[Music] welcome back to the world of cryptos and welcome back to the crypto corner today we're going to answer some questions we received a few um during the last sessions that we had um quite an interesting question so i thought i'll address those today now the first one is coming from an rfk led ig um who's asking is there a strategy when investing in cryptocurrencies yes there is of course there's a strategy that can be a strategy now what i'm going to do is of course not financial advice it's just an idea so that you can form your own opinion now last session last week we spoke about and i showed you how to do your research um that's part of very very important part of the strategy knowing where to invest but there's also something else in this market the crypto market exists of many small bubbles and big bubbles the last big bottle we had in 2017 after that the market collapsed by 80 90 percent and in between we have got small bubbles that also have an effect on the strategy so let's look into that this is ethereum us dollar and i deliberately went back a few years so this is 2017 as you can see the price went up from 10 up to 395 pretty steep increase and then it went down to uh 148 so let's take a look at that that is a drop of yeah around 60 percent so that's typical of this market and now will it be again 60 maybe i don't know but it will exist i mean these big drops are absolutely fundamental and important to the crypto market because um as you'll see um things evolved from there yeah so if i go further into 2000 2017 you see that's where the bull market started yeah so here was the 395 then the big dip of 660 percent it went up to 393 so within one month down 60 percent then up sixty percent then it down again and then suddenly went up to three thousand three hundred seventy seven all this year within six months so when you're investing in the crypto market this is something you need to take into consideration yeah so the the big ups and the big downs uh part of this market they are currently big part of it you see some coins tokens increasing by 100 a day others decreasing by that same amount another 100 of course by by 50 40 decreasing so um yeah take that into now what can you do nobody in the world is capable of finding the peak yeah that's absolutely impossible to do that it's a very dynamic market so it's not possible to find the peak and so the recommendation i hear always is dollar cost average in other words take profits by going in but also by going out yeah another what i meant by that is if you're starting to invest in cryptocurrencies then um let's say you've got a budget of thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars then every month or every week you buy four thousand dollars until you consume the ten thousand that's the best strategy uh i hear to so you can invest in in cryptocurrencies the same thing is it's very important that you take profits yes every time when you feel that the peak is near that's your own feeling nobody can really help you there then you just take out profits um the higher you go this goes the more likely it is that the big dip will come so along the way take profits but very important if you miss this stop here which you will of course everybody does and then on the way down you take also profits and if this thing my strategy is if this thing dips by 50 then i will take out the whole amount um because then something bigger is going to happen but that's only in regards to the big currency small currencies have got a bigger volatility so that's the strategy that i recommend in regards to cryptocurrencies next question is anonymous is asking is there a way i can monitor the progress of my portfolio yeah there's a cool tool that you can download to your phone yeah it's called blockfolio everybody's using that you can just download that that app it's a pretty nice app you can enter which tokens you have i mean this is the the website blockfolio.com you can monitor what tokens and coins you have you can enter also the quantities so you can really monitor on a on a day-to-day basis on hourly hourly basis the the amount of cryptos you have and what's the value in in this case us dollar but you can change the currency it's a quite nice tool uh it will make you addictive i know that because uh yeah i've been using that too for some time so you will probably every two hours when a bull market is every two hours you will look into this into your block for you to see what your portfolio is doing but that's a really nice tool it doesn't substitute a real serious tool to uh that you can also use to calculate your taxes this is something very simple you just enter manually the quantity and that's it and it's on your cell phone and last question for today maybe next week we'll have a few more is which exchange do you recommend to start buying cryptos now i addressed that last time from my point of view there is only two here in the us or north america one is binance the other one is kraken i don't recommend coinbase i don't recommend coinbase pro but yeah to stay a little bit neutral in my opinion there's a fantastic website now this is german so but if you use google chrome they offer you the translation so if i click here on english then everything will be translated by google chrome and so that's blockchaincenter.net and as always i'll have the website in the description and what these guys did is quite nice so they have got here the cryptocurrency and then how much money you want to invest it's europe because it's a german website so but doesn't matter i mean the relation between your and u.s dollar or canadian dollar is all more or less fixed um so you can use the euro and um and then you can sort by recommendation or by price so if we take let's say take ethereum so i want to buy ethereum and i have um 2 000 euros or dollars that i want to spend i click on compare and so you see that here and so if i click buy a recommendation that's what they recommend they're based in europe so they will have different exchanges that we have this just in principle what will work and what won't work if i click on price then they saw that by price so kraken which we're recommending um will have the best price together with binance and yeah this way they also did some it's typical german of course uh it's fantastic they compare also the plus and the minus pros and cons of every uh of every exchange anyway um so yes those were the three questions that i i was asked last week from to this week i hope that helped i'm going to continue doing this here because i noticed there's a lot of insecurity amongst some of our viewers and so i think it's important that i address all different types of questions that you have so yeah as always please subscribe and please leave us a thumbs up it does help us it's important and if you've got any questions yet put them down in the in the comments area or if not just send us an email and i will try to address that in the next session anyway that's it from me thank you very much for watching and looking forward to see you next uh time thank you bye-bye thank you robert just a reminder that we're not providing financial advice but only sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency markets always remember that the cryptocurrency markets are ever-changing and always volatile so only invest what you can afford to lose you