[Music] welcome back to the world of cryptos welcome back to the crypto corner today i have got a different treat for you and this is something that you can use with your friends in the library or on the bar and to impress them with some special knowledge that you have around the bitcoin blockchain and the big question always is how safe is bitcoin and for that i prepared a little uh presentation so let's dive into it so how safe is bitcoin and let's take a look at the components of the bitcoin blockchain and these are the components you've got the blockchain with the genesis block so the first block and then this is the current block and then you've got miners that are competing to add your transactional all the transactions to the blockchain and for that they have a calculation uh it's like a very simple one it's just finding like like a very simple puzzle so it's not a big deal um in what the the work they have to do but there has been an evolution and type of machines that are doing this type of work and so back in the early days in 2009 when bitcoin was started we were using normal laptops very simple thing computer was doing the job perfectly well and as you know every 10 minutes a block is created that's that's part of the consensus and therefore the more computer we're attaching to the system the difficulty had to be increased and so in 2011 graphic cards were the it so you couldn't use a computer anymore you had to use a graphic card and that continued until about 2013 when so-called ac computers were invented and these computers the only thing they do is they do these crypto transactions they don't do anything else you can't run windows on them just the simple hash calculations that they do and nothing else so um as you can see it's already fairly large number and this is 2015 it's a fairly large number so just to highlight those numbers at the moment the hash rate of bitcoin is in this area here yeah so it's a number one with 18 zeros behind it those are the calculations that these computers in all together do per second so it's a huge number and uh to look at those machines so this is for example the latest the best of the best at the moment it's the micro bt watts minor m30s that can do a 112 tera hashes per second and consumes 3 000 what so quite significant and this is how the machine looks like yeah so it costs four thousand dollars and these machines look like this here they make a hell of a noise because they run at 100 percent all the time and they consume as you can see 3 000 watts a lot of electricity so a miner has to really calculate whether it's worse using these machines at a specific electricity rate or not okay so far so good let's look at what that really means so i've done here a little credit a little table so back in 2009 you saw a human would probably do one calculation per second that's very generous i would say more 0.1 because it's not that easy to for a human brain to do that puzzle a cpu is doing between 600 000 or 150 million per per second in average i took two million the gpo goes up to 20 million and here we've got the ac computers yeah so 60 uh terahash per second that's what they do yeah next step is the current hash rate is 150 exahash and that's equivalent to two and a half million ac computers yeah so in average if you take the average number if you take the average number you have got two and a half million computers that are specialized on this subject here securing the bitcoin net network and if you take a look at the cost so you saw the latest of the best is three thousand or four thousand dollars so i take an average of thousand five hundred dollars uh multiplied with 2.5 million uh computers uh or asic machines that is a bill just hardware bill of 3.75 billion uh us dollars to to just take over 50 of the network so who will do that yeah so that in itself is a very difficult thing to achieve assuming that you're able to get those machines because they're constantly sold out so getting two and a half million computers that are asic machines that are able to do these calculations for a price of around four billion us dollars i don't think that anybody is capable of finding that and that's the beauty of the proof-of-work of bitcoin yeah so um in other words the big question is if you've got your wealth whatever that is yeah if it's hundred dollars if it's 10 million dollars whatever if you want to do a transfer from your account to a foreign account what would you prefer to use would you prefer to use the banking and the government systems where you can be sure that they'll charge you a high fee and in many cases the money doesn't even arrive on the other end because the bank will have some sort of problems with the transfer or you're doing something where you have got over 2 million computers securing the network that nothing happens where no humans are involved where the software is open source and where other computers which other nodes are constantly checking that everything is correct i think the answer is very simple yeah so this just to put you in persp perspective what it means uh if somebody says hey but bitcoin consumes a lot of electricity yeah but the reason is it's the most secure network in the world you will not find anything that is more secure than the bitcoin network and that's why also all the software is open source so that everybody can check what's running on those machines and yeah that's the future you're part of the future so that's it from you today today so i thank you very much for watching and i hope you enjoyed this little excurse into bitcoin safety and bitcoin security and i'm really looking forward to see you next week so thank you very much for watching have a great one bye-bye robert thank you so much just a reminder that we are not providing financial advice but only sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency marketplace always remember that the cryptocurrency markets are ever changing and they're always volatile they never close you should only spend what you can afford to lose you