welcome to today's coffee break everybody nice to see you it's the 29th of March 20 2004 we are hey Liam come in the frame so they can say huh hello Mia is my son Liam he's 9 he's the best yeah I remember I used to be a nine-year-old for a whole year yeah that's amazing well hey nice to see everybody bill I see bp9 as well I actually have a computer screen because I'm at home yay so I can see everybody hey Doug Anne gwg joining us once again nice to see it I noticed from the recent video that the worst is over now it's just figuring out are you talking about covert again every time somebody says something like that of course my mind immediately ok the studio is great man let's talk about the studio because that makes me happy I am literally in the middle of the of the video so I'm not yet so I pour 1327 up the truck and you wish you're just showing us when you were gonna get coffee to join us for coffee break yesterday ok and then here we are time travel yesterday me predicted today's me speaking of data and you stood your lot in in that video that you just posted do I see a lake in the far distance in the new frontages yeah yeah a lake view will say Studio II like you yeah for those who are just joining and maybe haven't been following the discussion category 5 technology TV has just moved into its new studio studio II we still have 40 or 45 hours or so left to our Kickstarter campaign cap 5 TV slash kick and you'll find out more about that project but so we're in guys like we've oh sorry spoiler alert EP 9 yep we did get our coffee and we did unload the truck so I picked a bet yeah that was my day yesterday so boys I am 3:30 this morning yeah and so I'm doing my best to motivate myself because I got to get out the door and get over to studio D we want to leave it in as good of a state as possible so we're gonna clear it out of any trash and give it a good sweep and mop and do everything like clean the bathroom get it all you know move-in ready for the next guy but this you have to do that today because tomorrow you're back at work again right it has to be done today yeah like you don't have to do it it's not unlike it's not like you have to clean the place but when the landlord goes in on Wednesday morning I want him to say hey this this was a good tenant and they really took care of the place so sure so that's important so yes it is it's got to happen today because tomorrow morning I'm right back to work time and and then the first is going to be here I guess Wednesday's the first right so yeah yep yep yep that's it you know country there is a public toilets and public restrooms there are often sites on the walls saying that they leave the place in the same state that you might need oh so do I get to put them all back yeah the Sun should probably read leave it in leave it in it in a better condition than when you saw it yeah in interest but the bit of wording to use like they do for national parks and nature areas and stuff like that leave only memories and footprints yep lots of those there yeah but no six years guys like six years of history for category five that's that's half of our lifetime it doesn't even seem that long yeah I know it's true you're right I think maybe the renovations make it seem a little less because it technically we've only been broadcasting from there for five and a half because it did take four five months to to get in because of the renovations we have to do Verdi yeah or in this case that a month from start to finish yeah of completely and I'm not even like it's we just moved in yesterday and we already recorded our first video it was brilliant previous time you you have to you had time to actually plan when to do it yeah it's on our Kickstarter page I'll look for very good yeah it went up this morning so so imagine like in that video just so you know Doug is the entire day's event so I basically just pulled out my phone every time anything was happening so I recorded snippets throughout the day so it's basically like a big long extended well 34 minute vlog that is just clips from throughout the entire mood so yeah it's it's kind of neat to have to have that documented so I love the little dean of the bill each time you every time you cut I sometimes cut that out but if people started talking right away I can't I can't really cut it out so every time I push record on my phone is like and you hear it in the record I thought I put a lot of work in the one with chips cording down on the other side of the road looking like one of the turkeys I don't yeah perfect yes you had to say it didn't you you couldn't help yourself yeah before I didn't notice that it was kneeling down I thought it was another random guy also tried to get pictures easy mistake yeah well you've been slaving over the you know unloading and loading the truck I've been reading up on the point I'm been having fun with that on the pine time Oh awesome because I used to order one I did manage to order one fantastic yep I don't know when it'll be here but it's it was available I've misread the page it must have been while I was trying to order the pine book and envy the paint Book Pro I should say in the pine cone they were out of stock for sure but the B shirt so you can take the picture of yourself using the pine book I did not see a t-shirt no I'm joking you need the whole you need the whole mindset and whether you write your do it in a room with you know wood paneling just well I'll get the electrode in a pine forest from a memory from a marriage Roy that'll be fine no prob yeah I think 10 years self-driving and mobile yeah sure I can do that I can do that so Robbie what I learned was that be the way you load a program into the point time it's very similar to the Android to the Arduino have you had a new experience with you well there's two ways to do it as I as apparently you could you can what's called bit bang the one of the ports and I want to say GPIO but I'm not sure yeah or I think there's a way you can do it with I squared C somehow to program it which might be a bit faster I'm not sure but as I've got a Raspberry Pi they show a hardware show that we can use the Raspberry Pi and they show you the wiring diagram to connect it up with the to connect it up with the with the pine cone time but the idea is that you build an image and that image is what gets transferred to the to the pine time okay so ace yes sir it is okay absolutely so it's it's it it does not run Linux it is it is an embedded processor basically much like as I say the Arduino and we know you only get to run one program so as I as I read it it looks like you build one program slash image a hex image right or a binary image that's what you send to that's what you send to the phone tone and that's what it runs so whatever functionality you want to integrate has to be all in that one program I think really reminds me that that sounds like the like early days of like hacking I had an old Casio watch the UK and a similar so you create the image and then flash it onto the wrong yeah well what kind of storage does the fine time man it has 64 K yeah okay so we are going back aways saying the same as this right which I showed you yesterday although this has 32 K of ROM whereas the plane time has 64 K of ROM which is the wait wait that's the memory that's the memory for programs I believe there's no relational yes no there's an additional 512 K for program storage like data and data yeah okay but the OS that a like the the actual edge that drives the thing has to be inside 64 64 which I guess like it's a watch right so yeah it's gonna have clock face it may be a couple of apps that's gonna be my first one actually th to put a patient clock face on it I don't love that's slower 20th century that's the first step I'm gonna do and I think if I understand this correctly I mean zero there are ways to do this fear bones so no you don't use our tos or anything like that you yet eventually start from C and you build it just like you do in our do we know now Bo you mentioned rust at any times I don't know that I'm going to do this in rust because I'm not familiar with it I'm Way more familiar with C than I am with rust so I will most likely just write this thing in C and just see what I can do with it no pun intended I whisper I wish I had more knowledge and C I think though as a PHP developer I have a pretty good understanding of the syntax mm-hmm because it's it's quite similar from what I've seen but I've never really gotten into that type of programming unfortunately I love to oh oh oh yeah I've done lots of what's up C and Java and and of course COBOL which is what I'm doing now but why it's interesting about like the whole like everything that's going on right now when it comes to single board computers maker technology STEM education yeah nine-time now is it's like like gwg said it's like this is so the technology is so like when we were growing on leggins it's like it's like it's been recycled but it's better it's better but it's come full circle so now because we had an I would say maybe a 15-20 year gap where there was no maker tech everything was like what you see is what you get here's the interface we give you the interface you don't mess with that you know Windows Mac was an iOS and everything else was like this is presented to you as is and that's how you use it but now it's going full circle back to the when we were growing up where it was like we get to design it we get to figure out how it works and we get to flash the the innards and make the OS and do everything else I showed you the model 100 that started even that far back right because I also have a que pro 2x a CPM machine which still runs but you had a little more flexibility in terms of what you could do with with that machine you still had the constraints of the CPM but if you wanted to you could completely replace the the OS you could even replace the wrong if you wanted to but you're still within the constraints of the hardware yes that's given to you before then you had I guess like the s 100 or something like that that you literally had like your compute board you had the black the backbone and you literally plugged in yeah compute boards just like you did with the s100 way back wing yeah oh my god I'm old I just feel like it's exciting because like we we just had such a time of people didn't people that grew up in the 80's 90's didn't necessarily 80s we still that's a pretty good maker tech but definitely 90s into the 2000s it feels like they didn't understand the technology itself like most of my customers if you move the icons on their desktop they they don't know how to offer get they don't know how to open the Internet yeah yeah yeah yeah because it because it's it's it's presented to them I guess I guess the audio doesn't work oh no she dara when she does zoom video zoom meetings with work her phone for some reason doesn't allow gallery view so yeah they speak they think the picture switches all the time and I'm like that's it the gallery view that's exactly what I said yesterday when I was at the studio because I didn't have a computer bill because my phone does that so I actually so today it's different because I have it open on my computer - yeah so that's how I'm able to do that oh yeah but you do yeah that's right so you'd have to make a noise like clap your hands yeah so that it switches to your camera but the thing is is other people they you have to learn a different social skill for these types of meetings so when someone's speaking and you're face to face you kind of uh-huh yes I see you can't talk on these types of things could you switch no right yeah listen listen learn don't remember not to do that anymore Bill gwg seems to have a different a different technique and he keeps muting his microphone when he's not speaking which i think is clef that's that's another well that's just polite exactly you don't want feedback or echo or anything if you're not talking a few times I thought I was fun muted muted in vice-versa that reminds me of in 93 yeah four full year I was in the local radio station at my old church at the church secretary one time had to it became that one time she had to do two hours over radio because the one doing it you say he had to go drive somewhere a few hours for anything and everything that you can do wrong on radio she did back then we have these old tapes tape drives with you have to others and and everything that was supposed to be on the air was off and vice versa so when she was say playing music then this is the music did not go on the air but her microphone did and then the she even was supposed to be on air it was the opposite so for free to ourself cueing and editing tracks yeah that's every DJ's nightmare right there yeah Oh somebody reverse the cue pot with the master pot yeah yeah she managed to do that if you have to this day no one has has any idea how she managed to do that one of the reasons I love having isolated audio recording now at Studio if I mess everything up on air it doesn't matter because I've got the ISO tracks I can fix it in post so that's how you were able to fix buzz live keyboard at the you know a few a few videos ago commenting the coffee break I don't use ISO tracks but a degree five tech TV I do but coffee break I rent I do run through auphonic you run more phone a phonic so let's do a quick search on our website there's a good review of it okay you pH oh and I see but it's like a audio processor so it makes it enhances the audio and reduces some noises and increases others and brings out voices from the track yeah so that's why when you watch the coffee break on demand you'll notice that all of our microphones even though when we're live it's you know some people are quiet or some people are louder if it fixes all that yeah very much science that I was planning to show you yesterday but I didn't find it and this morning I remembered oh I have one box tucked away in another look inside Zella I thought it was a game and watch oh my goodness Liam come see this can you make a noise for me Oh an actual game and watch yeah um free Nintendo so that was what created the Nintendo yeah it's from 1988 85 I've had it I've had this one for you and I understand like if that didn't happen if that guy wasn't such a pushy salesman it Nintendo might not have happened wow that's awesome let's do on it yeah yeah and that I used to have one of the clones and I had that one it was breaking breaking out of prison it was a searchlight to going all around and you have to avoid the searchlight and you have to avoid to God rooms and then you have to evoke to to their friends and then the first one had to not a hole in the fence and then escape and yeah I think I had my all-time high was almost five five five hundred points and I did that and I mean closing there passing four hundred points there Searchlight was really going fast I had that for three or four years and then we moved and I haven't seen it since if I recall correctly I think Game & Watch was a device out of Japan that Nintendo didn't they didn't create Nintendo already existed but Nintendo would have folded if game and watch the guy who was selling Game and Watch came to them and said please carry this so they've slapped their name on it and it became a Nintendo product and made Nintendo but what they became I guess gaming okay so whoever said think convert to a watch [Laughter] does it have a clock at least there you go down there we can't we can't see what you're working on because your mic isn't on see this yeah this is my gaming system ice case this is a little one I built three of these this is the little one there's a medium sized one that I built because my nephew's were fighting over the fact there's only one controller on this thing and then there is the full-size arcade cabinet that I built for a friend after they saw the other two sweet Liam wants to show you guys his retro gaming console that's the act games this is the Sega Genesis do you want to put on like Sonic show them how cool it is yeah it's got like 2000s decade games on it I was hoping to get one of those new Oh droids but I gather its back borders up to the camera oh he's got sonic running free of you guys copyright infringement right here bro boy you guys see that yeah it's really hard to see on camera yeah it's actually these things are awesome that's cool nice bike those things are awesome it takes an SD card so you can pop a rom on it well guys and the kk said people that didn't see that there this one is the tropical fish is the game on this one nice guys I'm gonna head over to Studio C and get started on cleanup so thanks for joining me for the coffee break today and I look forward to seeing thank you and I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind if I did a little tidy on Studio C as well that's it this is actually Studio C you see it to clean out studio D exactly after you get some rest yeah eventually whatever studio a number I'm calling this I've been cleaning it ever since I've been stuck here I have a lot of junk to go through this thing and let's see what else stackable tablets oh yeah stack of old laptops yeah I got to do the same at Studio e cuz we just don't have the storage to be able to hold stuff so and I have to flip stuff when I review it I got to get rid of it and when I review it I got to get rid of it so it's gonna have to be like that so it's gonna be awesome take care everybody I'll see you tomorrow see you later take care