here's was coming up in the category five TV newsroom Equifax has finally settled following their massive data breach but as it turns out none of the money will be going to you or me as previously promised Facebook has bought jiffy is this real life Microsoft is now the biggest single contributor to open source can a computer write a hit song we'll find out and one plus is apologizing for an apparent accidental x-ray camera feature that lets users of its new phone see through clothing stick around the full details are coming up this is the category five dot TV newsroom covering the week stop texting with a slight linux bias from the newsroom I'm Becca Ferguson Equifax has finally agreed to pay compensation for the massive security breach at suffered in 2017 that led to the theft of at least 146 million people's personal info but before you get excited the money won't be going to you but rather to your bank which will be paid for the hassle of having to cancel your payment cards that's right the credit agency has agreed to pay 5.5 million to thousands of banks and credit unions who said they were injured by their customers details being siphoned off by hackers and a further 25 million to beef up data security Equifax will also cover the bank's administrative costs attorney fees and relevant expenses which raises the question what happened to the 125 that America's consumer watchdog the FTC proudly announced that we would get thanks to its record-breaking 700 million dollar settlement with Equifax it's been more than two and a half years since they were hacked and just under a year since the 700 million settlement was met so it's perhaps surprising that not a cent appears to be for the people directly impacted by the cyber break in the 125 dollar headline fig figure it turns out was made with the assumption that only a very small percentage of those eligible would actually apply but thanks to the sheer size of the league the issue was extensively covered in the press and that massively increased the number of people who applied for compensation this forced the FTC to admit that it hadn't agreed to a per-person fine but rather lump sum that would be split equally between applicants not only that but behind the 700 million headline figure was a different reality the FTC had agreed to just 31 million for the pot that was to be split equally among individual applicants the rest was earmarked for those who demonstrated they were left out of pocket by the hack mitigations money for states and so on so while Equifax settles with states and banks and hopefully those consumers who rejected the FTC's terrible deal it seems that no money will be forthcoming for those who have gone to the trouble of trying to get the one how 25 they were promised seven years ago Facebook claimed not to support the 21st century's new favorite communication tool the animated jiff oh how times have changed now Facebook's newest acquisition is one of the Internet's most popular jiff hosting sites Facebook is making Jiffy part of the Instagram team the deal is reportedly valued at about 400 million according to Facebook about half of jiffy's current traffic already comes from Facebook products especially Instagram that's perhaps unsurprising given that Facebook's big 3 apps whatsapp Instagram and Facebook itself have billions of daily users among them jiff he was in fact the first service to make animated images work on Facebook it created a workaround back in 2013 when Facebook's now laughable official stance was Facebook does not support animated gifs although animated reaction images may seem and kind of are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things the deal is likely to attract a significant amount of scrutiny from federal regulators the Justice Department Congress and the Federal Trade Commission are already all delving into even the smallest lowest value acquisitions that big tech firms such as Facebook have made in the last decade scouring them for patterns of anti-competitive behavior Gylfie is by no means the only just search and hosting platform on the internet but it is one of the largest several other platforms including Twitter use its API for gifs support both Facebook and Gylfie promised the access will continue in its announcement jiffy specifically said for our API SDK partners and developers jiffy's gifs stickers emojis etc aren't going anywhere we will continue to make Gylfie openly available to the wider ecosystem with the announcements fail what the announcements failed to mention however is the fact that Facebook can now have access to all the data generated by those searches and API calls from other platforms and using acquisitions to gather data on competitors is exactly the sort of behavior Facebook is under investigation for right now back in 2002 thousand won Microsoft CEO at the time Steve Ballmer famously branded Linux a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches but Microsoft has admitted it was wrong about open source after the company battled it and Linux for years at the height of its desktop domination now the pigs are flying because Microsoft's current president Brad Smith believes the company was wrong about open source he says Microsoft was on the wrong side of history when opus open source exploded at the beginning of the century and I can say that about me personally Smith has been at Microsoft for more than 25 years and was one of the company's senior lawyers during his battles with open source software he adds the good news is that if life is long enough you can learn that you need to change Microsoft has certainly changed since the days of branding Linux of cancer the software giant is now the single largest contributor to open source projects in the world beating Facebook docker Google Apache and many others others Microsoft has gradually been adopting open source in recent years including open sourcing PowerShell Visual Studio code and even Microsoft edgers original JavaScript engine Microsoft has also partnered with canonical to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10 and it acquired xamarin to aid mobile app development and github to maintain the popular code repository for developers Microsoft is even shipping a full Linux kernel in a Windows 10 update that will release later this month and it moved to the chromium browser engine for edge last year Microsoft is also collaborating with open source communities to create power toys for Windows 10 and the company is now open design philosophy philosophy may may mean we'll see a lot more open source efforts in Windows in the years to come we've got to take a quick break I've got some cryptocurrency numbers for you and or of this week's top tech stories are coming up with Becca Ferguson don't go anywhere [Music] all right we don't have a crypto corner for you this week but I wanted to still share with you kind of where things are at in the market we saw a dip about four or five days ago where cryptocurrency values went way down but right now things are up like nine to ten percent as far as Bitcoin goes we're at about nine thousand six hundred ninety four dollars and eight cents aetherium is at two hundred and thirteen dollars and twelve cents XRP is still just a micro coil at twenty cents per coin let's look at at some of those little guys like well litecoin is not a little guy but I should say that they're up 6.8% this week at $45 and 14 cent Fiat value on each individual coin let's see if I can find turtle coin on our website category five dot TV slash crypto report because I'm curious where things are at these days head on over to our website category five dot TV slash crypto report and you'll be able to do the same just scroll down and you'll be able to see the current value of each of these coins Scalla kinda all over the place right there and there's our turtle coin holding fairly consistent a little bit of a drop there but right now sitting at a whole hundred and fifteen micro pennies when is it gonna go to the moon folks when is it gonna go to the moon I'll never know hey don't forget crypto currency the whole market is volatile it's always changing and we suggest that you only invest what you can afford to lose it's a lot of fun and it could go really well for you but at the same time it could go all sorts of awry so keep that in mind now back to Becca in the newsroom Thank You Robby last week we learned that Facebook trained their own chat BOTS AI using posts from reddit but a team of musicologists have done something similar setting their songwriting bots loose on the social platform a team of Dutch academics who after an experiment in song writing using artificial intelligence algorithms inadvertently created a new musical genre Eurovision techno fear the team used AI techniques to generate a hit predictor based on the melodies and rhythms of more than 200 classics from the Eurovision Song Contest an annual celebration of pop music and Kitsch he's included Abbas Waterloo and laureen's euphoria 2012 also Sweden but to generate the lyrics for the song of us which the team members hoped to enter in the inaugural AI Song Contest this year they also used a separate AI system one based on the social media platform reddit it was this that resulted in a rallying cry for a revolution with a song that crescendos as a robotic voice urges listeners to kill the government kill the system like the notorious a chat bot developed by Microsoft in 2016 that started spewing racist and sexist sentiments after being trained on Twitter the fault lay with the human sources of data not the algorithms Jane's speech Control Eirik generator stresses we do not condone these lyrics she says the team nevertheless decided to keep the anarchist sentiment to show the perils of applying AI even to the relatively risk-free environment of Europop the use of AI and music composition is now on the cusp of the mainstream as more musicians and songwriters look for tools that inspire different types of music the AI song contest organized by Dutch broadcaster V Pro is one of the first events to take the process of using algorithms to compose original music out of academia and avant-garde experimentation and into the commercial world when the 1+8 Pro was first announced the photo kromm mode appeared to be little more than an artistic color filter while it produces some interesting results when photographing trees and plants as it turns out it allows the users to see through smoke or fog or clothing the filter seems to work by capturing infrared light that is otherwise invisible to the naked eye there are many professional uses for cameras that can see infrared light such as allowing firefighters to see through smoke but it's less common in a consumer device like a smartphone although the company has stressed that the photo chrome filter cannot see through thick materials it apologized for creating privacy concerns and causing troubles for oneplus users and other netizens the company said in a statement on its english-language forum while we think this camera gives users the ability to get more creative with the smartphone photography we also understand the concerns that have been raised oneplus will remove the accidental x-ray functionality from its oneplus pro 8 Pro phone in an upcoming over-the-air update the company said Tuesday it's also temporarily disabling the camera filter they can see through plastic and clothing in the Chinese version of its operating system until the update is released choosing to leave it operational in its global OS big thanks to Roy W Nash and our community of viewers for submitting stories to us this week thanks for watching the category-five TV newsroom don't forget to Like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight Linux bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at slash category 5 from the category 5 TV newsroom I'm Becca Ferguson thanks back