[Music] hello welcome to category five coffee break i'm bp nine and then above me on my greed is sobu give us a way of solving thank you sir and then next to him on my right top right is doug give us a wave doug thank you sir and then peter is below him and next to me hello peter good to see you all right so uh i've had some i finally got reinvigorated with the um uh with the pine time uh that's this little device right here it's about time you're right i've bricked this several several weeks months ago and i um and i've always been having a problem with trying to get it to uh trying to program it because this thing i don't know how well you can see it but these are the pins that you have to put in exactly the right place and hold them in place really really carefully until the programming task is complete which could take you know up to 30 seconds or whatever it is and if you even tweak if you even move that thing by just a little bit you're pretty much host you've killed it right so um pine 64 uh sell a set of pogo pins that is on a it's on an adapter it's on like a pencil you hold it hold it to the circuit board like you do a pencil and it has the four pins lined up exactly right and you can hold it there for as long as you need it and it's solid as a rock i'm still waiting for it to arrive i ordered a little while ago and i have no idea what the postal service is going to do for me because i went to the post office yesterday and picked up two three months worth of third class mail magazines and all that fun stuff that uh you know aviation magazines and stuff like that lots of favorites well yeah i mean i i thought what is where did all this come from and i had a look the dates on it were january february and i think december of last year as well so i thought well that's crazy and they must have been sitting on a truck in the central depot for quite some time just waiting for a uh a truck driver to come and do the little delivery so yeah but i think you mean that you uh got the things from america that are not i'm not from point 64 which is a device uh no 0.64 0.64.org i think is the website or pine64.com is the website no i ordered it from pine64. i checked on amira droids website sorry ameridroid i did try but you didn't have any so i also checked for the main board on the uh pine phone um remember i think i see it last week that um that the uh usbc adapter on the pine phone um you can put a dongle on that and then you can attach a keyboard and a mouse and all to the dongle and even an hdmi out uh output for the string theoretically you can power it too but none of that works on this phone because the main board on this phone doesn't uh doesn't allow activation of that um of that dongle so i'm pretty much hosed i have my the two choices are i could replace the main board which is probably what i'll do or um and amir droid and i talked about this modifying the main board by by literally removing some components so they're very small components and to my point very hard to understand very hard to locate so i don't want to rip out the wrong components yeah the lava ball before the motherboard before the one before the laptop before uh uh somebody uh gave it to me and uh they put the uh security uh code on on the files and you couldn't get it off so the only way we did it was we changed the motherboard we paid very little for the motherboard and we played old bloody motherboard and uh it was wow yeah yeah yeah and no one thought about removing the battery and uh leaving it for half an hour it doesn't work it didn't work it couldn't that's probably in persistent memory peter yeah right right right that's what you locked he was logged he couldn't get help yeah so this so this is completely open hardware um into the only piece that is not is the uh uh is the modem there's a tell or something modem inside it um and that's the only piece that's closed uh uh so i also spoke with amira droid quite a bit about um ophono before i bought this uh before i bought this pine tone and i went back and looked at uh at our um at our coffee breaks the ones where um uh the early ones where um uh ameridroid joined us and um oh phono is not actually a phone application that that brings a screen up on or brings a window up on the screen it's the low level driver that drives the modem something else has to call iphone oh to actually make phone calls deal with texts and do all that sort of fun stuff so and that thing is called oddly enough calls it used to be it was renamed to gnome calls for like a month and then turned back then renamed back to because so so that's uh you're right there peter no not been well done okay okay so um so uh that's that's my news i'm eventually going to fire up this pine time again once i get it charged up and once i get those pogo sticks to all those pogo pins to to properly uh uh uh to properly burn a an image on it so it'll run there's an image called infinitime which looks like the most likely uh uh which looks like the the best thing to try right now so i'm gonna try that could you put bluetooth around the benz no the thing is that the the the um uh the pogo pins are about the size of my fountain pen here which is it's just a fountain pen there's nothing special about this right i mean i've shown this to you before but the pogo pins are on a plastic carrier that is shaped and sized much like this so it really is no problem to just once you get them in place to just hold it there okay okay because i did try to use as you can see i did try to use the equivalent of blue tack on this case to try and hold the thing in place so that i could put these here and and hope the hope against hope that this thing would hold long enough to allow me to program it and i never really did have any luck with that so so all right so boo you can go first what's all going what's all going on with you sir as you may uh remember i'm uh uh packager for the linux editor um yes yeah any particular distro or no yeah magaya yeah it's a fork of uh mandira from magenta well okay this is a serbian based or rpm uh uh it's a it's a co it's uh uh of a mandible so oh tell me more so um in uh a few days i'm gonna i'm waiting uh uh for a few days for all the emirates to um to copy everything everything is copied with but uh everyone who is going to sync uh and we have the local mirrors i'm waiting for all them to finish and then i'm going to um do a i have an origin script that will copy the entire mirror yeah locally for my i'm i'm only fetching uh the uh 32 and 64-bit version and this and the source package repo and i'm excluding every debug packages because i i don't need them okay and still that is about um almost 200 gigs of data that needs to come down the pipe that's huge yeah but i like to have everything locally in case um something because um 11 year um nine years ago mandir went bust and can you spell that for me what's the destroy name spell that out for me and um or write it down if you want to do that put it up on a sign [Laughter] and mike alpha november romeo india victor alpha okay okay i thought i thought you were you were saying mangero for a minute m-a-n-j-e-r-o and that's a distro that runs on uh one of the one of the destroyers that runs on the pine phone or manjaro i think it might be so yeah and that's not this right no it's um before they call themselves uh mandrake i remember mandrake and mandriva yeah absolutely okay and jack had to change the name because they lost a legal case in france yeah oh boy yeah of the company who owned the uh on the right studio the the cartoon character mandrake oh the dog of course yes okay so um i hate that so they and the and at the same time around the same time they lost the court case they uh they uh bought the uh another distro and uh connected and uh uh a south american uh this show and uh and emerging the two they thought and they had to change the name they combined the two names so nice nice sometimes i forget about how many distros and how many uh how many different you know distros there are on wikipedia there is uh there is a uh difficult charge of uh i know all the possible all the uh all the existing and defunct uh digital side starting from uh slackware and the two before that it's a big journal if you go you have official if you google the official distros of linux and you count in debian and everything else it's hundreds yeah maybe thousands yeah sometimes i although i tend to enjoy i like ubuntu but um honestly i don't use any of the ubuntu uh provided um or default window managers i prefer to use xfce because with xfce i have control of the root window at the very you know at the very base of the uh of the pile of the of the stack and i can display um x earth on on on the root window and x earth just rotates around during the day i'm a child what can i tell you what does that give you for a desktop uh well i think i put a screenshot up there on discord a few weeks ago but um you're taking a background image type of uh yes yeah yeah yeah every five minutes it updates and so it just moves around just a little bit every five minutes or so um and so right now of course the us is is in the middle of you know it's almost midday here in central time zone so um so the us is coming around into you know in full view but if i'm up at two o'clock in the morning then australia is in full view or if i'm uh or if i'm up at 10 pm or something um you know cape town is in full you know however that works but uh i think it's usually europe that's in full view when i first get up very early in the morning and then australia is in full yeah i knew you'd like that and then australia's in full view it's just nice to to see that come it's just fun to watch because i'm a child that's that's just the way it is but speaking also distributions um yes um yeah it all started with unix back in 1969 sure do you know or remember who actually was the first company who sold unix not who distributed it but who who commercially sold units first i think it was a t and t bill right no it was microsoft no way yes there were there were a few uh distributions before microsoft sold it but microsoft was the first to attract let's just sell the system oh before that they sell it as a server version or or as a desktop um i don't talk about coming full circle because because of the well-known rivalry between linux and and and microsoft and then microsoft coming back into the fold again and starting to support linux yeah the the first day version do you mean linux or did you mean [Applause] x exercise i remember xenix i remember xenix that was a microsoft distro yeah they sold that from 1980 to 1989. and then three years later um was born yes right right right and he wanted to have a unix um system at home but uh a single user license for uh unix in finland in 1991 was uh twenty thousand uh finnish marks i remember yes i remember the motivation that like uh that linus had to um uh uh to to write linux for sure um so if the unix companies had a reasonable process back then there and all of this would not have happened yeah but would it still be i wonder if the open source industry or drive would be as powerful now as a you know if because none of the unix distros would be open source would they they are all closed source they are all posters yes yeah so the free software movement they started rewriting from scratch all the utilities that that you needed for have a full system and in 1991 all the single uh component missing was the kernel and they had started building a kernel but it was uh hard to debug because it was uh a modular uh uh monolithic yes so they had their installment explain this in one of the uh linux documentaries who who are uh 20 years ago this year and he explained it that um the hard part was that they could communicate the more modules communicated sending messages to each other but the problem is does this message come before or after this one sent this message so that is always that is always a problem with messaging systems yeah um i worked with the technology several years ago called corba which is a a similar thing we the company i worked for sold a product that implemented that standard and we had a message bus a product as part of that and bundled as part of that package and that was always that was always an issue you had to make sure you had to specify when you built a cue that messages traveled on you had to say whether it was important that the messages were delivered in exactly the same order as they were placed on the queue because if they you know if it didn't matter and one message got lost or something then you could just keep on going but you had to then make sure you allowed for a message that might be missing um but if it mattered that the messages appeared in queue and one one got dropped potentially that would back messages up until somehow you you freed up that message so yeah it got interesting there's all kinds of interesting stuff yeah and the interesting part uh i watched um two or three years ago uh two years ago maybe um not in this region but at the other there were two people who are important in creating um uh unix and the other one is still alive and he had a talk um about uh we have we have to let the other folks have a talk this would be where he talked about uh how unique started and why it started and so on they had a printer that they wanted to uh get working right and on the printer they wanted it was a big and powerful um hardware so they wanted to play games on the printer that's how unique started that was the justif i remember the justification was a printer driver um for sure i do remember that yeah and then he had worked on it for three weeks and the only he only needed three parts there left there were three programs that he needed and at that point when he told the other one what he was missing it don't mean that he was creating a new operating system and that was not intentional nice all right doug your turn sir um i told you a couple of weeks ago i was having trouble with chrome uh on what i'm my raspberry pi 3. i'm trying to use it as an entertainment center and i couldn't get wide vine to download to it so i investigated ubuntu which i have on a desktop and that's updated so i tried to get a version of ubuntu that i can put on my raspberry pi 3. i found one but when i try to boot it it says it doesn't have ssh keys so it won't boot all the way now i've got to try to find a way to solve that i found a link online which will allow me to download ubuntu 20.04 so i'm going to try and see if i can make that work what does it need the ssh keys for um i'm not sure uh i'm not ssh not going to ssh into this version of ubuntu it must think it needs ssh in order to talk to servers for package management or something yeah well the version i have is a server so that might have something to do with it well it shouldn't um it destroys the destroys the district pretty much i really don't know much about ssh yeah the things that define whether it's a server version or whether it's a desktop version is what packages get included would you agree sober he's not listening he's he's off playing he's had enough fun for one day i i think what defines the difference between a desktop version and a server version of a of a of a system is what packages get included i don't think that this yeah and the big difference is that on the server and it's by default you don't have a graphical login right right but you can install a graphical login interface on the server and so if doug is having trouble with ssh keys i suspect that it has to do with the uh pc that or the raspberry pi that you've installed it on somehow needing keys to talk to the to the server that manages the packages that ubuntu needs to download that's my that's that's my gut reaction there but they sh those ssh keys should have been included on the distro that you downloaded so if they're not there i would be wondering if that distro that you downloaded was complete or not corrupted yeah well i would yeah if it is the ssh key is there another one yeah exactly peter exactly peter yeah yeah download it again and try it again yeah yeah well i'm going to try the 20.04 and see if that works yeah but uh what i think is going on is uh the the ssh keys they are not shipped in any distribution uh that is the biggest security all is shipping the ssshks because they will be the same all over if they are automatically generated the first time you install the demon package well then how are they how do they connect those keys back to the server in order to get a good connection to get packages yeah the packages are not signed by ssh they are signed by um gpg pgp keys so what are the ssh keys used for uh for following for logging in if they're logging in to the he doesn't care server that he doesn't plan he doesn't care about doing that but it won't boot without the ssh keys it might be having trouble generating the ssh keys then for before the first boot that might be what it is yeah and i believe i've had that problem with um with raspberry pi as well i think i think when you try to do it it can't get a random it can't get a source of random data yeah i remember um peter reynoldson um he is the one who created the the installer that debian and ubuntu uses and one of the problems he had 10 years ago or 11 years ago i don't i'm not sure it was that um we have to we have to let people have a guess they had the same problem but they the installer yeah it started it started to install and then for some at some point um it just stopped and waited for something and then and he and he found that oh he would have to type on his keyboard didn't he provide the random data okay if he found out that no matter what he did anything you did fix it fixed the problem so it just needed some random data so i remember i remember you told us that story a few weeks ago and coffee break that's right that might be your trick doug maybe it's just waiting on random data and it can't find it maybe you just have to move the mouse and and and just keep tapping on the keyboard until it until it's happy that it's got all the source of data that it needs one thing that he did was that he uh he run the defined command in one of the terminals in this installation uh find slash enter and hit it search it and then it searched the entire retrieve for anything and that was enough for uh yeah because that would cause it to list every classic file on the file system yeah i wonder although the card has gone you know it might have been a bit good very up a little bit yeah that's possible but i'm not ready to suspect the card yet i think i think cyber's hit on this i think that source of random data is certainly uh the first thing to try so i can try yeah please do doug i think that will i think that'll solve it just see if you can open another terminal and uh and then do that fine command and see if that will do it for you we'll connect a how do i open a terminal on a system that isn't fully booted carefully you you actually have a keyboard on that um on that terminal right you have a keyboard when you try to boot it though otherwise you can't see where it's failing well i have it on my tv so that's the monitor and i'm i don't have a keyboard or a mouse hooked up because i would the uh keyboard that i would be using would be this and it hasn't connected yet right is that correct oh dear okay i don't know how to fix that unless you unless you literally plug up a keyboard to one of the usb ports on the raspberry pi i can do that that's what you're going to have to do would that put a cursor on the screen because there's none there now no it's a text no it'll be a text it'll be a text in order to have a cursor on the screen i think you have to connect the mouse then you would get a cursor but uh but even even on a text this will be a text screen though right i mean there won't be anything to no no graphics can can he open up another um another terminal with ctrl alt f2 okay yeah but i don't know if that will let him log in though that's all okay so we're 34 minutes here yeah i know but um we've also uh we've also we didn't start until like uh 11 1105 so okay okay we've got we've got a few minutes for peter to talk real quick so it's got to be quick peter sorry man i apologize that's all right don't worry um i'm going for the virus on wednesday by the way for these injections is that the first one or the second one third one okay apparently the second one's a real pain from what i've heard yeah well a friend of mine got a bad reaction to it yeah so a real bad actual great a bad reaction so i could go to them as well the other day okay uh my demo it will swell up which was quite a laughing oh no i felt jesus a real pain i told him to tell the blanket yeah jeez all right let's find another subject i'm about to shut us down here um the the clock the uh chinese clock i put the arrow outside and uh it worked a lot better i got the one with the gps that wouldn't get a good gps lock it's working better now oh good excellent well done but i also discovered that uh i keep seeing their five volts on the on on the internalizing what have five volts on there are they tuned in the antenna which are very good no they have to power the antenna don't they is it not one of those active antennas it doesn't activate it and down yeah it's got a uh uh it's called prince of some sort uh uh but uh after last year uh uh if i could download the uh the third of a bit of english bit on they talk about uh uh our rs232 commands to uh access the time which was asked and somewhere in in all the funny goodly good english it tells you the command lines were to start and okay i i'd have a hard time believing that they have to give you they have to put chinese characters on the command line to make you uh to make a second get the time i think it still has to be uh you know characters on the keyboard that you can type you know so there they are but uh but but now the the actual website oh the top is the website isn't johnny okay go further down there's an english bit but it's not in good english hitting you from english yeah yeah yeah i hope yeah i understand i understand that's the way it works we're gonna have to shut it down i'm so i'm sorry about that we had a fun time as always have a good afternoon everybody i've enjoyed it as always and see you see you next week take care everybody good night there we go you