hello welcome to category five community coffee break uh i'm bp nine how are you and way up on my top left on my school well that way is robbie the bald nerd himself hello robbie and then we've got right nick and then we've got doug right to him uh hello doug thank you sir and we've got marshman give us a wave marshman hey how are you sir and then peter on the road uh on the bottom row give us away peter today yep well except for me no no beard for me so mr robbie so good to see you what have you been to look at all those greats how did all those upgrades go actually it's funny that um can you guys see my screen at all no not really yeah well then following the upgrades uh our iso audio recorders record nothing but screeching noise i've got i've got uh tech support working on that issue they've never seen before i told you the average would go well didn't i didn't i say that yes what could probably go last week last week on live sessions for patrons uh we were fortunate that we had broadcast it live obviously to youtube um and by doing so youtube recorded it so i had an audio recording that i was able to use as the audio track not ideal but it worked oh well nothing though right saved the content i had to figure out i should look at you with a big look at you on the phone because it's uh i look like i'm looking away from when i um when i look at you on the big screen hello boo nice to see you uh away good job you're looking a little your back background's looking a little fuzzy though sir yeah totally i was completely occupied by writing [Music] writing something and the time oh the coffee break started three minutes ago i told oh you're cutting out again yeah oh boy take it away it's all i'll let robbie take it oh yeah well hey good to see you guys nice to see a small selection from our community uh be nice for those who are watching on demand to uh hey think about joining uh coffee break uh which happens i guess every sunday at noon eastern time but uh i hope everybody's been well it's been pretty crazy around here so yeah i've heard about that yeah i'm at home today doing editing remotely fun project that i've been working on is i got a usbc uh 1080p monitor which connects to the the pine book pro so now i i now have a a dual screen pine book pro linux so you guys may have seen yeah and uh it's all powered by the pine book pro so it's just so i have a usb i have a usb usbc dongle from pine phone which has an api output wall but um unfortunately the phone will not um activate the usb dongle because the main board in bone has fault in it um in that it needs it it needs to have certain components in order to make work and energy or remove those components any device that has usb otg should have the ability to output hdmi so i have a an hdmi dongle for the find book pro which is how we bring up the screen on on the air but this is like just two monitors side by side i got i made sure it was the same size as the pine book pro monitor so it just looks like a dual screen coming book pro it's quite nice but i'm having to do the editing on the desktop computer because pine book pro is not going to cut i i was uh producing 4k videos i'm actually doing that verification not actually doing that on the pine pro are you doing this on a yes sir absolutely welcome thank you let's see have you have you met everybody in the introduction or can you see the label i've not met the folks here i i've just seen robbie on the channel so okay well clearly i apologize apparently my own playing out though apparently um uh i'm bitcoin welcome uh on my top left is the bald himself is robbie ferguson and above me is uh doug and next to him is man no you should be saying that hush man thank you sir and then the next row will be peter and then here again and then next year solving over tonight everyone this is dave he just joined he's a member hey dave good to see y'all yeah so we're going on the um it's going really uh to tell you what all for people i mean for all the fun things they've been doing so i've been talking a bit about the pine time and the uh and the pine cone um anything from me or uh shall i move on to this one oh hey and next next up can take it away unless you guys are all right for me directly i'm i'm here for the half hour so oh i'm sure the question will pop but we'll just we'll just go around and see what people can i raise one thing can i raise one yeah uh doug you were mentioning that you had problems with um certificates on your raspberry pi and the first thing that came to mind that i don't think actually came up it was ssh keys yeah and did you fix that no um i actually can't get it to connect to wi-fi which i think is the whole problem oh okay just i i wanted to know because the raspberry pi doesn't have a real-time clock i just wanted to know if you had set the date and time on your raspberry pi because if you haven't then all ssh keys will be invalid because the date and time don't matter that i was not aware of i'll i will have to google how to do that yeah you could you could actually go to my blog if you go to baldner dot com slash nerd gasms okay you'll see a tool there that is how to set the linux date and time and it gives you a quick little copy and paste command you can throw in there and it'll automatically set it for you all right your raspberry pi because it doesn't have a real-time clock you need to have ntp installed once you've got it up and going with the date and time set man okay so in order to automatically synchronize it raspbian must have that in it it does come with it yeah okay okay i think it's literally a man isn't it i think it's literally the command date is it not you're choppy oh he's asking he's saying that the command is dead is asking if date is the command to use i'm not sure oh yeah yeah yeah but there's there's like syntax and you've got a you have to use like the rtc standard time stamp so just if you jump on my blog i've written a tool that just makes it easy you choose your time zone and you copy and paste and you're done so hopefully that'll fix it fix it for you doug and if it does uh make sure you let the team in in the community know here on the coffee break next week yeah yeah i'll post something on discord cool excellent um baldnerd.com nerdgasms if [Applause] if peter looks confused then you know oh he he's always could talk no worries when peter does smiling yeah good yeah there you go so dagger from the raspberry pi issues you had what was going on with um well i've tried uh using ubuntu instead of raspbian because i was having problems getting wide vine to load into raspbian it wasn't updating so i found ubuntu was updated um through another ubuntu machine that i have so i downloaded ubuntu for the raspberry pi but then i started having the ssh key problems which robbie i believe just solved um so i will fix that and we'll see what happens i will let you all right okay well thank you i appreciate it yeah do let us know how it works out so definitely all right marshman you're muted so i can't oh there you are okay what time what's going on with the oh good what's going on [Laughter] say what they've reopened ripley's aquarium i could change that if you like something else but then then then we get demonetized i have things that have been monetized i like that i like the uh that that fake real bird that you flap oh he's gone no he took out he took out his video uh let's see yes well later dave because news so there we go that's what i love to see and let us know what sort of uh sort of fun you're having tick if you like go ahead i have a a small hobby channel on youtube i'm calling myself geezer geek and i'm doing videos to help folks accomplish things with everything from windows to ubuntu to the hardware that they're using and you know for example i've done a video on making a recording appliance and i did that for a 501c3 that i serve in fact i'm the pastor of it and okay i made this recording appliance so that our pianist could come in and do recordings he's not a tech guy so all he has to do is start it it'll record for an hour he goes over turns it off and then i go in and i collect the video and then i process it yes one of the videos that i did how how to make this one touch recording device very nice channel that's my hobby channel and then over the last uh pandemic year year right i have done all kinds of videos for the church that i serve so okay that's what you know that's the new way yeah that's what i do here coffee break every every uh sunday i do the cop right the royal video we're doing we're doing fellowship like this with meetings and we're doing um doing a little bit of um business meetings like this but um for the the basic worship and faith support it's it's all virtual via youtube so yeah yeah yeah that's the that's the new normal right that's how it is right now these days yeah so i do the same in this video i feel like we're so very fortunate that when this happened we have the technology that absolutely services can continue yeah and continue years ago we couldn't have done this yeah yeah it's amazing although my church is meeting in person i'll be there tonight yeah yeah mine too really wow okay now do you doug do you tuck the beard into the mask no no he well that would make it hard to talk it would get in my mouth you guys all kinds of things that be experienced so another short video on the twitter two weeks ago uh someone was there working uh if you're on a on the airport and someone was yelling at him to uh put put on his mask and then he pulled the mask down he has made the mask with his face printed on the mask now robbie you had a mask on at some point there's like a mouth like a duck's mouth or something was that a green screen or was it an actual printed mask i did was it i think you did i think i saw on one of your no i i got the led mask that you can program with bluetooth but other than that most of my masks are like just like i've got one that's the binary one that that folks saw last week but okay okay yeah i thought i'd i've i must have been a picture that someone said on discord they haven't seen those yeah funny yeah i wonder if that was some zombie teeth and like rocks from 40 years ago in a doctor's office um there were two deaf people and the mask had a clear space right across the mouth so they could read like oh yeah but it was still a full mask one of the thing prizes me is how much maybe i'm just getting death or something but hence i rely i've tried to rely on on movement to understand what people are saying it's quite surprising like if i'm a noisy environment and i can't hear them then i'll try to try to um read them out but it's impossible to do that if they're wearing a mask you just can't do it yeah i was thinking i thought at the grocery store like how would someone who's hard of hearing um deal with that like that's kind of very true yeah yeah not to mention you can't really see what kind of muttering yeah yeah true but you know when you unless a tear starts falling down then do you have some idea but uh whenever you're interacting with people if you professional that's that should be so anyway that's that's a whole nother story though isn't it did we get to mush man i don't know we actually got to talk to you we've got change of background that bird that just keeps on making it but i had nothing going on so you skipped over me i'm sorry i'm sure you had lots going on please thanks for watching i have a lot going on very well please tell us more tell us more no it's it's we're trying to take a break from there's a riptide out there that's that's what keeps pulling me under oh but oh boy did you not walk in town today like your pedometer says you are oh no i'm putting in steps like you wouldn't believe how is how are you doing are you just walking around town every day what's up i drive i drive to new york city and park the car and then i walk everywhere i don't i don't i try not to take the subways i won't get on a bus i definitely won't get in again yeah i heard that so i i walk i walk everywhere and then i walk back to the car and drive home required for your working too i'm a field person i i've never had a desk job so okay i've never had an office job so i'm always i envy you sir yeah i have to say that is a great it's easy to do that in new york because uh everything is so compact and so yeah yeah when the pandemic started and everything locked down and i it took me a week and i realized i could never have an office job sitting here drives me nuts i can't yeah yeah yeah well when i worked in melbourne back in australia many many many years ago i figured out quickly i was able to walk from one side of the central business district what you would call downtown from one side let me bring it into view there it is from one side to the other of the downtown area i could do that in probably half an hour and it's about the same from from south to north as well that's about the total total coverage area of the central business district now if i had to go into the suburbs or something that's a whole different story but um but it would take probably half an hour i think new york's a bit bigger than that i know it's i know it's pretty packed in but it's still a bit bigger than that though right yeah and it's got residential areas so you have the downtown financial districts where the buildings are just really compact and then once you get out of that it's residential and small business and then you get into midtown new york and then you got the tall buildings again so i try and schedule my days where if i downtown clients i schedule them in the same day so i park downtown and then just do everything downtown and then split okay and then i schedule the midtown people like a different day and i park in midtown and then split nice nice nice and still get 10 000 plus steps can't even walk to work like i'd love to be able to walk or bike to work but they went and they gave me the the option of taking a company vehicle and i'm like yeah i'm going to take i'm going to take that wow but now because i can't leave the company vehicle at home i can't bike to work i can't walk i can't so it's like catch 22 it's a bonus but at the same time it's like peter we haven't had to catch we haven't had a chance to catch up with you yet tell us what's going on with you uh on wednesday i went for the uh grown out injection and uh by about friday i thought it didn't feel too good and see this effect is effective of having an injection and uh want to go over if i have a flu or a hangover and massive and then once after friday wednesday i sort of improved a lot you know it just happened one day but okay yeah but double right now um we're going we've got we can't go out or do anything with like robbie i mean uh they're thinking about uh everywhere to uh uh bring the kids back and uh and uh open up a bit more but uh i'm just waiting them to do it probably in april i reckon here but most of the time i'll be doing electronics uh with a friend of mine's also a minister and the same as uh the chapter of the new chap according to his name uh it automatically means uh i went to university where they made my gives a few pcbs for him and designing pcb and every argument with amazon particularly because they don't uh deliver or if they do if that you you you quit something and then suddenly they take it off the thing and say that you can't they don't tell you they've taken it off to your page which is a bit in the way because i've had one or two guys though and told them off exactly because i thought they was playing quicker particularly um well magazine which i reckon that they was either on smoking something very illegal or something when they designed it because they would tell you easy peter easy now i know i know even even my british filter is having trouble you know figuring that one out so i'm going to have to my automated closed captions just says dot dot dot i'm not surprised at one point i thought you were singing music dave i know you have to oh there he goes yeah i was gonna i was gonna say dave i know you have to go so um you have to drop out okay okay see you next time all right so good to see you i'm not trying to build and uh the circuit was totally wrong i generally got published in the magazine because it was quite one uh well-known magazine it was totally totally wrong with the whole thing okay does anyone have any does anyone have any questions for uh for robbie because uh you know or marshmallow because we don't see even marshmallow here very often so maybe uh maybe uh if anyone has any questions yeah i was wondering if robbie had noticed a news that broke today i think uh about the uh new colonel bug in the uh uh release candidate no i haven't seen it yet no it's um it's mailing list uh warning about uh the even trying the release kind of the one for the um kernel 5.12 um there is an error within the uh swap handling for it only affects those who have assault file and not a small partition it makes it in certain conditions the uh swap file that will write to due to the wrong part of the file system and it will completely screw up the root file system oh that's not good that is not good but typically we're looking at it typically candidate code doesn't get into the stable does it yeah you'd have to be really on the bleeding edge which i'm yeah yeah i'm running stable i think i'm on development uh branch on one thing probably an old version of the pine phone but otherwise no i'm unstable as well my wife computer decided to uh uh dropped well dropped dads exactly uh last the other day when i was trying to look up some information on some data computer that drawing spray took upon data and uh i went to buy a drive and you have you noticed the price of the the drive streets and the robbie they've gone up like a factory or three they could have manufactured and stuff no everything's just robbing for four gigs with four gets one gigs uh one terabyte three four terrorists one terrorist uh ssds they've just gone up absolutely fantastic amount of money wow especially these days with the problems with supply and demand and yeah nothing that's what i think it doesn't want to do it away i i put a half a terabyte in there and i hopefully it's not a good one it's quite old and i think it's that this has got problems with it but it would do for the moment to to wait to september and uh see what the price is to do you know because i i'm not playing those all funny prizes they will they were they were they were they were on their lake you know anything else as well some wouldn't yeah we'll have to we'll have to see it happens with those design i imagine eventually um somebody will catch up with demand hopefully the prices will come down too because like manufacturers are going to be bringing out their new drives in the in the spring so it may bump off yeah if they have it but don't think they're shipping to england or ireland and to work you know that adds the price as well that that day's old days fun that he's getting self-help i i know i know he's great funny okay from uh amazon yeah well we won't talk about that okay all right i'm gonna keep speaking with drivers i've got my uh m.2 nvme adapter for the pine book pro so i've ordered uh an a2000 drive so it's a single-sided low power consumption and uh i'm going to put that in there so that's something that i really like i may be talking to you about nvme and good deals for those we'll talk about that offline i think i think on the way to the particular surprise you do and then i i would die to find one when that happens but uh i thought you'd do it with this grammar and everything else that's what i reckon it was so boy you have to push the air don't you i keep saying we're not in politics or or coding keep doing it all right we're gonna we're done we're we're about to shut it down so uh thank you uh marshman thank you for uh and especially you i appreciate you tuning in and say hello and uh i would have i would have said here today while he was here too but he had to drop out earl so it was very good absolutely yes good to see you robbie good to see marshman thanks and you're the one anytime you want to be you know just shy come in and say hello and give us a hard time because we deserve it good to see you everybody take care take care everybody have a good week see you next week take care bye