hello welcome to uh category five coffee break i'm bp nine hello and uh i have uh we're very happy to to uh to have uh robert k bakwis he's over here if my um uh if my uh screen is correct so give us a wave robert good morning or not that's right thank you i appreciate that and then up on the top left way up there um should peter peterson yeah yeah okay thank you sir can i make a uh let me get the actions out first and then it started okay so wait up here would be uh doug hello doug and then we've got over this side with silver give us a wave zombie yes sir thank you very much live long and prosper [Laughter] robert it's a real pleasure to have you back for the for the discussion thank you i have more questions but i'm going to let everybody else have a go first this time because i monopolized you quite a bit last time so um uh peter i think you had a question did you want to did you want to go ahead yeah i wanted uh i've been messing around for 20 years or so i went on a lot of processing all right with the audience i've been working on some video processing um i want to show you see if anybody is the difference okay i'll turn it from another laptop forgive me for this okay i'll do it now this is the old one okay uh okay the old one robert is enjoying that all right well he's doing that yeah is that why he's doing that we might just talk with robert let me move to a city so there's no wind yeah peter can you hear us your uh your first your first microphone test is way better than the one you just now did because the one you just now did sounds very mechanic and very soft i think that was a playback actually okay in any case [Music] yeah you're right it might be a it might be a mechanical recording or something okay we're not gonna uh peter i need to respect robert's time here so um we're going to continue on with the discontract though i'm glad to play the real one they're not we we heard it we heard it fine peter but i need to spit i need to respect robertson here so well that wasn't the intent but okay all right uh who else had some questions for who else had some questions for doug how did you um did you have some questions i know you were we were having a chat prior to starting the meeting i asked robert a question and got my answer um oh good okay frankie didn't work in the u.s so i asked him for or doesn't work in new york state rather so i asked him for a secondary recommendation he gave me an exclusive finance bi n-a-n-c-e all right okay yeah dot u s um got it so b-i-n-a-n-c-e dot a nce.us yeah is that correct yeah that's for the americans okay so so for um um do they insist on a street address and they do the when they do the address verification is that way yeah that's that's the first time when you log into one of these exchanges they need to do a so-called kyc uh which banks also have to do so they need to register that it's really you doing the transaction and as you're only transferring fear to us dollar for example into that account so that you can start trading with cryptos then you need to go through kyc exchange uh the best ones are is definitely kraken and binance and if that fails then really last resort is coinbase that's from my point of view so what do you have to provide in order for kyc to work uh with with kraken it is uh a passport or driver license and uh and address but they don't i don't yeah they no they don't verify the address and you have to take a picture of yourself and if you want to have larger amounts then you also have to verify the address huh oh interesting okay uh sabu did you have any change have i had any others do you have any questions for uh for robert no a long time ago i decided that i'm not getting into the virtual currency market okay yeah yeah sure unless it is mandated by which there is a very little chance of that unless it is what mandated by our government then uh i would have to but uh until that happens and it's a very low probability of that happens i'm not getting into it i would yeah see the more right the more research it again i'm not dipped my toes into it either but the more i research it the more that it seems like this is an investment i.e a gamble um it's it really is uh you are gambling that the price of the cryptocurrency go up over time yeah and i'm not a gambler well um any time you invest in the stocks and shares and maybe if you are in the same boat though aren't you yeah i am i have no stocks of any kind for for for the same reason that i do not gamble with my money in any kind of market so i have a hard cash and i have a bank account and a few uh debit cards and that's it i have no plans to uh okay okay let me just let me just inject in here because there are two aspects one of course is the investment side which is at the moment really interesting because of of the bull market that we have but i understand your point of view but what will come is the technology of cryptocurrencies yes all the banks even in europe all the banks are currently investigating the technology of cryptocurrencies and it will come directly indirectly and yeah of course you can wait uh until something happens but the more you're prepared and the more you know about how this technology works the easier it will be for you so dipping your toes is definitely recommended i mean what is the private key what's the public key um how does the blockchain work all those things i would just take a look into that it doesn't mean you have to invest how would you learn about blockchain yeah i know how it works but i'm not uh getting into it uh for for the uh for the uh plain and simple isn't that the two reasons one i don't gamble so it's no investment opportunity for me and i don't trust it with my money um that's what i do exactly that's what i didn't mean you don't have to put money in just learn how the technology works yeah because it will come it's like the internet yeah it's like the internet and in 92 93 yeah you were also had the option of getting involved in doing something and maybe programming a website in html but it's a technology that will change the finance world yeah like how much do you learn about blockchain just how much do you learn about the blockchain when you uh when you invest like that though no you don't have to invest you learn how to operate it yeah exactly you don't have to invest a penny in in cryptos logistic technology like for example finance yeah how is finance going to yeah like loans um and all those things uh it will have an effect in your life whether you want it or not yeah and so you don't have to put money into it yeah with zero money you can check these things out yeah but i think nbp and i wanted uh yeah when you do invest how does that help you learn about how it works if you want to invest right you need to make errors because in this industry is completely different to the traditional industry of of investing in shares yeah so this is driven i mean i don't know if you've been able to follow the gme uh reddit thing last week yeah that's crypto okay so it's driven by memes it's driven by young people um i'm well outside of the average age of people average age is around 27 28 and they think completely different than the traditional ones so if i would go to my uncle he would say yeah i buy in gold and that's it i will only invest in gold the young people will say what do i what can i do with gold i want to have something that's digital that i can trade at any time at any moment so there is the change in mindset and so that's where you have to learn how to how to operate in that field and it's very simple basically you have to check who is currently the i mean and this is applicable only to the current bull market when the bear market comes it's a different thing so the current bull market you have to see who is currently pushing uh what coin you make a list of those yeah because if nobody's pushing uh a coin if you find something like no not giving any names when you find a coin that you like and nobody's pushing it it will not have an effect on your on the on the increment of of the price so you have to check who is currently pushing it then what industry is it in yeah because not every industry is currently of of interest in the cryptos investment side who's involved um how many people are programming it's all done through one website so you go to coingecko you select those coins and you've got all the information there so it's much easier than the traditional market that is driven by some people in wall street or or any other exchange but you have to really learn that first i i made a video i think uh six weeks ago or so on how to do a research on a cryptocurrency yeah i remember catching that crypto corner episode uh that was very interesting and one of the things that i noted about your episodes is they do focus on doing the research and doing the um and researching via coin get go and all the others um but they don't really talk very much about how to get involved how to get started in the first place things that the quest sort of question doug and i had last week were were how to how to get a wallet how to build a wallet um what software to use is hardware wallets or software wallets the best option you know things like that those are the sorts of those are the sorts of proper things that that i like to try and figure um that's from my point of view already for advanced if you're completely new yeah if you're a complete europe you have to go through a process if you complete new just identify a few coins i recommend only only top 10 uh and maybe only ethereum and and and bitcoin because they they are the most stable ones um go into an exchange open an account and exchange buy them there and leave them there yeah so if you go through an exchange like kraken then it's not an issue the fdic insured so your investment will be secured up to 250 000 u.s dollars but that's the first step and then the second step is learning how this whole eco environment works yeah and then you need to get involved into what the wallet is which is the right wallet do i need to have hardware software wallet that's for advanced get you a position so those first those first steps though when you buy when you very first get uh build or or create your kraken account whatever exchange you choose to use um when you buy crypto and you spend the um uh uh the fiat currency to buy the crypto which i mean you must have already created a right a credit sorry there was a blip in the line you must have already created a key in order to receive those that cryptocurrency if not yeah where does that cryptocurrency live it lives it lives on the on the exchange and so when you you buy something with fiat you're not confronted with any keys you just go into the exchange you say i've got 200 us dollars or 2 000 us dollars and i want to bury bitcoin that's all there is you will not be confronted with any keys the keys are only of interest when you transfer the financial value of of a currency into another wallet or you or another person but you get access to that to that cryptocurrency that you just bought uh they have got a wallet for you so if you go into kraken it's called funding so they don't call it wallet they call it funding and you click on funding and you'll see then your bitcoin in there and then if you want to send it to somewhere everybody else or you want to receive yeah let's say i want to send you some bitcoin then you click on receive and then you'll see the the the public key or the public address it's called and you give me that and then i can do the transfer so they're holding on to uh the the in um in a wallet of their own that you just happen to have access to correct and so one of the things that you say on your on your that you have a sign on your um on your uh podcast your crypto corner podcast is not your keys not your not your coins does that apply here it applies in general yeah but if you're a complete beginner that's too much so i would really just get the toes wet buy some cryptocurrency and have it on the exchange and then start learning from there yeah so ultimately of course you're only the owner of a currency if you've got them on your private on your wallet your own wallet with your own keys and somebody like kraken coinbase binance they don't give you the private key because uh it's their risk at the end so they only give you the public key so it's basically an iou like with your money in the bank account yeah they don't give you the money directly it's an iou and they do then fractional uh bank banking with your money so um the so if you choose to then transfer some funds from the kraken wallet into your own wallet um you would need to initiate that transfer at kraken then correct correct yeah so you go into your into your wallet into your own wallet you click there on receive and then that will give you then uh the public address of your own wallet you take that address you go into kraken you click there on send because you want to send your money you enter your address in there you click send you need to go through some routines like two-factor authentication and so on and that's it okay and i that's step two you know step one is definitely only uh getting an account on kraken or binance and getting some currency learning more about the basics and then really transferring it and hopefully making errors along the way because i learned in this industry you only learn through making mistakes yeah and one mistake that people can do is uh to forget the password to to yeah a story that came this week or something or a few weeks ago about a german programmer who lost he who lost the password to a wallet that he's had for many years and he have he have a lot of a few bitcoins there which he received for creating a video in 2011 when the price of a bitcoin was quite low and then he has two tries left to figure out the password and if he doesn't um uh remember the password then he loses 228 million us dollars worth of bitcoin money just for forgetting the password so select the password that you are able to know what is you know what the biggest mistake is in in this industry it's not so much the password and password is an issue but the biggest one is greed yeah because people they see that like like with dogecoin you know where then elon musk pushed coin and this thing goes up 200 percent and that's the biggest problem from the investment side i know that's not that much interest to you but that but that's the biggest problem in the industry that people are too greedy and very very interesting because you know it's you can choose between uh buying perhaps precious metals like gold or silver or whatever versus versus bitcoin or maybe both i don't know again even with gold or silver you are gambling that the price of gold and silver will continue to increase over time and there is so much hype in the uh in media that you don't know what to believe so i i don't know how you how you do that research who do you believe and who do you trust that's that's simple i mean for me because it's my my investment is with gold i'm not in control of the market i don't know what's going on i only have to hope that the price will go up it's like going to a horse race and hoping that one horse will win without knowing anything about the horse race with crypto of crypto though right no with kryptos you can because everything is done through the computer the research and everything i can predict more or less pretty precisely which coin will go up next week and which one will not go up okay yeah and that's just by listening to twitter because everything the 90 percent of the communication is done through twitter and telegram not facebook not reddit twitter and telegram everything happens there and then if influencer on top of that pushes something then you know this thing will go up yeah dude was visible with bitcoin where you had two titans billionaires pushing bitcoin and the price didn't move after that yeah when when elon musk put bitcoin in his twitter handle the price didn't really move since then so but you know that that will have an impact in the short term so you know that if you put a money into bitcoin it will have a positive impact to your portfolio yeah with traditional shares you're not in control because there are plenty of people that manipulate that industry as we've seen recently and you can't do anything about it with cryptos it's different this thing is global you know that's in addition so it might be something attractive to china and you don't know about it and so had an impact so you need to be open-minded in that sense it's going to change our world speaking of great it reminds me of a story of a good friend of mine this is a 25 year old story uh long before anyone's had internet um he used to pick a lottery ticket number um he was playing he was saying um he has a uh soccer fan or football as we call it in europe um and he was um [Applause] each each week he was um betting on uh what team would win and so on and and one of the uh we were visiting him a few friends there one day and one of them noticed he had a few coupons with their team teams and so wonderful for this week and he and one of them asked if he if he if he used to if he had any money out of it if he ever won something and he smiled and he said no for that i have to uh turn it in and that costs money no no he said that if he had turned it in every week and paid for having it in he could have a few million dollars a few million uh are you talking about are you talking about lottery there soliboo or are you talking about well okay yeah and we already know the odds for lottery are that you're you're going to lose i mean yeah but you put money in every week you know yeah yeah but um it is not a lottery it is um a betting on a football team in each week um football matches good at it at the time but he had no interest in paying money for doing it it was the justice uh so um there are people uh who are quite happy happily to bet on or play on um to see the satisfaction of knowing that they're right or um the challenge of how to get it right is um you make a very good point actually uh you know in in high school or college or whatever one of the things that they teach in economics would be pick here's here's the stock market you have a fake bank account with a hundred dollars in it yeah it is your job to follow the prices of whatever stocks you want to follow in an attempt to make your fake bank account increase in in value and that's a that's a good life lesson right there because that is exactly what what you robert are proposing we do right the research etc you make predictions and see if they come out right and you can do that without even spending a penny yeah the difference that this market the crypto market is a new market so that's why the growth is so huge and it's uh it's there things change very quickly prices change very quickly um so it it behooves you to jump on there you know if you want to make a one of the comments you made and we have to get ready to close this down because we've already been going for half an hour if you can believe that but um i know it's crazy isn't it but um uh one of the things you said last week uh robert was always you know don't bet on greed but always take profits even even in both even in both markets the question there is it's easy to take a profit when prices are going up you just have to decide when to get out it's the same rule right same as with shares buy low sell high but if prices are plummeting how do you you know how do you decide when to when to get out yeah that's that's don't want to hang on for too long well that's an important lesson that that everybody makes when you come new into this market because of greed you have to learn to take profits when this thing goes up but also when it goes down so if the price goes down 10 you just take profits and put them on the side right right right right because after a bull market there will be a bear market yeah i have stories about that in the um the game stop uh the debacle that happened there just a few weeks ago for much longer yeah but one sentence yeah and um an article wrote about it and a few of those who had to participate in the build-up of this stock um sold out way before it reached the very top and many of them said that uh now they could uh pay off their children's scholarship funds and they were they had earned a lot of money and then they didn't expect to do that so they were selling out while they still had some profit to sell him so you don't have to go to the very top in order to earn a little bit oh no absolutely all right well as usual we've run out of time but we haven't run out of questions because i had i had i had lots more questions but yeah we'll have to hold that off for another for another coffee break i'm afraid i had questions about all kinds of stuff but that we'll have to wait for another coffee break robert again you are welcome to join us anytime yeah if not the under me directly if it's urgent or so just contact me i take care of you i appreciate that thank you sir much appreciated all right um thank you so much again uh peter i don't know if you're even i see you in shot there just in the very right hand side there are you listening or no i guess not okay well um um all right have a good afternoon everybody uh enjoyed the enjoyed the discussion and uh robert thank you again for your for joining us as i said before you are welcome anytime and i would i would love to to pick your brain some more fish for sure so always have a have a gr have a great afternoon and i will see you next week take care live long and prosper so i'm not going to do it this time i'll mess it up see you later bye bye everybody bye you