[Music] welcome to the world of cripples welcome to the crypto corner it has been a fantastic week again not of course if we look into the numbers like Bitcoin state around 9200 or theorem around 240 so no huge developments in this area here but if we sort by 7 days then we see that we had some coins that increased by over 100% like Elrond dibi 60 percent over 20 coins increased more than 15-percent and only four coins lost more than fifteen percent so a positive development from that point of view in the market if we look we compare for example the the history of the big coins in the d5 market like maker or or khyber or 0x when compared with the profit of theorem then we'll see that the theorem state more or less flat at 0% so I lost minus 0.3 percent but all these others gained over thousand percent so huge development that is happening under the hood in the crypto market and so one has to be careful also at the same time on where to invest and how to invest because you might lose a lot of money one area that is the case is here you know I don't know if you've seen those but those are ads in YouTube or even this is a live YouTube channel that is currently transmitting and here you see hey you can win a lot of money if you just participate in this scam the old scam so don't even think about putting some money into it I can guarantee you you will never see that money back yeah and so how did I do that nobody really knows but you see them as advertisements and also as channels promoting here and as you can see this one here mr. Kidd Kidd has got three at 39,000 it's all fake so they're masters in in conning people also the famous pump in dumps so price goes up because some people are promoting it in this case tick tock some kids promoting dogecoin a coin that has got no purpose and the price went up by over forty fifty percent in one day next few days it came down again so be careful with these things don't participate there the moment you hear about some pump it will still be too late again because those that started that pump are already planning on how to leave that one next is if we look into compound and if we want to borrow rent some money and then there is some collateral factor in here yeah so sixty percent in other words if I put in 100 percent then I can take sixty percent out so there's over an over collateralization in in this industry and that's how most of these are staying on a fairly low risk basis but there has been a new development of is the first one that is starting now with credit ik credit allocation so in other words you can have a credit without even putting up some collateral and the way they solve that is that you have to sign a contract with a person that gives you all whom you give the money and it will be sorted out in an illegal or regular court in case there is a default so that's an interesting development I find now another interesting development but more on the negative side or not negative but one has to be careful is tether as you remember tether has got from the 24-hour volume it's number two or usually number one so you see it's very close to a Bitcoin with 19 billion being traded you know in 24 hours most of that is between exchanges of coming from china because chinese like to put the money in to tether to keep it there but on the downside is they have been sued by the New York Supreme Court because money disappeared between the company of BitFenix and Teller and they both belong to the same company and and it's a it's a bank that went bankrupt and 850 million dollar disappeared and so this Court wants going into detail in regards to tell us so that might be really bad news for tether so be careful also on your end with tether now the last three ones is what's going to happen coming week the first one is here bindings - has got an exhibition that started today and with fairly good keynote speakers as you can see it's ongoing already there are a lot of Chinese people speaking in Chinese which I find interesting so it's there's a shift towards Chinese speakers and it's a good exhibition the other one is Asia blockchain always a huge one and also very good speakers like Chris Hatfield or has their peers Adam back one of those big Bitcoin gurus that we have vitalic butylene just for fun go subscribe to see and listen to vitalic it's if you understand something curious to you and the last one is the Singapore blockchain also with some very good speakers and very good headlines interesting presentations they're giving you like Charles from Kara Donna is going to do some presentations is always fantastic to listen to roger very controversial personal industry that's also presenting well just subscribe to these it's worth the experience and it's worth just following what they're doing it's great and they're usually free so yeah that's it from from us this week so I hope you enjoyed it I hope you learned something and I'm looking forward to see you next week again so thank you very much for watching you