[Music] welcome back to the world of cryptos and welcome back to the crypto corner today we're going to talk taxes yes i know it's an ugly word but it is an important word and so let's talk taxes year end is not far and so soon you'll have to be doing your tax return um and yeah let's take into uh take a look into it to see to explain to you what i'm talking about so we're in coin gecko and if i go and click on d5 because a lot of us have been involved in d5 the last four or five months seven days then we've got here deforest token that increased by 119 in the last seven days but decreased in the last 24 hours by 10 and that happens across the board and so that's why a lot of us have been trading in and on using um a lot of different exchanges uh just to buy the latest best and uh the coin that has got the highest yield and after a few weeks you lose track of what you've done a tax man is interested in that because if you have something at least here in the us less than two uh 12 months you have to pay capital gains a higher rate of capital gains taxes on on those gains and so if we take a look into the tax return that you have to fill out here in the u.s you've got a line in here that says at any time during 2020 did you receive sell sent exchange or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency so we did that so we have to take yes on the other hand the irs also knows through companies like coinbase that you acquired some tokens some coins by buying them on their exchange at the same time if you trade every time you trade something doesn't matter if it's with fiats or canadian dollar u.s dollar and a coin token uh it's a taxable event so if you buy a deforest token and you sell your ethereum for that that's a taxable event and so um yes most of us will lose sight after a few weeks because of the amount of of trades that we're doing and for that there's some fantastic websites and one of them is called tracking dot info and in here you insert the coins you can do that either automatically by linking a website like coinbase to coin tracking or by importing it you know so you generate is an excel spreadsheet and you import it or the worst case you enter the data manually but that is a real long process once you've got the data in here you've got a fantastic overview on where you made money where you lost money on those coins and more importantly for what we're talking about today is the tax report so you can generate the tax report out of the data that you entered into the system according to the needs of the irs in our case in the u.s and you print it out and you attach it to the 1040 form and that's it um so yeah that's um that's something that we highly recommend when you're doing a tax return try to simplify your life and use tools like cointracking.info to generate those those pesky reports anyway that's it for me today it's very short but i thought it was very important because we are now already late december and or mid-december and so it is important that you think of your tax returns so yeah i want to wish you all the best and thank you very much and as usual thank you bye-bye thank you robert just a reminder that we're not providing financial advice but only sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency markets always remember that the cryptocurrency markets are ever-changing and always volatile so only invest what you can afford to lose [Applause] you