[Music] welcome to the crypto corner and welcome to the weekly crypto news and as usual let's take a look into how the market performed over the last seven days as you can see we've got several projects that gained over 15% the winner is wax with almost 60% loop ring with 50% and so on most of these projects are really serious and good projects with huge teams behind them which is great news for the industry on the losing side the only two projects about 15% one is hex the other one is hedge trade which is yeah it just shows how the market is performing at the moment it's on the up next headline is Bitcoin core released the version zero point two there's one feature in it that it's worth mentioning which is the ASM AP and that is a software part of the software that prevents attacks by nation states and this feature makes it possible to limit the number of nodes that are connected to any specific autonomous system so previously a country a huge country could attack the Bitcoin blockchain this can now be prevented so that's also good news next one is a small project that everybody can use create your own token so with this software now put a link down below you can create your own token so you you enter the token name the token symbol the number of decimals you want to have the maximum supply you click on create token and voila you have your own token created you can put that token even on an exchange incredibly liquidity so if you've got a great idea this is a perfect tool that you can use to put that idea into practice or if you just want to have a present a birthday present there you have got another idea next one is pwc one of the largest pounding firms they created a report equipped a hedge fund report and I just I will also put a link of that report in the the description down below the highlights here are from my point of view that of those hedge funds that they analyzed 97 percent hold Bitcoin I wonder what what the other three are doing but anyway 97 percent hold Bitcoin followed by a theorem XRP litecoin Bitcoin cash and yaws no other coins are mentioned in that report that are worth any substantial amount those hedge funds mainly operating in the US and the UK the two big financial hubs in the world and they're based in the Cayman Islands US and British Virgin Islands so low tax havens the market is increased by 30 percent although that's still very small it increased from 2 billion to 3 billion this year I said it's still a small market next one is d Phi which is my favorite subject because that one define in itself will start the next will run in our market I'm pretty sure about that if you look here that Lending Club which is a big peer-to-peer lender here in the US they originated 250 million dollar loans in the first 5 years well maker which is our peer-to-peer lender originated 2.4 billion loans in the last well 5 years if I look into defined market cap which is like when market cap but only for the td5 industry you can see that we are running on 2.2 billion dollars market cap at the moment maker Dow of course is the number 1 but everything is green as you can see here so and that also reflects on what I see out there in the market I went to see a few forms defy form or finance forms the yeah they had no idea on what is going on in our market they don't understand this year they don't know what the smart contract is they don't understand defy they always translate it back to what they're accustomed to with a middle person creating the market but don't understand that this can be done much much easier and by far more efficient than what we've seen in the traditional system so this one here the defy market is one to take care on watch anyway that's it for me from this week I hope you're well and I wish you the best and thank you very much for watching and see you next week hopefully thank you thank you Robert just a reminder to those of you who are watching at home we are not providing financial advice here on the show we're just simply giving you the facts about the cryptocurrency market and leaving the decisions up to you just be mindful cryptocurrency is an ever-changing market it's always volatile and we suggest that you only invest what you can afford to lose you