[Music] welcome to the world of cryptos and welcome to the crypto corner now it has been an interesting week hasn't it let's take a look at it if we look at coin gecko which is my current favorite directory then we see that the market cap has increased since we spoke last time to 364 billion with a small decrease at the moment of 2.7 percent which is normal nothing unusual there if we look at the top coins also nothing unusual here well we've got chain link with minus eight percent but it had an increase of 40 already 40 in the last seven days and as always we sold by those seven days and then the picture changes significantly normally we have got around 15 to 20 coins that achieve more than 15 percent this time we've got over 50 coins achieved more than 15 and i guess that one or the other of you is uh contemplating in investing in cryptos now and there i'd like to just uh give you some recommendations the first is if somebody recommends something to you just be very careful because um not everybody has got your best interest uh in mind and um and you can do the same research they are doing so let's take a look at here band protocol that's an oracle like chain link and if i click on this one here i'm just showing you how this this system works then we have got here the current price uh here is the website so if you click on this you it will be read you will be redirected to the website medium.com.publications uh etherscan this is an erc20 console based on ethereum um then you've got the writ reddit twitter telegram so that's whether you see the community talking about this coin and if we scroll a little bit further down then we've got the numbers of this coin so um in the last 30 days band increased by 600 percent um currently we've got a retracement of 23 uh also i would say this is normal here and if you're interested in buying something then there's some interesting numbers like for example example what was the all-time high it was 17 so that's uh uh one day ago as you can see here one day ago we achieved all-time high here and the all-time low which was november 25th on 2019 so nine months ago it increased seven 639 percent from that day so that's interesting statistics so probably i would not invest in something that just had its all-time high because i assume that short term there will be no significant growth in it if you're interested in any way buying then you click here on markets in markets you have got all those exchanges listed that are that are trading where you can trade uh banned so on binance you have got two or three possibilities one band with usdt with tether with bitcoin and with the binance coin here you see the price so of course there will be all more or less the same and then you've got the debt the debt means how far can you go before there is a significant impact on the price yeah so if i go for example in to hot bit no idea what type of exchange it is and i want to buy four thousand dollars then i will get significantly uh higher than those thirteen dollars thirteen whereby if i've got thousand dollars to invest in binance with finance then it will have no effect of this the price i will get so this is how you read the my plus two percent and the minus two percent it's uh it's an interesting number if you want to invest in coins because some of those coins that people are recommending as the next big thing have got absolutely no liquidity and then it's difficult to buy something and it's very difficult to sell also something yeah and and once you have bought something i my recommendation is always not your keys not your coins so um my the recommendation is as always to put it either on a on a ledger which is this year or on a trezor which is this year um because that's uh currently the state of art in regards to the security of of cryptos if you're planning to buy one of those then go only to the original website um and buy there don't buy it on amazon because you can i heard sometimes uh some of those uh hardware wallets have been compromised so always go to the original it takes you probably four weeks or three weeks longer to receive that device but i think that investment is a very important and very good investment otherwise be very careful in where you're investing do your research don't trust i mean listen to what experts have to say whether they recommend band or channeling or whatever they recommend but then do your own research i showed you how to do that so you go into every website and see where you want to put your money there and last but not least also be very careful with exchanges because they're exchanges that are dangerous so i mean finance uh coinbase and so they are here from the western world you can more or less trust them although i would never keep i said never keep any coins on those exchanges um but but you never know if you have to do kyc in other words you have to give your passport picture or driving license address telephone number to these exchanges you don't know what they're doing with that like in the case of coinbase they said that they're going to sell your data so i don't know if that's in your interest anyway that's it from me today so i hope uh you enjoyed you learned something i wish you a fantastic week and i really hope we'll be uh seeing each other next week again thanks bye bye thank you robert and just a reminder that we're not providing financial advice but only sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency market always remember that cryptocurrency markets are ever changing and always volatile so you should only spend what you can afford to lose i don't like it when robert says things that make me scared it was like yeah i gave my driver's license to coinbase should i be worried now robert comments and he says i don't understand that's because they're centralized yeah yeah and i just like can i assume that the government knows everything about me anyways but probably but the government issued my would that be like irs tax purposes yeah i suppose so but i mean selling my info to the government so i don't hold my crypto in uh in a centralized um exchange at all however i do use the exchange to transfer funds between us dollars and bitcoin for example so you