purchase those coins uh with that money yeah so kraken cardano and ethereum that's what i am doing okay so now what happens what happens so what happens when bitcoin finally does run out um i know it's not predicted to happen for another 100 years or so yet but the unit or the proof of work that has to happen to validate transactions will still be a very high um a very high task a very expensive task right and that will be true even when all the bitcoins run out um correct and that's going to be reflected in higher fees i'm sure correct yeah the fees will go up of course and is that true for all cryptocurrencies no no no they are all working on a different it's like comparing transport yeah you've got a bus you've got an airplane you've got a bus so the currencies cryptocurrencies are similar and bitcoin will from my point of view be forever a star of value and the second layer the lightning network will be then the the exchange part um and yeah i mean we will all not be living anymore by by that time when bitcoin really runs out that's true but but bitcoin has a finite supply i think it's like 21 million coins or something yeah which can be subdivided into millions and millions of satoshis yeah i think it's one millionth of a bitcoin it's a satoshi right a hundred million 100 million okay yeah even more than i expected um is that that also true that finite supply problem is that also true for other cryptocurrencies as well uh no no ethereum is operating now especially ethereum 2.0 will operate on a complete different level so they they have got a different system because they're moving over from proof of work which they're currently using over the proof of stake and so it will be different there yes every currency has got its own way of of uh securing the network so with proof of stake you have to prove that you have the equivalent value of the ethereum that you have somehow is that true yeah you're putting up money to secure the network so there's an algorithm it's done by through the software uh the ethereum software and that then secures with your ethereum the transaction and if you're you're a bad actor the you will lose than your the money that you put at stake okay that's proof of stake interesting interesting my point was to understand and because i think it has to be said in this beta about uh if people want to get into this to learn uh or to invest um uh there is on all the advice uh i think it's over a hundred years old advice that and never put more money into it into this then you can afford to lose right yeah absolutely yeah absolutely okay so uh we've only got a couple of minutes left so last call for questions if there's any other if anyone has any additional questions for robert i've got i've got still one remark to the investment side there please go ahead robert go ahead because the difference i mean what i see with people that have not been involved in cryptocurrencies and they something they come with the old mindset of shares that is absolutely not valid anymore so if you're coming with that mindset you will have a root awakening at some time and why if you do your research on a currency i'd say if you go to something like coin gecko and do some research there then first thing is the the network is extremely important yeah because in the case of bitcoin it's easy but if you go to a currency that is unknown uh or smaller like let's say rook or or mahada or whatever then you have got a complete different network and if nobody's pushing that network there's nobody behind it that thing will not go up in value so the research is a complete different one yeah you have to you have to compare it with a gme uh with the game game called game shop what happened last week that's exactly how how cryptocurrencies are being pushed and and uh and that's how you have to do research so it's looking into the currency that has got a great developer team management is not that important it's the developers and the marketing side so if they have got really good developers that are active because very many times these projects are open source so you can check what they're doing and if you see that that network it's all on github if you can check that they're really active in doing something then um then that's a big plus sign the network has to be big and also the idea has to be a big one but if the idea is not big you will not find many developers supporting that that card anyway and it's true also that that network has to be supported by developers not only now but also in the future as as as we move forward because uh yeah but if they lose interest in the project yeah they're stale now you have got the market that dictates that because now we're coming into a bull market or we are already in a bull market and i've seen that now in 2018 and 19 where we had a bear market then a lot of people will lose interest and those things will go down i mean all other coins bitcoin went down by 80 85 percent and other grants that cardano went over 90 95 down from the the cardano was once at 1.30 and it went down to 5 cents and so so that is important from the investment point of view yeah so the time is good to get into cryptos now again no financial advice but the time is good but you have to know when to exit this thing and so from the investment point of view not from the cryptocurrency for just from the investment point of view you need to not be greedy if you're greedy you will lose it you will never time the market correctly anyway so on the way up you have to take profits constantly and on the way down you have to also take profits because you never know because these things can fluctuate 20 in one day or in a few days so you don't know if this is a it's a bubble that burst or if it's a bear market or it's still bull market yeah so always take profits very important okay and then and you can't basically you can't lose excellent robert thank you so much for joining us that that was it's been a yeah very informative i'm sorry we only have 25 minutes we've already exceeded that we had some audio issues at the beginning but i'll let it out so that'll be fine no problem at all another one more reminder we are not offering financial advice this is purely just uh our opinion and what we're reporting in the in the industry right now yeah and it's it's my experience of what i see in the market so you don't fall into the same class but it's not financial advice clearly not thank you again you are welcome to join us anytime robert i would love to uh thank you i would love to to you know ask you more questions and pick your brains even more yeah we can do that next week or in two weeks now two weeks would be difficult for next week just invite me back in and i uh we can continue i love this year anyway it's my passion i'm doing this here full time so um i'm i'm i'm up i like those discussions so don't forget to check out robert's crypto corner segments that he has every week here on category 5 tv and uh and that's that's it for uh for this week thank you again for everybody for participating and have a have a great day take care bye-bye thank you robert thank you bye everybody bye everybody